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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac took notice at what was hapepening with over at the others. He aimed his GUNBLADE at one of the apprentices and shot his head with a simple pull of the trigger and reloaded, "Sky! Go help the others out I can handle them!" Zac said as he fired another round, though, he missed this one. He swung his keyblade and GUNBLADE at the apprentices with all his might.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    A faint glow radiated off of Deimos as suddenly, his hand twitched. His chest glowed a dark red as his wounds healed and he stood up, smiling. Black Cross was already active, so all it took now was some fun. Moving quickly, Deimos charged towards Virgil and Ashley. Upon closing the distance, Deimos could see the darkness rising from Selena. While he still had the element of surprise, Deimos extended his gauntlet arm, grabbing Ashley from behind. "Sacrificial Blood Seal activate! With my blood as an offering, I call the god of death to take my opponent to the deepest abyss along with me! Ashley... We die... TOGETHER!"

    He looked at Virgil, then Jordan, and finally Violet. "Goodbye..." Deimos pulled away, cutting the life line between him and Ashley, now, they'd die together.
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan and Cole stared off against each other for several minutes, sizing each other up.

    "So, why are you doing all of this? Why me," Cole asked, wanting answers as to why his old friend would cause such chaos.

    Jordan chuckled and happily replied, "Do you know what happens when a being of pure light and darkness of equal power face off against each other? A special weapn is forged. A weapon so mighty that it can lock and unlock anything. Open to any world. Open ANY door." He gave a devilish smile and finished with, "But I think that's all I'll tell you."

    Cole was shocked by this revelation, not having any remembrance of ever learning anything like that.

    "Yen Sid...did he know? Why would he knowingly send me, a being of pure light, out to fight a guy of pure darkness...." he thought to himself.

    He quickly remembered the odd event that had only occurred two days prior and knew that he was prepared to combat Jordan's schemes. He smiled and got into a battle stance, fists raised high, and said, "Sorry to disappoint you Jordan, but your little weapon isn't going to be happening any time soon."

    Jordan laughed and replied, "We'll see about that." Before he could even think about his next move carefully, he ran at Cole and tackled him through the wall leading outside onto the bridge.

    Cole back flipped away after landing on his back, not wanting to be too close for whatever Jordan had in mind.

    Jordan sprinted towards Cole, hand completely engulfed in black electricity, and aimed to hit Cole in the gut with it. Cole managed to roll out of the way to shoot icicles at Jordan's back, making him trip and lose balance. Cole immediately capitalized and grabbed Jordan by the back of his collar and threw him upward into the sky. He leaped high up behind Jordan, hoping to kick him in his back to keep him flying upward.

    Jordan however disappeared temporarily only to reappear seconds later beside Cole, just as he kicked at where Jordan once was. Jordan grabbed Cole's leg and immediately began to slam his elbow onto his knee, followed by his thigh, hoping to cripple Cole.

    Cole, unable to take the pain, used a ball of light to blind Jordan so that he could be dropped. Cole fell to the ground on his back but slowly got himself up, holding his leg. He looked up at, the now fine, Jordan who smirked down at him.

    "Had enough," Jordan asked, arms folded.

    Cole stumbled, trying to force his leg to not give in on him, but replied, "No!"

    Darian growled and began to move closer to Angel as he dealt the vicious strikes. When he was close enough he yelled out, "NOW!" The Behemoth, Devlin, let its presence be known by cloaking Darian's blades in a purple mist, giving them a temporary boost in power. Darian now began to swing a bit harder now, and faster, hoping to break Angel's defenses.
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Thank you.." Virgil said as he was out of breath for the moment. The smoke faded and he fell down to Selena's body. "I'll pull you out of this i promise.." Carrying her body over to a nearby wall he sat her down and pressed his head against hers.His long dark hair drapped over hers. A single tear dripped from his eye and he pressed a single kiss against her lips." Im coming....." A large aura surrounded them both. he held her close and melded his mind with hers. Entering required breaking a few mental barriers until he was standing in a white space.

    " Selena where are you!!" he shouted only his echo answered back.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "No, Zac I'm staying right here. These apprentices are a bit stronger than the others, I'm not leaving you on your own, not unless most of these guys are taken down!" Sky exclaimed.


