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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac turned his head after he last apprentice was taken out, and saw the scene taking place and rushed over with sky. After hearing the suggestion Violet made to Sky, he immediately objected, "NO! Sky, i may not have known for a long time, but you can't just go in there, what if the darkness corrupts you as well? What if you can't succeed in this?"

    The little heartless simply watched the conversation between the humans while it just shifted its eyes and heads towards the person currently talking.
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " No time to waste i'll have to go all out this time." He stepped forward a few paces reaching out his other hand and his second keyblade of which only Selena has seen appeared before him. " This time i won't let you fall into the darkness Selena. Standing with his keyblades crossed aginst his chest. he looked onto the serpent " I would ask how you gained this form however i don't have time for explanations i've decided to kill you." He shot off in a burst of speed circling the serpent. Dragging his blades across the ground . He leaped into the air to come crashing down onto the snake

    " Now you will see true power!"
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked up at the castle, hearing Marluxia yell down to him. He growled loudly at him and yelled up, "Coward! Even as a nobody you show cowardliness!"

    As he was distracted, Cole took this opportunity to stab the ground, sending pillars of ice through the bridge straight toward Jordan.

    Jordan noticed this too late and was sent flying backwards, disappearing in the woods.

    Cole leaped after him and looked around. "You call him a coward yet you hide from me? That's pretty sad," Cole said aloud.

    Laughter could be heard from the trees, leaving Cole in a state of confusion. "It's not cowardly if it was a trap," whispered the faint voice of Jordan. Cole, hearing Jordan's sinister words, immediately turned around to run away, only to meet a wall of flames, it beginning to engulf the forest. As he slowly backed up from the fire in horror, he was hit with a ball of fire from behind, where Jordan sat on a tree branch.

    Cole turned to look at him and sliced through several of Jordan's initial attacks, only to be overcome seconds later. As he was hit with a barrage of attacks he looked up and stared at all the smoke above him. Knowing he had no other option, he jumped high into the air, through the smoke. Jordan smirked and jumped after him.

    When he jumped up, he saw nothing except white orbs scattered everywhere. Jordan slowly began to fall from his high leap only for the orbs to follow him. "Shit," he mumbled. He held his Keyblade in front of him in hopes of defending himself. The orbs blew up immediately on contact of Jordan, sending him down faster and hader. As he landed, he began to cough from the smoke and teleported back to the bridge. When he arrived he quickly fell to his hands and knees to catch his breath. Unfortunately, Cole was right in front of him and kicked him in his face. Jordan fell back and held his bloody lip. "Ah! You fucking asshole," he exclaimed.

    Cole said nothing more than, "Do you give up?"

    Jordan was about to answer, until the Darkness spoke.

    "It seems that your sister found our little backup."

    "What," Jordan yelled, forgetting that the Darkness spoke to him in his head.

    "She's fighting our backup plan as we speak."
    "Soooon you will have either the pitiful sister you had beforeee....."
    "Or a sister that you can ressspecct."

    Jordan, infuriated, held in his emotions and stood up. "Fine. I need to end this soon then to say goodbye to my sister."

    Cole, unsure of what was to come, prepared himself for the worst.

    Darian growled and gave chase to Marluxia and Angel.
  4. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac turned his head and saw Darian run into a portal. He also took note that Marluxia and Angel were gone, though he wasn't paying much attention to them. He got up and ran towards the portal, reloading his GUNBLADE and yelled back at the others, "I'll be back! Being back Selena and Virgil!" and jumped into the portal.
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia laughed madly as Darian appeared through the portal. "Welcome Darian... to my castle.... I created this castle because it represented my emptiness... but when I got Angel back she filled this empty place with life... and do you want to know a little secret? She was going to GIVE life! Do you have any idea what condition she was in when you attacked her? Angel was PREGNANT! But you... YOU destroyed it! Your actions killed a child who had yet to see the world! YOU Darian, caused my wife to miscarry... you killed my child... And now... I'm going to KILL YOU!"

