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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac saw Darian fall and quickly picked the keyblade wielder up, "Hey wake up! You okay?" he asked, expecting a response. He looked back and decided to take Darian back through the portal. So, he took a deep breath, and tossed Darian around his shoulders, grunting a bit after realizing Darian was a bit heavier than expected, and proceeded to walk off. He carried Darian and himself through the doorway, and headed out the way he came.
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan opened his arms wide, his wings spreading out as well, as his already red eyes grew even brighter. He began to radiate darkness stronger than he had ever done so before, red eyes could even be seen on his wings. He held his Keyblade firmly, ready to deliver his final blow.

    Cole took a step back, fear being shown on his face, not knowing what to do. He took a deep breath and remembered all his training, every word that Yen Sid ever said to him. He couldn't show fear now. The Realm of Light depended on that. He closed his arms together as his wings closed in on him. Light began to radiate off of every part of his body except for one hand. His wings burst open to reveal his own bright blue eyes, showing that he too was ready for his final attack.

    The stared down at each other for what felt like hours, although it was merely seconds. And then, with no more words said, the two charged each at full speed and strength, both putting everything into their final attack. They finally collided and a bright light burst throughout the castle as a result, the light slowly began to turn into a gray fog.

    The fog very slowly began to fade. What could be seen so far was Jordan, no longer in his limit form, holding something high and smiling. "The x-Blade...finally," he whispered. It took him a few seconds to realize that what he was holding wasn't the x-Blade, but his own weapon. As the fog began to clear even more, a near unconscious Cole, also not in his limit form, laid before him. Jordan now became infuriated with this result and slammed his Keyblade through the floor. He lifted cole up by his collar and screamed, "WE SHOULD BE OF EQUAL POWER! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!"

    Cole weakly chuckled out, "Two days ago....this lady....told me....to win....I needed.....a little.....darkness...." Cole smiled as he looked at his hand and shook it, getting rid of the small amount of darkness he had. "Looks like.....there was....an unequal....balance...." And with that, he slowly began to pass out

    Jordan growled loudly and threw Cole to the ground. "You son of a bitch," he growled, picking up his Keyblade. He lifted it high in the air and was prepared to kill Cole.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia remained where he stood, rubbing Angel's back as he watched the battle below. He knew Jordan could sense him, but he cared little about Jordan. "Hush, Angel... Sleep. The heroes will regret the day they crossed Marluxia... No... Lumaria and his family. Soon... We will take our revenge." As he spoke, a deep darkness surrounded him, and soon spread to Angel as well. "I told your father that I'd try his way... but no more. We do this the right way... we this OUR way. Are you with me, Angel?"

    Deimos grunted, he wouldn't be able to last much longer, but he raised his voice to get Violet's attention, "Vio... If... you have... a plan... now... would be... a great time... to unveil it..." Frowning, he weakly pointed towards where Jordan and Cole had gone, not even sure if he'd been seeing things or not.

    "...Hurry up... Virgil... Selena..."
  4. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac carried the keyblade warrior down to the main hall, and walked over to the giant door. Luckily he had kept it slightly open. He used his leg to push the door open, and carried the keyblade warrior and himself towards the gate,

    "I sure hope Selena and Virgil are still alive by the time I get back..." Zac said to himself. He looked out beyond the gate and saw the portal. It was slightly smaller though... Oh no... He started to pick up his pace and ran towards the portal, running through the gate that was wide open.
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil nodded as his Black Star was now active. " yea yea i'm fine i'm alright its just a wound, it will heal. " Virgil's arm was actually more internally damaged than he cared to let on. he actually was almost unable to raise his left arm completely. It didnt seem like permanent damage but enough to stop him from attacking at 100%." Ok lets to this. " rushing forward he jumped and evaded the tendrils of the snake. " SSSSileince foollss! it spat out a acid like substance which Virgil quickly blocked with his right keyblade. " Sliding underneath it he stabbed both keyblades inside of it and preceded to attack with a flurry of swings each causing more damage than the next. " His power output was incredible The snake was more so focused on Slaying Virgil that it paid selena close to no attention for the moment. " Selena now!!" He yelled as he tossed one keyblade into the air " Blizzaga!!" With a open palm freezing the tail of the beast so it would not be able to stop Selena with a counter attack.