    KH2FM+ Music - Cavern of Remembrance - YouTube

    "VIRGIL!" A voice echoed back.

    Suddenly standing with the back to Virgil was a little girl. The little girl turned around and faced Virgil. In her hand was a drawing of a boy and a girl holding hands.

    "Where did you go?" The little girl asked suddenly in a flash of light the surroundings changed.

    Kingdom Hearts II Music - Riku's Theme - YouTube

    A little girl stood in the woods looking around, her arms crossed as she looked around scared. Her short black hair bounced with every movement, she looked exhausted like she hasn't slept in days.

    "What are you doing here?" The little girl was startled turning around quickly to look back at a boy who stood behind her. He was only about a year older but his appearance made him look much older, he appeared rougher and more brute. "Well?"

    The little girl stared at him for a good minute before turning around and began to walk away.

    "Hey, I'm not done talking to you!" The little girl stopped but didn't turn back around. "Now then, what are you doing here?"

    "I was here last week, the adults said I went missing and found me here." The little girl said continuing to walk on.

    "Missing? Found?"

    "Yes, woke up couldn't remember a thing, barely remembered who I was, still barely do, I changed between the time I went missing and was found, but I wasn't really actually found." The little girl said before continuing to walk deeper into the woods.

    "Hey, what are you doing?!" The boy exclaimed.

    "Looking for myself!" The little girl shouted back but didn't turn back around but continued walking.

    "Hey wait a minute, who are you?" The boy asked.

    "For somebody so tough looking as yourself you ask a lot of questions." The little girl turned around her dark navy blue eyes stared back at the boy with dark circles under her eyes and her pale skin glowing in the dark forest. "Selena."

    "What?" The boy stood there.

    "That's my name, my name is Selena, what's yours?" The boy stood there astonished by this strange girl.


    "Well, Virgil, it's nice to meet you, I guess I better get back home, the adults will be worried, if you come across the old me, let me know, she had brown hair and bright blue eyes." The little girl, Selena said smiling a genuine smile. "See ya later!" The little girl smiled and waved back at the boy before running off. The boy left standing there in complete shock.

    The area changed back to the white room the little girl looked up at him, it was clear she was the little girl in the woods.

    "That's how I met you, we met because the darkness left me lost and confused and I tried to go back to look for myself. Did you understand at the time? That the strange child you just met in the woods was once a happy go lucky kid, I'd eventually would sort of return back to who I once was but that whole first month upon the darkness entering my heart I was not that old little girl so I went looking for her, never truly found her, but I found you. Without my darkness, I would have never met you." The little girl said in a happy tone however her face still showed that of sadness.

    Suddenly the room flashed and it went from being all white to being a bit grey. Another girl stood in front of Virgil this time facing the boy. She was older than the little girl, about 9 years old.

    "I can't..." The girl said before looking away and the surrounding changed again.

    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Music - Xion's Theme - YouTube

    "Selena." A girl with shoulder length black hair sat up on a ledge over looking the city below. She looked up a boy about 10 years old who stood by the door to go back down to the clock tower.

    "Virgil..." She looked away staring out over the city. "I can't..."

    "But why?" The boy with long black hair asked.

    "You know I can't. I have friends here and family."

    "But Selena!" The boy exclaimed shock.

    "I can't run away with you! You can run away if you want, but don't expect me to go!" The girl yelled at him turning and facing him. The boy looked a bit off guard she quickly frowned and stood up and looked down and away. "I'm sorry."

    "Don't be." He said upset and sounding angry. She quickly looked up at him a bit shock her navy blue eyes staring at him in shock.

    "It's just-"

    "I know, you got your best friend Angel and then your brother Jordan and his two friends Darian and Will, I get it, I'm just one person right?" The boy spat.

    "Virgil now you know that's not true!" The girl exclaimed.

    "Oh I see it in your eyes!" The boy shouted at her. She stood there unsure what to say but just looked away frowning. "Good bye, Selena." [/I]

    The surroundings again went back to the grey room with the girl who was in the vision standing right in front of Virgil.

