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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. "You! Tall, dark and angry! Be prepared for Jordan's call! It's nearly time..."

    Tall? Zenaku thought as he looked over his shoulder at the pink-haired man. "I'm not that tall am I?" He said. Zenaku was still in the training room, with a number of knocked-out apprentices on the ground behind him. He recognized the pink-haired man as Marluxia, a nobody that had some connection to Jordan. "Too bad I didn't know it was tonight, or else I would have gotten some sleep. Ah well, if the Master bids that I come, I will be there. Now, where does he need me? I can use a dark corridor to appear there immediately."

    Just then, a Neo-shadow manifested itself next to Zenaku. It had a sense of urgency about it, and Zenaku immediately knew that Jordan had summoned it to call him. A rush of adrenaline ran through Zenaku, as he put his hand forward, crushing the Neo-shadow and absorbing the darkness.

    "Traverse Town," Zenaku said, opening a corridor of darkness and stepping through. The other end of the portal opened in a random area of the world, as was the nature of the corridors, but he could easily sense his Master's presence nearby. He rushed as fast as he could to Jordan, even using bursts of darkness to speed himself. When he finally made it to the alley, he saw not only Jordan, but Deimos and Violet as well. Ignoring his recent encounter with Deimos that didn't go so well, Zenaku put his fist over his heart and bowed low. "You needed me, Master?"
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2012
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos just shrugged, "Not likely, my heart isn't corruptable. You yourself even have a hard time keeping it down." He caught up to Jordan and turned him to face Deimos, "Listen up, your sister doesn't understand what you went through, but me, Zen, and Vio do. We've been with you all the way, and we'll be at your side in this fight." Deimos' eyes, for the first time in his life, shined with pride, and even a little happiness. "A warrior Never let's his back hit the ground, we stand tall for battle! You are a warrior, and you're my friend. We will make them understand our pain... your pain... Right... Brother?"
  3. "He's right," Zenaku said, hearing Deimos' inspiring speech. Without getting up from his bow, Zenaku continued: " You made me what I am, and I will not forget that. I owe you a debt that can never be repaid. I will follow you to the ends of this world and any others that you traverse. Our enemies, those festering beings of light, will all fall to the power of darkness."
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2012
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "You saved my life." Violet smiled at him. "Now I'll help you." Violet smiled

    "Well show them, well proove to them that youre not one to be taken lightly that you are who you are and your great at it." Violet smiled at him looking over at the other two.

    Selena slowly made her way towards the third district. Was what she was doing right, did she know what was good?
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan took a long look at the three before him. He had no idea that his apprentices were so loyal. 'No...not my apprentices...my friends,' he thought, correcting himself. He smiled at the group and gave them all an approving nod. He grabbed Deimos by his arm, making sure not to touch the gauntlet, and smiled. "That was one hell of a speech. From all of you," he said, at first to Deimos then to everyone else. He summoned his Keyblade and said to Deimos, "I still refuse to give you MY power. But hey, how about power from someone else?" He tapped the tip of his Keyblade against Deimos' gauntlet and watched as a red mist surged into the gauntlet. It was the power of a few of the hearts Jordan had been secretly keeping for reasons, of course, only Jordan knew.

    Jordan turned back around and pointed his Keyblade at the town before a portal opened in front of him. "If there's nothing else, let us go onward," he said before walking through the portal which led to the top of the clock tower.

    Vexen opened up a portal and looked back at Axel and Saix. "Ugh, would you two pleeease hurry it up," he groaned. He walked through the portal which led him to a rooftop overlooking the Third District. Saix sighed and looked at Axel. "Lea, please, do not interfere. No matter what," he said sternly. "I'm asking not as an Organization XII member. But as a friend." With that, he followed Vexen out onto the rooftop.
  6. Zenaku saw his Master open a portal. He followed Jordan through it and looked around; it appeared that he was very high up. Not being all that familiar with the world, he tried to absorb as much information about the area around him as possible. When he thoroughly surveyed his surroundings, he then turned to Jordan.

