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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked at Violet, and her true power coming out. He gave an approving nod, reluctantly allowing her to face Virgil.

    He looked around and saw the others fight and shrugged, looking at Selena. "You think I can do that? You have NO idea what I'm going through, no matter what you say." He stretched his arms out and summoned his usual Keyblade. "Let's get this over with, eh?" Jordan smiled devilishly and disappeared in smoke. He reappeared above Selena, to slam his Keyblade down on her but before he could he disappeared again. Very quickly, and unexpectedly, he reappeared in Selena's shadow to attack her from below, sending her up high. He then shot electricity from his Keyblade up at her.

    Vexen smiled and began to get excited as he watched. "I can't believe it! Is that Darian as well?! Ooh, this is too much," Vexen said happily. He began to immediately take notes, upon Jordan attacking Selena. He now awaited to see what Darian could do.
  2. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley stood there as Virgil winked at her. Her cheeks began to get red as she looked away from Virgil as he walked away. She then followed behind him to the Third District without saying a word as everyone began to get angered, she just stood there quiet without saying a word and examining all of her enemies.

    Darian heard Selena's telepathic message and made his way to the Third District. He had known something was wrong because Selena hasn't said a word to him since he returned from his return. Darian then made his way to the Third District. He sat on top of a building and looked down on the others, He then noticed Jordan and a few other faces he hadn't ever seen before. He stared at Jordan as he his power to began to rise higher and higher by the second. "I knew you would show up" Darian whispered to himself.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena felt herself shoot up in the air, just as quickly she pulled an aerial recovery. She quickly casted reflect on herself as his attack reflected back at him. She landed and a second later she disappeared and reappeared behind Jordan. She struct him with her keyblade hitting him in the rib cage before kicking up at him sending him flying forward.

    "There are ways. You just refuse the darkness, that is all." Selena informed him. She ran forward jumping off the ground with a powerful force the ground after she shot up into the air dipped in and cracked. She came down on him hard with her keyblade. She landed jumping back to get a safe distance away.

    It was clear when came to magic and physical combat, Selena was much more experienced.
  4. Zenaku grunted in pain as a fireball hit him, sending him flying backward. He was able to backflip mid-air and catch himself, sliding a bit with his hand on the ground. He's right, Zenaku thought. He deflects my attacks really easily. I definitely underestimated him. Zenaku jumped backwards several times to put some distance between himself and Sky. Still, there's no backing out now. Master needs me.

    Zenaku put both hands on his Keyblade, one of them seething darkness. He flipped the weapon so it was face-down, the hilt level with his chest. A small ball of darkness formed about ten feet above the blonde boy. Zenaku then slammed his Keyblade into the ground. Large spikes of darkness shot out of the ground in a circle around the blonde boy, racing toward his chest, and the ball above him shot out similar dark spikes in all directions.
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan took each hit, and when she was finally done, Jordan jumped up and brushed himself off. He was completely baffled by her so casual comment and replied, "What? Refuse It? I don't think you understand Selena. This wasn't a choice! It was forced upon me by them!" Jordan shot a glare at where Vexen was. The two made intense eye contact before Jordan looked back at Selena. "So before you say 'just refuse the darkness'," Jordan stopped talking, a bit of anger now coming out. He threw his Keyblade up to punch Selena in the gut two hard times, before kicking her into the wall. He caught his Keyblade and finished, "look into your facts a little more." His eyes flashed red once before returning to his misty, gray eyes.

    As Vexen made eye contact with Jordan, fear fell across his entire body. He retreated a bit, so now he was completely unseen to regain his composure.

    'He knows? He knows?! There's no WAY he remembers,' Vexen tried to reason in his head.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Yes, you CAN!" She shouted back taking each hit. Though they hurt and a bit of hurt was heard in her voice, but she ignored it.

    "You just fight it back. And forget them! They're not your boss, where's the Jordan I know?! He wouldn't take the monsters forced into his heart that plagues him, he wouldn't be killing innocent people, he wouldn't be fighting the very force he once fought for, he wouldn't be fighting his own sister. Tell me what happened to my brother!" She shouted now angry going into a fury of attacks. She disappeared and attacked, then disappeared and attacked, and repeated going at a rapid pace. She appeared far away some.

