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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos sighed and whispered to Jordan before a portal opened, "Pinky's here."

    Marluxia frowned, "You do not wish to see your friends again? ...If that is your wish, then I shall go alone. It won't take long, get some sleep. I'll be back soon..." He kissed her lightly before opening a portal to Traverse Town, and appearing behind Jordan. "Jordan, I am here early because I fear if I didn't, I'd never make it." He chuckled, "Go ahead and do whatever, once you're ready, I'll follow."

    Axel pouted, "Aww Saïx! Be faux happy then... Oh... we have to go soon. It's nearly 2:00. The Superior told us to go to Traverse Town at 2:00 right...?"
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Before Deimos had said something, Jordan sighed, having felt Marluxia's presence. "What is it Marluxia? The battle isn't for another two hours. I thought you'd be with your wife right now," Jordan said, not looking at Marluxia. His eyes were busy staring at something else. His sister who appeared to be dining with Virgil. He took a step back, although he was already unseen, so he could take his eyes off of her. He shook his head and looked at Deimos. "I may need you Deimos. I'm a ghost in this jacket, but should that man down there, dining with that girl, starts to get suspicious, tell ME. Got it," he asked in a hushed voice. He turned back to look at Selena and closed his eyes.

    "Selena.....the alley....please," spoke Jordan, telepathically to his sister. Jordan himself could not speak telepathically, but it was more of a brother sister thing that he instinctively knew would work.

    Saix was about to reply to Axel's comment until a hooded man entered the room. "Humph, 3:00 Axel. I say, you are quite a forgetful one. Oh but what else is there to expect from someone who's mind is that of a child," the man said. Saix glanced over at the man and groaned. "What is it Vexen," he asked, irritated.

    Vexen chuckled and removed his hood to reveal his face and blonde hair. "Oh, to lead this mission of course. Xemnas believed that you two alone could not handle this mission without getting involved or wandering off as usual. So I'm here to manage you two, and for a mission of my own." Vexen chuckled at his own comment. Saix wanted to protest but instead did not. He looked at Vexen with a frown and asked, "And what kind of mission is that?" Vexen stopped chuckling and looked at Saix with a serious expression.

    "Let's just say some old work that needs to be studied more in-depth."
  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    The cute maid came running out from the Cafe bringing Virgil his burger meal. When she got close to him she started to blush and turn a bright pink in the face. " Thanks for the meal" he said while still looking at Selena. he handed the girl a small pouch of munny. " Than....thanks" she said flustered.

    " haha you ok miss?" He said looking back at her. her body was stunning he had only just noticed. her chest were filled out and her entire body itself was something only a fool would miss. " You....Your vv..Virgil Lancaster right..?"

    " He nodded his head in agreement to the girls words. " Yea thats me why whats up" . She hesitated for a minute and hugged him tight. " i just want to thank you for being our protector !" she kissed him on the cheek and pranced back to the cafe.

    He sat there for a moment confused but smiled slightly " haha your welcome!" he looked at his food and started to eat instead of selena he thought she may have just gotten a tad angry that some other girl was over him." You don't have anything to worry about Selena We will get Jordan back. but i can't exactly promise what means i will and wont use in the process."
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos peeked down at who Jordan was so nervous about and his eyes widened, "Virgil?!" He growled, as Marluxia summoned a nobody to allow the boy to relieve his anger. "He's alive? He left me to... Rargh... Lord Jordan... can we get this over with, quickly. I'd rather not stay here longer then neccessry..."

    Axel groaned, "He sent YOU of all people? Awww man.... Let's just get this over with..."
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena saw the maid appeared. She could feel her blood boil some but she of orde it, she especially ignored it.

    'Jordan?' Selena looked around and listened to Virgil. She finished her coffee standing up.

    "I guess so, but I'd rather it be me to bring him back." Selena told him. "Hey I'll see ya tomorrow, alright? I'm doing my own personal training tonight." in others words it meant she wanted to be alone.

    She started making her way towards the alley where she heard Jordan tell her to go.

    Angel nodded her head, "I never minded."
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    She got up and left so quickly. " Err....ok then i guess...i'll just see you later?" It somewhat irritated him that she went off on her lonesome but the way she chose her words bluntly said " leave me alone" and Virgil could take the hint. He finished his meal reletivly fast and stood up sliding the chair back under the table. Taking a look into the darkness arond the bend it was almost as if he was staring someone directly into the eyes. " Nice to see you to" he said in a somber tone and walked off with Katana in one hand and the other stiff into his pocket.

    He went outside the city a bit to a open field of grass. " Release!" he said and both his eyes spiraled into the Black star. The power was literally oozing off of him you could feel the dark and light aura's mixing. " It has become apparent to me that i'm in store for more than even i thought. Practice...is indeed in order. " He said to himself in a calm tone of voice.

    Holding the blade in front of him he slowly slid it from its sheathe. The black blade gleaming in the Moons Gaze. He placed a hand on the blade staring at it with both eyes in form. " This technique is stil unfinished.." Throughout the remainder of the night he trained outside in secret. or so he thought
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos watched Virgil leave, Nice to see you too... "Jordan, I'll keep Virgil distracted so you can speak with Selena." He vanished into darkness, appearing behind Virgil with a clang. "I see you haven't changed much... Virgil..." He whispered as he watched the man train in his black star mode. He noticed that Ashley was not around, "Hmph... she must of gotten what she deserved." Deimos cracked his gauntlet hand, and slammed his summoned keyblades into the ground so Virgil wouldn't attack him.
  8. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Arashi for the fun of it, had followed Virgil and Selena to the restaurant and spied on them while they ate, it was one of the things he did to pass time. After Selena left he ordered a burger and ate it as he tailed Virgil before he was attacked by Deimos.