    "Master, if I may ask, what happened?" Zenaku said, a twinge of concern in his voice. "Deimos seems injured, and I feel much has happened in my absence."
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "Understood" Virgil shook his head in agreement to the words he received from Selena" Alright everyone we are heading to the Third District of the town. " His power had been restored for the most part and he stretched out his hands giving out a small yawn. " Seriously though i need some sleep ." he said in a arrogant tone. Looking back to Ashley for a moment he decided to speak to her. " Deimos is lost to us. the reason i leave him to you is because i want you to fully develop your abilities. Right now your only half of what i intended you to be. " He placed his hand on her shoulder rubbing it gently. " Though i am very proud of you im sure when it comes down to it i can count on you to take care of me even when everyone else leaves my side i know you wont. " He winked at her and stood in front of everyone else.

    " Well chicks and dudes lets make our way to the Third District and wait for Selena. " he said as he lead them and waited for his companion to show.
  8. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan crouched down and watched the ground with a great look of intent. He didn't even turn to Zenaku, nor gave him the response he wanted when he said, "I've seen that Keyblade you have before. It actually had colors in it, but the same Keyblade nonetheless." He glanced back at Zenaku and smirked. "Whatever, just a little odd to me. Anyway, Deimos picked the wrong battle unfortunately, haha."
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Sky heard Virgil running over and he nodded his head.

    "So this is it?" Sky asked as they arrived at the third district. He looked up and saw the guy he heard all about.

    Selena arrived to the third district and stopped. She looked up sensing the darkness seeing Jordan arrive in a dark portal.

    "Jordan..." She shook her head. "I made a promise, I plan to follow through. I will bring you back, I will bring back the good Jordan." She said before turning her head seeing all of her trainees, apprentices, and more.
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    As the power surged into Deimos' body, a dark aura surrounded him, "This power is quite something..." He followed Jordan through the portal and frowned, "We cannot underestimate Virgil, even though him and I fought he is far more powerful then even you."

    Marluxia appeared and looked down at the heroes, "We're outnumbered... Jordan, I expect you have a plan?" The pink haired Nobody raised an eyebrow and summoned his scythe, "This should be fun."

    Axel nodded, "Fine..." He followed Saïx and Vexen through the portal.
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    And there they were. His friends, now enemies, all stood before him below. He stood up from his crouched position and stuck his hands in his pockets so his arms were bent. He looked back at his apprentices and friends and said, "Alright you guys, two rules. First of all, try not to die, heh. And secondly-" He turned around to face them and had a serious expression. "Kill everyone. Except Selena. You kill Selena, I mutilate you."

    And then, smiling, he fell. He fell backwards to the ground and landed on his feet. He turned to face his audience and smiled. "Ta-da," he said, laughing. He eyed each and every one of the people that stood before him. He could easily take most of them. The hard ones would be Virgil and Selena, maybe Will and Darian.

    "For those of you who don't know, although I can't imagine which of you DOESN'T know me, I am Jordan. Bearer of The Darkness, devourer of hearts, and I guess you could call the King of Darkness!" He took a gracious bow, and brushed the black in his hair out of his eye.

    Vexen immediately lied down, so he wouldn't be seen, upon seeing Jordan. "My God! Th-Th-That power! I-I-It's much more immense than I thought! This truly surpasses all of our expectations," Vexen said, stutering and in a frantic tone. Saix crouched down next to Vexen and watched the scene unfold. He didn't understand what Vexen meant, but knew he'd figure it out later.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2012
  12. Zenaku leapt off of the tower in earnest. Flying through the air, he landed near Jordan and Marluxia using a small blast of darkness to cushion the fall. He then looked at the scene around him. The Warriors of Light on one side, and the Servants of the Darkness on the other. The air was incredibly tense, and he could feel that everyone was waiting to fly into battle.