    "Unless you murdered him too." Selena spoke coldly tears running down her face.

    Sky looked around before casting reflect forming a shield around himself. Enough it stopped the spikes before he casted another fire attack to push the spikes stopped in place away from him.
  7. As the blonde boy cast a fire spell to knock away the last of the spikes, Zenaku had already dashed back into close range. He moved at a breakneck pace. Zenaku attacked the boy from the front with such speed that his enemy's defense was occupied, and at the same time a row of dark spikes appeared behind him and stabbed at the blonde boy's back. Zenaku then flipped into the air, pointing his Keyblade down at the blonde boy and spinning vertically, unleashing a volley of dark bullets that rained down on his enemy.

    Part of Zenaku was paying attention to Jordan and Selena's fight, a tragic one at that. However, there was no way for Zenaku to help in that battle of titans, and so he refocused on his own battle. The most Zenaku could do for his Master now was win his own battles.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2012
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Sky was attacked again from the front, something he could not avoid, but with his skill magic training from Merlin, was able to once again cast reflect and save himself from the spikes behind and the bullets and spikes that soon appeared above him. The reflect spell also worked at his advantage as those same bullets fired back at Zenaku.

    Sky was getting tired out, but he would not waver from the battle, he couldn't.

    "As a keyblade wielder, it is my duty to stop you." Sky spoke as his body began to glow. A hidden unknown power Selena sensed in him urging to come out, a power of a child of realm, in this case a child of light.
  9. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan nearly countered every move, even managing to throw in a few shots here and there, but still ended up taking a couple of hits. Jordan began to get angrier with every word his sister shot at him. It was finally getting to him. He finally lost his edge, eyes slowly turning into a burning bright red color. He watched as the tears rolled down her cheeks. However, he could not shed a tear. Her misunderstanding hurt him too much for him to cry. He would not cry over his sister this time. Not now.

    With incredible features, Jordan jumped in front of Selena, a souless expression across his face. He got closer and closer to his sister, so much so that their noses could practically touch.

    "Nothing has changed me, Selena, I merely adapted the best I could to what was around me. I have an entire world who is willing to give their lives for me because I either saved them from horrible demises or I wanted them to realize the power they truly had inside. I have given a home to the homeless. I even tried to rekindle what was lost so long ago with the sister who apparently knows nothing about me or anything I've gone through to get up to this point."

    Jordan's current Keyblade began to turn into a hazy mist. The Keyblade that he held seconds ago was now gone. The Keyblade that none of his apprentices, or even Marluxia and Violet, have ever seen appeared in his hand. The red and black part of the Keyblade, pulsed throughout the entire blade. He had really lost it for him to summon the Blade of The Condemned.

    His fingers flexed out and cracked and Jordan was ready to strike and kill his own sister right there. However, he did not. His eyes turned back to their usual misty gray as he backed away slowly from his sister, face filled with disgust. "Your blood will not be spilled by my blade. It has no worth on it," he said coldly. His Keyblade disappeared, only for Incomplete Resonance to reappear.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2012
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil had his mobility hindered or so it had seemed. " You fool!!" He yelled and erupted into a pit of blue flame dissolving the chains. Virgil stood up dusting himself off. " I admire your desire to fight me and it saddens me to have to do this to you. You and i are two weaves of the same thread...." He quickly grabbed his katana and faded into the wind and appeared behind Violet he whispered two words silently.

    " Speed Star.." And was gone again. A blur of virgil image could be seen but as he appeared he slammed his fist into her gut vanishing again behind her slamming his katana hilt into her neck." You wana roll with the best of em Huh!!" He faded again after her spoke casting a wall of fire behind her then quickly casting Gravira in front of her. " Lets see how much torture you can take. " He tossed his blade high into the sky freeing both his hands. He began to pummel her and with each punch it pressed her towards the fire and the gravira brought her back it seemed like a endless loop of punches.
  11. "Rrgh," Zenaku grumbled as he used his Keyblade to knock away the bullets that were reflected back at him. His breathing was heavy as he landed. He was becoming fatigued. Then he sensed something; the bright light of the boys heart was resonating, as if it was about to burst. Zenaku looked at the blonde boy; he was glowing. Zenaku became wide-eyed. That... that light... so... appetizing... Zenaku thought as his fractured heart pulsed. The darkness inside him writhed and grew, until Zenaku was actually seething black tendrils. He felt his judgement start to fade, but he rejected the feeling and stayed alert. Zenaku knew that his opponent was strong and could not fully give into his hunger.

