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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil slid back gripping the ground wiping his mouth. " So were brawling are we?" He felt a odd sensation near Selena " Shit he found her. i have to wrap this up" He charged forward blade open tossing it into the right shoulder of Deimos jumping up and laying a kick into the hilt of the blade forcing it to break through the armor and peirce the arm. " Demon star" His body became that of a red aura and it mainly circulated around his fist. " Sliding to pass Deimos Virgil caught himself and threw a lunging punch into the same arm where the blade connected. " Good luck using your gauntlet arm now!"

    Virgil was attempting to temporarily injure him to stop his ability to attack for what he had planned next.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos laughed, "Did you forget already?" The area that was pierced by the blade slowly regenerated, allowing Deimos to move his hand enough for one of his desparation moves, a move Virgil gave Deimos, that can counteract the power of Virgil's lesser star powers. "Pentagram Blood Seal!" Pushing the pain aside for a moment Deimos placed his gauntlet hand onto Virgil, the blood from the wound that Virgil had inflicted on Deimos formed a pentagram on his and Deimos' chests. If Virgil moved, they'd both die.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    OOC- Can someone merge this post with my last please?

    IC- "You won't interfere with Lord Jordan's meeting, you won't move at all until I stop holding you, you gave me this skill, this power, in case you or Ashley lost control of your star abilities. You move, and the line that's keeping our hearts alive snaps, killing both of us."
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil was caught and ensnared in what seemed a inescapable Irony by something he created. " tch...Bastard" By my count you can't hold me for long especially not in your current state of power. That was ment to stop my power level so many years ago but I've long surpassed those limitations. " As he looked at Deimos he began to slowly increase his power. the black and white flames and energies began to envelop him. The more i enhance my energy the shorter you can keep me held down. and when i get free i'll punish you like you deserve."

    Virgil looked around the area scanning if any else was around. " Theres going to be an explosion real soon and i feel sorry for the poor fool thats caught in it." he said looking at Deimos with a menacing Grin.
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos was expecting this, "Hehehehehe... hahahahaha! You think that'll work? Look at your power Virgil, we share that power! My power is equal to yours as long as we're connected! That's why you gave me this failsafe, because no matter what happened I was to protect you and Ashley! You can't escape me!" The same aura that surrounded Virgil, began to surround Deimos except it was far more evil, and darkness filled. "I may have failed to protect you two, but I will protect Lord Jordan!!"
  6. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    "VIRGIL !!!" Arashi tried to break the shield but to no avail before he remembered that Deimos could no longer stop his ability, "I won't let him simply do as he pleases..." Arashi said as he shot himself in the head once again as his hair turned white and eyes turned green. Arashi then summoned his keyblades and easily slashed through the shield of Aura and walked up to Deimos pointing his pistol at the unprotected part Deimos' head

    "Checkmate." Arashi said in a cold voice.
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos chuckled, "Idiot, if I'm hurt at any time during this hold, then Virgil and I will both die! There is nothing you can do!" He laughed maniacally, still holding Virgil tightly, as his wounds finally healed completely. "Hmph, besides, this is our fight, not yours! So begone from here at once!" He said all of this, without taking his eyes off of Virgil at all.
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil began to laugh in almost a cocky manner" Your a hoot ya know that. did you really think i'd give you that type of full advantage over me. " Virgil busted into a intense fit of laughter. " Virgil reached forward with the strength of that comparable to a god. grabbing hold of his opponents neck and began to squeeze with such intensity forcing Deimos to start to loose consciousness. " Your foolishness will be the end of you" The area went black briefly and when the flash was over Virgil was standing by arashi " You looked into my eyes and that was your very first mistake. as for anything else between you and i i'll sever our ties now.

    To Deimos what he still saw was him holding Virgil captive but the reality was he was standing in the middle of the filed motionless and powerless. " You were careless and that was always your biggest problem. you were better off dead. " He placed his hand onto Deimos's chest " I release you from the bonds that ties us as one" He recited as a black line appeared that was wrapped around them both it severed and vanished into smoke. " You no longer harbor any of me within you Your power is now only your own. and from me you will receive nothing but death the next time we meet..." The only way Deimos could escape this was to realize he was caught and accept his fate. Virgil had in fact never moved and the moment Deimos grabbed him it was all an illusion..But even if he did escape he had lost all power connected to Virgil making him nearly powerless for the time bieng.