    "You want to know why I really didn't run away with you?" The girl asked. "It was my light. My light was holding me back it's didn't feel it was right to run away with you, it felt the need to stay in Twilight Town, I guess my light effected you though because you didn't run away that night, you couldn't stand leaving me because you loved me though you never admitted it. But by not running away that very next day your father began the worst tests on you, the hell you went through. If only my light didn't stop me from running away you wouldn't have gone through the torture you went through.

    The room seemed to grow darker and standing in front of him was Selena, however a little younger than the Selena in the real, it was the Selena from a year earlier, the Selena Devlin brought to Virgil, the Selena he added darkness to feeding the darkness already in her heart.

    "You could show them all the truth..." Selena said smiling devilishly back at Virgil.

    Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep OST ~ The Key of Darkness - YouTube

    A slightly younger and much darker Virgil sat on the beach with a slightly younger Selena however this Selena appeared a lot younger, darker in a goth sort of state of mind, and angrier. She turned and was listening to the slightly younger Virgil speak. Virgil punched the air so hard it left a flow of energy

    "Its just I know I should feel bad for these things and I don't... Its like I could kill a child and not care... this darkness inside of me... you're the only person that can quell it." He fell to his knees and a single tear dropped from his face.

    "What are you asking of me?" Selena asked confused before something seemed to snap within her. "I thought you wanted revenge, after all they refused to go after you, they prevented me from trying to find you. Isn't revenge good? Make them rot and scream for mercy? That darkness in you, the darkness in me, I don't look at as being a curse but as a gift. Virgil can't you see?" She stood up darkness smoking around her body.

    "You can control the worlds, people fear you, so it's only natural to appear to them as who you are, if they deny you then you fight them. You could show them all the truth, the true power of darkness, the power of Virgil. You will reign over them." She said before walking over to him and straddled him with a wicked unnatural grin on her face as she played with his hair.

    "I will be by your side as well. You could have the perfect life, be the king of all the worlds, the weak will bow before you, that is your destiny... your majesty." Selena said grinning while deep within the heart plagued with darkness, the other Selena struggled against the mass form of darkness controlling her.

    Virgil's eye's turned a shade of red as his darkness was pulled forward. Selena brought out the best in him and the darkest side of him.

    With a devilish grin he said to her staring deep in her eyes, "All will praise me and all will fall to me. he moved his had across her cheek and pulled on her hair slightly." I swear babe you bring out my bad side!" He got up and opened a portal. "I say we pay Dev a visit I want to make something go BOOM!!"

    "I wouldn't mind testing out this new found strength of darkness neither." Selena said.

    Once the scene ended the slightly younger Selena stood her hands on his chest staring up at him.

    "Why would you give up who you became, the ultimate you, Virgil? You should find that life again, Virgil, and once I'm rid of the light you and I can finally do what we talked about, we can rule all, nobody can stand a chance, I'm sure my big brother would even help us and if we must..." She leaned closer to his ear.

    "We can dispose of him." She said before vanish and the room was completely black. There was a new darkness feeling in the room but it wasn't quite that dark yet.

    Standing behind Virgil though this time was the Selena he knew, the current Selena. She stared at him.

    "I love you." Selena said smiling.

    (Rated R/NC-17)
    - Relaxing/Emotional Anime OST No*49 - - YouTube
    Each breath heavier than the next. he pressed his body up against hers. He could feel her body heat next to him. Sliding his neck back he began to kiss her neck down till he reached her chest."she grabbed his hair slightly.

    " You sure this is what you want" he said looking up with a sly grin. She nodded her head in agreement. Her face was lush of red. " Your cute when your blushing. " Pressing his fang against her neck just barely nibbling on her. she flinched. Selena clinched his bare back in enjoyment. " I think we need a change of scenery." he said But the moment he tried to get up she pulled him back down onto her body. Lustfully kissing him. There tongues were intertwined with one another in heat.

    He forcefully picked her up with one eye open carrying her back to the cabin. Lips still locked on one another he put her down as the reached the door. She flipped him pressing his back against the wall. With a quick grin he kicked his foot against the door forcing it open. Grabbing her by the waist he pulled her into the room placing her on the large bed gently. She smiled as the only smile he fell in love with all those years. He spoke to her in a a low tone almost a whisper. " You sure you want to do this..?"

