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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac turned towards Cole and nodded and walked up to him. He dug into his pocket and gave him a bullet, "One shot, just incase," Zac whispered as he handed it to him. He looked back at the girl and stepped aside from Cole looking at her, "So who are you? And what do you want to dicuss with Cole?" Zac asked, pointing his thumb at Cole. He didn't think it was a good idea for Cole to converse with this newcomer, but he ha more experience and if he was a handful with his Keyblade, he would be more than fine.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Virgil..." The voice of Deimos echoed through the area as the powerful creation shimmered into existance a few feet away from Virgil. "I tried to warn you... but you didn't listen to me. All those years ago, Ashley had told you that she sensed darkness in me, which is why she attacked me. However, it was not true. I sensed darkness, and jealousy in her. My sole duty was to protect the two of you, but Ashley revealed her true intentions to me when I confronted her... She... used her eyes and I lost... I was left to die... until Jordan found me. I vowed to fight you, and kill you for abandoning me, and then... destroy Ashley for ruining my life."

    He sighed and continued, "However, I know now you were confused, you had no idea what happened to me. So now... I will do what needs to be done. I have already sent Darian on a mission to kill Marluxia and take Angel back by force. Once Jordan is defeated, I will be taking my leave... permanently, and I'll be taking Ashley with me. Once we're gone... Selena will be yours again."

    After a long pause, Deimos breathed out, "I'm doing this for Selena... not you, not Jordan, I'm doing it because she saved my life. I will repay my debt, be certain of that."
  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil quickly stood up and slammed his arm against Deimos's neck. pressing him firmly against the wall with so much pressure it would be nearly impossible to speak. Virgil's eyes blood red from the tears he had shed previously. " You will take your leave when you choose but you will not be taking Ashley with you. Shes all i have left! You will do right to stay away from her or i will..." He pressed his arm further up the man's neck. " I will end your existence. Test me if you dare...."

    At the current state of mind Virgil was holding onto ashley as a since of sanity. Selena casted him aside and it left him with no other alternatives.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos sighed, activating his black cross. "You thought you were set for life didn't you?"

    Deimos connected his fist with Virgil's face, sending him back a few inches. "You thought that since you had Selena back, you'd never lose her again!"

    Another blow, this time to Virgil's chest. "You thought Ashley, of all people, could replace Selena?"

    A third blow, this time with his gauntlet, and it connected to Virgil's face, sending him sprawling a few feet from the impact. "Well Virgil, YOU WERE WRONG!" He blasted Virgil with a beam of matter, sending him into the table. "If you were in your right mind, I would be dead, but you have a creation of you, and your father, holding onto your sanity for you. Listen to me, and listen well, Virgil Lancaster, You will be controlled by your anchor, and under her influence, you will murder everyone you've ever cared about... Even Selena. She needs your help Virgil, yet you're just standing here? Moping? YOU ARE WEAK! The Virgil I knew was a strong, proud fighter! He'd take action, not sit around and cry! Just because she says one thing doesn't mean you should listen! GO! Find Selena! Help her... before it's to late... for the both of you."

    With his last words, Deimos raised his gauntlet, and closed his fingers into a fist, obliterating everything within 100 feet of Deimos, except the living beings. When the smoke cleared... Deimos was gone.
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil took the blows with blank eyes. his face emotionless and his body void to any pain. The area around him was pale. The remaining people scurried off. as the manager of the cafe was clearly upset that someone destroyed his establishment. He left just as fast as the others. Virgil fell to his knees. His palms touching the cold crumbled concrete beneat him. " I...I'm not..i'm nnot weak.." He mumbled as his long black hair drapped over his face covering the dry blood that lay on his cheek. As he exheled each breath tufts of smoke could be seen. " Selena made her decision and i'm going to make mine. If she needed me she would have not casted me out....i won't give chase to that. .... If she is fine on her own. i'll leave her be.....forever"

    The area was quiet for a while until hie raised his head quickly." No! That's the wrong way to go about it. no...i have to pursue Selena i have to go now! I just...i can't sit in self pity."
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    As Cole walked through the portal they stood in what looked to be the old mansion of Twilight Town.

