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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin reappeared in front of Will and smacked Metal Chocobo aside smirking, "I will not have my apprentice fight with such a rusty weapon. With a swift motion, Xaldin smashed the keyblade into pieces, which proceeded to fuse with the keyblade Xaldin had earlier. Xaldin disappeared, leaving behind the new keyblade, Kizer Dragoon.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2013
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will slowly lifted the curved weapon, the blue and purple blade dimly sparkled in the moonlight as he twirled it to his front, the weight feeling much like the metal chocobo, but much more fluid. "Smooth... easier to swing, and has more of a blade... Nice." He breathed, slotting the blade into his harness, harness slowly shifting to fit the curves of the blade. "Thank you." He nodded towards Xaldin, and headed forward.

    Willy breathed once, before speaking calmly, almost quietly. "He has a new found strength and is coming for resolution. The battle will be bloody, but we may be able to make it through with the two of us." He whispered, William shocked at the almost prophetic tone he had. "Are you giving up already? Well I will not just lie down and die!" He barked, summoning the rusted Metal Chocobo and setting it in front of him, waiting for Will to show. "You don't understand. The weapon you now wield is obsolete to him. He has a new blade, and a new thirst for retribution." Willy chuckled. "Fine then. Come warrior, have your resolution." He growled, becoming the cold and heartless monster he was known for.

    >OOC: This is the new blade, about the size of the metal chocobo.<
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2013
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole appeared behind Sky and Zac and smiled. "I miss anything," he asked.

    Jordan fixed up his clothing and cracked his neck. "Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah. We're going to make sure Marluxia is still on the right side. As for this "war"...if everything goes according to plan, it will merely be one collision between light and darkness. The tomorrow can be a new beginning for all of us," he looked over at Deimos with hazy gray eyes and said, "And you will have your puppet." He opened up his portal to Marluxia's castle and began to walk through, leaving it open for Deimos.
  4. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "HOLY SHIET!" Zac exclaimed as Cole suddenly appeared behind the two, and jumped back. He recollected himself and smiled, "Well I guess your fine, not fighting happened I hope? I don't see any scars or blood so I'm assuming it went well...what did she want?" Zac asked,
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole laughed a bit to himself and replied, "Haha, yeah I'm all good. Violet was just telling me how Jordan needs to be reasoned with. So I told her that I'd reason with him OUR WAY." He smiled, and looked at Sky then back to Zac. "So, you guys do realize that there's gonna be a war soon, right? I don't know for sure when, but I know it'll be soon. And I hope you two don't think you'll both walk away alive either..." Cole turned his back to the duo and looked up at the sky. "Especially if Jordan gets a hand on either one of you guys." He now waited for the realization as to how serious this upcoming battle was going to be to hit the apprentices. He then swung back around and smiled big. "Luckily, I'll make sure you guys are safe!"
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Oye! I think we can handle ourselves just fine you know, I had a whole year to train with Selena, can handle myself in a fairly good battle, just worry about yourself." Sky said smiling before looking back at Ashley.

    "Cole, Ashley though said Selena is gone and we don't know where Virgil is neither..." He pepped in looking back at him.

    Violet returned back to the castle and stood in her own room, she didn't have the slightest clue what would occur but she could sense what different things herself she needed to do, the different senses that felt like an odd twist of fate and destiny.

    Angel looked at Lu and stopped to think.

    "I don't know... it's kind of blurry... there was this spikey brown hair kid... the two of you fought... and..." Angel quickly silenced herself unable to reveal what happened as she felt tears threaten her as they stung her eyes she quickly looked away and tried to blink them away before Marluxia saw them.
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Well if that time comes quick, I'll need my GUNBLADE back," Zac said with a laugh. He looked aroun the group and sighed in annoyance, and responded to Sky's statement, "And compared to you guys I'm a newbie, all I know how about the keyblade is using it like a regular blade and one special attack. So I think its best if we find Selena and Virgil, we need all the help we can get,". He turned his head and looked at Ashley and then proceeded to ask her a question, "Did you know where either Selena or Virgil went Ahsley?" Zac asked the girl.

    The little shadow was thrown off by Cole's sudden appearance and the two other boys jumping. He immediately crawled out Sky's shadow and quickly melted into Ashley's. Hopefully, this girl wasn't as jumpy as the boys were.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos smiled and stood up, following through the portal after Jordan.

    Marluxia held Angel against his chest and rubbed her back soothingly, "It's okay... I won't be going anywhere anytime soon... I won't leave you again... I'll never leave your side." He turned angrily at the sound of a dark portal opening, but a smile crept on his face as Jordan appeared in his castle. "Well well, Jordan and Deimos, pleasure. What can I do for you oh mighty King of Darkness?" He mockingly spoke.