    She looked back up at him brushing his hair to the side gently and caressing his face. " Yes Virgil" He slowly lowered himself to her chest sliding his hand underneath her shirt cupping her chest. she fidgeted a bit and twitched. " You ok?!" he asked concerned.She smiled back at him " Yea cold hands" They both laughed. He slid her shirt off quickly placing his lips on her chest kissing her from top to bottom until he reached her jeans which is wear he stopped briefly. Grabbing her zipper by his teeth he unzipped her jeans and slid them off of her. " I have to be the luckiest man. " She blushed slightly but responded back to him. " You are."

    She grabbed his arm and flipped him over on the bed so that she was on top straddling him wasting little time to remove the remainder of clothes he had on. She looked him in the eyes , he was slow at first but he slowly entered her. Her body reacted quickly as he could feel her heart beat on his chest. there bodies were moving in motion with one another. Like the beat of a drum they were each in sync with one another.

    " I love you Selena" he said as he tossed her over pressing her back against the bedpost. She gripped his slid sliding her hand down his bare chest her back arched up as her legs were wrapped around his hips. . The sounds that the room was making could be compared to that of a Bass Drum. Her voice got higher and higher. his breaths got heavier and heavier. She looked into his eyes for a moment. " Its ok.." She smiled and kissed him. With that there was a swift release.He almost fell forward onto her. as her legs were wrapped around his body still. Both his hands on the bedpost holding himself up as he was catching his breath as was she. " So uh i'll call you right?!" She slapped him on his chest and laughed. He started to laugh his long hair draping over his face. she moved it back with her fingers staring him back into his eyes. " Virgil i love you…" He took one hand under her chin lifting her lips to his kissing her softly . " I love you to Selena...my love for you is Bulletproof.."

    Selena remained standing there smiling at him.

    Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep OST ~ Tears of the Light - YouTube
    " Tell me now, what you meant by enjoy my time with ashley!" Virgil's voice echoed in the room, a repeat of a conversation they had previously.

    "Virgil?!" Selena's voice exclaimed next. "It's as I said. I'm not going to be there soon Virgil, let Ashley be your guarding light just like she helped you with your father. Let her guide you, accept her. There's going to come a point where I'm not going to be there, I'm going to die and that will not change."

    " No way! you want me to just accept this as it is! you just want me to roll with the punches the way they are!" Virgil stood there looking around.

    "Stop this!" The real Virgil exclaimed not wanting to listen to this conversation.

    "You won't, you can't, you never were able to! Look at you, I'm getting to a point where I'm close to falling, you come near me and you will fall and you shouldn't and won't! Don't fall to the darkness, you have a chance, take it, I don't. This was bound to happen from the beginning. I love you, that will never change and that is why it is the way it is. If you come to me I will fall if you don't come to me I'll fall but I'll have a chance to get rid of Jordan. Quit making this so difficult and accept the truth, Virgil. Why is that so hard for you to accept?! Good bye, Virgil."

    Just like the last time Virgil heard those words his body remained motionless and his position did not falter. His eyes were blank and emotionless. His hair covered over his face as tears began to fall down his cheeks.

    "I'm sorry Virgil." Selena said, Virgil didn't look at her though. "I left to protect you and the others. But I didn't realize till now, Virgil we can be together even after I fall to darkness." Selena said. Virgil wasn't looking at her but darkness was radiating off of her body, and darkness smoked from her feet. The room had dramatically became much darker. An unknown to Virgil behind Selena suspended in the air, darkness surround her body, her soul was what appeared to be a dying girl. A girl who on closer inspection one would realize is Selena but this Selena had very long brown hair, her body looked weak and tired like she was fighting and has been fighting for a long time. It was clear the darkness surrounding this strange looking Selena's body was fighting her and killing her. Then it's clear that Selena suspended in the air is the real Selena. The Selena that was lost in the woods so very long ago, the Selena who is of pure light, a Princess of Heart, the Selena that fought to hold on for a long time never giving up till she was too weak to go on.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2013
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Without You - AMV - YouTube

    His hands trembled so many words ran through this mind. Each time he attempted to open his mouth nothing but stutters and air came out. Each thing he remembered as it happened, she was the most important thing in his life and here she stood now. Thoughts ran through his head, could he truly rule all worlds and make everyone bow down to him. The power he had he felt all these years he thought it to be a curse. However this girl, this girl who he met so long ago....she did not turn away from him. Even when everyone else abandoned him. She did not run.

