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Pokemon Amethyst Version

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Destiny, May 13, 2014.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Raijin jumped off of Laharl's head and ran to Jasmine. The baby pokemon then hopped onto her shoulder and rubbed its face against hers. He was trying to comfort her as she seemed to be very shaken. Laharl picked up the pace and ran to her picking up the Shinx like an infant.

    "Ah sorry about that he's still fresh and all. he just wanted to help. Little guy means well. But um if i had to guess, it'd be uhh that you don't have a case of dep..ression? idk sorry they all seem pretty true. "

    Laharl didnt want to offend her but he also did not know what to say the girl looked like a piece of frail glass ready to crack and break down at the slightest touch.
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Krimson gleefully skated around the group now that it had appeared everyone was caught up. He hung back for a moment to check his map, reassuring himself that he knew where they were heading. "Soo, Cragspur right? Aren't there a lot of rock type Pokemon out there," he asked aloud, looking up at the group. His Cyndaquil curiously placed her paw on her face, as if trying to interpret the map herself. "Hmm....we'll just have to be careful out here then, won't we Cyndaquil?" Cyndaquil looked at Krimson with a smile and nodded, letting out a soft, "Cyndaquil!"

    Krimson smiled before looking back at the group, particularly Sara-Kate and her Zorua, who seemed to still be running. "Hey, maybe you guys should slow down a bit? Don't want to tire yourselves out already."
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac could see that Jasmine was a bit tense, and didn't know if he should reply or not at all. He felt if he said one thing wrong it could cause some problems. So he thought about his answer carefully, but then heard Larhal answer, and decided to answer as well,

    "Umm... I think the mild depression," Zac said, "you don't seem sad, I think its just you are shy or lonely maybe," Zac said
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Jasmine chuckled nervously and shook her head. "Nope... I've been diagnosed with depression... and I've always wanted to be a Pokemon breeder. To raise young Pokemon, help them grow strong, and eventually find the one they're destined to be with... That's been my lifelong goal. So that leaves the lie... Well it's out in the air now. I'm gay, lesbian, whatever you want to call me... And I'm a hopeless and worthless girl who'll always be dead last..."

    Jasmine looked at Aura briefly before continuing, "I've never been good at anything my entire life... I want to be a breeder because I want Pokemon to have a better life then I have had, I want them to get their one true love... Unlike me..." She shook her head and laughed, "But enough about me, Aura, I do believe it's your turn. I'm opting out of answering yours since I know practically everything about you by now."
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Aura walked on listening as Jasmine spoke. Of course she knew, but she didn't bother answering, she didn't believe it to be her place . Particularly since she knew that Jasmine liked her, but to be perfectly honest, even know Aura would support her and protect her, she just didn't look at Jasmine in that way, neither did she think it be possible to look at anybody that way.

    She was pulled from her thoughts when Jasmine brought up about it being her turn and her not guessing.

    "I don't believe you do." Aura said as most of her childhood was hidden away from even her.

    "Ok so my three things..." Aura started to stop and think before nodding. "I can see auras, I'm a master at swimming, and I've never failed a trainer exam." Aura said as they walked along Lu, her Riolu, walking along looking up at Aura in interest as she stated her three things.
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ((Since DW hasn't posted a response in a few days and Angel has given me authority to control Sara-Kate while they're away, I'll be making my next post now. Let's get into gear Team 2!))

    Caught up with his team, Darrick slowed down, jogging just fast enough to stay with the others. With the weight of his gear on his back, he felt winded more quickly than he usually would have from sprinting so far at once. Of course, he didn't admit to being in the least bit tired and concentrated his efforts on hiding that fact from the others. He looked to Krimson, head following him as he circled around on his skates. On a long exhale, he said "Well that wouldn't be totally up to me. We are making good time at this pace." He pointed ahead, marking the other team ahead of them by about a track's length. "I'd say I could probably give it about another half-mile at this pace. What do you two thing? Sara-Kate? Thomas? Should we ease up a bit?"

    "As if!" Sara-Kate scoffed through a small huff. "I'm not about to slow down now. We just got on the road!"

