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Pokemon: The Secret of Mew

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Destiny, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Hmph. You are still a little bit slow." Deerling's speed was still faster than Growlithe and the Professor had an idea. "Now let us trap the little puppy. Deerling! Let us play tag!" The Deerling starts to grin and was taunting the Growlithe, aiming for it to follow him. "Keep up if you can. Use Faint Attack to react faster" The Deerling kept on running and running, moving up ahead so that Growlithe will be unable to hit Deerling and to force Growlithe to try even harder.
  2. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac saw Deerling go faster, and came up with an idea, "STOP!" Zac commanded. Z-pup stopped and caused a was of fire and dirt to fly, heading near Deerling, though it wasn't able to reach the deer pokemon. "Dig," Zac said. While the dirt and fire were still airborn, Z-pup quickly dug deep underground and awaited for Zac's next order.

    "Time for the waiting game,"
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Michi heard Deviluke and looked at Mew grabbing Mew and hiding the small pokemon before running out of Deviluke's view.

    "Well in the meantime stay hidden." Michi told mew before letting mew go who nodded and flew off. Michi quickly peeked back around the corner.

    "Hey, what's with the change of attitude?" Michi asked looking at him curious.
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Deviluke shook his head with a bright smile. " Not much change in attitude as much as its me being respectful of the things you've said. i may not like it but i have to respect the balance of the pokeworld. " He paced closer to her " I'd like to learn more things from you if your willing to teach me that is. my eyes are open and my eyes are listening."

    His raichu pounced behind him it hopped over to Michi starting to snuggle her legs. " Yes she is quite a cute girl isnt she boy"
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Michi looked over at Lucario staring at Devliluke suspiciously.

    "Ummm alright, I suppose I can help you out, but really accepting the truth takes more than that. More time and more observation. But I can help you begin to realize everything. Give you a hand at least. I'd be happy to do that." Michi said smiling.

    "A good place to start is maybe really interacting in the festival instead of being an observer of a few battles maybe some contests. You need to really get involved and I'd recommend exploring around you and when I say that look at what we have thanks to the legendary pokemon that if they were killed or removed from their duties, we would not have." Michi said.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    " Ok Deerling. It is time to sit and wait ourselves. Do not panic." Deerling stood there patiently, wondering where Growlithe will appear. "If you think that hiding underneath the ground will do you any good, then you are sadly mistaken. Deerling will react before Growlithe will ever land a hit. I would love to see you try. Hide and go Seek we shall play then. I wonder who will win this game."
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "I already know Deerling is gonna react faster than Z-pup," Zac said, "Come out and show them what they have won!" Zac said. Z-pup broke a hole in the ground and jumped on out and growled at Deerling. However, Zac drew out the red and white pokeball that was Z-pup's, and Zac pointed it at his Growlithe and sent it back in, "Return Z-pup. And lets go Valor!"

    Zac tossed a blue pokeball this time that had yellow stripes on it, and out came the eagle pokemon, who released a battlecry, "We may lack in speed, but we have something else in mind,"
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "..." The professor stood there and extended his baton and pointed at Deerling, signaling him to prepare himself. "I guess I will have to break out his other styles. Deerling, are you ready?" The Deerling nodded and was ready to perform any moves that the Professor wanted him to make. "Ok now. Conjure me up an Energy Ball, spinning it." The Deerling was on its back and was starting to create a green energy ball, kicking and spinning it to keep the flow of the energy going in a clockwise position. "Now kick the Energy Ball towards Braviary with precise aim." The Deerling then kicked the ball at the Braviary and then leaped back on its four feet, waiting to make another move. "Let us see if you can prove to me that type advantage is necessary."
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Alright then," Zac said, "Valor, use Defog!" Zac commanded. The Braviary nodded and began to flap his wings and sent a huge gust of wind that was would be enough to blow away the energy ball, "Now use Tailwind!" Zac said. The Braviary then began to fly up into the air to avoid the Energy Sphere incase the winds weren't enough. The Pokemon began to spin around and then used his wings to blow the whirlwind back, and gave him a Tailwind to use.

    ((I don't think I described how to use Tailwind :p))
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Hmph. Time to evaluate." Professor Anemones stood there, wondering what to do next as he saw that the Braviary can use those moves. "Let's see... to fight in the air... hm...ok. Deerling, keep on shooting about three more Energy Ball at him." The Deerling paid attention and start to charge up his Energy Ball. Eventually, the Deerling starts to kick the Energy Balls into the air, one after another at Braviary after seeing that one is not enough. "Someone will have to give in eventually. Otherwise, it will be a stalemate."
  11. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "I never gave up through my journey, until I see that I can't press on," Zac said, "Valor dodge them!"