    "Virgil !!!! Watch out !!!" yelled Arashi as he jumped from his hiding spot a shot at Deimos, leaving a single bullet in the magazine.
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "Virgil !!!! Watch out !!!"

    "Ehh!!" Virgil said in confusion as he turned to both individuals. " Arashi don't you know its not polite to spy on others. " Virgil slammed the blade into the grassy waves. resting his elbow on it lazily looking about. " Deimos you stand before me now for what reasons exactly? Years ago i gave you a task and you couldn't even fulfill that yet here you are standing at me with keyblades at the ready. Of which i gave to you. "

    Kicking the blade from the ground it spun about in the air until Virgil caught it swiftly. " Without a heart one can not weild a keyblade. Without a strong will one can not harness its power, and yet you have one because i made it so." Virgil pointed the blade at His former companion. " I know your both here. did you think i'd forget that foul stench of darkness that that boy leaves in his wake. And if you think your going to keep me away from Selena you have things gravely misunderstood. Arashi is my Underling and to get to me you have to first get through him..."
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos caught the bullet with his gauntlet and crushed it. Lifting his keyblade he shot a beam of light and dark which created a barrier around Arashi, though it wouldn't last long. "I did not fail. I was betrayed. Ashley turned on me and attempted to destroy me. I was abandoned, and left for dead. You were supposed to help me grow! You left me!" Deimos pointed his gloved hand at Virgil, "If I fought you now you'd destroy me... Reactivate my gauntlet's powers and I'll give you the fight you always wanted."
  11. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    "W-wait... so you accepted me as your apprentice... KICK ASS !!!" Arashi said breaking the barrier easily by using two firaga spells at close range.

    As he landed on the ground he summoned one kyblade and brought the gun up to his temple and took the saftey off, "You heard the man, me first and if you can manage that... him second." Arashi said as he pulled the trigger and sent a bullet into his head.
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Foolishness why would i return to you , power that you yourself wasted. Ashley did no such thing. She was my....." He paused for a second." But at this point it doesnt even matter anymore. Im curious now. Arashi kick his ass. But be careful...he houses similar powers to mine he is no slouch.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos glared at Arashi, "Oh right, your hidden power." He appeared above the boy and slammed his gloved fist into the boy's face, the power of his gauntlet, combined with the power behind the punch, knocked the boy out, undoubtably. "You leave yourself wide open for a few seconds before it kicks in. Big mistake." Turning back to Virgil he scoffed, "You took this joke on as your apprentice? He's weak, and he leaves so many openings. Pathetic..."
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Get away from the boy...." Virgil said in main concern of arashi's health. What arashi did not know what that, the arm of Deimos was imbued with the power to create and destroy matter. A power that Virgil had gifted him with many years ago. " Very well then i'll be your opponent. " He spun his blade into a fighting position. " Stand away from him now!"
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos laughed, "You created me to protect, and yet, those I was built to protect, betrayed me. I don't stand a chance against you..." He raised his gloved hand and pushed the small jewel in the center of the back of the hand. "Release." Deimos' gauntlet glowed a bright red and gold, covering Deimos. When the light faded, Deimos was fully armored, he raised his head and opened his eyes, which had become black crosses. "I'll never forgive you... Master..."
  16. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    "N-no... it's my responsibility to protect my master... said Arashi as he used his weapon to stand himself up, he slowly crept over to where Deimos was and reloaded his weapon trying to get a clear shot at his enemy.

    "I don't need Dead Mode to kill you..." he said shooting at Deimos' head.
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The bullet bounced harmlessly off Deimos' helm as he turned to face the young boy. "Foolish boy... you should have stayed down." He grabbed the boy by the throat, lifting him up in the air, "Begone..." Deimos threw the boy into the air and when he began to fall, he punched him, sending him flying into Virgil. "You are to weak to defeat me boy." Turning his attention back to Virgil he scowled, "Give me a good fight master."
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan jumped down behind Selena and cracked his neck. He walked up a bit, but made sure there was a bit of distance. He cleared his throat and smiled. "Hello there little sis. Miss me," he asked, his old cockiness kicking in. He pulled down his hood, power still hidden, and brushed the red piece of hair that covered his right eye out of the way.

    Vexen wagged a finger at Axel and shook his head. "Ah, ah, ah! We shall leave accordingly to our schedule Axel. Trust me, we'll be just on time."
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Arashi!" He caught him and held him tight. " Rest now and leave the rest to me.." He said as he sat arashi on the grass next to him. Waving his hand downward he placed a aura around Arashi. " Good luck breaking that one Deimos.." He lunged the blade forward so swiftly the air itself moved from the force. " You fully know how crazy i can indeed become. " He stepped forward activating his ability. " Speed star.." He vanished with the wind and appeared behind Deimos. " First..." he whispered as he forcefully kicked Deimos in the back. but before he could counter attack Virgil vanished again.

    It seemed that Virgil was moving so fast that copies of himself were being created making i hard for Deimos to decipher which was the real one.
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos grunted, but his armor took most of the blow. 'To fast... maybe.' He lifted his gauntlet hand into the air, "Slow!" Deimos watched as the gauntlet emitted an aura around him, and he noticed that Virgil seemed to be slowed down, 'He's still fast, but I have an easier target' "Matter bomb!" Deimos slammed the gauntlet into the ground causing a massive explosion that would buy him a bit of time. "Damnit..." Deimos used the explosion as cover as he lunged at where Virgil was about to be, and connected.

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