    He's a freak! we know about your dad's lab! " So many people would harass this young boy that prowled the streets. Children fled from him because of said rumors. " To hell with them all." He would mutter to himself everyday until he met ....her"

    a few tears trickled down his face. " You were the only one, the only one that accepted me. You were the only one that accepted my curse as a gift to use as i see fit." Wiping his face a dark grin wrapped around him. " Why shouldn't i make everyone bow to me...as long as i've lived everyone has treated me like trash. As if i'm some left out garbage to be discarded. You...believed i could achieve this feat. His voice was crackling with slight hints of laughter. As if he was borderline insane.

    " Quickly his voice returned to a state of calm normalcy. " But...you were also the only girl who ever loved me. You were the only one to bring out what little light i had left in me. Giving me a purpose....a reason to live" He stepped closer to the Selena in front of him placing his hand into her hands. " If i remained with you...we could dispose of your brother and i could rule this world and the next. " Then shifting his attention to her soul....the frail weak body that hung in front of him. Pulling away from the Selena in front of him to the weakened to the brown haired girl. " But you....i can't deny you." He fell to his knees in front of the weakened girl. This time tears fell from his eyes like rain drops cascaded on a fall window. " This is my fault...i let you ....i...i just."

    Virgil tried to raise his head but he could not bring himself to look her in the eyes. "I..I brought this upon you...i- i let you fight...for so long. You've worked....so so SO HARD" he began to punch the ground repeatedly leaving crater after crater in the nothingness plane. each rift he created turned back into darkness. He felt disgusted with himself. " I'm tired of running from this. I'm going to bring you back...i have to. Its the only way i can ever repay you...for giving me hope....'

    " He stumbled to stand to his feet his eyes still streaming with tears. " Show me how...how to make this right."
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Hmmm, touching." The dark Selena smirked. "Who's to say I'm going back?" The dark Selena remarked.

    "Who's to say you're going on?" Came a weak remark. The brown hair girl floating in the air opened her eyes slightly, the bright blue was much different from the navy blue almost black color eyes.

    "Shut up you pathetic brat." The Dark Selena remarked as the darkness seemed to grow and attack the already weak and dying girl, pain shooting through the girl was quite obvious as she closed her eyes tight.

    Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix - Deep Anxiety Remix - YouTube

    "If you won't join me, Virgil, if you won't let me free, then I have only one choice." The Dark Selena remarked as she summoned a dark looking keyblade...


    "And before you die, I'll make you watch me finish her off and then your heart will be the first heart I feast on." The Dark Selena said grinning. "I can already taste it now, how I can't wait to sink my teeth into it!" The dark Selena shouted before laughing hysterical
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos' dying body watched the events unfold, he looked over to Ashley who was dying in a similar manner to his own. He smiled as he watched Virgil enter Selena's conscience and he knew that his work was done. However, before he died, Deimos wanted to get a few things off his chest... He had to stay around long enough for Virgil to come back, so he could get what Deimos had for him.

    "...Violet..." Deimos decided to begin with the young girl, he remembered all the arguments, all the battles, and that once in a while moment of agreement that the two always had. "...You know... it's kinda funny... You and I fought alot under Jordan... but when it came down to it... we always did what was best for him didn't we... I... Didn't want to tell you... but... I protected you because I liked you... You belonged to Jordan though... so I knew I'd never get the chance to tell you. I'm sorry... for being such an idiot... But... I achieved my goal... I protected my creator... and gave Jordan a chance to see his sister once again..."

    Deimos knew that the battle would wage on around him, and that most of the things he said would land on deaf ears, but he needed to get everything off his chest, so he could stay around a bit longer... for Virgil.

