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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Jordan!" Selena exclaimed trying to help the woman but she could only watch but she saw more in him as tears fell down his face before jumping up. She looked up and at the wall before jumping up the wall till she reached the top hearing what the creatures were hissing which she oddly could understand probably because it was his memory.

    "SHUT UP!" Selena shouted at the creatures looking back at Jordan. "Jordan you can't stop this... please." She said. AS he disappeared.

    "Jordan how did this happen..." she fell to her knees when in a blink of an eye she was on the ground of Twilight Town. She looked up when she noticed three very young boys one she recognized as a young child looked up to yet he'd do nothing with her.

    "Jordan?" She watched confused before approaching the three young boys who couldn't see her. "Darian and... Cole..."
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    The man who stood in the room in Traverse Town lifted the potion to his lips, the drawers and such thrown around the room as he ransacked it, taking any supplies he saw useful. "Well... It helps a bit... but I am still not at 100%." One voice breathed, scarf moving with his mouth as the other started to chuckle. "Well... maybe you will listen to me unlike that idiot we used to share a body with." It hissed. "Don't speak of Will that way! He was managing the best he could, considering we were both in him!" The other barked. "Shut up for a second, dammit! We need to get to Jordan and feed on him. Make his darkness ours!" The voice cooed.
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    This younger version of Jordan looked very different. His eyes were a deep black color and had bags under his eyes as if he were tired. Even in his bright colored outfit, he looked terrifyingly creepy. Darian, on the other hand, looked mostly the same. Then there was Cole, whose white hair was now shaggy and brown. It seemed as though the only two who had ever changed over the years were Jordan and Cole.

    Darian jumped around, anticipating for what the trio were to do on this Saturday. "Cole, what are we gonna do? Huh, huh," he asked happily.

    Cole enthusiastically replied, "Hmmmmm....I say we explore the woods! Then we can visit that creepy mansion!"

    Darian's expression changed to one of fear now. "Th-The mansion," he stuttered.

    Cole laughed and said, "You chicken? Come on! Jordan will do it! Right Jordan?"

    Jordan continued to look up at where Selena stood, almost as if he knew she was there. After a few seconds he looked at the others, saying nothing, and nodded.

    Darian sucked his teeth and crossed his arms. "He doesn't say no to anything!"

    Cole laughed and protested, "Nuh-Uh!"

    Darian vigorously nodded his head and replied, "Yeaaah! Watch." He now turned his attention to Jordan. "Jordan, if we told you to, would you jump off a cliff?"

    Jordan shrugged, not caring too much.

    "See," Darian exclaimed.

    Cole shook his head and said, "Well he doesn't ever talk so he just says yes! Now come on let's go."

    Darian sighed before reluctantly running off to the woods.

    Cole looked at Jordan with a worried look and told him, "I wish you'd talk. But it's ok....you're still my best friend." And with that said, he ran off to the woods.

    Jordan stood there for a moment and thought. He scoffed after a minute or two of standing there and mumbled, "Friends...." He slowly walked off in the direction of his 'friends.'
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena followed the three young children into the woods, Cole leading the pack looking tough, Darian looking around scared, and Jordan emotionless. As she entered the woods though she had to stop. She looked to her right and a man in a black cloak stood hidden behind a tree.

    "Oh!" Selena exclaimed. "No, Jordan, Darian, Cole run!" She exclaimed as the figure came out after the three boys, why she even tried she wasn't sure especially since even know she jumped in front of the three boys with her keyblade summoned the man in the black cloak walked straight through her. She knew now what was happening, the day Xemnas told her about when Jordan and the others were experimented on and sent into the void.

    "No..." She muttered as she was about to watch on upset.
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    ( This post is Rated 18+ Skip if you do not wish to read) -You've been warned-


    She waited for him to make moves. every time he touched her body she shivered in excitement. She sat up legs on top of him. straddling him on the couch. Sitting forward he placed his hand on her black cloak. A black mist pulsated off of his hands as he touched the jacket it evaporated into particles of dark matter. Exposing her body with a purple halter top and short skirt.