    "Well." Darrick glanced over to Krimson; he chuckled as he spoke. "That's one naysayer. What do you think Thomas?"
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Either way is fine with me." Thomas answered as the group continued. "I've always been the type of person to do things at my own pace without rushing. But Sara-Kate here isn't gonna do that. But I can easily manage keeping up at this pace until she runs out of energy." Thomas laughed a little to himself as he spoke. Even if Sara-Kate would work her hardest to prove him wrong, their difference in age worked towards Thomas' favor. Sara-Kate would definitely run out of energy before he would, so all he really needed to do was keep up with her until then. Though the downside was that he couldn't take in all the scenery.
  8. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Ummm... I'm going to go with.... seeing auras," Zac said, feeling confident in his answer with a smile. Mega was still waddling beside his master, keeping up with the group as best he could, "I mean, I think my mom said there were some people who could see them, but I dunno, I don't think you do,"
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Haha." Darrick gave hearty chuckle through a pair of heavy breaths; they must've been running a good half-mile already since they left town. "It's decided then. We'll keep our pace. I'm sure we'll make good time. If we keep it up, we might even be able to make it to the beach on the other end by nightfall." He pushed himself to run faster, edging his way to the front of the group.

    He maintained his position ahead of the group over the course of the next half-mile, by which point they had all slowed back down to more of an urgent walk. The woods had covered around them, beams of sunlight slipping in through the tops of the trees that then over-arched the path. Everything seemed to be running smoothly... until Darrick came to yet another sudden halt. Tilting his head to the side, he stared quizzically at a most bizarre sight. He turned his head back to his team (this time, having had enough distance to not run into each other), pointed ahead, and whispered. "A rarity," he said, shifting to one side for the rest of the team to see a stray HootHoot, peculiarly out and about in the early afternoon.

    "Maybe it's nest got disturbed," Darrick continued.

    "Well," Sara-Kate said tensely, nearly stepping up in front of Darrick to engage the wild Pokemon herself. "Are you just going to stand there commenting like a documentary?"

    "Of course not!" Darrick held Sara-Kate back with one arm and removed Dante's Pokeball. "If this little guy doesn't have a home anymore, I'll take it in, if it'll let me... Let's go Dante." Dante emerged from it's Pokeball, catching the HootHoot's attention. The two stared each other down, as if knowing what was about to happen. "So," Darrick said over his shoulder. "What do you all say to a little bit of collecting before we carry on?"
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Krimson smirked at the chance to get to the beach before nightfall. "Oh yeah, I can get with that," he exclaimed happily, his Cyndaquil showing the same enthusiasm.

    As the group rolled along, they were stopped once Darrick gave the idea of the group collecting Pokemon. Krimson, trying to hold back from being to overtly excited, nodded at Darrick before quickly removing his skates. "You won't have to tell me twice!" He looked over at his Cyndaquil with a smile and asked, "Ready Cyndaquil?" And, unsurprisingly, Cyndaquil enthusiastically replied, "Cyndaaaquil!"

    His Cyndaquil jumped off of his shoulder and followed Jordan as he jogged off a bit, not too far from the group, in search of wild Pokemon.

    After searching around or barely two minutes, Krimson encountered a wild Fletchling. At the sight of the Pokemon, Krimson smiled and immediately pointed at it, exclaiming, "Alright Cyndaquil, let's add that Fletchling to the family!" Cyndaquil nodded and jumped forward, staring the Fletchling down in dramatic fashion.

    Before Krimson could give a command to his Cyndaquil, with incredible speed, the Fletchling attacked Cyndaquil with what was most likely quick attack. Cyndaquil was knocked back two feet before slowly getting back to her feet. Krimson bit his lip, having underestimated the fast little bird. In that instant, it almost appeared as if Krimson had changed his attitude completely, taking on a more serious expression as he gave a coy smile.

    "Cyndaquil, use tackle!"

    Cyndaquil obeyed and rushed towards the Fletchling, using tackle to knock it backwards. As the Fletchling prepared to hit back with another quick attack, Krimson called out, "Now use smokescreen between you two!" Again, the little Pokemon obeyed and shot a ball of smoke between the two Pokemon.

    Unsure of where its opponent was, the Fletchling used quick attack again but this time missed Cyndaquil by tackling past him.

    "Now use tackle again!"

    The Cyndaquil tackled the small bird from behind, this time landing a critical hit. The Fletchling tumbled forward, now feet away from Krimson, in a clearly weakened state.

    Smiling in approval, Krimson threw a pokeball in the Fletchling's direction, hoping to catch it. As the red beam of light pulled the Fletchling into the pokeball, the ball began to slowly rock from left to right for several seconds, although it felt like an eternity for Krimson. And then, just like that, the ball stopped moving and the center turned white.

