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Pokemon Amethyst Version

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Destiny, May 13, 2014.

  1. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The momentary hinderance of the Treecko's vision had been just what Dante and Darrick needed to stay ahead for the first round. In the resulting time the Treecko used to locate Dante's position and work through the screen, the Cyndaquil had prepared for evasive action. Dante sidestepped, clearing the trajectory of the pound and, by a small margin, evaded the attack.

    "Don't waste any time Dante!"Darrick shouted. "Follow up with a Tackle!"

    Dante followed the instruction spot on. As soon as the call to attack had passed through Darrick's lips, he lunged forward towards the Treecko in an attempt to ram it to the ground.
    Last edited: May 28, 2014
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Jasmine smiled slightly at her friend's excitement and turned to her Eevee with a sigh, "She can be so clueless you know? I bet she has no idea how I feel about her, but yet... the thought of her knowing is frightening." She chuckled as her new companion climbed up onto her shoulder and then onto her head and began following her friend onwards. "I'll do anything for her Summer... We'll do anything for her. I'm old enough to understand what it is I'm feeling... I love her... I always will. Let's go Summer."

    Eventually Jasmine had taken her place at Aura's side and with a giggle she waved back towards the boys as the two girls walked onward.
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    The Treecko missed his attack, but just barely, flipping onto his feet as he landed. He slid backwards from the momentum as he looked up to see the Cyndaquil charging right at him.

    Darrick's father revealed a small smirk as he held his hand out towards his Treecko, shouting out to it, "Take the hit and use rock tomb!"

    Obediently obeying his trainer's calls, the Treecko held it's arms out to take the hit as well as it could, being pushed back a bit from the charge. The Treecko immediately stomped his foot hard into the ground, rocks propelling upward, and whipped his tail into the direction of the Cyndaquil, encasing him in the rocks as well as hitting him.

    Amazed, Krimson leaned in forward at the sight of the small Treecko using rock tomb. "Whoa, Treecko can use that move?! That's incredible!"
  4. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac saw that the girls were moving, and quickly ran up to catch them, but then turned abck to see Mega, waddling in a hurried fashion and falling down. Zac quickly stopped and went to help the little, albiet heavy, guy up, "...I guess we can't run so much huh?" Zac said as looked at his Pokemon. The Golett shook his head up and down, and Zac sighed, "Alright then," he said as he and Mega began to follow the girls, but walking instead of running
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Yeah!" Darrick cried joyously, punching his fist through the air as Dante's Tackle connected with the Treecko. His blood was rushing in the elation of the battle and his head was clearly swelling in the confidence of his last attack's success. He hadn't even heard his father's bidding that the Treecko take the hit; much less hearing the command that followed.

    As soon as his fist had struck out into the open hair his smile and reverie faded. A mournful frown grew in its place as he realized that he had been mislead. All he could do was watch helplessly and hopelessly as Dante was surrounded by rocks from all sides. "No!" He reached his hand out, as if he expected to pull Dante from the attack. A second later his hand dropped to his side. The Rock Tomb closed in, crushing into the Cyndaquil's body, kicking up a share of dirt from the soil beneath, blotting out the scene for a split second.

    When it had cleared, the Cyndaquil rose weakly to its feet, legs shaking as it struggled to stand. Darrick saw clearly that his Pokemon wasn't going to last much longer. Even if he used another Smokescreen and Tackle pairing, there was no guarantee of success; he'd have to deal with another Rock Tomb, or even another Pound finishing Dante off. After a few more seconds though, it was, without a doubt, over: Dante's last effort to get onto its feet failed, and the Pokemon dropped to the ground, knocked out cold. Darrick, mimicking his partner, dropped down to his knees and buried his face in his hands, shaking his head in humiliation.

    "No. How could this have happened? How could I misjudge this?"

    "Yes. Just the same as seven years ago." Darrick's father had crossed the field, casting his shadow over Darrick. He shook his head and scowled. "If you couldn't learn after watching that battle, then you won't last long. Now follow my advice: GO. HOME.... Unless you want to end up like your sister." Mr. Kuhn walked passed, recalling his Treecko and letting out an Alakazam, which assumed its place at his side. When he reached the path, he stopped, reached into his pocket and tossed two items towards Darrick.