    "Keyblade wielder... what a fickle term," Zenaku said, his voice deep but quivering slightly. "I wield a Keyblade as well. So what is my duty?"

    Zenaku rushed toward the blonde boy and feinted an overhand strike with his Keyblade. He then threw a powerful hook at the boy's face right afterward, trying to get in through his defense. If this was still blocked, Zenaku would quickly spin and fire a kick into the boy's chest. Zenaku was getting very tired from attacking so relentlessly, yet not drawing on darkness to attack for a bit would help ease that.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2012
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: KoD watch it there was a reason those attacks were fast, this all links back to the secret kept from him in the first RP, and to a sentence I already stated. Selena does have more experience than he does in physical battle, there's two differences between the two of them.


    Sky blocked each attack easily, each attack remembering from when Selena taught him how to block every attack in every direction. He shook his head.

    "Can you please stop?" Sky asked getting tired of this game. This really couldn't seriously be the battle Selena talked so much about preparing for.

    Once Virgil was done with the attacks Violet stood there laughing. Her wounds slowly healing. She continued to laugh a menacing laugh that seemed to echo around them.

    "I felt absolutely nothing. Is it my turn yet? I'm feeling awfully lazy today, so perhaps, I won't give you a full out dealing." Violet told him.

    "You know what the difference is between us though Virgil? Your father made you what you are, he forced darkness into you. How do I know? I know all the origins of everybody's darkness." She said grinning. "Yours is... artificial, that is the same with Deimos and Ashley's. Jordan's is the chosen host of darkness till the day he dies." Violet looked over and Selena and Jordan.

    Selena blocked every single attack and stood perfectly still when he approached her. Her daring grey eyes, the same as his own natural eyes stared back at him, daring him to do what his heart was thinking about. She shook her head.

    The last comment caused her to clench her fist as it began to glow a power of light, a power that showed what she was, a keyblade master of dawn, showing sparks around her hand, but she didn't summon it, a weapon of light that the very darkness is weak of, she did not summon it.

    "Do it, then see what you'll be stuck living with, the realization that you're a monster. A realization though, Jordan, I refuse to accept from you." Selena told him as he was beginning to walk away.

    "Light and Darkness can Co-Exist, they do Co-Exist, my very heart has proven this, but what you do, Jordan, it cannot be allowed. All it makes you is an emotionless, piece of nothing, a heartless if you will." Selena told him.

    "Selena's darkness came from Jordan, a mistake on Jordan's part, but from anger of Devlin disappearing and a memory long since forgotten, when the organization of masters appeared to Jordan for the first time, darkness from Jordan was fed to Selena's heart, darkness that will one day cause her demise." Violet continued to speak.

    Selena stopped hearing Violet's comment a little confused. She looked over.

    "The darkness in my heart... is Jordan's darkness?" Selena asked a little shock. Those times when she was real little and she felt like dying, those times she could hear and sense every heart in Twilight Town and the hunger it made her feel, to the reason Master Hishobi took her on to train her, it was all caused by Jordan?

    Violet continued speaking to Virgil.

    "My darkness I was born with it. I was born a child of realm. My powers awaken when I was just 4 years old. My once populated world I killed off, the only one I couldn't kill was my father, a keyblade master who fought in the great keyblade war, he was the one who has made me a child of realm, and I chose the realm of darkness when my mother died. My heart of unknown power was un-chosen yet until she died and so it became darkness. And I became the child of darkness. I'm not stronger or more powerful than Jordan, and I'm not stronger than you and Selena, but my powerful heart of darkness is stronger than you, Virgil. I can't do harm to you, because I don't quite know how to fight, but know matter what darkness you send my way, it will only be absorbed into my heart. Virgil to defeat me, you need to know how to fight with light, something you lack because of your heart of artificial darkness." Violet informed.
  13. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    OOC: Ah yes, but the Darkness, however, is a very powerful being, eh?