    " Let me love you..." he said as he placed his lips onto her neck. his fangs nibbled onto her neck as she let out a quick groan of enjoyment. She started to grind her hips against his in a slow motion. biting her bottom lip as she pulled back just enough to tease him. Taking her finger she placed it onto his lips. " Ive been waiting for this ...for so long" She quickly pulled his black shirt off revealing his chest. His abs pulsated from the excitement. placing her hands onto his chest she could feel his heartbeat. Pressing her body against his. they locked lips passionately. Reaching down she unzipped his pants placing her hands down them. Letting out a heavy breath he pulled her closer.

    " Is this what you really want.." he said swiftly. She placed her finger back over his mouth. " No words need to be spoken just shut up and let me be with you." She got up removing her skirt. he stood up and removed his pants. Leaning back onto the couch she sat on top of him allowing him to enter her." The moment before they became one she whispered into his ear. " I want you inside me....only you i want you to be with me forever." As she felt her insides stir. He quickly grabbed her thighs to increase the strength of the thrust. Ashley let out loud moans as her back arched forward. taking one hand he placed it upon her chest bring it close to his mouth which he cupped once it came in contact with his mouth. allowing his tongue to flutter about increasing the level of ecstasy. pushed him back and started to grind her body swiftly connecting her lips with his.

    They both began to breath deeper in unison. rubbing his chest with her hands she started to grind and rotate her hips harder in a gyrating motion. He started to say her name slowly. The bond between them began to become closely knit as it was before.

    His black hair draped over his eyes her long blonde hair colliding with his as her movement speed increased. He quickly grabbed her and tossed her onto the couch laying her on her back. He quickly forced himself into her. grabbing her thighs his pace increased, she began to scream loudly yelling his name. she was reaching climax quickly as was he. Leaning forward he kissed her and whispered into her ear. " Im ready.." she looked back at him and nodded with a shy smile. Several thrust into her his body began to shake as he reached his limit. He raised his head up and looked at her. She had never been so happy in her life. He smiled back and said softly.

    " You make me feel Alive..."

    She looked back at him with a peaceful stare and closed her eyes
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    The three kids walked towards the mansion only for Darian to quickly be knocked out from behind. Jordan and Cole turned around to see a hooded figure standing over top of Darian.

    "Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way," he told the children.

    Cole immediately took off, trying to evade this stranger, only to be shot in the back. He hit the ground hard, unconscious.

    The hooded man now looked at Jordan and pulled his hood down to reveal his scarred face. "Alright kiddie, what will it be," Braig asked.

    Jordan stared up at him and grabbed the barrel of his gun, putting it to his own forehead. "Well? Shoot," Jordan eerily said to him.

    Taken back from this odd response, Braig stared at him for a moment before slamming his gun against Jordan's head, knocking him out. "Geez, that's one crazy ass kid..."

    Jordan abruptly woke up, sensing another presence in his castle. He slowly got himself out of bed, trying not to wake Violet, and put a pair of pants on, remaining shirtless. He walked out to his throne to see Will. "Will? Did you do it," he asked him. Something was off about Will. Jordan could feel it.
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena watched in horror as Xigbar kidnapped all the young children but she followed pursuit as Xigbar passed through a dark portal. Suddenly the vision shown to her by Xemnas played out in front of her.

    She watched as they waiting on Darian and Cole's return but nothing before they turned to Jordan.

    "Don't touch him!" She exclaimed but it wasn't as full of anger or anything it was worry because she knew this was a vision from the past and nothing she could do could prevent this.

    "No, you make me alive, you're mine Virgil, never ever will I let you go, never ever will you leave me behind, never ever will you go back to Selena let alone see her again." Ashley said threatening a promise.
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    He let out a short laugh in reponse to her " I can't even see her? " he said with a short smile. however that smile turned into a small smirk that he was forcing out. " After what she said...its not like i expect her to see me again anyway.." He placed a arm around Ashley kissing her gently. " I won't be going anywhere and i won't be leaving you any time soon...i'm here i'm yours now. your every wish is my desire to complete."