    Darrick, turning around as he watched his father, still dumbstruck by result of the battle, eyed the objects curiously. One looked like some sort of medicine, like a Potion; the other, food of some kind. "What is this?" he asked.

    "A revive and a candy bar, specially made for Pokemon," his father said, still looking disappointed. "The Revive will get it back on its feet, and the candy should make it happy. You might as well return a healthy and content Pokemon to Professor Cypress. THEN, you can go home." He wheeled around. With a larger stride, he began walking down the path out of town.

    Darrick, finally coming back to his right senses, began running after him. "Hey! Wait. What'd you say about Deena? What happened to her?!" But it was too late. His father, a ways down the road, vanished, Teleported away by his Alakazam. Darrick ground to a halt and fell back to his knees, this time more confused than despaired. "What did he mean by that?" he asked himself aloud.
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Krimson, after watching all of the events unfold before him, ran over to catch up to Darrick. "Hey man, is your Cyndaquil alright? That rock tomb looked pretty rough," Krimson asked i a concerned tone. His own Cyndaquil hopped off of his shoulder and sat next to Dante, in hopes that he would wake up soon. Krimson looked off into the distance at Darrick's father, who was much further down the road to his house. Being the son of breeders, he knew that rock tomb was an egg move that Treecko learned and how it would give him an upperhand in the fight. What he didn't understand was why he had seemed so determined to crush Darrick's hopes so definitively like that. "No offense man, but your dad is a total jerk for that," Krimson said, patting Darrick on the back.
  7. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    The outcome of the battle had been decided. Surprisingly, Sara-Kate wasn't involved. Normally, she would have jumped into the midst and inserted herself into "family business". Must have been the common decency that everyone knew she had, but didn't show. This was only short-lived. Sara-Kate went up to Darrick. "Are you going to pick yourself up or what?!" It wasn't the most compassionate thing to say, but she had a point. This journey was just getting started.
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "She's right you know." Thomas spoke as he walked up to the group. "Now, I have no intention of prying into your past but I can only assume that based on what your dad said something happened to your sister some time back and he is worried that the same thing will happen to you. And as such he wants you to return your Pokemon to Professor Cypress."

    Thomas walked past the group, continuing down the path for a moment before turning back to his group, standing about 10 feet in front of them.. "I'm not going to pry into your family's past, nor am I going to attempt to offer any sort of words of sympathy to you at this moment. I'm going to continue on this journey, with or without you. Your dad said to return your Pokemon, but he isn't here to make sure you actually do so. So the way I see it, you have two options. You can either do as he says and back out of this journey. Or you can get up, dust yourself off, and we all run like hell out of this town before he has the chance to catch up with us."

    He also wanted to make a comment about some possible dangers that they might go through and point out that nothing is as dangerous if their entire group was together, but unfortunately it seemed like Thomas missed that chance. Oh well. Perhaps he should keep that in mind in case Darrick ever decided to open up about his sister.
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Darrick was on his knees for what seemed like hours in his head. His mouth hung open, reading with an expression of lingering awe at the battle's result and confusion at his father's parting message. His eyes told a different story, casting a raging, vengeful look down the road to the spot where his old man had just vanished.

    The words of his companion proved to be his release from the trance. Sara-Kate's rough comment registered first and Darrick looked up at the three, all of whom stood before him. Darrick closed his mouth, pursing his lips together as the rage in his eyes spread through his face and subsided into something more like determination. "Yeah!" he said forcefully, pushing himself back up onto his feet, turning to Sara-Kate. "Of course I'm getting up. I've come this far; I might as well go further."

    He turned to Tom and Krimson next and shook his head. "That wasn't like my dad."He walked back to the lawn, where Krimson's Cyndaquil was trying to shake Dante to wake him, and picked up the Revive and the candy bar. "I mean he's usually tough with me," he continued, speaking over his shoulder as he gently soothed the revival medicine down Dante's throat, "but he usually gives encouragement to keep me going instead of turning me away."