    Darkness erupted around the two, and all the Nobodies were absorbed, making the ball of darkness grow. Four dark and light wings shot out from the ball, two feminine legs appeared, followed by the arms. The body appeared shortly after, a large angelic figure, with a crystal heart glowing in the center. In the right hand, the creature carried the Graceful Elegance, and in the left hand was Marluxia's scythe. Both were far larger then they were previously, and glowed a light pink.

    Finally, the face appeared. The face was that of Angel, whose eyes were currently closed. Standing in front of the angelic creature was Marluxia. Simultaneously, Marluxia and Angel opened their eyes, which were now glowing pink. When Marluxia spoke, Angel spoke simultaneously, their voices mixing as they spoke. "THIS IS YOUR END DARIAN! YOUR BROTHER WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SAVE YOU FROM US! DIE!"

    With a point of his finger, the massive Angel began her attack on Darian, Marluxia's rage wiping all of Angel's desires to hold back. Both her and Marluxia would see Darian die for his actions.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2013
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan now looked serious and said, "Time I show you what I can really do." And like that, his faced turned into a twisted smile, his gray eyes turned a dark red color and two giant serpent like heads erupted from his back.

    Cole stared in total awe and disbelief at the disturbing scene. His stomach tightened up, actually beginning to fear this battle. He no longer recognized Jordan to be his friend...but now as a monster. He raised his Keyblade for an attack but the Darkness struck quickly and slammed Cole into the ground. He was repeatedly raised and slammed into the ground, head hitting it the hardest.

    Jordan laughed maniacally before yelling, "Come on! Be a fucking man and do something about this!" Jordan stopped the punishment to see what Cole would do.

    Devlin tried to save Jordan using the behemoth but the attacks were too much and broke his guard. The behemoth disappeared and Darian was now met with an extreme amount of defenseless attacks.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2013
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac exited the portal and wound up the entrance of a castle. He looked around and didnt see Marluxia, Angel or Darian. He looked around and saw the gate and decided to head into the castle. He walked up to the gate and saw a lock on it. He pulle out his keyblade and decided to try something. He aimed the keyblade at the keyhole and focused on it.

    In an instant the lock unlocked itself after the keyblade sent a small beam of light at it, opening. He smiled as chuckled a bit, "Well, discovered one of its powers, but its kinda obvious..." Zac said, "Considering its a "key"blade,"

    He pushed the doors and ran towards the castle to the entrance. He wasn't sure where he was but he figured the portal must have sent Marluxia, Angel and Darian here but...where exactly?
  8. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole struggled to get up but did. His forehead was completely engulfed in his own blood. He looked up and Jordan for a second, woozy and stumbling, before slowly lifting up his Keyblade high over his head. He healed himself of his more harmful wounds and took a deep breath of relief.

    "What? That's it? Boy, you are just asking to-"

    Cole pulled his Keyblade close to his chest and whispsred, "I guess I have no choice." He and the Keyblade began to light up brightly. They're intense light began to grow even brighter, now becoming blinding. The Darkness pulled away, as the light began to grow painful to it. The light reached as far as into the castle before disappearing in another flash. What stood there now was a white winged, newly clothed, Cole. His eyes glew and bright blue color and it looked like his previous wounds had been healed.

    "Heh, so you really are stronger than I thought. That's good enough for me! I'll kill you either way," Jordan yelled. He ran straight towards Cole, Darkness ready to attack as well, and sliced right through the apparent fake which disappeared into nothing. "Wait. What the-"

    Cole kicked Jordan in the side of his face before multiplying into several copies of himself, all of whom began to deliver a barrage of unavoidable attacks on him.

    Jordan for couldn't move and was incapable of defending himself. The Darkness spewed a black mist into the faces of the many Cole's, temporarily blinding them and causing them to cough. Jordan launched himself upward to gain a bit of reprieve for himself, forgetting that Cole now had wings.