    Zenaku summoned his Keyblade. Trying to sense the relative powers of his enemies, he felt two very large spikes of power and light, presumably belonging to Virgil and Selena. Zenaku had heard stories of Virgil's power, and would not fight him one on one if he could help it. With orders to keep Selena alive, Zenaku decided he would stay clear of her too. That left a number of Warriors that he could still engage in combat, but, being the opportunist that he was, Zenaku quickly honed in on what he thought was the weakest link, but, in contrast, one of the brightest hearts. A young-looking boy with blonde hair stood among the Warriors of Light. Perfect, Zenaku thought. He looked to Jordan, then to Selena, who had just finished her speech. Zenaku felt to reason to wait any longer and so he dashed toward the blonde boy. When he got in range, Zenaku used his Keyblade to swipe at the enemy's face horizontally, while simultaneously letting a burst of darkness out of his other hand, aimed at the boys gut.

    OOC: just to be clear, Sky is the one Zenaku is targeting.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2012
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena summoned her keyblade and extended her arms.

    "I once had darkness in my heart trying to control me, but now, now I'm one with the dawn." Selena told him. "Warriors of dawn, light..." Seleba paused and looked over at Saix hiding spot, "and twilight, we're heroes of the good." Selena spoke.

    "Jordan, I promised to bring you back, I will not allow you to devour anymore hearts of good people." Selena spoke.

    Violet came through last.

    "I call Selena's Bly friend, Virgil." Violet spoke glancing at Deimos, "I'll take him."
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia followed suit, landing gracefully. He looked at the heroes, "Selena... We meet on opposite sides this day." He turned suddenly, looking up at a rooftop, "It seems my friends have come to support me. Hmmph." Twirling his scythe, he called his nobodies to him and waited.

    Deimos growled, leaping down, smashing his gauntlet into the ground creating a massive hole. "Hmph." Pushing the jewel on his gauntlet, he activated his black cross, armored controller form, covering himself in a full set of armor. "No." He stood in front of Violet, "You will not, If you die Jordan will be heartbroken. I will not let you face death in human form."
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2012
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan shook his head and looked down, smile still printed across his face. He looked up at Selena and shrugged. "That's your response, little sis? Not even introducing me to your friends? Arashi? Sky, maybe? No? Humph, thought you grew up better than that," he said, jokingly. He looked back at his friends and the Nobodies that appeared and smiled. "Well, then I guess I'll do the introductions then. I'm sure most of you are familiar with Marluxia. This armored fellow is my good friend Deimos. The other guy is Zenaku, another friend. And this lovely lady is Violet!" He looked back at Violet with a smile.

    And just that quick, he changed attitudes by throwing a pure black ball of intense fire at Selena's face. However, just when it was going to hit her, it evaporated into smoke. Jordan bursted into laughter, his old immaturity returning, and said, "Hahaha! That was priceless!"
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena put up her keyblade to block the attack and watched it evaporate hearing Jordan laugh. Selena smirked.

    "Oddly, I believe I was the one to pull those stunts, however when I was mad at you something else would occur." Selena looked up as a shot of thunder came down striking Jordan, a weak attack nonetheless, but waited to see his reactions.

    Violet shook her head.

    "Listen here, you lost to him out there, now it's my turn. Plus do not underestimate my power. I've dealt with far worst powers my entire life, I've built up... an immunity to it, if you will." Violet said grinning eyeing Virgil. "Plus seems only right that those two battle it out, the couples battle each other out, and I have no plans today of dying, perhaps killing. So go battle that girl over there, or as my eaves dropping all the time, your sister." Violet said looking over at Ashley.

    Sky stood in shock before looking over at Arashi.

    "You ready?" Sky asked looking at him. "We were supposed to be battle partners tomorrow, maybe this is what we had in mind though." Sky spoke referring to how they were going to battle but now they'd be battling against an enemy side by side.

    Sky saw Zanaku run at him and easily blocked the attack. Sky raised an eye brow before striking back with a easily powerful ice attack freezing Zanaku's feet to the ground. Sky raised his keyblade up.

    Angel watched in horror of the battle. They were no friends of hers if they casted their own friendships away.