    "Cole... A moment... Jordan... You're an idiot you know that... You were my best friend, and that'll never change. Even... if Cole kicks your ass... and you die... I'll be by your side in Hell, even if I'm allowed entry to a better place. I'll never abandon you... not because it's in my programming... but because... You are my friend... I'll be seeing you real soon... I know it! I promise you... I'll be there by your side."

    Deimos hoped Cole stopped fighting, even if only briefly, so that Jordan had heard what his former apprentice had said.

    Finally, Deimos turned, albeit painfully, towards the last person... A person who wasn't here right now. Deimos' creator, Virgil Lancaster. "I know you probably can't hear me... but whatever. It's probably better off that way. If... you saw me being sappy, you'd get all upset. Come back with Selena... I know you can do it... And... Thanks... for giving me life... I owe you for that... haha... ha... ow..."

    Now Deimos laid on the ground, in his own blood, struggling to keep his blood pumping for a few moments longer... So he could tell Virgil that he found it...
  9. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan scoffed and said, "I'm the idiot? I am ztill breathing and plan on not dying like other pathetic life forms." With his anger over Deimos' death, he began to radiate a dark mist. He noticed this and quickly sucked it in. "Nah, that's not gonna cut it though. I have a much more pressing matter to attend to," he said, smiling at Cole.

    Cole, who had been slowly healing himself while Jordan was distracted, frowned up at Jordan. He shot his arms downward and made an ice pillar at his feet, making it rise high enough for him to be face to face with Jordan.

    Jordan smirked and flew towards Cole, beginning to punch him rapidly in his mid-section. However, every move was being counted by Cole, who, with his uninjured leg, kicked Jordan in the side of his head. This sudden and unpredictable move to Jordan's skull forced him off the pillar and straight towards the ground.

    Cole jumped off after him and sped up his fall so that he may tackle him hard to the ground. Cole jumped back, stumbling a bit still on his injured leg, and prepared for Jordan to stand.

    Jordan groaned in pain for a few seconds before slowly getting to his feet, holding his head. "So, we're getting rough, huh? Well then," he smiled and summoned his Keyblade, the Blade of the Condemned, "let's get started!" He sprinted full speed at Cole, disappearing and reappearing consistently until he was in front of him, slamming his Keyblade into Cole's stomach.

    Cole bent over in pain only to be kicked afterward to the ground. He looked back at Jordan and started shooting balls of light at him.

    Jordan, with ease, sliced through each attack and slowly walked over to Cole. "What's wrong? Afraid to actually fight me? Use your fucking Keyblade and face me like a man!"

    Cole watched as Jordan slowly got closer and knew he had no other choice. He jumped back a few feet and held both his hands out in front of him. "Please work," he whispered. A light began to glow in front of his hands and Cole himself began to even radiate. "No....come on....not me," he whispered again. And in a flash of light, Cole was holding his Keyblade, not changed. He smiled at his Keyblade and exclaimed, "Yes!" He looked at Jordan with a smile and pointed his Keyblade at him. "I hope you're ready for this!"

    Jordan chuckled and merely replied, "Always." Both boys felt the sense of urgency that this fight had and knew they couldn't afford to let the other win. This was it.
  10. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac sighed and nodded, "Alright then," Zac said and then aimed his GUNBLADE at another one of the apprentices and shot his chest and swung his keyblade as impaled the apprentice. He spun his keyblade and tossed it at one of the apprentices, using his Gear Grinder. Shadow had fled from the battle and crawled near to where the others were, awaiting for Virgil to return. He sat and watched, unaware of what was going to happen or what was currently going on.
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    A warm smile directed itself at the weakened Selena " Just hold on a little longer my love...this won't take to long.." He shook his face and started to bounce in place. " Yo you over there. i'll tell you something. in fact no i'll give you a chance to run away. He was regaining his cocky composure he once had when selena was with him. The never back down never loose attitude. " So how bout it chick you wana save yourself the trouble eh?" He started to rotate his shoulders and hands as if he was exorcizing.

    " Tell ya what i'll do for you. " He reached his hand out while still bouncing in place. His keyblade appeared giving off crackling black and white eletricity. " I'll go half speed for ya and i'll only use one hand. " He started laughing and winked at the weakened Selena. " Have faith in me this will be quick."
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "That won't be necessary but suit yourself." The dark Selena muttered before disappearing appearing behind Virgil and strike him.