    Virgil's eye twitched as he walked away " Yea i may have used up a bit more power than i had expected to use but thats fine...i need to get to Selena." He grabbed Arashi and they both vanished into the wind.

    "Arashi for the next 10 minuites i'll need time to regenerate the power i just wasted on the piece of shit so i'll need you to watch my back for now." he said as they appeared back in the northern part of town.
  9. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley laid in her bed thinking of what Virgil had planned for her next. She then felt an immense power increase nearby. "Master...is everything okay?". Ashley rose from her bed and ran out the door to where she had felt the power increase. As she got close to Arashi and Virgil she put on her hood and stood next to Virgil. "Virgil...are you okay?". Ashley looked at Arashi's keyblade then summoned her Omega keyblade.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2012
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos realized after a few minutes he had been caught in Virgil's trap. "Damnit... very little power left now... Maybe" The boy lifted his gauntlet up and slowly, but effectively, began destroying the matter that fueled the illusion. After what felt like hours in the nightmare that was Virgil's devilish illusion, Deimos finally escaped. "Must warn... Jordan..." He attempted to move but collapsed, exhausted from overusing his powers.

    Marluxia hopped down landing next to Jordan, "Been a while... Selena."
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2012
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Jordan!" She exclaimed and turned around. She smiled but then frowned. His eyes showing the darkness his cloak tried to hide.

    "I do miss you, but, your darkness..." She frowned. "Jordan..."

    "So we will have to fight..." She said sounding very upset. Always a little hint of her wished that his darkness would have left him. She would be willing to accept it, just like Will's, she wouldnt even mind becoming a bit darker to allow Jordan darkness feed off of like Will's does. But Jordan feeds off of people's hearts and that she cannot accept, she just can't. People, her friends, and even herself are at danger then.
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    OOC: you can't use your gauntlet to escape that. unless you explain how. and considering that Virgil just disconnected you from the main power source you really don't have power to do anything but be trapped until jordan decides to come rescue you. just saying if it was that easy to escape something like that. they Virgil wouldnt be weakened right now and he would have finished you himself. Keep in mind the strength and fatigue of attacks is a factor in all battles.

    Virgil took a few deep breaths " Yea im fine Ashley. " He rested himself on her shoulder. " But i do appreciate the concern." He needed to find Selena and fast if it was one person he refused to trust her with it was her own brother. the irony in that made him almost disgusted. " Can't trust someone with there own sibling....this is ridiculous. Ashley Deimos has returned and most of a unsightly case he is so i'll need you to finish him for me. "

    He started to regain strength so he stood on his own but quickly leaned against the wall. " Ahhh...so i disconnected his heart from ours which means you are the only being left that is conected to me. i trust you are aware what this means. Im leaving that fool in your hands. But this time don't leave him for dead....Kill him." Virgil snapped his fingers and his katana re-appeared before him . " I don't know what happened all those years ago nor do i even care at this point. he says you left him to die but he aligned himself with jordan.....so for that he is unforgivable. "

    He pointed in the direction of selena who was not to far from him at this point. " I can smell his stench of darkness anywhere......it houses the darkness of Devlin the same i once use to bear. " he was coming to jordans location soon enough.
  13. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley looked at Virgil in disbelief when she had heard her brother was still alive. "Deimos, that no good creation is back...". "I thought he died back then. I thought he was destroyed in that battle, or at least disabled. I have to kill him, He has to leave this world from my hands....my brother." Ashley thought as she began to grow angry.

    "Virgil, why must I kill him, why not just re-create him make him better...Us three together are almost unsto- " Ashley paused as she had heard Virgil say that Deimos had joined Jordan.