    He kissed her again this time more passionately than before. this time a single tear dribbled down his cheek. " Forever i'll remain by your side..."
  9. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked up, eyes cold as he looked into his face. "Yes. It is done. They know that you are done with them. But the problem is... Xaldin was a bit too much to handle..." He breathed, keyblade hanging in his hand. The rusted and battered Metal Chocobo hanging loosely in his hand. "I am currently busy with other things though. I have a few things to attend to." He said, standing and slowly striding away from the throne. A portal appeared and Will strode towards it before stopping. "If you see another somewhat like me... it is William and Willy, probably looking for me. Send them to me so I can finally kill them and be rid of my personalities... for good." He breathed, entering the portal.
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan scoffed before chuckling, watching his friend leave. "Geez, that guy has more demons then me....heh, no he doesn't," he mumbled before sitting in his throne, taking a deep breath.

    Cole stood up from his meditative state and looked at Zac and Sky. "Alright bums, let's train," he exclaimed happily, radiating a smile from his face. He knew that he had to be ready for a big battle soon and so did these apprentices. "You two against me? How about it?"

    The area surrounding Selena began to fade out so that a new memory may take its place. This time it was a laboratory where a man, similar to Xemnas in appearance, scribbled in his notepad.

    "Braig, I believe it's time we finish this little project," Xehanort said, referring to the stranger in the corner peeling an apple.

    Braig looked up and frowned. "Jesus Xehanort, we've been doing this for a week! One kid is lost forever and the other did nothing! Is any of this worth it?"

    Xehanort glared at Braig before picking up the third, unconscious, boy and throwing him into the portal.

    Braig jumped up and exclaimed, "What the hell are you doing?! That one won't last three seconds in there alive! The other two were actually human in emotions! That kid's as useless as a dead mouse."

    Xehanort replied, "Dead mice can be used for bait. Bait used to lure birds that flock in the darkness. Then, and only then, does that dead mouse serve it's purpose."
  11. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    William and Willy were now moving quickly through Traverse Town before Willy spoke. "I sense him moving. I can still read part of him... When he uses his darkness... We can get to Jordan and have him help us sort this mess!" He barked, starting up a portal to take the place of Will's old sets, following the tracks of the portals as they ran through, coming out in the throne room. A man who looked like Will but long, dark hair that fell into straight strands. He shook the hair out of his eyes and smiled. "You remember us? Don't you?" Willy giggled, eyeing Jordan as he slowly strode forward.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Didya miss me Jojo?! Hahahahahaha!" Deimos appeared on the top of Jordan's throne and was not shocked at his shirtlessness, seeing as his armor and shirt had been removed in the 'Virgil crisis' as he called it now, his breaths were slow and heavy, showing his fatigue, and the blood that dripped down his battle worn chest was still wet from his assault in the matter realm. "Oh man... You totally fucked her didn't you? Not fair! I was..." He was interrupted by Willy and William, "Who the fuck are you?"
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "NO! Jordan!" Selena ran forward jumping in after him. The dark abyss once she was in it seemed to swallow out all light as Jordan began to fade.

    "No, hold on!" Selena exclaimed reaching out her fingers brushed him, actually more than that as they went through him reminder her this is a memory and she's merely just a ghost of the future. Soon though they both landed with a hump on the ground. Selena stood up looking around, all she saw was nothing and once more she couldn't see nothing. She knelt down next to Jordan just enough so she could see him.

    "Good, do not break your promise or I will destroy her and I must I'll destroy you and create a being to replace you." Ashley threatened Virgil.

    Sky looked over at Cole.

    "Alright sounds cool to me."

    Violet woke up to an empty bed and was a little upset before sensing the other presence in the castle. She stood up as darkness swirled around her body and she wore a black dress before stepping out of the room and into the throne room.

    "What's going on here?" She asked.
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Hahah! Alrighty! I've been waiting for something interesting to happen!" Zac said as he pulled out his keyblade and spun it in a circle and got into a fighting stance, "Sp then, what's the rule, besides the 2 against 1?"


