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PLEASE READ - Big Changes

Discussion in 'Site News & Announcements' started by TradeDemon, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    i have been trying to contact you through msn but my computer wont let me do it.
  2. Mike

    Mike Member

    First a little backstory. I never really was staff here, I've just been a ghost who pops up every now and then. I was friends with Lionheart (for anyone too new to remember, Lionheart was one of two previous owners of KH-3.net (I believe) who had several previous forum projects as well). During one of my several month school-related hiatuses, it came to my attention that LH would no longer be running KH-3. To be honest, I expected a bit of a catastrophe when I became semi-active once again.

    To my delight, KH-3 has been great, and it's all because of the great staff. Excellent work TD, and I really appreciate the arrangements you've made to accomodate EbAl. A true class act.

    I myself will also be migrating over. Not sure if anyone has gotten to know me here enough to miss me, but I've gotten to know a few of you and will miss you. I won't do one of those cliche 'goodbye lists' since I find those tacky. But chances are, if you've interacted with me (usually in Debates), I've respected what you had to say, and therefore gotten to know you a bit...you see where I'm heading with that I'm sure. (;

    Again, I'm migrating over so this doesn't really affect me whatsoever...but if I may suggest a few people whom I think have particularly impacted my stay here at KH-3 and would make excellent mods:

    Yokou - Smart guy, Nice guy, excellent mod or SMod material. (To Yokou: Try a little harder to respect your own opinions...They're good opinions! Don't be afraid to post what you really feel about something :) )

    SkylerOcon - Sticks to his guns! I like that. Again, great Mod / SMod material. (To SkylerOcon: I respect that even though you're opinionated in a few topics, you're openminded. You made my stay memorable).

    lokisenna - I think if anyone should monitor debates, it'd be lokisenna. I haven't had the pleasure of seeing lokisenna around as much as I'd like...if you were a little more active you're definitely a good choice. :) Just thought it was worth a mention nonetheless.

    I don't mean to be arrogant or anything, please just consider this a testemonial from a satisfied customer. (; Feel free to regard/disregard anything I've said.

    So with that, It's good bye, farewell, take care KH-3. TD, I wish you the best with the new staff and site. I'll be around for a little while, then poof, without anyone realizing, I'll be gone.
  3. TradeDemon

    TradeDemon King Kong

    Thanks for the wishes of luck Mike. Hope you guys have fun over at the new site :) I have taken your recommendations on board.... Lets see how things turn out...
  4. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    i would like to say that sephiroth x slasher would make a good mod as well as i.
  5. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Thanks Mike and I see you around. The internet is not that big and plus I only stick to one username, so if you are in a forum, look up Yukou.

    I know, I should stand by my opinions, but I like it when I write stuff that make people happy, yeah, I should stop doing that. Hahaha

    Well see you around.
  6. Firebomb50

    Firebomb50 New Member

    id like to apply to be a super mod
  7. TradeDemon

    TradeDemon King Kong

    Hi guys,

    Thanks for all the applications, unfortunately I have only been able to select one staff as most others haven't gotten back to me after I have asked them to PM or even better come online at MSN or Yahoo Messengers with me.

    Those that are interested please get in touch so I can complete my interviews and get the team settled, me and Leah are waiting to meet our new staff buddies.

    Also just to clarify i have done away with the concept of super mod , we will now just have KH3 Moderators. If you're interested in helping out with a particular forum then we have a position called the KH3 Helper , this is similar to the old single forum mod. Anyway just thought i'd let you all know.

  8. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I'd like to help out in anyway I can.I love this forum,I'm very active,I know the rules and I love being busy and having responsability and always prove that I can do what I'm asked and I tend to do it better than I was asked but I can take orders.
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    im sorry to inform you that the applicants have already been chosen. Myself, Darkslayers, and Yukoku. sorry pal you were to late to the pinch =] but since your here plese stay active
  10. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Remember, dude, she can work as kh3 helper.
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Ahhh totally slipped mah mind there thanks for the reminder but ya she could we would have to discuss it with the rest of the staff before a final desecion is made though :/
  12. TradeDemon

    TradeDemon King Kong

    Thats right guys, although I have filled the slot for moderators, we still need KH3 Helpers. This basically means being a mod for a particular forum or thread. The standard modertors have global moderation responsibilities, but the helpers are still considered staff but have less responsibility.

    Making it to helper is a step in the right direction and when I come to get more staff, you would be first in line for consideration. If you're interested in being a helper, please pm me.


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