    Darian had felt that Ashley had left but he hadn't until he felt a cool breeze come through the door. He then got up to close the door but he had felt something, A power he had never felt before in his life, much like Jordan's a mix of Virgil, it was faint. Darian walked out of the door put his hood over his head and proceeded towards the power. "It's Jordan...I know it is".
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    OOC: Jordan and the Darkness are actually hidden completely thanks to his coat, but whatever. I'll just go with it. Guess his secret source will have to make him a better and more efficient one

    Jordan cocked his head to one side, not entirely understanding Selena. "Fight? Heh, that's the last thing I want," he said smiling. He lifted his head upward and smirked. In his head he heard the hissing and growling of The Darkness.

    "Theeeey feeeel youu."
    "The old man liiied."

    Jordan shook his head. "Well, looks like this jacket doesn't work so well, huh," he asked Selena. Quickly, he threw his coat to the ground, evaporating into dust, and revealed his casual clothing. He let out a satisfied moan of pleasure and chuckled. "That coat was holding back my power anyway. Damn it feels good to get rid of it." Now that the coat was gone, Jordan's immense power could be felt to all those around. It was obvious he had been training intensely as not only was The Darkness and the smell of darkness much more powerful, but so was Jordan. He looked at Selena once more and shrugged. "I feel like you think I had a choice. The Darkness was forced upon me when I was much younger, I couldn't stop it. Besides, it's not like I can control what It eats I mean-" he cut himself off.

    He sniffed the air and chuckled. "Marluxia, retrieve Deimos and bring him to me. Seems that he ran into Virgil. Then I want you to go to my castle. Wake everyone," he said, only turning his head slightly at Marluxia.

    "Shit," the white haired boy exclaimed, waking up abruptly.

    'This power I feel...That's crazy,' he thought.

    He looked out the window and saw he was close to ten minutes away from landing in Traverse Town. "I know that power....I swear I do..."
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena shook her head.

    "You do have control over what it feeds, you just don't let it feed off of hearts. Will has something similar, so instead I feed William, his dark entity, my darkness. It works just fine, William may not enjoy it, but it doesn't feed off of people's hearts." Selena told him.

    "Hell even I had that darkness in similar strength and similarity, I was twelve and had Master Hishobi not come to help me, Id probably be standing in your shoes, but I forced it out of me, you can do the same, Jordan." Selena told him.

    'Virgil, I sense you're there, gather everybody up in the third district, I'm having a conversation with Jordan, trying to bring him back without violence.' Selena told Virgil telepathically.

    'Darian, go to the third district.' Selena then told Darian telepathically the same thing.

    "Jordan... We don't have to do this, but unless you stop feeding off of people's hearts, then I'll be forced to fight you. I have a duty as keyblade master, it's to teach people to be good, and Jordan you're not good unless you stop the feeding." Selena said her keyblade appearing in her hand unsure what would occur.

    Violet had awaken shortly after Jordan but waited and listened to him leave. She sat up in bed. She stood up and opened a portal to Traverse Town. She stood above the third district hidden completely, nobody could sense her nothing.

    All the trainees slept here, she knew this shed come watch some times. She looked and saw a boy stroll across the district keyblade in hand as he headed towards a door with a flame painted on it.

    Sky stopped watching looking around. There was an eerie feeling in the air plus a sense of suspense as if something bad were to happen. But that's not why he stopped. He felt like somebody was watching him, he felt nobody and when he looked around everywhere he saw nobody, but he definitely felt somebody watching him.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2012
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia raised an eyebrow. "Unlike your defective cloak, our Organization cloaks actually work. I can't even sense him... I'll awaken the castle, but you'll have to fetch your toy..." He paused briefly, "Actually... seems Virgil was sloppy. He left a slight scent. Ha." He opened a portal behind Selena and as he walked through he whispered, "She's awake..." He appeared behind Deimos' body and frowned, "Huh... you were a little less... armored when we first got here..." He shrugged and picked him up, tossing him gently through the portal and into Jordan. "Next stop... Jordan's castle." He opened a portal and disappeared.

