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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos' body rose again, looking towards Jordan. Perhaps having some sort of memory of servitude, or perhaps even something registered in the slowly degenerating brain of the former friend, the body limped forward towards Jordan and upon reaching him grasped his shoulders firmly. Even in death, Deimos was Jordan's friend, and he would join him, wherever they were sent. "... ... ... You're... my... friend... I'll... stay... by your side... Jordan." It took alot of effort to utter out the words but the heartless puppet smiled at being able to speak its mind freely now.

    Looking up at Virgil though, the smile faded, though only slightly, "Good...Bye... Father..." His grip firm enough to hold his body to Jordan no matter what, Deimos' eyes glazed over, but the smile remained.

    Marluxia snarled at the scene, turning to the cloaked man issuing commands, he whispered, "Stay out of my way. We will take vengeance on those heroes, and we will do it... alone!" With that being said, the pink haired man disappeared alongside Angel, returning to his castle.
  2. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    The heartless walked up beside Virgil and saw Selena finish off Jordan. He saw the keyblade, and was both nervous and amazed. As a heartless, he feared the blade the woman wielded, but his remaining humanity was in awe with the blade. He looked up at Viegil with a curious face and then looked at Selena with the blade in her hand.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena shook her head.

    "I'm sorry I couldn't get to you earlier, I'm sorry I couldn't have actually saved you." Selena said tears falling down her face as the keyblade disappeared.

    Violet stood there also crying. It was over now and instead of the monster she was beginning to see be born, instead stood there the man she fell in love with, dying.

    "Oh Jordan..." She whispered sadly watching the brother and sister interact, how long she wondered has it been since the two saw each other as what they used to see each other.
  4. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    As the Keyblade disappeared, Jordan fell onto Selena, his chin lying on her shoulder. He gave a weak laugh and even joked, "H...hey....you're...a big girl now....you don't need me..." He laid on her for a few seconds before managing to stand on his own power, black smoke coming off of his entire body. He looked at Deimos and smirked, knowing that he'd have at least one friend in the Void. He looked at Violet one more time, wanting to say something. It was at that moment, he completely blacked out, falling backwards, and disappearing into black smoke, that faded away slowly.

    Cole stared at where his friend once was, wiping tears from his face. "He's...gone."

    Darian was prepared to respond to Zac until he felt something....different. He looked up into the sky and gasped. "Is that.....wa that..."

    "Yes. Dead and gone now," boasted the hooded man. Very quickly, almost immediately following, the other five men appeared at his sides. "I would suggest that you all grow up and put away your emotions. Emotions merely interfere in one's decision making, and can lead to unnecessary casualties. Very rarely do such decisions end well. You all were just lucky...this time."

    Cole was infuriated and shot a large beam of light at the man.

    The man, not moving an inch, stopped the beam and kept it in front of him, inches away from his face. "Such as that." The beam began to grow larger and blacker before finally it turned and was aimed at Cole's direction. The beam fired straight towards him, only to be stopped, centimeters away from Cole's face, before going straight up through the roof.

    Cole stood in shock as to how powerful this man truly was. Not even Jordan showed such feat.
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "What?" Zac asked Darian. He then decided to look up to see what was going on. He pulled out his keyblade just incase, figuring that as long as he was with these people stuff was bound to happen. He looked towards the sky and was shocked, but didnt gasp, "What is that?" Zac asked Darian,
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Kingdom Hearts Music- Dive Into the Heart - YouTube

    Violet like Cole was angry and attacked shooting blasts of darkness before Selena quickly reacted stopping the attack. Violet stared at Selena in shock.

    "Cole, Violet stand down." Selena stated stepping towards the men. Violet went to protest before Selena glared over at her. She was angry at the men and her faced scowled at them but she didn't do anything reckless.