    " As long as i have this power i will never loose and i will never let any harm come to th woman i love!!"
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena ran forward jumping throwing her two keyblades down before grabbing Virgil and causing the final blow. She landed down on the ground as her drive form disappeared and she walked over picking up her keyblade.

    "I still go on and survive, you've merely killed me within you, but I shall migrate..." Selena looked at the serpent as it spoke with its dying voice before disappearing.

    "Wait!" Selena exclaimed angrily before turning into black smoke rushing at Virgil also forcing him out of Selena's heart.

    Sky was watching the two sleeping masters before noticing something come over Virgil, the darkness.

    "Virgil!" Sky exclaimed before remembering what Violet said. Sky quickly tore the couple apart and laid his hand over Selena's heart and head as his body began to smoke in darkness.

    Selena began to open her eyes and looked up at Sky eyes wide.

    "Sky!" Selena exclaimed.

    "Hello, Master Selena." Sky said smiling while still absorbing the darkness before pulling away and standing up. Selena quickly stood up.

    "Virgil! It's in Sky!" Selena exclaimed.

    "It was either me or Virgil, the darkness it's a parasite that doesn't die, it just goes from one host to the next. I couldn't let Virgil do it and leave you devastated with nothing you can do but reabsorb it." Sky said.

    "I can do that Sky, I can handle it now." Selena stepped forward.

    "No, this will all just happen again, plus Violet says I have so much light I can handle it and take it to the void."

    "That means you go to the void." Selena said.

    "Yes, I know, I'll be fine, I had a good master who taught me how to survive." Sky said. "I just have one more request, I need a portal to the void." Sky said as Selena looked over at Virgil.
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Wait what!" He said as he was thrown out of her heart. His body smoked with a black mist. Opening his eyes the black aura had dissolved. Awaking his body felt weak he gave Selena a majorty of his energy as well as sustaning the link inside her for so long. " Sky...why are you....." He shook his head his long hair draping over his eyes. " You didnt have to take it....i would have glady taken the curse from Selena.....its my duty."
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "No it's not your duty! It's none of your duty. It's mine!" Selena exclaimed angrily.

    "Can somebody get a portal, please!" Sky exclaimed angrily fighting with the darkness that has just moved within his own heart.

    "Sky, let me take the darkness back!" Selena exclaimed angrily.

    "Virgil, can I have a portal?" Sky asked.
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil stood up to his feet standing in front of Selena blocking her from reaching Sky" Selena...you have to accept that this is his way. We all make our own paths in life we chose our own. " He opend his palm creating a dark pulsating portal leading to the void. " I've been in this world during my worst days....I have faith you will overcome this Sky.."

    Glancing his eye over at the lifeless body of Ashley a small tear rolled down his cheek. The fight was still not over not yet. " raising his head up so that no one would see him cry. " It was for the best...I see Deimos is not yet dead....i should go make ammends.."
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Sky looked up at Virgil and nodded. He nodded his head.

    "Till we meet again then." He said as he walked over to the portal feeling the darkness rushing out at him. He looked deep within the portal before glancing back at Selena and Virgil.

    "I will make you proud, Master Selena." Selena looked at him and nodded her head.

    "Yes, I know you will." She told him smiling.

    Angel looked up at him, she wanted to argue against him say he was wrong, but she couldn't. She could only think about her dead child and he was right. He was absolutely right. She would need to heal from her recent combat but she was certain she would no longer be the same Angel she was. She'd be stronger, ruthless, and heartless. She would get what she wanted, when she wanted it.

    Selena watched as Sky stepped into the portal and the portal closed. She looked at Virgil.

    "Virgil..." She looked up at him before hearing the loud crash and she turned her head sharply.