    Jordan shook his head. "Like I said before. My 'darkness' is not a power like everyone elses. What I have inside of me leeched itself onto me. And hell, I let it," he said, emotionless. He turned his back to the group, ready to just walk off. He instantly turned around, however, upon feeling the large ship overhead about to crash directly onto Selena. As fast as he could, he sprinted back to Selena to tackle her out of the way, making sure to fall on his back so she wouldn't get injured in anyway, besides being tackled.

    Vexen stuck his head back out to see what the loud crash was a squinted at the wreckage. "Now who is this," he mumbled to himself.

    Jordan got up and jumped up on the completely wrecked ship. "Who the hell is in this shithole? I'm not in the mood to be fucked with," he yelled. He needed something to get rid of his pent up anger. A couple feet away, stood a white haired boy, completely unharmed and scratching the back of his head.

    "Sorry, that was my bad," the boy said, remorsefully.

    Jordan was pissed. That ship was seconds away from killing his sister, a term Jordan felt like using lightly at the moment. This stacked on top of his arguement with Selena was it. He growled at the boy and said, "Get the hell out of here!" He threw a somewhat powerful ball of fire at the boy. But for some reason, it evaporated before it hit him. "What the hell?"

    The white haired boy had no change in expression and merely asked, "Umm....what was that for?" The red headed boy in front of him threw another one, again evaporating before it touched him.

    Angrier than before, Jordan threw an extremely powerful blast of concentrated darkness at the white haired boy, only for him to throw it back at Jordan, who in turn threw it right back. Getting bored of this game of 'catch' the white haired boy crushed the ball with his hands. "Hey, are we done? I'm actually trying to find someone," the white haired boy asked, scratching his head again.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena laid there shock. Jordan just saved her life she didn't dare move as the new arrival and Jordan battled it out. She sat up and looked behind her at the white haired boy.

    "Virgil the battles over, get everybody out of here." Selena said in a whisper but also knew Virgil would hear her. She stared back at Jordan still in shock and watched the power of the boy as Jordan was unable to lay a finger on him.

    "Who is that guy?" She asked aloud confused.
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    The blue flames subsided from his body. " Artificial..." His fangs that protruded from his mouth vanished. " I am...an agent of Chaos" He closed his eyes. " You are right....i don't use the power of light and i rely heavily on my darkness...."The wind began to spin around him. " But there is something you forgot Violet. " Where you have gone wrong i corrected. Thanks to Selena i don't exist in Light or Darkness. I am the Dusk Before the Dawn!" He opened his eyes and his black star was activated. A greyish aura encircled him The first stage of perfect star was about to begin.

    bit by bit Large pieces of spiritual bone began to encase his body. the wind blew his jacket open exposing his chest. The blade that he tossed so high in the sky finally flew down . Lunging his hand forward he caught the blade and it radiated white light turning into a keyblade. " Absolution...." Absolution was his original keyblade bloodlust. but by training with Selena his light radiated and transformed it. His power emanated and everyone around could feel it.

    " Virgil the battle is over" he saw the crash take place and his eyes widened in fear for Selena saftey. he whispered back in trust to her " As you wish" He vanished from in front of violent and using his black star pulled everyone away at once through separate portals to the outside of town into the field of grass. His eye stopped spiraling and the mode deactivated. " is everyone ok?

    He looked back at the town he spoke to Selena through the telepethy" Do you need me to return?"
  16. Zenaku grew even more angry at hearing the blonde boy's casual question. He didn't even bother to acknowledge existence other than to brush him off. But Zenaku knew when he was defeated, and so the Keyblade disappeared from his hand.

    A moment later, a ship crashed nearby, causing the ground to rumble. Zenaku turned to see what was happening. He felt a very real fear in his stomach as the white-haired boy simply caught Jordan's dark bullet and crushed it. So powerful... who the hell is he? Zenaku thought. A moment later, that fear multiplied as he sensed yet another source of incredible power; he looked to Virgil and saw him encased in bone. A terrifyingly strong aura radiated from him. He was barely able to rip himself away from the horrid visage.