    "Cole, I'm not sure if you remember this place, but this is Twilight Town, or rather a memory, one of the few old happy memories of Jordan's. I brought you here to hear me out. You were and maybe still am Jordan's best friend. I need your help, Cole. Jordan is a good person and a strong person, but day by day the monsters within him, the darkness within him is fighting for control, when that happens the worlds will be at loss. Cole I need you to stop the fighting. The more this way has progressed the more I've seen it take over, if Selena and him battle I know the creatures within him will take over one way or another. This fighting needs to stopped and I need somebody to stop it I needed him to be friends with you and the others again, so I've come to you." Violet spoke.

    Selena looked at the leader. She shook her head.

    "That's not history or the future that is a wish by you, but that's not your choice it's Jordan's. the universe it not meant to be light but its not meant to be all darkness like you're trying to achieve, it's supposed to be balanced just like how the heart of people are. That's why my job as keyblade master is to fight whoever wishes to destroy this. I don't want to fight my brother though I must but you can bet I will do all that I need to do to remove it from this realm and send it back even if it means dragging myself in with it. My master was good friends this other keyblade master by the name of Master Yen Sid, he spoke of a keyblade master who sacrificed her life to send her friend back into the realm of light so he would not be lost in the realm of darkness so instead she is now wondering that realm. Jordan's heart does not need to just live off of darkness, I will give him what little light I have left in exchange I will take most of the darkness, the dark being and drag it back to the realm it belongs. The void, where it will be trapped trapped there for all eternity within my heart." Selena said pulling her keyblade up and pointing it at the leader.

    "There's reasons why I took on apprentices, I knew there were these strangers these people that brought this on Jordan, I remember them manipulate Devlin into doing it, and who all knows may have convinced Xehanort to go through with the experiment. Those apprentices will come, so will Virgil and the others will come and they will stop you. But it doesn't end here or there now does it?" Selena said.

    "Who are you people, and what is your purpose why are you doing this?" Selena asked before eyeing the smaller figure next to the leader.
  7. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole looked around and chuckled. "So Jordan didn't take me home, huh? Just a memory of what my home used to be," he said to himself. He looked at Violet and sighed, hearing her offer. "You know, Jordan didn't always act the way he does now. Hell, he never even spoke except for rare occasions. Honestly, when I saw him again and saw him talking, even smiling, I figured I wouldn't interfere if that's all the Darkness really did to him....but I see now that he's different in a bad way. I'll help you, but I don't being just friends again will cut it." He looked down at his light-radiated hand and calmly said, "We're gonna have to knock the sense into him."

    The younger boy began to laugh loudly at Selena before quickly stopping. He leaped into the air and landed on her Keyblade in a crouched position, only allowing a small portion of his weight be felt on the Keyblade as, for the most part, he floated. His intense amount of darkness radiated through her Keyblade so Selena could feel just how strong he was....at the moment.

    "Sure, you do that. I didn't know you wanted your brother dead so badly that you'd kill him from the inside! Do you really think a guy made of practically nothing but pure darkness will like the light? You might as well cut his wrist and let him bleed out," the boy said.

    "As for the whole trapping the Darkness in the Void, that's much easier said then done. There are very few ways to trap the Darkness, and if you take the Darkness and leave Jordan here without it....it's going to come back purely because of Jordan. There are other ways however, but-" The boy stood up and scoffed, "that's a story for another day."

    He looked towards the leader, who gave him an approving nod, and disappeared.

    The leader looked at Selena and said, "Now, should you have any other questions that do not pertain to our identities or how to get rid of the Darkness, feel free to ask. Otherwise, we will be seeing each other soon."
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Ok other questions in the visions I saw a vision about be a princess of heart, but the darkness made its way into my heart, it was out into my heart. How come?" Selena asked.