    Cole flew up behind him and shot a mix of ice and light attacks, hoping that it would stun him long enough to deliver a finishing blow. His theory worked and he flew quickly to his stunned opponent and slammed his Keyblade down on his back sending him straight through the bridge.

    As Jordan fell into the water underneath the bridge, he smiled and curled up in the water in a fetal position. The Darkness wrapped itself around Jordan until he was encased in a black ball, giving off large amounts of wild electricity in the water.

    Cole, flew down to see where Jordan had gone to see this sight. He hovered there in shock and disbelief, knowing that whatever would be coming out of the water would be much more stronger and more intense coming out.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: Vox, feel free in your move to also control the opponent.


    The serpent dark creature hissed before launching and the duo. Selena was the first to run forward but right before the creature snapped its mouth forward at her she launched up into the air and once above the creature whipped her keyblade down at it as it hit the head. The creature looked up at Selena as the keyblade flew back up and Selena caught it. She was careful to watch where she would land as she land a kick to the creature due to landing on it. She jumped back behind pointing her keyblade forward as a blast of dawn shot out at the creature.

    "Virgil!" She shouted to him as a sort of tag team sort of attack effort.
  10. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will locked blades with William, both warriors pushing hard, then Will spun, swinging low with the blade, Willy ripping the blade in two and blocking with one, striking with the other, Will snapping his blade upwards to throw Willy back for a second. Then Will ripped his keyblade in two, striking fast and hard, both keyblades flicking towards his opponent. Willy blocked as fast as he could, swinging back as well, Will blocking almost every strike. Then they locked blades, pushing back an forth until Will struck hard, knocking Willy back, William swinging back with the metal chocobo, but Will ducked the blow, swinging to the side with his keyblades, William narrowly blocking them.
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Got it!" He came down with bold blades slashing down the large serpent. The lightning from his blades flared up as the attack finished. A loud roar spout from the creature. " Foolssss" it whipped its tail towards Virgil slamming against his keyblades. Quickly blocking the attack but getting slammed against the barrier that seemed to be invisible. " Cool you can counter attack" he said with a slick smile on his face. " pushing the tail off of him with a loud yell he leaped over the snake landing next to Selena. " Im here with you" Aiming both his keyblades at the large beast. " You think that is going to ssssstop me!"

    Virgil laughed and closed his eyes. Re-opening them his black star had became active. " No i don't think. i know!!!!"
  12. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole, not wanting to wait any longer to see what was going to come out of the black ball, pointed his Keyblade at it and shot a beam of light. The light, however, only bounced off into space. Cole watched the beam disappear into the sky and looked back at the ball in horror as it began to move.

    The ball began to shake violently, back and forth, until it came to a complete and sudden halt. It remained that way for a few seconds before rising out of the water slowly in front of Cole. The ball burst open in Cole's face and sent him flying backwards. He regained himself, thanks to his wings, and looked up to see Jordan, but with all black armor and curled up, looking as though he were asleep. Jordan opened his eyes to reveal his bright red eyes and massive black wings that erupted the moment he opened up his eyes. He got out of his curled position and smiled at Cole.

    "Heh, you didn't think I didn't have a trick up my sleeves too, did you? Haha, looks like we're just alike now, huh?" Jordan smiled and summoned his Keyblade again, it now carrying a more threatening demeanor as it had black. sparks of electricity coming off of it.

    Cole held up his own Keyblade and nodded. "Let's finish this."


    Jordan flew straight toward Cole, hoping to hit him with his Keyblade. Cole quickly blocked it and this led to the two trading incredible blows to one another, all of which were blocked by the other. As the two began fighting more intensely than before, they found themselves flying everywhere in the area.