    "You know babe you got to ask a very important question. Since you've known Selena, since you've known me and her she was made up of light and dark. But who was her more?" The Dark Selena asked jumping back and shoot beams of darkness at Virgil before disappearing and appearing above him in the air she swung the keyblade at him.

    She disappeared again grinning.

    "Think about it Virgil, who's really your Selena?"
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil didnt move as she was behind him. " Your above attacking me from the back. " As he said that she quickly blasted beams at him which he deflected all three away with his keyblae. Still bouncing in a arrogant manner. Side stepping to avoid her air attack he rolled his eyes. " Ya know i don't have to think about who is my selena. Its a answer i already know. " He dashed a few feet forward punching the ground with devastating force causing a shockwave. This sent a massive wave of energy in all directions. " Your going to come out regardless ." He raised his keyblade into the sky shooting beams into the sky causing a rain of power to come rocketing from the sky. Wherever she was blocking both attacks would be nearly impossible. " You wont pull me back with your lies i know why im here!"
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    The Dark Selena moved quickly to try and block the attack but was sent flying backwards. She caught herself and balanced herself as darkness radiated off of her but she focused it all back in. Her black hair flowed behind her as she ran and her clearly yellow eyes looked angry as she ran right at Virgil.

    "You're foolish!" She shouted.

    Meanwhile the light within Selena's heart only watched in horror because it was a fairly useless fight to Virgil. No matter what he did, in this realm only light and darkness of Selena could do battle and she had lost long ago and was just fighting to hang on. That's when it clicked in her head.

    "Virgil!" With all her strength she exclaimed landing onto the ground, the light Selena stood a little weak but knew now why Virgil was here.

    "This is not your fight, this is my fight." She spoke catching the dark Selena off guard.

    "What couldn't sit back anymore knowing the truth about this realm?" the Dark Selena remark which caught the light Selena off guard who closed her eyes.

    "I was a princess of heart and though that accounts for different things, I now know though Selena was destined for a brush of darkness but that darkness is not from where you came from it's where I was able to fight and survive for how long I could." The light Selena remarked though she still stood there.

    "I was who I was because of you, you gave me both light and darkness." the light Selena said looking over at Virgil.

    "That's how I survived the darkness, because darkness became apart of me, and this illusion has to end, because you never me, you were just a parasite." The light Selena remarked before extending her hand and closing her eyes.

    "Virgil, we never made a true connection, that's why you're here." Selena remarked looking over at Virgil.
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    His eyes looked on confused and scared. The situation was tense he hoped she was not planning what he thought she was. " Selena what are you doing! this isnt just your fight. Let me bear your burden! " his eyes stared at her shaking. his hand tightly gripping his keyblade. " You've fought for so long! you can't handle this extreme. let me endure i can overcome this for you!"

    Slowly he started to walk in his direction. hoping she would not stop him." Our connection is something true and i want to connect with you now..while i'm here with you.
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "That's precisely it. You're right as stupid as I am, though now I know came from you, I tried to fight this all on my own, but that day in the woods as kids, that was destiny, that was fate because when I met you my heart became balanced out containing both light and dark which was what gave me the strength to survive this long, but I can't bare the burden any longer, you were always what kept me strong and protected, and we had a mediocre connection but we need a real one, and for once in my life I'm willing to ask for help." Selena told him facing him.

    "What are you doing?!" The Dark Selena shouted catching onto what was going on.
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will struck towards William, fire channeling into the blade as it came down. But William blocked it, a large explosion of sparks and ash came flying out as William pushed Will back with a howl. Then Will rolled to the side, allowing William to fall. Will turned, shooting fire down as Willy rolled to the side, kicking his way up before shooting waves of fire at Will, who spun, turning in the air and passing between the waves before landing hard, a crack coming from the ground and shooting dark fire towards William, who then leaped, landing behind Will. Then the blades flew and flashed, clashing every few seconds, as and fire exploding into the air.
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil walked over to her placing his hand on her shoulder. " i'm with you till the very end..." He turned his head to the dark Selena. " You will leave this realm and you will leave her." He walked forward a bit standing in front of the true Selena. Nodding his head back to her " I won't let you fail and you won't falter. you have my power with you and we will win this fight. "

    Touching her shoulder he began to pump his own life force into her giving her a more empowered state but weakening him a little. " You can do this...i believe in you"
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked at him before smiling and her body also sent some of her life force into him as the connection was slowly beginning to be truly bonded. And before Virgil's very eyes she turned back into the Selena he knew though a little different, black hair but bright blue eyes. She looked at the dark Selena summoning her keyblade. She pointed it at the dark Selena.