    Krimson's tone quickly changed back to his carefree spirit attitude as he leaped in the air in joy, excited that he had caught his first Pokemon. "Ohhh yes! I can't believe it, but we did it! We caught our first Pokemon!" Krimson's Cyndaquil rolled the ball towards Krimson, as she too began leaping up and down in joy. Krimson proudly picked up his pokeball, staring intensely at it before closing his eyes and speaking to it, "Welcome to the team....Songbird."
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "I suppose a break would be nice." Thomas spoke, opening up his bag to see what items he had put in it. In relation of what would be needed now, he had 5 Pokeballs in the bag. "Tall grass, right?" He muttered to himself as he wandered away from the group. He tossed Gible's Pokeball into the air, releasing the dragon. "Ready for some catching? Though I do wonder what type of Pokemon are living around here."

    Scanning the area and wandering throughout the grass for a few minutes, Thomas' search was unfruitful. "Seriously?" He spoke as he looked at Gible. "Are we missing something that they have or something?"
  12. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Watching his team disperse out of the corner of his eye, Darrick focused his attentions entirely on the the stray HootHoot. He stood, staring the wild Pokemon down from above Dante, as though he were about to personally engage in battle himself. "Alright Dante," he said. "We've got ourselves a new member of the family to take in. But we've gotta show him that we're the right bunch for him! Got it?"

    "Cyndiquil! Cyndiquil!"

    "Alright then. The others have all gone off, so the path is ours to battle in. Let's start this one off the same as the last one. Give it a Smokescreen... I promise, this little guy shouldn't have as much of a surprise as the Treecko you faced earlier... but yeah. Use Smokescreen!"

    "Quil!" Dante's flame grew violent, emitting its cloud of smoke, settling a substantial veil against the HootHoot.

    Determined to escape its imprisonment, the HootHoot moved forward, aiming a Tackle at Dante, glancing him as it passed by.

    "You're good Dante?" Darrick asked his companion. "Don't want to lose you again."

    The Pokemon nodded its head, putting itself back on its feet and finding a balanced stance. Ready for action, Dante looked to Darrick for his next command.

    "Well... let's give it a bit of its own medicine," Darrick called. "Hit it with a Tackle!"

    Dante, too, spring forward, ramming successfully into the enemy HootHoot with a decisive blow. The HootHoot, though knocked back by the Tackle, was still in fighting condition. Thinking more strategically for its second time around, the owl Pokemon let out a loud Growl-like cry, before which Dante shivered.

    "No matter!" Darrick hollered. "Get it back with a Leer!"

    "Quil!" Dante gathered its confidences back, and stared down the HootHoot with a menacing look. The owl, like Dante before it, shuddered in fear, opening its defenses. It attempted a second Tackle, for which Dante was prepared, and swiftly evaded. As a finish to the battle, Darrick called for one last Tackle. The attack made contact, and the HootHoot slumped down in near-defeat. Hurling an empty Pokeball from his belt, Darrick watched on in anticipation.

    The red light of the Pokeball sucked the HootHoot into the device. Sealed shut, the Pokeball teetered back and forth on the ground as the Pokemon within struggle to break free. Finally, though, the ball locked, successfully sealing the Pokemon inside. "Alright!" Darrick cheered, punching his fist up into the air. "We got one!" He rushed forward, nabbing the Pokeball off the ground, beaming down at it, holding it in his hand as though it were a trophy.

    When the euphoria subsided, he latched the Pokeball onto his belt and lowered to one knee. He picked Dante up off the ground and, smiling, said, "you were amazing just now Dante. We keep this kind of hard work up, we'll go places."

    "Cyndaquil!" Dante cried out cheerfully.

    "Good to hear! Now, what do you say we go and see how the others are doing? I think I saw Krimson run off in that direction." Darrick placed Dante back on his shoulder and walked a ways down the trail, a bit into the brush of the woods, where he had seen Krimson go. Just off the trail, Darrick's fellow trainer stood, grasping a Pokeball, no doubt containing a freshly caught Pokemon. "So you got one?" Darrick asked.
  13. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Krimson turned around and faced his friend, a smile planted onto his face. "Yup! Me and Cyndaquil caught ourselves a Fletchling, right Cyndaquil," he enthusiastically asked his Cyndaquil.

    Cyndaquil pressed her paws on her hips and and replied, "Cyndaquuuuil!."