    The small heartless had kept walking through the allyways, for many hours. It wasn't until he came into the same place three boys with...Keyblades? Keyblades...Keyblades! They were keyblade masters! We're they enemies? Shadow wasn't sure but he decided to hide in the shadows and watch.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2012
  15. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Willy lifted one hand and put it in Deimos' face, pushing him to the side. "Here's the thing Jordan... We got split from our precious other half. And we want to go back. But he is holding information from you. Like the fact that Selena has a card that will unlock your past, and with it, a way to defeat you." He growled. William breathed into their head a response. "How are you managing all this? This is beyond any level I know!" Willy chuckled darkly and thought his response. "When the monster controls you, it can do alot of things beyond your level." He hissed.
  16. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan sighed upon now hearing several voices speak in the room. His small moment of peace was interrupted as he was now thrusted back into reality. He spoke without opening his eyes, "William. You need to have better control. Your other half doesn't exactly realize that yet." He opened his eyes and glared at Deimos. "Continue. Tell me, what did you want to do?" He voice was bland and he had very little emotion in his reaction to everyone around him. He really wished he could have finished his meditation at this point.

    Through the darkness that surrounded Selena and the unconscious Jordan, four intense glowing red eyes cracked through the darkness. And then came the familiar hisses.

    "Another boy?"
    "The last one didn't even ssstay long..."
    "Who'sss to say this one won't do the same?"
    "It'd be bessst to kill it now and not worry."

    With that, one head of the Darkness lunged forward, aiming at the chest of Jordan. Centimeters before it hit, however, it stopped.

    "Thisss one is....different."
    "He hass potential and powerful."
    "Perhaps he is the boy that was foretold."
    "But a CHILD?!"
    "In time....when he matures..."
    "Until then...we can wait."

    The Darkness made an eerie cackling noise before dispersing into clouds and dusts of darkness, making its way into Jordan's body.

    Cole smiled and folded his arms. "Nah, anything goes," he replied happily. He held up his fists and said, "I'll go easy and not use my Keyblade."
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos growled angrily at Willy/William before he saw Violet show up. "Violet! Hey, nice job with the boss." He thrust his thumb out, pointing it at Jordan. After thinking for a second he grabbed Willy/William and slammed his gauntlet in their face. "Violet, your plan was a success, Ashley has successfully taken Virgil to his happy place. And Jordan... She's coming."

    His message delivered, Deimos' grip weakened on Willy/William, and he collapsed to the ground, heavily bleeding, and hardly breathing.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2012
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena stood back watching the darkness fly into Jordan's body as the scene began to change. She heard then a little girl's laughter.

    "JORDAN, wait up!" Selena turned and noticed a little girl run after the young Jordan. It must of been a year since the incident in the void, the point Jordan seemed a little more... normal. What caught her eye was the little girl. Selena looked at the short little girl with short brown hair and bright blue eyes wearing a pink sweater and white skirt.

    "Don't remember this little girl..." Selena said as the little girl grabbed Jordan's hand.

    "What are we doing today, Jordan?" The little girl asked. Selena continued to observe the little girl, she had such a bright light heart. Never in her life has she felt the immense light from the little girl in her life. It made the darkness in her cringe, yet it felt so familiar.

    "Jordan, why are we going towards the woods?" The little girl asked a little scared. Jordan stopped walking and turned to look at the little girl smiling.

    "I want you to meet my friend." Jordan said smiling. Selena stood back a little confused on what friend.

    "Your friend? Ok, I'm up for meeting your friend!" The little girl exclaimed smiling as the two children continued into the woods. Selena following close behind. "It's really dark..." The little girl commented. Selena looked around the woods though to her the woods looked the same as normal. Suddenly Jordan stopped.

    "Oh?" Selena looked up seeing a black cloaked figure upon closer evaluation she realizes it's Xehanort, also whom she's learned is Xemnas's somebody. Selena looked back to see Jordan bow to Xehanort and step away from the little girl.