    Deimos growled but held his tongue, "Lord Marluxia, Lady Angel, we come with news of the upcoming battle. Lord Jordan would like to end this quickly so pay attention."

    Marluxia scowled at Deimos, but soon turned his eyes to Jordan, "Speak Jordan."
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Listen while you read

    Virgil had long sense regained his bearings on his mind for now. He was able to quell the gut wrenching pain of the thoughts of Selena passing through his mind. " This feeling..its weakness these thoughts they will make me stumble i have to keep it together. " He walked through the city's alley's and back streets and was stopped by 4 guys in hoods and street clothes. " Yo bro...you look loaded why don't you give us your munny" Virgil stopped walking both hands in his pockets. His long black jacket flowing trough the wind his bare chest exposed breezed by the cool night wind. " Did you hear me punk ass!" One guy grabbed Virgil by the shoulder. A devious grin peered around his face as his eyes were cloaked behind his long black hair. Quickly he spun one of the young men slamming him against the wall slamming a fist into his gut. The other ran up charging with a bat. " Fuck you! "

    Virgil ducked causing the incoming swing to land with the other's face splattering blood onto the ground. " This is where you all die..." In a mist of black Virgil pressed his hand up against one of them causing a cringing scream to come out as he was turned into black ash. The other he lifted by his hand into the air. " You get to see one last act of tragedy..." He tossed him causing him to slide through the alley. Turning his head to the final one pulling out a gun shivering. " Whoo- Wh-Who are you!" He said firing bullets into Virgil's direction. Causing no effect as Virgil seemingly motioned past each as he finally came face to face with the boy. " To deal with the Devil..Is to Deal with me" He snapped his fingers his katana appeared and in a flash the blade pierced the other's body causing his limp hands to drop and the body fell to the ground.

    The last one looked on in fear and shock as he stumbled to run away as he continued to fall and trip to his knees. " Nobody runs...or makes it out alive". Virgil appeared before the young man who was trying to grip the ground to stand. Virgil looked down upon him slamming his foot into the man's back. Swinging his blade to his side causing the blood from the other to flare off of it into the wall. " Yo-You-your a demon!!" Virgil smirked and slammed his blade through the mans back.

    He walked out of the alley jumping up onto a rooftop his black hair moving from the wind exposing his eyes. In the distance he saw Ashley. " Shit!" He quickly sat down lighting a cigarette waiting to be found"
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole smiled to see that the two boys were willing to fight still. He looked at Zac and chuckled in response before replying, "Yeah, that might help." He grabbed the Gunblade by the blade and handed it to Zac. "Selena and Virgil are gone, huh? Hmm, I wonder where they could have ran off to." He looked at Ashley, awaiting for an answer to Zac's questin.

    Jordan looked at Marluxia and Angel before smirking. "I merely came here to see if you two were still with the winning team. Your involvement in this battle could either lead to a better tomorrow or the same yesterday. And all I really even ask of you is to allow me and the white haired boy, Cole, have our fight." He looked soley at Marluxia as he spoke but then shifted his eyes to Angel, knowing that whatever she said would impact Marluxia's decision. "Should this be done, and I will be more than hapy to eliminate the Organization and I'll even help Marluxia be Lumaria again."
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia looked at Jordan skeptically, "Are you saying you know a way to restore my heart? Hmmph... As long as you keep your end of the deal I'm happy. If Angel agrees, we'll aid you in this fight against your former friends. I'll make sure nobody interferes with you and Cole's match, Angel would remain in the castle if she wishes, or..." He turned to Angel, "You could join me on the battlefield..."

    Deimos nearly choked as he watched the interaction.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ashley looked at them crossing her arms.

    "Virgil I'm looking for, as for Selena she left, simple as that." Ashley said before turning her head and her eyes found Virgil. "Found Virgil though." She said pointing down the alley.

    Angel looked up at Jordan shocked. Could he really do all of that. Angel turned as Marluxia made his decision.

    "I'll join you, I've been too much of a damsel in distress, no more." Angel spoke coming to her conclusion, "Of course I'm holding you now to what you just said, Jordan."

    Selena walked through the forest for a long time before she saw it up ahead. The dark castle rose above the dead tree line. She stared at it from where she stood for quite some time before security appeared. She looked around at the heartless that popped up. She extended her arm out as her keyblade appeared and no sooner did it appear did she disappear and returned back to where she stood keyblade dismissed and the heartless evaporated in darkness. She was ready, she wasn't here to mess around.
  13. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan chuckled and replied, "I'm appauled that you two would even think that I wouldn't be loyal to my word. If this battle ends the way I see fit, you will be a real boy again and the Organization will never again be a problem." He turned his back to the two and said, "Be in my castle in 5 minutes. Better to be early than too late. Come Deimos." Jordan opened uo a portal to his throne room and waved back to Marluxia and Angel as he disappeared through the portal. He sat down in his throne and took a deep breath. He summoned his Keyblade and slammed it on the ground, summoning his apprentices, all 50 of them. They all wore black hoods and gave the impression as if they were very strong. The truth of the matter was, however, that they were nothing more than grunts.