    The two flew up together, in perfect sync, and fought on the bridge, again, no one taking a complete hit. The two then found themselves soaring high above the woods, exchanging equally matched blows above. And finally they began circling the castle with their intense battle, the sound of their Keyblades and their wings being the only thing that could be heard.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ((Now's your cue Zac))

    Marluxia showed no pleasure as he ordered his massive Angel of death to brutally assault Darian. Blow after blow connected, cutting the boy with deep wounds that were only further opened by Marluxia's thorns. Darkness erupted around the throne room and Marluxia and Angel glared angrily at Darian, the Nobody kept his hand raised as the assault continued until finally, they stopped.

    Marluxia himself extended his wings and as if sensing his change, Angel turned to face him, halting her assault as well. Walking towards the keyblader slowly, The Graceful Assassin summoned what appeared to be Angel's Graceful Elegance keyblade, but it had a more scythe-like appearance to fit Marluxia's choice of weapon.

    As he raised the weapon, the image of Marluxia became that of his somebody, Lumaria. The boy looked as he did the year Angel left, though he looked rather displeased with the situation. When he spoke, it was his own voice, not that of his Nobody, but of the kind hearted boy Angel fell in love with... "I had hoped to save this for when my child was born... So that it could see its real father... But seeing as you ended its life before it began, I found it fitting for me to be the one who ends you." Lumaria raised his hand, and the Angel of Death reverted back to Angel, who fell gently into his arms. "Darian... if things hadn't gone this way... Perhaps I would have made you our child's godfather. But unfortunately... You will not see the light of day ever again... Goodbye, brother of Devlin." Lumaria raised his weapon, and brought it down towards Darian's head.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2013
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena smiled over at him before looking back at the serpent.

    "Oh you're so screwed now." Selena remarked smirking referring back to Virgil's black star mode.

    "In fact..." Selena glanced over at Virgil, I think I might have something I can now use since my powers, the power of dawn, has been restored to me." She said before running towards the serpent but jumped in the air as light and darkness burst from her body.

    She held two keyblades and her normally black jacket was now yellow.

    "I call it a drive form." Selena remarked before running and attacking the serpent at remarkable fast speeds.
  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    With a metal clang sound, the scythe like weapon was halte by two blades in a cross formation. The boy wielding them used all of his strength to protect Darian, "Not gonna lie I have no idea what the hell is going on, but considering you were helping Jordan somewhat in the battle earlier, so pretty much, that makes us enemies," he said as he pushed back te blade and aimed his GUNBLADE Marluxia/Lumaria,

    -----------Before entering the room---------1-

    The boy slowly opened the doors to the inside of the castle. His curiosity was aroused when seeing the stairs and so, he ran up stairs to find out. Climbing up the stair cases he made it to the same floor the others were on. He opened the door just a bit to see Darian fighting hem, only to see it end with Maluxia raising his keyblade. Before the pink haired nobody readied his blade, Zac ran in with his weapons drawn.


    He fired three shots in succession, aimed at the man with pink hair. He looked back at Darian, and then at Marluxia to see what would happen.
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lumaria sidestepped the bullets, and growled, his form changing back to that of Marluxia, who jumped back a few feet before speaking angrily, "Heed my words hero of light! You have pushed me to the point of no return! You and your friends will be hunted down and destroyed for the pain you've caused me and my wife! I swear, by all that is dark, that I WILL have my revenge on all of you. You will all die by my blade! Be certain of that, 'hero'! Anyone associated to the light, anybody who calls themselves a hero of light, no matter where they come from, will be annihilated. Be it your descendents, or you yourself, ALL heroes will DIE!"

    With a swing of his scythe, a whirlwind of fower petals swirled around him and Angel. When the whirlwind disappeared, they were gone.
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Here we go!!" He dashed forward at lightning speed " Fooolssss!! i wil murder the both of you here and now!" The Serpent flared its tail at Selena trying to deflect her attack. " You had best watch yourself from all sides!!" Rushing from the sides he stabbed the snake Piercing its rough scale like skin. "running his blades forward he caused a large rupture flaring out a black mist and ooze as if it was blood." The beast flared back with black tendrils coming from the black blood. It surprised him catching him off guard sending 2 through his shoulder. " Auuugh!! Shit!!" He fell to the ground still gripping his keyblades.