    "Hello Princess." Selena looked at the little girl, of course this little girl, she's a princess of heart.

    "Jordan, who is this guy? I don't like him..." The little girl said.

    "Shut up, this is Master Xehanort." The young Jordan said.

    "It's alright little Princess..." Xehanort said reaching out and grabbing her.

    "Let me go!" She screamed struggling and wailing her arms. Xehanort tossed her at a tree as she fell to the ground. The little girl let out a moan.

    "You put the lord of darkness in danger. He is young and not prime yet and though you are you are powerful. And you can prevent the lord of darkness from becoming powerful unless I can stop you. Wouldn't you like to be your brother's servant?" Selena's eyes widened at Xehanort talking to the little girl.

    "Brother? I have another sister... no unless..." Selena walked closer.

    "What do you mean his servant?!" The little girl exclaimed, and that there was enough for Selena. This strange little girl before her is her, it is a young Selena.

    "Come Jordan, open your heart." Xehanort ordered summoning his keyblade pointing it at Jordan as darkness came swirling out of his chest into a ball of darkness at the tip of Xehanort's keyblade before Xehanort swung the keyblade around and stabbed the young Selena who screamed out in pain. "This darkness will fight for control, and even if you somehow stop this darkness, once Jordan's darkness comes to potential this darkness will fight for control again, it'll take over your heart and destroy it and you will become a servant to the darkness." Xehanort said just as the little girl's screaming ceased to occur the world spun around Selena. She stood there shock by what she just witnessed. It was now day light.

    "Over there!" Selena looked up seeing townspeople run over.

    "There's Jordan." The one person pointed out the unconscious Jordan but upon hearing his name his eyes opened and he sat up before turning his head. Selena turned her head to the little girl she now recognized, the little girl from photos who went through a daily struggle of darkness. The little girl with black hair and black eyes.

    "Who's that?" The townspeople gathered around the little girl who began to open her eyes.

    "What's your name sweetheart?" Selena recognized the speaker as the person who trained her to overcome the power of darkness as a child even know now she was struggling, Master Hishobi.

    "Sel...Selena..." The little girl muttered before passing out again. The townspeople all stood around shock. Selena never remembered this nor did she think Jordan did neither. Selena stepped back a little angry but now found more strength to go after the darkness, after Jordan when suddenly the scene began to change again. She stood in a dark forest, however not alone. She stood surrounded by the dark council. Selena didn't look up at them as she clenched her hands to a fist and two keyblades appeared.

    "Who all are all of you?! AND WHY?!" Selena looked up at them all shouting at them now realizing she's no longer in a vision but the real thing. She looked around them all and realized they were the people controlling Devlin, the people who controlled how Jordan came to be today, the people she has to thank for making her life miserable.

    Sky looked at Zac knowing and witnessing how strong Cole is. Sky summoned his keyblade and gripped it getting ready for the training battle.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2012
  19. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "I'm not gonna fight someone who has no weapon," Zac said with a smile, "Just use your keyblade, this isn't a fight to the death, sides I need to know how both of you fight when I battle along side you guys," Zac said with a clever smirk. He spun his keyblade yet again, waiting for a response from Sky.

    Meanwhile, Shadow was still watching the three. He wasn't quite sure if they were all friends but the conversation sounded like they were. He was trying not to reveal himself, feeling they would think he was a bad guy.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2012
  20. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Willy hit his knees, laughing as he pulled himself to his feet, panting lightly through his laughs. He smirked at Deimos before speaking. "Nice toy there. It seems you can do some damage with it..." He chuckled, laughs echoing through the hall before their body jerked, William taking control as their eyes changed, glowing a bright blue. "I know you remember me Jordan. I know I am not your friend, but I am warning you, in Will's current state, he is not a friend to anyone. He was just finishing his business before he cut ties. He will strike if you wrong him, and he will do the same to Selena. He will attack anyone who crosses him. That is why he his the information about Selena from you. He knew if you knew about the card, and the fact that he hadn't stopped her from gaining the key to your downfall, you would have struck." He growled.

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