    "I believe answers are due now, Who are you? You once boasted in the side of darkness yet you controlled that light Cole attacked with and wanted the darkness controlling Jordan defeated when before you didn't want it that way? Answer me, now." Selena stated boldly staring at them prepared to react for anything but she didn't show this and she wouldn't attack unless she had to, and she definitely wouldn't do anything reckless.
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "An impressive feat i must say...." Virgil seemed to be unphased by the cloked figures display of power. As much of a hothead as Virgil was he would wait for Selena's cue before he did anything impulsive. Jordan was gone now and not even minuites after a new threat appeared. Virgil walked a few paces forward standing next to Selena. His heyblade still slung onto his shoulder. clinching his fist he mumbled under his breath. " This just never ends does it...."

    Virgil looked towards the main man in front and shot a cocky glare at him. in hopes of bating out some sort of response. introductions were now in order.
  8. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    The man chuckled and replied, "Control the light? Please. It was a pathetic excuse of an attack. A child, such as yourself, could have deflected it. As I've said before, our names and intentions are irrelevant and will reveal themselves to you in time. Jordan's death, I will say, was just a part of the plan."

    The other men looked up at him, as if they had not previously known about this previous bit of information.

    "Now-" He pointed a finger at Selena and a portal appeared in front of her. "-leave."
  9. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will slowly exited the portal, a new air about him as he strode next to Xaldin, not as a servant, but more as an equal. "It is done my friend. Now, I feel that he has exited this world... Sad that he couldn't of lived and repented from the evil." He breathed, eyeing Xaldin with trepidation as he said his next words. "I want to know what we are planning. What we are going to do when the heroes come for us, since we know that time will come soon enough. I need to be ready in case my... friends..." He breathed, words feeling kind of strange now that they had meaning to him again. "I need to know if I will be the one fighting them." He turned towards Xaldin and finished his sentence. "I want to know as an equal."
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena didn't move at all.

    "I'm sorry but I don't listen to people I don't know or trust. So you're going to give me answers, now, before I go anywhere." Selena spoke crossing her arms awaiting an answer to her previous question. She stared hard at him but noticed the one who looked at the leadè confused as if what the leader was saying was not quite correct high meant she definitely wanted answers.
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin smirked, "Patience Will. My servants have told me interesting news about Marluxia. If he can destroy the heroes, then that's fine. But until then... we stay here in the castle. Jordan is dead and now I must go collect my payment. Come, Xemnas and the others have probably already got there."

    Behind Selena and Virgil, eleven dark portals opened, revealing Organization XIII. Xaldin spoke first, "Selena, I apologize I was unable to help you save your brother, however, I think it would be best if you left these men in our hands. Last time we fought, they fled like cowards. I'm sure Axel will give you any information we learn from them, if any. What say you, Selena, Virgil?"

    Axel merely looked on, his hand on Saix's shoulder as he whispered, "Isa... Where's Luxia?"
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil shook his head in disagreement. " I'm not gong anywhere unless Selena is ready to leave. i havent barely tapped into my potential. These egotistical pricks are starting to annoy me to be honest. " Pointing his keyblade toards them he started to speak." We demand answers now....take your choice we can do this the easy way..or we can do this my way."
  13. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    The leader of the group snickered and replied, "You all are a stubborn bunch. Fine. Have it your way. I merely tried to warn you ahead of time." He looked at Xaldin and said, "Your Organization means nothing to us. It is an inferior league of useless shells. Also, if you were looking for....something else, you won't find it immediately." He turned his attention to Violet now and said, "I'd suggest that you claim your belongings or anything else valuable." He pointed to her room and then Jordan's room. As he finished speaking, the castle began to shake violently, parts of the ceiling began to fall. He looked up and around before saying out loud, "I believe you all have at least 6 minutes left." The others left, besides one, leaving the leader alone with the shorter one of the group. The two then began to land on the ground and walked into Jordan's room.