    "Cole violence is a result of emotions to rage and anger. Have you been blinded like Selena to recognized rage and anger is an emotion of darkness. Jordan will just be able to feed off of it." Violet explained. "Cole you need to flood him with emotions of light that's the only way to make him open up his eyes."
  9. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    "You mean how the Darkness entered into you? Well it needed a backup plan of sort to make sure it got what it wanted. Had Jordan refused the Darkness, it would then have you to fall back on. However, Jordan accepted it, thus there being no need for you. So now that Darkness in you grows each day, were anything to happen to Jordan. I imagine you regret all those times you spent with your brother now....seeing as that what got you into this." His eyes gave a small red flash as he finished his sentence.

    Cole chuckled and folded his arms behind his head. "You act like I really wanna hurt him! It'll just be another friendly fight between the two of us. Besides, when we fought when we were kids, he did a whole lot of talking then! I'm sure he hasn't changed that much." He gave Violet an assuring smile.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "If Jordan rejected the darkness..." Selena grinned, "You just confirmed what I need to do then." Selena said. "Get within Jordan and get the darkness to be rejected. As for the void I'm a keyblade master first and foremost, it won't be able to escape if I lock it off from this realm." Selena said.

    "I suppose, but I cannot support the fight, it will kill all of you and release upon the realm." Violet said. "But if that's what you must do, I'll let you get on with it then." Violet said opening a portal for Cole.

    Ashley found herself leaving Virgil's home as she wondered the streets of Traverse Town before running across the two young apprentices she rolled her eyes as they were Selena's apprentices.

    "Ashley!" Sky shouted to her.

    "Have you seen Virgil?" Ashley asked.

    "No how about Selena?"

    "She left." Ashley said crossing her arms not wanting to discuss her.
  11. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will strode quietly up the walkway, boots clicking on the cement, hair in his eyes as he straightened the scarf that covered his face, keyblade resting on a harness on his back. He rolled his shoulders as he walked, looking like a war hero returning to his home. Yet he was just returning to the castle to receive more orders from Xaldin. But then he felt a strange sort of tug, almost like a magnet pulling to it's other half. He stopped for a moment, breathing lightly before realizing what was ahead. "William..." He slowly spoke, voice sounding in almost three different tones, three different personalities. One hateful and angry. Another calculating and cold. And the last ruthless and wild. He shook his head, starting forward into what he knew would be his last moments as just himself. He knew he would be joined with his other parts soon.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia growled angrily at his nobodies, who were currently tending to Angel's wounds. "Damnit. This makes no sense! It's those damn key bearers that are the problem. Once Jordan arrives to ask for aid I'll be ready... After we help Jordan, he'll aid us in eliminating the Organization..."

    Xaldin appeared in front of Will and smirked, "Next task, aid the heroes in there fight with Jordan. Keep your... others... at bay until things have calmed down. Understood?"

    Deimos watched, waiting for war...
  13. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    The hooded man looked at Selena and shook his head. He raised a finger and pointed at her Keyblade. "To believe that such a puny key could contain the Darkness is truly a sad claim. However, I will say it one last time: Allow Jordan to do as he wishes, and all will be well," he told her. He turned his back to her and opened up a corridor to darkness, but it was red and black instead of the normal colors. "Should you not heed my warning, Selena, you will only make things more complicated." And with that, he walked through the portal and disappeared with it.

    Cole chuckled and held his hand to his side. "Don't worry,I'll be fine. Jordan wasn't the only one changed after that day in the Void." His hand glew with a bright blue light before Cole closed his hand. He smiled at Violet and walked through the portal.

    A portal opened up in Deimos' room and in walked a shirtless and panting Jordan. "Get yourself together, we're running errands," he said, putting his shirt and jacket back on.
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac spun his keyblade as he awaited Cole. He felt weird being with these keyblade wielders, he had little to no knowledge of using the true powers of a keyblade, and also, weird stuff was happening when he was with them. He then turned his head and looked at Sky, "So here's a few questions," he said to Sky, "Who was that girl, and is she on our side or not?"