    "There is a war coming children. I am giving you all the chance to leave now before facing possible death." He waited a few seconds until he saw no one leave. He smiled and leaned on his fist. "Good. Now, make sure to not kill any one of significant importance, that including Darian and Selena. The white haired boy known as Cole is purely mine."

    Cole looked down the alley and spotted Virgil as well. He smiled and began to walk over to him. "Hey, Virgil!"
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac took back the GUNBLADE of his and withdrew it. He turned his head and saw this Virgil they spoke off. He followed Cole, seeing how he was sort of the lead apprentice to him. The Heartless popped from Sky's shadow and began to move, knowing that Sky was gonna move here soon.

    Zac caught up to Cole and saw Virgil, "So this is Virgil huh?" Zac asked as he examined the man.
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos followed and watched Jordan summon his apprentices and deliver his orders. "Twenty-five of you will follow my command, the rest follow Violet. Ashley belongs to me, Virgil will go to Violet, and-"

    "Darian belongs to us!" A flower storm erupted on the left of Jordan's Throne, and after it diminished, Marluxia and Angel appeared in its wake. "Jordan, would it be to much to ask for a power boost? Our trip to Castle Oblivion was rather... bad. I'll need a boost to prevent Selena's interference in your fight. Do you consent?"
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil nodded in comfirmation to cole. Standing up his long black hair flowing in the wind. He tossed his cigarette to the ground steping on it. " Yo kid, hows it goin" he said to Zac. Virgil knew fairly well that the final battle was looming ever closer and his blood was literaly boiling at the ready to jump into battle. Taking in a deep breath he opened a mental connection to Deimos" I'll be blunt, In this battle you stay out of my way do not protect jordan from me. if you get cause in the cross fire you will become a casualty. " His tone quicky became very serious. " Undersand this, this connection i have opened up to you is to keep tabs on selenas location. Im coming for her and i will rescue her. You tell jordan he had best beware. Not even god can save him. "

    The connection was severed quickly. and he turned his attention with a sly smile to Zac and Cole. " So fill me in guys, how can i help you?"
  17. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Before Marluxia could even take a breath after his request Jordan quickly replied, "No. My power is off limits unless you wish to lose your sanity and love for Angel." He kept his eyes on his apprentices and snapped his fingers. Like that, two of the apprentices dropped and there dark essence floated towards Jordan in the form of two small orbs. "That'll be enough." He looked beyond his apprentices and watched the door. He took a deep, nervous, breath and began to lift his Keyblade up and then dropping it to the ground, the tip making a loud noise. He began doing this in rhythm, awaiting Cole to walk through at any moment.

    Cole smiled and replied, "Well, it looks like we're coming up on the big fight and we need all the help we could get. Plus it'd help if you could help us find the place too!"
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil stretched his arms out wide and cracked his neck swiftly. " Well as far as the location is concerned i can only open a portal gate to the area i think it may be. You'd think our enemy jordan would be so gentlemenly as to send us a invitation. " Virgil laughed quickly brushing off his shoulders. " Well you can count on me to help you guys as much as i can. i have my own reasons i'm going into this battle but i won't let any of you fall. If i was able to lock onto selena i'd be of more use to you. sadly all i can offer you as speculations as to where it will take place. unless of course We are presented with some sort of gift of information. "

    Virgil placed one hand in his pocket and looked to cole. " Mind if i ask you a question?"
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos' chest glowed a dark red and he clutched it with his normal hand. "Damnit..." He listened as Virgil contacted him and warned him about being a potential casualty. Deimos laughed maniacally and forced open the connection, most likely causing Virgil a bit of a headache. Virgil, I'm honored that you warned me beforehand. But you can't do a damn thing if you don't know where you're going. Come... I'll lead you to the final arena... Deimos sent a massive surge of energy into the connection, severing it instantly and causing a bit of destruction to the area around Virgil. After the dust cleared, a huge blood red portal could be seen, and only Virgil's eyes could see Deimos' face briefly appear in the darkness, smirking, with his arms crossed. The Deimos that Virgil had originally created before he went rogue. After a few seconds, it disappeared, but Virgil would be seeing Deimos again soon enough.
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Blink Suite - YouTube

    Selena managed to sneak up past the castle and hung low on a balcony appearing in through a window. The hood of her black jacket pulled over her head to mask her presence as much as possible. She watched as an apprentice appeared at the window. A younger apprentice, a boy probably about 14, however Selena studied him, a grunt meaning his body mass was not much and in fact amount to the appearance of Selena who had a great muscle mass for a woman the only thing was hiding her curves but she knew what she was doing as she summoned her keyblade and unlocked the window unknown to the young boy. When she unlocked the window she caused a wind spell to open it up leaving the boy confused and leaned forward to peer out, that when the boy's world would go dark as Selena's keyblade came down on his head knocking him out.