    Krimson chuckled and turned his attention back to Darrick. "Now I just have to take him to the Pokemon Center and me and him can get to working together!" Krimson was so excited about his own catch, he had nearly forgotten that Darrick had spotted a Hoothoot earlier. "Oh yeah, what about you? Catch that Hoothoot??
  14. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Darrick grinned at Krimson as he reached for the newly filled Pokeball on his belt. He held the ball straight out in front of him. [color ="darkorange"]"Yup!"[/color] He clipped the ball back onto his belt and turned back towards the path. "Let's go find Sara-Kate and Thomas."

    And so of was that the journey of the young Pokemon trainers went underway. After spending the night on the beach overlooking the "Spire Islands," both teams made good time arriving in Terrera, most of them picking up a Pokemon or two in the process. After spending time training at the gym, all eight eventually challenged and defeated its Gym Leader, Denva and her prized Boldore.

    Each of them carrying respected Granite Badge, they departed with the applause and well-wishes of Terrera's Gym trainers and citizens. Traveling West along the "Shoto Road," the two groups led respectively by Aura and Darrick, made their way to the "Ken-ten Crossing," beyond which lay Pugilis, home to the revered Mitsuko Dojo and Pokemon Gym.

    Battling other trainers and adding new Pokemon to their team their path ran smoothly, until...

    It had all happened in an instant, catching the young trainers by surprise. Darrick still felt chills running down his spine just thinking about it: they were nearly half way through the Ken-te Crossing when the mountainous walls collapsed in on them. Aura had narrowly avoided being crushed by the boulders; if it hadn't been for Laharl'a quick-thinking in pushing her forward, she'd have been done for. In turn, Laharl had been saved from a similar fate by a timely effort of Darrick and Zac pulling him back before damage could be done. With Aura on the Pugilis side of the rockslide, she had pressed on to request her father's help in clearing the blockade; but how long that would take, no one could tell.

    While the others waited in silence down below, Darrick scaled up the pile of rocky debris. Reaching the top of the fifty-foot wall, he peered over the other side, not even bothering to climb over. He shook his head and made a careful track down, jumping once he reached a safe height. "Well, looks like a vertical drop on the other end," he explained. "We can try to make it down that way; I've got rope in my bag we can uses; but we'll need something to tie it off to."
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Thomas had an odd feeling in his gut that something about this rock slide wasn't natural. But his suspicions were essentially unfounded. It may have been caused by a Pokemon, but the timing was too coincidental. So perhaps somebody was the cause, aiming for the group of trainers. But why? It isn't like anybody in the group had encountered somebody who would develop a grudge towards them.

    But now wasn't the time to focus on that. Their path was blocked. They needed to get past this obstacle. Darrick went up ahead to examine their path, coming back to explain that their only option seemed to be climbing down.

    "Gible can dig into the ground. Perhaps he can dig in a way to create an anchor to tie the rope to." Thomas offered.
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Jasmine was heartbroken at this turn of events, her only friend, and crush, was now out of reach. She sat against the side of the mountain wity her Eevee and Vaporeon by her side as she slowly began to ponder what truly happened. This was no accident. Jasmine was certain of that, but who would do something like this? Who could be so cruel? As she thought about it, her thoughts drifted back to Aura. Would she be okay? They'd meet up again soon right?

    The thought however, of never seeing Aura again, caused the young girl to burst into tears.
  17. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac had Florabelle in his arms, trying to comfort the poor girl, she had been sobbing and worrying about Aura. "I-its gonna be okay Jasmine," Zac said to her, "I'm sure Aura and her dad are gonna clean this whole mess up and she'll join us soon enough," he comforted. Soon enoguh, he overheard the others talking and placed Florabelle next to Jasmine, just in case she would need some extra company from the Petilil.

    The young man walked to Darrick and began to bring up a suggestion, "Y'know Mega's pretty darn heavy, maybe you can tie the rope around him? He'd make a good anchor," the boy explained to the others.
  18. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Completely oblivious to the seriousness of the events that had just unfolded. Sara-Kate suddenly came to quickly understand after all. While Darrick was scaling the walls, she was trying to physically clear the tattered debris which was ineffective. "I guess, up, is the only way!" she thought!

    In that moment, Darrick jumped down with his rope idea and Zac had a solution.

    "Now that, that is settled. How about we get on it people!" she shouted motioning everyone back to the wall that Darrick was just on.

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