    The Braviary nodded and gracefully avoided the first two spheres of energy, however, being hit by the final energy ball. However, his speed was remarkably fast, considering the Tailwind was making him fast, "Alright, Steel Wing!" Zac said. The Braviary nodded and eclipsed his wings in steel and flew towards the Deerling with his left wing aiming to hit Deerling.
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "It is time Deerling. Prepare yourself. Grab onto his wing!" The Deerling was determined and starts galloping towards the Braviary and jumped towards it. Taking the full brunt of the damage, it felt the power of the Steel Wing but it held on to Braviary. "That's it. Hang in there. Use Energy Ball once more right in his face!" The Deerling was charging up an Energy Ball in its mouth but it glowed. Soon, the Deerling released the Energy Ball into the Braviary's face and caused an explosion, forcing Deerling to jump from Braviary while he was spinning. "You did wonderful Deerling. Keep it up." The Deerling landed back on the ground and was recovering, almost losing his balance from landing. "That should lower his defense..."
  13. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "YEEAAAAAAHHHHHHhhhhh that's not what I was expecting," Zac said, starting excited but it was quickly lost when he noticed the Deerling holding onto the wing. He then saw the Deerling blast Braviary's face with energy ball. When the smoke cleared, Braviary was struggling to fly upward, while the Deerling was on the ground and recovering.

    "Ariel Ace!" Zac said. The bird nodded as it finally opene its wings and glided towards Deerling at high speeds, accelerating faster and faster as it approached the Deerling Digimon.
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Hmph. Charge." Deerling had a determined face and was running towards the Braviary, acting as though he is trying to win big points in gymnastics. "Now use Faint Attack to have the first go and be next to the Braviary." The Deerling nodded and starts dashing instantly, appear near the Braviary in mid-air. "Now Double Kick it to the curve with aerobics!" The Deerling starts spinning, sending his left front leg to hit Braviary's left wing and then his back legs to kick the Braviary down into the ground while attacking it's left wing once again so that it can have an advantage." "Ok Deerling! Use Energy Ball to balance yourself so you will not lose balance like last time."

    It conjured up another Energy Ball and shot it towards the ground to give it an extra boost, allowing it to land a little bit more safely with less risk of bringing injury to his legs. "Better hope the bird's wing is not crippled. Otherwise, it will be stuck on the ground for good."
  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Luckily, Braviary's wings weren't broken or crippled and managed to hover in the air again. Zac started to strategize for a bit in his mind,

    Even with Tailwind we can't match the speed of Deerling with its faint attack, but sunny day's effects should wear off soon. Still... Z-pup could at least keep up with Deerling with his fire-OF COURSE!

    "I can't believe I forgot, HEAT WAVE!" Zac commanded,

    Braviary opened his beak and sent a torrent of fire at Deerling,
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Hmph. Camouflage Deerling. QUICK!" The Deerling was astonished of the attack and starts to blend in with the ground and starts skipping, barely getting away from the Heat Wave attack by a hair. "How interesting and yet still no flavor to your moves... and how in the world can your pokemon use five moves. Last time I remembered, your Braviary used Sky Drop. So... Sky Drop, Steel Wing, Defog, Tailwind... but where did the Heat Wave came from I wonder.... hm. No matter. No time to question about the four move limit or the like. Deerling. Prepare yourself and continue to stay in hiding."
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Deviluke sneered and cringed at the thought of having to actually interact with people at the festival. For starters he didnt even want to be there from the start. it was simply for publicity. But he wouldn't show that in his expression especially not around Michi." I suppose your right. i'd like to take a interest in things as they are and how things i guess remain in a balance. I'm used to lavish hotels and expensive things. i don't know much about how things work around here. so take me on a tour would you?"

    Deviluke didnt exactly have the best things growing up. but his rise to fame caused him to forget how to appreciate the small things in life.
  18. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Braviary looked around frantically for the hidden Pokemon. Zac looked around as well, until he remembered something, "Valor! Find Deerlings shadow and use Heay Wave!" Zac said. He was about to grin and think of something witty to say if he woul win, but cockiness wasn't gonna help, he learned that several times before, but he had to be quick on his mind with this guy.

    The Braviary nodde and looked around for the shadow. It's eyes peered around the grassy plains, until he saw a shadow that vaguely looked like that of a deer. He had found his target, and sent another blast of fire at Deerling.

    "I think I'm glad this Deerling hasn't evolved, I would have been even more screwed if it was," Zac said,
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Hmph. I think it is now time. Deerling, put an Energy Ball in front of yourself!" The Deerling, though hidden, was now being shown faintly as he was creating an Energy Ball in front of himself as the flames hit the ball. Deerling took in the damage from the sparks that came from the flames but Deerling trusted the Professor. "That's it. Keep on having the Energy Ball right there in front of you."

    The Deerling's Energy Ball was building up by him as Deerling was using it as protection but eventually, the attack from the power of nature took in the breathe of the flames from the eagle and it was blazing and was very wide. "Now release and hide once again." The Deerling released the blazing Energy Ball at Braviary and he was in hiding once again from his camouflage.
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Michi smiled at him.

    "Yeah, I'll show you around a bit." Michi said smiling as she began to walk back down the mountain trail that would run back into town.

    "So the whole town takes part in the celebration with different events going on. There's a fair where farmers from nearby come in with their goods they've grown, you can get moomoo milk, fresh berries, and tons of pokemon treats all home made, at the docks you can get some goods imported from across the world I often stock up on puffins when they come in. For activities there's a carnival with different amusement park rides, and a circus which also doubles where the pokemon contests take place, then obviously you know about the pokemon battles. There's plenty of shops that set out stuff many homemade crafts can be purchased as well. Then in town itself year round we have the museum, the gardens, soon to be completed pokemon gym, and some other small things to do." Michi explained as they walked back into town.

    "Where would you like to start?" Michi turned around and faced Deviluke asking him.

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