    "Reveal yourself." Selena spoke sounding like her typical self, serious and not faltering at all.

    "I made you who you are!" The Dark Selena hissed.

    "You made me nothing because you were locked away until Jordan's darkness was released. Sure as a child you may have been a bit lose but then I locked you away and I became who I am, and who I am though I have one person to thank for that." Selena spoke before looking over at Virgil and smiling.

    "I'm attached to you, the only way I leave is through a different life sssssourccccce..." The Dark Selena hissed before slowly transforming, her skin was turning black and scaly.

    "You will die." Selena said instead.

    "I never die, I am born and I am from the void!!!!" It hissed as it transformed into a giant snake which closer evaluation is similar in appearance to the same snake demon heads that grow from Jordan...

    Selena stared within the creatures yellow eyes. Her reflection reflected back and memories long forgotten, the first time she encountered the beast, the very first time it found its way into her, it was just a small little snake and unlike the young child Selena she didn't accept it but it was forced upon her. Then her training with her master to fight it and the night dreams she's forgotten, the struggles and fights she didn't just forget but her master purposely blocked and she would learn why as she'd enter her last battle with the demon.

    "My name is Master Selena I stand before you with Master Virgil and we're casting you out once and for all, to return back to the void where you belong." Selena spoke raising her keyblade up into a stance like another keyblade master who was not in existence yet, but he too would have to fight an inner darkness.


    Angel's eyes went wide and suddenly she was moving faster trying to block even heavier attacks before she suddenly felt very sick. She grabbed her stomach falling to her hands and knees heaving over holding her stomach in pain when the keyblade landed a hit she let out a scream of pain, not only did it hurt her it hurt something else she loved dearly and was looking forward too. She suddenly felt very weak as she went unconscious below her organization cloak she was currently wearing her insides bled out as a being too weak died.

    Sky was fighting with Zac before taking out the last apprentice.

    "Zac." Sky looked over at him before turning his attention to Violet who was standing over Selena and Virgil both unconscious, Selena pulled within Virgil's arms.

    "What's happening to them?" Sky asked catching Violet off guard.

    "They're casting out the dark parasite and finally the two of them would of learned that they need each other more than they think. Though it's a shame, the dark parasite will go into Virgil and he'll need to be casted into the void." Violet explained.

    "What?!" Sky exclaimed shocked before looking back over at Zac. "Surely there's got to be another way!" Sky exclaimed. Violet shook her head.

    "Unless you're willing to sacrifice yourself and even then good luck containing it, but then again..." Violet turned around to look at the young, fierce boy.

    "I'll do it, they've helped me and showed me a purpose and I need to return the favor." Sky said. Violet looked at him before smiling.

    "I have a feeling you're special, a special case maybe like Cole... I don't know much about Cole, but you are a lot like him in your heart that is. Perhaps even casted into the void you'll survive and be good and true to yourself." Violet said nodding her head.
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia's scythe cleaved the ground in front of Angel, and Marluxia appeared soon after. "Damnit... I'd hoped it wouldn't come to this. Jordan! We must take our leave! I gave you your fight with Cole, and I expect my payment in full soon!" The pink haired Nobody opened a dark portal and carried Angel through, but he was unable to close it immediatly afterward due to the fact that he was currently carrying Angel. This would undoubtably allow Darian to follow. Marluxia was prepared, as every one of his Nobodies circled around him and his wife, ready to defend him with their lives. "Angel... we must fend Darian off quickly, before the pain becomes any worse. Can you still fight?" Both he and Angel glowed, as Marluxia initiated Link mode with her. He had no desire to allow Jordan to see his linked form, but he had no choice.

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