    " Selena watch out!!!" Getting back on his feet Virgil started to speak slowly to himself. " Stage one...activate" His eyes started to spiral and now a blue aura surrounded him. " We won't go down here!!
  18. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    After William swung at Will once more Will turned, keyblade going up and through William's body, lifting him off the ground. "No... We... Lost..." William panted as the blade absorbed him, a light going through the blade and up into Will. Will slowly stretched and kicked the body from his blade, it landing and rolling back to it's feet. Willy was still in there, and was starting to take a more dark, heartless form on. His eyes glowed a bright amber, and his skin started to take a darker shade on. As this happened, Will's hair started to revert to it's normal blonde color, and his eyes turned back into his bright, glowing blue. Willy looked at him with a snarl, true anger in his voice. "You may have bested him, but I am still the half of you that is the monster! I'm the part that you worry will hurt your little friends!" He howled, drawing two keyblades and charging Will.
  19. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    OOC: I'm not going to keep stretching this battle. I had anticipated that Destiny had posted at least once by now.

    Cole and Jordan continued to ram into each other outside of the castle, beginning to hit harder than before. They collided so hard, in fact, the two bounced back off each other and landed on opposite sides of the castle. And then, as if they just instinctively knew where the other was, they flew at near full speed towards one another, crashing through the castle before locking Keyblades in the center of the throne room.

    "You're not giving it your all, you're still holding back on me," Jordan yelled, beginning to push his Keyblade against Cole's, showing his strength.

    Cole was losing the fight and he knew it, he took a deep breath before putting more effort into fighting back Jordan. He finally began to level and balance out the amount of strength the two were demonstrating. He growled loudly and pushed Jordan off of him, to catch his breath. 'My power, it's beginning to waiver....I'll have to use everything now," he thought.

    Jordan breathed heavily, completely ignoring everything around him, and chuckled out, "Is....is.....that the best....you got?" He quickly got himself together and stood up straight, getting into his battle position again. "I'm ready to end this!"

    Cole huffed and puffed before finally replying, "Yeah....me too."

    Darian weakly stared up at Marluxia and Angel as Marluxia said his last words before disappearing. Before he was completely gone, he weakly rose a hand to reach out for Angel before passing out, just as the two disappeared.
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: Ah my apologies missed Vox's post


    Selena blocked the attack from the serpent looking over at Virgil worriedly.

    "Virgil!" She exclaimed. She jumped back just missing another attack.

    "What is it going to take to end you?" Selena muttered under her breath before looking up at the serpent. She spun her keyblades and stopped them mid spin as they stood up behind her arms, she held the two keyblades with a sort of backwards grip (like Ventus) before running forward and she jumped into the air slashing at the serpent in an 'X' formation she landed behind the serpent as it screamed out in pain from the attack that managed to scratch it's two eyes making it blind.

    Selena looked up over at Virgil before hurrying over to him.

    "Are you alright?" She asked him, worried.

    Violet heard the break through in the other room, the throne room where Jordan and Cole were still fighting it out.

    "Sky, if you're sure on what you want to do then here's what you need to do..." Violet turned to him as he looked up at her waiting for instruction, the look was so serious as she laid her hand on his shoulder. She began to explain as Sky turned to look at Selena and Virgil's unconscious body. He nodded his head in understanding.

    "Count on me."

    "You'll need to be fast, Sky, no doubt you'll be fine though." Violet said standing up before hurrying off to the throne room to find out about the battle.

    Doctor Who Series 6 Disc 2 Track 26 - My Time Is Running Out - YouTube (came on while righting this part, quite sad, found it fitting)

    Angel felt so much pain in her body as she slowly began coming to again but she knew what happened and she didn't want to wake up, she didn't want to face the truth. She looked up at Marluxia.

    "Lu..." She mumbled quietly her eyes weren't completely opened as she stared up at him. "Our child... is dead... I'm sorry..." She said sadly.

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