    "The war's not over..." She whispered. She leaned up and kissed him, "It's time to end it though."

    Violet watched a bit horrified.

    "Jordan, no!" She shouted when suddenly there was a blur and something stopped Jordan's attack before making contact with Cole. Selena stood there keyblade blocking his attack.

    She was no longer dark and as for darkness in her, she wasn't back to her childhood heart of pure light it was split balance, a being of dawn. She looked up at Jordan with to him new but maybe from childhood, bright blue eyes, a sign of the light in the dawn.

    "Did you really think you could poison me with your darkness and use me as some sort of backup plan, make me into a serpent of darkness?" Selena asked breaking the attack to send Jordan back through the air.
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Virgil looked up as Selena joined the fight." I will join you soon. i know you can handle this now. we will end this and we will stop this senseless slaughter.." his body still a bit weakened he walked over to the Beaten bloody Deimos slouched against a wall. Virgil let out a deep sigh and crouched down meeting eye level with his ex apprentice. " So...here we are huh.."
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac made it to the portal and jumped into the portal, with Darian on his back. The portal closed behind him, as he slid down across the floor. He placed Darian down and got up to see Selena and Virgil back on their feet but... what about Sky. He picked up Darian again and walked towards Virgil, "I guess Selena is back in rider, where is Sky?"
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos scoffed, "Yeah... Here we are..." He frowned as Zac showed up, but he got his last laugh as he kicked Zac and his luggage through a portal to Traverse Town, closing it shortly after. "Hahahah... ow. Marluxia and Angel fled after she miscarried... I guess Darian lost after that. I had no... idea... the girl was pregnant..." He chuckled, before coughing heavily, "Ow... Anyway... Remember... back when you created me? You made the gauntlet... but it needed a power source... so you... gave me a limitless supply of power... through my heart... because you weren't ready for it's power..."

    He paused to cough up blood, "I... think... you're ready... take the heart... ... . . . . . . Protect Selena. . ." Deimos coughed violently, but he had a smile on his face as he extended his arms and called his keyblades. He painfully fused them into one massive keyblade, which he held out to Virgil, "It's... the Key of Chaos... it's the only thing that can release the heart... Do it... Virgil..."
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "SHIIIIEEEEEEEEETTTTT!" Zac exclaimed as he was kicked back into the portal with Darian. He found himself in Traverse town and in District Two to be exact. He placed Darian down and looked around the District, "Still empty... Still freakish..." Zac said. He looked around the place and saw Darian on the ground, "Wow... All of that and you haven't woken up?! Jeez you like to sleep huh?"
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan went flying into the air and crashed into the wall hard. He had exerted most of his power in his battle with Cole and barely had anything left. He was slow to get up and began stumbling around a bit. "You fucking bitch," he shkuted at Selena, spitting out blood, "I don't even know what you're talking about!" He summoned his weaker Keyblade, that being all he could do, and walked towards Selena. "But...if you're gonna try and stop me from doing what I have to, then I'll just knock your ass down and out of my way!" He raised his Keyblade, ready to strike Selena.

    Cole stared up at him and whistled.

    Jordan looked over at Cole only for a blast of pure, concentrated light to hit Jordan hard on his right side of his face. Jordan dropped his Keyblade and grabbed his face in agonizing pain. The light was felt like fire on his cheek and the pain was unbearable. He screamed and screamed, shouting, "GOD DAMN YOU FUCKING BASTARD! IT BURNS! AHHHHH!" He stumbled to the ground and finally let go of his face to see his hands covered in blood, his face also dripping heavy amounts of blood onto the ground.

    Cole struggled to get to his feet but when he finally managed to he whispered to Selena, "He's all yours....try not to lose yourself." He slowly began to limp away, at least so he was far enough that he could watch but not be caught in any crossfire that was to come.