    Zenaku took one last look at the blonde boy, memorizing his face. Then, he rushed back and regrouped with the other Servants of Darkness. Zenaku was on his toes, ready to open a dark portal at any moment if necessary.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2012
  17. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan was no longer curious, but was now very curious as to who this boy, with what seemed like equal poqwer to him, really was. Jordan ran at the stranger to strike but as the boy prepared to defend himself, Jordan disappeared and reappeared behind him, punching him hard in the spine. He jumped over the boy to deliver a nice blast of lightning to him from above, followed by some fireballs as he landed. With all his spells, dust covered up the scene where the boy was. It was just when Jordan began to wonder if the boy was alive that blasts of ice came shooting at him. He managed to do a backflip to dodge them but was unprepared for the boy, who rushed up to Jordan to deliver a kick to the chest.

    The white haired boy scratched his head and said, "Well ow man! I was just looking for somebody!"

    Jordan took a moment to catch his breath before speaking again. "Who the hell are you?"

    The boy looked surprised by Jordan's response and joyfully replied, "Oh, my name is Cole!"

    Jordan's stomach dropped. The name Cole hadn't been spoken for years. Now that Jordan looked closer at the boy who claimed to be Cole, he could see the resemblance. He slowly began to step towards the boy, a confused look on his face, and said, "Cole? Is that...really you?"

    Cole looked back at Jordan, not understanding. His fractured memories began to come together a bit

    "Come on Cole! Man, you really suck at this, huh?"
    "Shut up! I can do it."
    "I can give you a hand if you want!"
    "Ugh, fine....Thanks Jordan."

    Cole smiled at Jordan, who in turn smiled back, and asked, "Jordan?"

    Jordan was about to take another step forward, but as he looked over at Selena, he changed his mind and stepped back. "We'll be in touch Cole," Jordan said coldly. He looked around at his group and snapped his fingers, returning them to the throne room.

    Vexen stared on in complete fear and awe as Cole entered the scene. "We have to leave," he said to Axel and Saïx as calmly as he could, which wasn't very good. Saïx eyed him a bit and asked, "Why?" Vexen frowned at him and exploded, "Because I said so damn it! Unless you'd LIKE to become a dusk in the near distant future!" Vexen immediately opened up a portal and jumped through it with no hesitation.
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena sat there blinking confused before slowly standing up. She crossed her arms. Then snapped her fingers.

    "Now I remember you. You were Jordan's one good friend. I think the last time I saw you I was 6." Selena said grinning. "Virgil, didn't you know Cole?" Selena asked over at him. "Darian Im sure remembers even more. What have you been up to?" Selena asked him before grabbing a potion and drinking it to heal wounds.

    Angel stood up waving her hand over the pool of water. The image disappearing. She shook her head in disappointment and disbelief.

    Everything she just witnessed. Her two good friend who are siblings looked ready to kill the other. Her ex-boyfriend if he was even that was fighting her now husband. Her past best friend's boy friend was fighting her past friends's girl friend who revealed herself as the child of the dark realm which in a way made her in a sense related to Amgel who was child of the realm of twilight.

    "Lu..." Angel shook her head. She did smile though, her two friends who may or may not be her only friends at least didn't get involved.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    His opponent lost, Marluxia simply watched the conflict end. Walking over to Selena he put a hand on her shoulder, "I was not planning to kill anyone, I sided with Jordan for Angel's safety, nothing more nothing less. I hope, with all my fractured heart, that you can understand that..."

    Axel fist pumped, "WOO! Lu survived!" He frowned a bit at Vexen, "I don't wanna be a dusk Isa..."

    Deimos sighed, "I'm sorry Jordan... Your sister it seems, has sunken to far into the light to understand your pain..."
  20. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "Virgil, didn't you know Cole?"

    Virgil scratched his head for a moment" Uh i don't know that i do, i mean his name sounds sort of familiar. but then again it might be someone else." His Keyblade vanished and turned back into his katana . He tossed it back into the sheathe and cracked his knuckles. " Yo do you need me to come there or do you want me to stay here with the others." He asked over at Selena.

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