    OOC:: Edited, and so we're clear Sky is actually pretty strong, after all he's Selena's apprentice.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2012
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    After Jordans dramatic introduction Virgil stepped to the side of Selena. " Jordan your immature manner will be the end of you. and i'll say to you is this. " He pointed a steady finger directly at Jordan and making sure to make direct eye contact. " You best watch yourself and pray that it is not my blade reaching your neck. " The air was tense and Virgil knew what was at stake. " So tell me which one of you fools want to die first. Unlike my friends behind me i have no such pity for lives lost. I've killed countless people and not a tear was shed. " Virgil stepped even closer to the servants of darkness. " You think Jordan is sick twisted and maniacal...eh" He slammed his blade into the ground causing a small fissure from its wake. " You have YET to see a true demon in its wake.."

    His eyes were stern and his words were sharp. he looked over at Violet " Aww thats cute so your the first moth to the flame huh" Grabbing his katana out of the ground and pullng it out of its sheathe." Then by all means i hope you are prepared for what you just brought on yourself" He smiled with such a Devlish grin.
  18. The blonde boy reacted with incredible grace, effortlessly knocking away both of Zenaku's attacks and casting an ice spell in response. It connected with Zenaku, freezing his feet to the ground. He growled at the blonde boy. Perhaps I underestimated this one's power, he thought. Then, the man who he assumed to be Virgil began to speak; he addressed the Servants of Darkness in an incredibly hostile manner. Zenaku internally laughed and thought This guy's supposed to be on their side, right? So much hate... how has he not succumb to darkness?

    Zenaku quickly returned to the situation at hand and began to think of his strategy. Damn, I wish i could cast fire magic, Zenaku thought, kicking himself. Oh well. I'll let instinct be my strategy for now. He imbued the tip of his Keyblade with darkness and slashed at the ice at his feet, clearing it quickly. Then he studied his target, who had an eyebrow raised. Zenaku adorned a full-toothed grin.

    "What's the matter? You look confused," Zenaku taunted, lazily pointing at the boy with his free hand. Then, before he spoke again, his look changed to one of hatred."You are a disgusting guardian of the light, and I will defeat you in the name of my Master and darkness itself."

    Zenaku decided that he would test the speed of his adversary. He quickly jumped to the left, then the right, and used dark bursts to supplement his speed as he dashed around the blonde boy in a diamond shape. If he was fast enough to find an opening, he would unleash a relentless chain of slashes with his Keyblade.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2012
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos scoffed, "A rematch then? Come Arashi, show me the results of your training under Virgil!" With speed that was unexpected in someone so heavily armored, Deimos charged Arashi, slamming into him with his gauntlet. "Get up! FIGHT ME!"

    Marluxia sighed, this wasn't fun at all. He looked at Ashley and Darian before shrugging, "Oh Darian, how about we have a match, Angel is watching after all." He chuckled before appearing behind Darian, "Here we GO!!" He grabbed Darian, and pushed him into a wall. "Angel is mine! The lie that was fed to her by her closest friend has been shattered. You, Darian, are useless to me."
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena stared Jordan down the battling occurring all around them.

    "We can stop this Jordan, you just need to stop feeding off of hearts of good people." Selena told him.

    Sky shook his head.

    "I'm kind of shock at how easy I stopped you is all, I hope I don't sound cocky, I can't tell a lie." Sky shrugged watching his opponent run around him. He sighed before releasing a powerful fire spell that shot out in all directions around him hitting Zenaku.

    Violet grinned.

    "Is that so. My father was the devil, and my entire life up until 6 months ago, I faced his fury and his pain, to the point I feel no pain. So please enlighten me what I don't already know." Violet said grinning as her body began to radiate darkness. "Feed me what pain you have to give, I'm not bothered by whatever flame you may possess." She said as darkness opened up at Virgil's feet and grabbed hold of his legs pulling him down at the ground. Chains shot up next grabbing his arms to keep him immobile, it happened all so very fast.

    "I know of your power Virgil, please show it to me, show it to me... show it to a real demon." Violet said releasing the secret only Jordan knew of. The secret that she was tortured as a child because she was a demon who killed the entire town but her father of the light was strong enough to fight off and continue to attack and harm day after day.

    The truth was much like Angel, Violet was born of a child of a realm, the child of the realm of darkness that is.

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