    As Jordan stared at his own blood in fear and humiliation, a boy in black limped over behind Jordan. He held up his Keyblade against Selena, showing that he'd still remain loyal. Eight more students weakly made their way over to defend Jordan, even though they knew they'd be no match. "We....we will protect Master Jordan....no matter what," when boy said before coughing.
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena smirked.

    "Of course, I wasn't talking to you Jordan. I was talking to the pure darkness that has made home in your heart." Selena said and she glanced at all the students.

    "And really, your students you've ignored are who you're using to defend you? I thought when my apprentice defeated most of them you'd figure out your little army is useless, so what you're sending them after the Master of Dawn? Really?" Selena shook her head.

    "Thought you were better than this." She said before her body burst with dawn shooting the apprentices back. "Oh by the way got my powers back, thanks for asking."

    "Now then, Jordan, you know full well who I am. We grew up together, I was the tough kid in Twilight Town, who had her big brother to back her. Now however what you didn't know was I was also a keyblade master, which then you can figure out from there I'm definitely no push over. Now then send out your darkness, I want to have a talk with them." She told him walking closer to him.
  17. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan didn't move an inch. The blood on the ground was tantalizing. He was slowly realized that he had failed and that he had no other option but to...

    "...no....you don't get it," grunted the apprentice who had spoken before. He used his Keyblade to pick himself up and tried his best to stand tall. He pulled down his hood to reveal a green haired boy who was no older than 14, with dim yellow eyes. "We're not doing it because it's our duty. We're doing it because we're loyal to the man that has given us a home. To the man who has cared for us all these months. To the man I can call....friend and master."

    Jordan shot him a look which the green haired boy did not catch.

    "The others...they're all afraid. That's why we're the only ones left. The only ones who are either dumb enough or loyal enough to stay by their savior. He saved me from being prosecuted by the light. He even, at MY request, allowed my world to live. He's merciful and kind...why can't you-"

    Jordan grabbed the boy's arm, feeling a tear drip onto his hand. "Go."

    The boy wiped away a tear and replied, "But-"

    "Go," protested Jordan. He struggled standing up but managed and smiled at the boy, blood covering an entire side of his face and even some on his lip. "Get out of here Jason. A master never wants his students to see him fail. And seeing where the loyalty of others here stands-" he glanced back at Violet before looking back at his young apprentice, "I think this is my last stand. You've grown though...you'll be fine." He laid a hand on the boy's forehead and healed him. He then waved his hands at the others, healing them as well. He fell to his knees out of fatigue, but refused the boy's help up. "Jason...go."

    Jason looked at Jordan and fought back tears as he led the other boys out of the castle.

    Jordan panted for a few seconds before standing up and facing Selena. He revealed his ugly face and smiled. "And what exactly is it that you plan to do to It if I do let it out?"
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Jordan it's taken a while, but I know what you did for those boys, what you did for your girl friend, is the same you've done for me all my life, the reason why I hid I had a keyblade, hid I was a keyblade master, because I'd like to see my hero, my big brother. But something has awaken within you persuading your decisions until you see those who are helpless because that's when the real you comes out. I want to get the real you back in complete control and to get the darkness to quit manipulating to do other things." Selena told him.

    "I want to put an end to it, because I want you back in complete control, you're in control now, but not complete control, and one day like what almost occurred to me you'll no longer be in control."
  19. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan snickered and shook his head. "You still think I've lost myself, huh? You're just...you're just so damn ignorant! If only you could just leave me be! It's almost as if you DO want me to lose control!" He held his forehead, not wanting his anger to get to him. He took a deep breath and opened his arms out wide. "But if you do want to get rid of the Darkness, well, you'll have to kill me first."

    Cole looked at his friend in shock and whispered, "Jordan...no."

    Darian slowly began to open his eyes and looked up at Zac. "Wha...what happened?"
  20. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Pink haired dude kicked your ass, I saved your life, they disappeared, and Deimos judo kicked me and you into a portal back into Traverse Town," Zac said as he helped Darian up, "You were knocked around a lot when I was carrying you. How could not wake up? Especially when we were shoved into a portal,"

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