    The pink haired Nobody appeared in Violet's room first, however, she had already left it seemed. "Hmmph... better for me..." He disappeared quickly, reappearing behind Zenaku, "You! Tall dark and angry. Be prepared for Jordan's call. It's nearly time..."

    Axel just sighed, "Whatever you say Old man winter."
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2012
  17. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan's face turned to that of anger and nearly blew up in his sisters face but controlled himself. "No. I can't. This is NOT," as he growled the word "not", he slammed his fist into the wall next to him. Had he been angry, it would have been a hole and not the huge crack that was there now. "You just don't get it! Feeding It darkness is pointless! It merely rejects it! Wouldn't you if you practically had an endless supply of darkness? Hearts are as pure as you get, besides light. Hearts of all category feed The Darkness. The purer the heart, the less feeding It has to do."

    He turned his back to his sister and sighed. "The Organization, Selena. They are the reason I am what I am. That's all I have to say." He began to walk off. "I refuse to fight you. I'm going to get my friend. I knew it was pointless talking to you." He swiped his hand and opened up a portal to Deimos.

    At the sight of him, Jordan bursted into laughter. "Holy shit dude! That's a badass look you got there," he said cheerfully to his unconscious friend. He put a hand on his back and began to use the shadows around them to heal Deimos. With this amount of darkness, Deimos would be healed to perfection and have a little extra power. "Wake up buddy, time for war."

    "How dare you speak to me that way you fireball freak," Vexen yelled at Axel. Saïx shook his head and replied on Axel's behalf, "You're the only one I see getting 'heated', so to speak." Vexen laughed falsely and replied, "Oh ha, ha, ha! Very funny. Get yourselves together, we're leaving out."
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena sighed.

    "I'm sorry it has come to this Jordan." Selena told him as he left through a portal. She now stood alone in the alley and sighed.

    "Devlin, what have you gotten us all into?" Selena asked aloud looking up at the night time sky.

    Violet stood up and soon left and found Deimos and Jordan She jumped down next to him.

    "Wll, how was the talk with your sister?" She asked shaking her head at the unconscious Deimos.

    Angel stood in the throne room of the castle. She stood alone feeling sad and just that alone.

    "Theyre going to fight huh?" She spoke aloud. Despite her being asleep for as long as she was she knew what was going on. She is a part of all her friends hearts and she knew what was going on.

    "If I can't have my whole group of friends... I shouldn't have any at all." She said as she walked over to a pool of water and looked into it seeing everybody.

    She then noticed Axel and Saix and smiled at them. "Nobodies or not, Lea and Isa have always stuck together, if only Selena and Jordan were the same." She spoke aloud as well before sighing and sitting down in the throne chair meant for her.

    "Lu... Why must you get in the middle of their fight?" She sighed.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos groaned and slowly got up, he looked around and growled, "I lost..." His armor retracted, returning to his gauntlet, he looked at Jordan and frowned, "If we are going to take on Virgil, I'll need more power. If my power exceeds his, I can kill him, if it doesn't, then I can't. My connection to Virgil was severed, therefore, he doesn't get any power from me, but I don't get any from him either. If we are to kill him, you and I must form a connection." He reached his gloved hand out and gave Jordan a serious look, "Touch the jewel on my gauntlet, then you must form a connection by focusing your power into my body, while I do the same." His body gave off a dark glow, signifying his focused power, "Let's do this shall we?"
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked at Deimos, giving an equally serious look. He brushed himself off and stood up. He closed his eyes for only seconds, but in his mind it was like several minutes. After finishing his thoughts, he opened his eyes and shook his head. "I can't do that. Like I've told The Darkness, my power is mine and mine alone. And if I were to even give you a bit of It's power you wouldn't survive It," he said sternly before looking at Violet. As much as he loved Violet, her comment still angered Jordan. Jordan's eyes flashed a quick red before he looked away and began walking towards the town. "I don't want to talk about it," he said low enough just for Violet to hear.

    He stood pefectly still for a moment to snap his fingers. A Neoshadow appeared before him, only to be sent away after Jordan gave an approving nod. The Neoshadow returned to the castle to find Zenaku and alarm him of Jordan's need for him.

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