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Pet Peeves

Discussion in 'General' started by EbeneezerAl, Nov 29, 2007.

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  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I have a pet peeve with people thinking that everything is free, that they don't need to pay for services that are done for them. You wouldn't go to the grocery store, pick out a bunch of food, then say you'll pay for it later, or hand the cashier a 20 and say you'll get the rest to them when you can. Pay your bills on time. Gawd.
  2. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Parents not coughing up the cash, I see.

    Which brings me to another pet peeve. Parents who think both they and their child are aboslutely perfect, and blame everything their child does wrong on someone else. My sister's a teacher so I see this a lot. One of her kids gets a bad grade on a test and the parent comes to her complaining about it being her fault, when truth is, the child is just goofing of in class, not doing their work, not paying attention (despite her best efforts to make them), and thus they don't know any of the material. But oh no, my child isn;t like that, they'll say. It must be all her fault. Wake up, your child is either stupid or lazy. Stop trying to blame that on someone else, and deal with it.

    Actually, that's just one scenario. There are many very different but equally annoying scenarios. I think I'll just say parents in general. Not all of them, but anyone who's a teacher or is related to one, you know the ones I'm talking about.
  3. Mike

    Mike Member

    But then on that note, I hate when a (particularly gradeschool) teacher goes "Look at me! I completed highschool and need to review my grade 4 math to teach next year because I forgot it! I'm smarter than everyone!"

    I'm not saying all of them...but my little sister is stuck with one this year. I (almost finished a math degree) was helping my little sister with her homework. She was doing subtraction by drawing pictures. The question was 57 - 19. She drew 4 sticks (symbolizing 10 each) and 17 little squares (1 each). The reason being, she had to cross off 9 'ones' and thus needed more than 7.

    So she crossed off 9 ones, and one ten. Her teacher, who must be Einstein's daughter, marks in red pen "You didn't cross off enough tens." and crosses off another one. Excuse me, but how many 10s are there in 19? 2? Looks like someone's staying one lesson ahead of the kids.

    To make things worse, I went in to speak with her...prepared. She looks at me like "Where do you get off correcting me? I'm a teacher!" so I plopped down a stack of my 4th year math/graduate textbooks. If I was any more like my dad, I would have given her a math lesson of my own (my father did that once for me when I was in grade 6, and once for my older sister when she was around that age).

    Not to mention, I remember being in grade 3, where kids first learn division. I was surprised to see the question "three divided by zero" on a test, but nonetheless it was there. I was a gifted student in math, so by that point I knew the answer was a sideways 8 (infinity). Sure enough, I get my test back, there's a big X, so I go back to ask her about it and she insists the answer is zero.

    I proceed to demonstrate, with my calculator, that 3 / 3 = 1... 3 / 2 is bigger than 1...3 / 1 is bigger than 3 / 2...
    So the number gets really really big. How then does it all of a sudden jump back to zero? "Well it does" was her answer.

    Being a bit older now, I realize that the less you know of anything (math being a good example), the more you THINK you know. The more math I learn, the broader the world is, and the more I realize I still have left to learn. Gradeschool teachers I find to be the worst in this case. Infact, I've only met maybe 5 gradeschool teachers that I didn't think were morons (perhaps I live in a bad area).

    So long story short...I'm predisposed to dislike gradeschool teachers for the above reasons. Not necessarily a Pet Peeve, but it's relevant.
    Last edited: May 25, 2008
  4. Namine3.0

    Namine3.0 New Member

    I hate slow drivers and I hate when there are parents who just let their childen run all over the place and when my parents wont leave me alone
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^Funny how you hate parents who ignore their kids and hate it when your parents pay attention to you.
  6. tinytommy

    tinytommy New Member

    When you dont do anything wrong, but you get the blame
    that really ticks me off
    or when you do something good, but someone else gets the reward
  7. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I really hate ignorant people! actually just mean people in general piss me off!
  8. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I hate people who think they're my friend when they're not. For example, this dumbass woman the other day told me that she thought of me as a sister. No shit. I couldn't tell you a damn think about this woman other than the littlest facts, and she could tell you even less about me. What the fuck?

    Not to mention, this particular woman annoys the shit out of me for many other reasons. Well, I guess that's what sisters do best. *rolls eyes*
  9. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    Toph, lol. Most friendships are unfortunately like that, without either persons realizing it. Most of mine are like that, actually.

    I get really irritated when you know someone for years, then, let's say, you go away for a while, then come back a year or two later. And what happens? They don't say anything to you except for "hey." Tsk tsk, how unfortunate. -_-
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Stupid people bug me. The kind of stupid people like the stereotypical cheerleader. And wannabe gangsters.
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