    Quickly Selena pulled the boy's body outside and removed his cloak and left the young boy out on the balcony and hid him extremely well. She quickly pulled the cloak on and jumped into the hallway pulling the window closed. She looked around the hall.

    "Sneaking in?" Selena paused and glanced behind her at Violet. Selena spun around hand in front of her ready to summon her keyblade. "I'm not going to fight you." Violet stated blatantly, "I just hope you know what you're getting yourself into here, you once were able to stop Jordan, however now you can't. The darkness in you is too strong, you get too close to Jordan, too long the darkness will eat you up and you will be the one swallowed whole." Violet spoke. Selena didn't say a word as Violet continued to speak.

    "Cole is the only one able to stop him, let's just say he's obtained a bit of power like what you once wielded." Violet scoffed. Selena knew what she was referring to, the pure light, like what she had as a child, when she was once a Princess of Heart, "Not going to speak, that's fine but you better show up to the apprentice meeting." Violet said before walking off. Selena watched her leave still not saying anything before turning her head and noticing some apprentices walking off she quickly but without drawing attention to herself, hurried down the hall and followed them as they entered a large room. She quickly took note of Jordan and Deimos.

    "There is a war coming children. I am giving you all the chance to leave now before facing possible death." He waited a few seconds until he saw no one leave. He smiled and leaned on his fist. "Good. Now, make sure to not kill any one of significant importance, that including Darian and Selena. The white haired boy known as Cole is purely mine."

    Selena watched as he spoke and rolled her eyes, how considerate she thought to herself. She shortly soon after noticed when Marluxia alongside Angel appeared. Selena looked over at her old best friend, she took note that though she was happy to be with the person she loved she did seem a bit lonely not only that Selena also took note of something else, Angel was pregnant.

    "Darian belongs to us!" A flower storm erupted on the left of Jordan's Throne, and after it diminished, Marluxia and Angel appeared in its wake. "Jordan, would it be to much to ask for a power boost? Our trip to Castle Oblivion was rather... bad. I'll need a boost to prevent Selena's interference in your fight. Do you consent?"

    If she didn't know any better the whole gang was about here minus those of her army which she'd rather not be here, she'd rather they not get hurt.

    Before Marluxia could even take a breath after his request Jordan quickly replied, "No. My power is off limits unless you wish to lose your sanity and love for Angel." He kept his eyes on his apprentices and snapped his fingers. Like that, two of the apprentices dropped and there dark essence floated towards Jordan in the form of two small orbs. "That'll be enough." He looked beyond his apprentices and watched the door. He took a deep, nervous, breath and began to lift his Keyblade up and then dropping it to the ground, the tip making a loud noise. He began doing this in rhythm, awaiting Cole to walk through at any moment.

    Selena stared up at Jordan curious on what he was doing. She took a quick glance around and quickly moved through the crowd without anybody realizing what was going on.

    "I sense they're coming." Selena took note of Violet who now appeared in the room she glanced at all the apprentices probably trying to figure out where Selena stood among them.

    Angel looked around and quickly took note of the apprentice that was moving closer towards Jordan, the apprentice appeared a bit smaller than the other though something was different about this apprentice and her eyes quickly showed recognition when she figured it out. Angel was about to say something but decided against it before looking up at Marluxia.

    "You don't need the extra power, that's cheating anyways. We can handle our own just fine, no need for the power of darkness when we have the power of twilight on our side." Angel spoke out before awaiting for the heroes of light to appear, the ones she sort of helped lead the best she could, the ones both she and Jordan were formerly apart of but no longer were instead it was taken over by Selena but it would seem even now a new leader has stepped in booting out the old leader, but what did that make this old leader?

    Kingdom Hearts II OST - Darkness of the Unknown (Xemnas Final Boss Theme 2) - YouTube

    Ashley stood back silently unsure what to make out of what she was witnessing when something seemed to spark. She quickly backed away realizing nobody was paying attention to her anyways as a dark portal opened for herself like she was under mind control not that she cared anyways.

    Her portal opened in the room near Violet who turned and smiled.

    "Well hello secret apprentice." Ashley looked up.

    "They are preparing for battle my masters." Ashley spoke before turning her head and eyes widened at Deimos in shock, "You!" She shouted pointing at Deimos glaring evilly at him and angry.

    Sky quickly turned his head seeing a shadow cast out his eye before realizing right away what it was.

    "Guys, Ashley was just pulled into a dark portal!" Sky exclaimed watching the dark portal disappear with Ashley believing it to be kidnapped versus her willingness to leave.

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