    The little heartless was looking from a rooftop now at the two remaining keyblade masters, he swayed his legs as he sat on the edge of the rooftop, his antennae twitched as a way of him trying to him or sing. They twitched in beat to a song he sung in his head. He wanted to say hi but he wasn't going two, mainly because he was scared and they might think he is evil.
  15. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will eyed Xaldin before nodding. "So my only task is to keep those two at bay?" He growled, scarf moving slightly as he stretched his shoulders, three voices echoing from his throat. He growled and stretched, waiting for an answer. He drew his keyblade and twirled it, slamming it home into the dirt, hands splayed across the hilt, fingers tapping lightly.

    The other two stood at the gate, boots clicking as they paced back and forth, waiting anxiously for their final part. "Willy, you need to calm yourself my friend. He shall be here shortly. He is just tying up loose ends with Xaldin first." William breathed, eyes scanning the horizon. Willy panted, almost like an excited animal. "I can't wait, a challenge for once! Someone who knows our abilities inside and out and that we can compete with!" He hissed, almost salivating at the thought.
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin nodded, "Yes, and don't worry yourself, I'll be providing backup for you. I won't be losing you just yet... Your powers will be needed very soon, I trust you'll keep your end of our agreement after you recover your original body?"

    Deimos grunted, "Errands? Let me guess, we need to enlist Pinky right?" Deimos hissed, wrapping his arm around his waist in pain, "Damnit..." His time was nearly up, he had to finish this... Tonight. "Tonight we go to war am I correct? Let's get these errands done, I can't die until Ashley does..."
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked back at him.

    "And let the realm of light be over taken by darkness, I can't allow that to happen." Selena said as she turned and began to walk off. "He's my brother I care for him, but I have a job to do first."

    Ashley stepped out of Virgil's apartment wondering the street of Traverse Town wondering where Virgil would of walked off to before she turned a block and saw Sky and some other kid a head, she rolled her eyes at him.

    "That girl is on Jordan's side, his girl friend actually so bad, hopefully Cole will be coming back soon..." Sky said before turning his head seeing Ashley.

    "Ashley! Where's Virgil and Selena?" Sky asked.

    "Virgil I don't know, Selena..." She rolled her eyes about Selena shaking her head. "She's not with us anymore let's leave it at that."

    Angel began to open her eyes.

    "My head..." She muttered before seeing Marluxia.

    "Lu! Please tell me we're not at that castle anymore!" She exclaimed sitting up quickly looking at him.
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia shook his head, "No, we're back in our castle... Those visions... what were they? I saw... something terrible... what... what did you see Angel? Do you remember?"

    The pimk haired man frowned as the vision of his death at the hands of a Keyblade played again and again in his mind.
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will nodded, flipping the keyblade up and onto his back, starting towards the castle. "This is my fight, I will do it myself." He growled, striding towards the castle, wings cracking and stretching outwards as he walked away. "And you leave Jordan for me... I want to be the one to finish this..." He breathed, not slowing his stride.

    William and Willy saw a figure finally coming through the fog. It looked like them, but with hair standing straight up off his head. A large blade hung off the figure's back, almost the size of his body itself. The rusted blade creaked with each step, the sway of the harness making the blade rock back and forth. Willy grinned wildly. "He's here!!!" He hissed, drawing the two shuriken blades and preparing for the fight.
  20. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Same here," Zac agreed with Sky. He turned his head and saw a girl walking towards the group. He shook his head and sighed a bit, "Does this always happen to you, Cole and Selena? Have girls just randomly appear out of nowhere?"

    He listened to the conversation Sky and the girl named Ashley began to have. When Selena was mentioned, Ashley appeared to be a bit...uncaring for Selena judging by her rolling her eyes,

    Well that's great, where else can I find a teacher?

    "So I'm gonna take a guess and say that you guys are friends and also on the same side?" Zac asked as he readied his hand to get his keyblade out. At that moment, Shadow decided to climb down and introduce himself. He melted into the shadows and crawled down the wall being within the shadows until he made it to the ground and hid in Sky's shadow, hopefully with out any of them noticing...

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