    The revive kicked in almost instantly, and Dante perked back up, hesitantly approaching Darrick, clearly shaken and skeptical after the incident. "I'm sorry buddy. That one caught us both by surprise." Darrick held out his hand bearing the open candy bar. "Take it. It's yours." Dante still hesitating, took the bar and took a bite. Realizing it was no trick, he continued to nibble contently upon the treat.

    After smiling at his revived partner, Darrick turned back to the others. "Obviously something is up with my family right now. But I won't let that slow us down. Besides, if there really is something wrong, the only way I'm gonna find out is if I keep moving ahead. My father should know better than to tell his own son to quite."

    "Exactly what I said to him!" barked the elderly voice of Darrick's grandfather, who had just made his way down the hill. He nodded approvingly at Darrick's team of trainers, and held out a compact disc. "Darrick, I've had this one for a good while. It's called a Technical Machine. You can use it to teach a Pokemon a move that might not be able to learn naturally; of course, they only work as long as the move and the Pokemon are compatible. But I've done my research and I can tell you that your Cyndaquil will get along just fine with this one."

    Darrick, confused again, took the disc, inserting safely into his back. "Thanks. What move does it teach though?"

    "Oh you'll find out eventually," the Elder Kuhn remarked. But I guarantee that it'll help out against the first Gym challenge. Now, hurry up and get a move on. Don't want that other group getting too far ahead do you?"

    "Of course not!" Darrick said. He picked up Dante, placing him back upon his shoulders and turned back to his team. "Alright. No more delays here. Let's show the world what we're made of!"
  10. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    The unprecedented appearance of Darrick's grandfather had an eerie linear-RPG-vibe going on that Sara-Kate couldn't quite shake, but the words of a "Gym" and the fact that the other team could have possibly 1uped them, quickly aroused her burning sensation to move forward. Like a runner on his third leg, she was off again. This time, she was leaving with no interruptions. Realizing this very fact, Sara-Kate released Zorua from its pokeball. "Zorua, let's make history!" she stated, running off ahead. Zorua was just as ambition, matching and even exceeding Sara-Kate's pace. Soon, this evolved into a race between Sara-Kate and Zorua, without either side even remotely slowing down. Hopefully, they won't get lost . . .​
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    To a random onlooker, it may very well have appeared as though this group had no consistency. Thomas moved ahead of the group and spoke in an odd way of attempting to convince Darrick to not give up. And then Darrick moved ahead of the group, saying there would be no more delays. And finally Sara-Kate simply took off running... Again. Leaving the group behind... Again.

    Thomas sighed a bit. "I'm amazed at just how much energy is in such small a person. Though I suppose that is our cue to get going as well." He muttered under his breath, unsure if either Darrick or Krimson heard him.

    And there was no sense in standing around either, simply letting Sara-Kate increase the distance between them. He took off running after her.
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Trailing a bit behind the two girls. Something was bothering Laharl, part of him was excited for the new adventure and part of him wanted to crawl under a rock. Maybe it was nerves, he couldn't quite place it but he continued to walk on behind them. He avoided any sort of conversation with the two as one seemed brightly odd and the other seemed to unapproachable. Raijin ,sitting on his shoulder hopped onto his head looking at the two ahead of them. then looking down Laharl had pulled out his map.

    " we've got awhile before we reach another city so its likely we'll have to make it as far as we can till sunset. Don't worry little guy we'll be alright." The Shinx was relieved and slouched a bit relaxing onto Laharls' head. The journey had begun.
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Aura smirked at her friend near her as she slowed her pace to more of a fast walk with Lu alongside her. The path was surprisingly easy path to walk, of course she travelled it once before with her father when she first came to the trainer academy. She glanced behind her shoulder at the two boys trailing behind.

    "So we might as well learn about each other, so perhaps an ice breaker is in need." She spoke out without stopping her travel pace. "So perhaps 2 facts and a lie? Tell two facts and a lie about yourself and the rest of us will try to guess the lie." She said to try and fill in the silence that was starting to fall upon the group, if it be caused by nerves or whatever.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "So we might as well learn about each other, so perhaps an ice breaker is in need"

    " Yea..ya don't say" Laharl mutterd under his breath.