    Cole grunted and wanted to chase them but decided against it. He looked at Selena and said, "I say we go. But...I'll stay if you need me. I'm a little banged up, but I'll manage." He smiled at Selena.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Tsk! Cowards self righteous pricks..." Virgil casually slapped away bits of rocks and rubble as they fell around him and around Selena. " Selena we won't get any answers out of them at this rate we should regroup back regain ourselves and figure out a plan to move on from here. " He nudged her with his elbow to get her attention. Time seemd to be standing still as he looked at her. " I know your pain...to loose someone you cared for deeply but he is gone now. despite it being planed or not we need to go. ..."

    Virgil opend his palm creating a portal that lead out to a open field of grass just outside of Traverse town. " Everyone!! Its time to go!"
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena stared onward at where they once stood. She watched as the leader and the shorter one began to walk away. Something seemed different though, something about the shorter one, it seemed different. She felt Virgil nudge her elbow she didn't look away.

    It took her a good minute before she nodded.

    Violet looked at the men and shook her head before glancing at Selena who seemed to be giving up hope.

    "It's not ending like this. I'm going after them, even if I die trying, it'll reunite me with Jordan." Violet said as Selena looked over at her a bit shock but taken aback by the determination Violet showed.

    "She's a lot like you, Virgil." Selena whispered before nodding. "I hope you well though, I'd like to get to know you better, myself, the practically sister in law." Selena said as Violet nodded and ran off after the two men.

    Selena looked at Virgil then at the others and back at the Organization.

    "Don't you have other things to busy yourselves with, I mean after all one of you caused what happened today." Selena said before walking into the portal ending up in the field where she walked further ahead, away from Traverse Town and stopped a short distance looking up in the sky as she noticed something peculiar, but she waited for the others.

    Violet walked into Jordan's room summoning her own keyblade she received from Jordan.

    "Who are you, you have the right to tell the widow of the dark king." Violet spoke angrily.
  16. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole watched as Violet ran off and reluctantly followed Selena through.

    The leader began to rummage through a trunk that sat at the foot of Jordan's bed but to no avail. He looked up, noticing Violet and gestured for the boy to deal with her.

    The boy nodded and looked at Violet. "I'd suggest you put that away. Someone could end up hurt."

    "Nicely," the leader said to the boy as he continued rummaging.

    "Put the weapon away....please," the boy barely managed to get out.

    The leader finally gave up on that location before eyeing what looked like a jewelry box of sort on Jordan's dresser. "There, perhaps," he whispered to himself.
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "What are you doing?! You have no right to be here. Tell me who you are, as the child of the realm of darkness, I demand answers. And don't threaten me, I don't do nicely to threats, don't forget I was Jordan's lover for a reason." Violet spoke firmly before moving her hand and blasting energy at the dark leader.

    "Now answer the question."
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    The leader didn't budge as the blasts hit him, as he grew more irritated then anything else. He placed his hand on the box, the box radiating with darkness as he did this, and opened it. Sitting on top of most of the other things was a photo. He picked it up and examined it for a few seconds. "This is the one." The photo was a picture Jordan had around the time he and Violet began to romantically get closer. He made a copy of it in his hand and put one photo in his pocket.

    "Are we good now," the boy asked, arms folded.

    "Yes. My apologies." He glanced at Violet and gave her the photo. "I believe this is yours. Do try not to lose it." He turned back to the boy and nodded as the two opened up a black and red portal, slowly beginning to walk into it and disappear
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil said no words as he turned his back to what he saw as a new threat. ' This isnt over..." he muttered under his breath as he released his keyblade from his grip. it falling into magical particles that faded into the wind. Walking through the portal he saw Selena a bit further in the distance. His Katana materialized in his hand which he placed onto his waist as its usual place was.

    Gently placing his hand onto her shoulder he whispered. " Its ok for now..its all over."
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena turned and looked back at Cole and Virgil.

    "What now then?" Selena asked looking at her two friends. "I want to find out some more info and do some traveling." She said unsure what to do.

    "What are you doing?" Violet asked taking the photo and clutching it. She watched them walk away she quickly followed after them.

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