    So perhaps 2 facts and a lie? Tell two facts and a lie about yourself and the rest of us will try to guess the lie."

    " Alright i'll bite, i guess i'll go first then. " He thought for a moment scratching his head as long as they had to walk they had plenty of time so he could go down a list

    " Ok i've got it! I've wanted to be a super hero, i dressed up as a magnamite for holloween and i'm afraid of spiders"
  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac and Mega finally had made it with the others, now that everyone was going at the same pace. Zac then heard about Aura's "Two truths one lie," game, and Larhal went first it seemed. Lets see... which of the two were truth and which one false? "I'm gonna guess the fear of spiders?" Zac asked, taking a whack at this game of thinking and chance.
  16. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Krimson, at first excited that the group seemed to finally beginning to get back on track, now held his head down upon seeing Sarah Kate run off again. He chuckled a bit a muttered out loud, although more so directed towards Cyndaquil, "Heh, she never slows down, does she?"

    Cyndaquil merely looked on and gave a nonchalant, "Cyndaquiiilll...."

    Krimson watched as now Thomas had seemingly ran off after her as well. Not wishing to stay back any longer, he reached around into his bag and dig around until he found his attachable roller skates, placing them on his shoes accordingly. Once ready, he patted his Cyndaquil on his head before skating after the others, giving a salute to Darrick as he rolled by.
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Laharl stood up proudly. with his chest up in the sky, " Ha me afraid of spiders! i laugh in the face of danger HA HA HA HA!" he laughed while making a silly face.

    " No but really i'm terrified of spiders...their just so creepy and crawly. The lie is the super hero dream. my sister would always dress up as a super hero from one of her manga's but who needs a super hero when you can be a pokemon champ."

    He did slouch down a bit after that however...

    " But.....my mom dressed me and my sister as Magnemite and Magneton for the festival every year it was .....embarrassing to say the least. " He said while scratching his head.
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Jasmine visibly flinched at the mention of the game of two truths and one lie, what could she say? She looked at the other three and began sweating a bit nervously, "Uhh... Umm... I... I've always wanted to be a Pokemon Breeder... I'm... I'm straight... and I... I umm... I've got a mild case of depression..." She nervously looked at the ground and swallowed, breathing hard until she calmed herself down. "Sorry... Sorry. I'm okay now. Anyway, those are my three. Who wants to guess first?"
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Aura glanced at the girl walking a little behind her. That glance behind allowed her to see the truth within her aura, but it didn't change, she knew the answer, she always knew the answer. She remained silent. She wasn't sure if she should of honestly been the one to answer that question. So she decided to opt out of not being the one to answer.

    "You two boys can take a guess." Aura said while they still walked along.
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Whoa!" Darrick's jaw dropped back open, this time with the obvious hints of a bemused smile worn well upon his face as his team, one-by-one, ran off down the path. I'm gonna have to step up my game to keep this bunch in line. Their spirits are definitely higher than I expected. He rolled his eyes, heaving a pleasurable sigh, as though he were a parent entertained by his children. "Well,"he said, looking up at Dante at his perch upon his shoulder. "It looks like w're off. I wouldn't be much of a leader if I let myself fall behind now would I?"

    He let out a chuckle as he set the Pokemon down. He withdrew a Pokeball from its holster at his belt, and stared at Dante. "I think you've deserved some time to get over all of the excitement. Especially after that battle. I'll let you out a bit later, once we're all on the road. How about that?"

    "Quil! Quil!" Dante said, approving of his master's decision. Soon after, a redish light covered Dante, and a second later, he was sealed within his Pokeball.

    Darrick put the ball back on his belt, and looked down the path. He stole what was his true last glance at his house on the hill, giving it a sort of salute. He stretched and shook his legs out. And sure enough, he too bolted at a running pace down the path towards the next town, quickly catching up to his teammates.

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