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Pokemon: The Secret of Mew

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Destiny, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Deviluke raised a eyebrow briefly. He understood she was going to go to great lengths to make him understand that the Legendary's were not to be tampered with. " You've made your point clear Michi....i just want to observe. So take me to your favorite restaraunt and we can have a chat." As they made there way to the elevator a strange man bumped into michi causing her to loose her balance. However he caught her before she slipped to the ground.

    And you're that celebrity they have here for the festival, right? I do hope you'll forgive me for not being completely familiar with who you are. Again, with all the traveling I haven't really stopped to pay attention to any news about celebrities. Although I suppose I do tend to use stuff created by your company. So on behalf of trainers everywhere, I thank you for your service."

    "Its quite alright, there are still few in the pokeworld that do not know of me. So i don't hold that against you or anything. I didnt ask for fame it just kind of happened i suppose. Deviluke adjusted his tie quickly and stood in front of the man. ' So your a traveler are you? Seen any rare pokemon on your travels? if so i'd like to hear."
  2. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    The gym leader decided to go check on the fossels as well. He went towards the same elevator the man and girl were using and entered it. He pressed the button to the respective floor of the fossel exhibit. He was curious about fossels, when he was a kid he wished he ha one of them, nowadays they had the technology to revive some of them, pretty amazing to be honest.


    The nurse handed Zac his pokeballs and he thanked the woman at the desk and took back his pokeballs. He went over to his seat and opened up one of the notebooks and began to write down information. He decided to get started on the assignment the Professor told him to do.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Let's see... a little bit of studying on this here..."

    Professor Anemones was already in the museum, just exploring thoruhg the artifacts to help him have more information on the power of pokemon. His pokemon was yawning and was falling asleep, seeing that there was nothing to do, Deerling on the ground, Cherrim hiding in its seed, Shaymin in the Professor's coat and Castform on top of his head.

    "Will this is no fun..."

    While the Professor continue to look around, he saw his apprentice but alongside him were the young girl and Deviluke.

    "AH... hm..."

    The Professor continue to to study the fossils, tired of looking at them.

    "Already did research on this pokemon... guess I can research this one some more... what else? *Sigh*"
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Yes I have seen quite a few." Tom answered as he recalled all the rare Pokemon he had seen throughout his adventures. "Lemme think. I once managed to fish a Feebass. I remember finding a Spiritomb in the tunnels underneath Sinnoh. And while she isn't the rarest of Pokemon, Glaceon herself is one of those temperamental evolutions of Eevee and is rather choosy as to where an evolution into Glaceon will occur." As he got ready to list some other rare Pokemon, Tom's hand happened to touch the Pokeball that contained Zoroark. "And I suppose there are some rare Pokemon I have that I'll hold off on revealing until a later round in the tournament." He smiled as he moved his hand away from the Pokeball.

    "Actually as of late I have been searching for some very specific Pokemon. I suppose a trainer such as yourself would either dismiss my search as a child's fantasy or would most likely be pursuing a similar goal. I've been trying to find the Pokemon that build up the legends of the world. It is a goal of mine to at least see them in my lifetime. Admittedly it is a strange goal for somebody as young as me. I suppose you could say an old acquaintance of mine is the reason for my search."
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Deviluke's eyes grew as he followed every word the man was saying. It had been awhile since someone showed a common interest in rare Pokemon, at least to him. He caught a glimpse of him brushing his hand against a specific pokeball which drew attention to it. Trying to not give to much eye contact he began to converse. " No no, i'd never dismiss a fellow trainers goals keep in mind we all have our own reasons for branching out into the pokemon world. However i'm glad to meet someone that shares my common interest in Rare pokemon. " His famed Dragonite pokeball sat around his neck as it dazzled from the sunlight that blazed through the glass. " I don't often have as much time to be a trainer as much as i used to, what with paper work meetings and all the formaliies of being who i am.

    " However i've been searching for a few specific pokemon myself" Shrugging his shoulders he looked back at Michi" And yes i'd like to at least "Observe" them once in my lifetime. When i was a child i once came face to face with Articuno. Was a business trip for my father i got lost and it led me back to the group. But when i looked back it was gone. " placing one hand in his pockets casually he gave a quick smirk to the man in front of him. " Ya know i may be here for business but i'm expecting good things from you in the upcoming tourney. Oh and by the way i actually own a Milotic if you'd like to see the evolution of Feebas. I'd like to extend my network to help you on your way to finding these Pokemon. "

    " Quickly pulling out a business card aimed twards him. " Here's my card, oh I didnt catch your name. I'm Deviluke Mihawk. Ceo and chairmain of Mihawk Industries. It's a pleasure."
  6. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    The gym leader walked out of the elevator and started to walk around the room for a bit. There were a good amount of fossils in here, some he recognized and some he didn't. Times had changed, and more pokemon were discovered in the past 30 years of his life. Walking through here made him feel like he was 12 again and browsing through the museums that he passed through.

    He then saw the same and man and girl that were being bombarded with screaming girls and he noticed another young man who had just joined the group. He was able to recognize the man as Deviluke Mihawk, he had heard his son talk about the man a lot before. Curious as to why he was here. He figured the man was here as a guest or just coming to see the festival.
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Michi listened in and observed the other trainer, clearly a researcher assistant, and if she remembered from the tournament his name was Tom. She caught the look from Deviluke before glancing back at Lucario looking over at another man, from what she could tell the other man appeared to be a researcher before Lucario looked away to another man, he had a strong built to him, her guess a gym leader.

    "Studying and researching legendary pokemon in their natural state, is great to do, just be careful not to disturb them, too many people try to catch them and thats when problems arise, they shouldn't even really be initiated in battle, should just be left alone." Michi said adding in her two cents worth.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26


    Akira looked down to see Shaymin coming out of his coat pocket, coughing up a pink flower for some odd reason that fell to the marble floor.

    "We should leave now. This is enough studying for now."

    He had Shyamin in his arms as he walked out of the museum with his other grass pokemon and they followed him outside, heading toward the hotel to get ready for the ntext tournament tomorrow and to prepare for the next day.

    "Shaymin, Deerling, everyone. I think tomorrow we should eat a lot for our enjoyment and find other pokemon."

    The four of them smiled, especially when Professor Anemones said that they will also meet up with the other Pokemon coordinators who did not make it to the next round.
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac looked at the notebook and tapped the pencil on his cheek. His Grolwithe continued to look at Zac, like he was expecting something. Zac took a glance at Z-Pup and smiled, "Don't worry, once I finish a few more pages we can do something, probably do some training... Only thing is... Why does the Professor want me to give him info on Fire types and what they would be best for... I had only one fire type used in my team for that battle and your my only fire type in my team currently... "
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Tom felt as though his eyeballs were gonna burst out of his sockets with how wide he felt his eyes open at the mention of somebody actually meeting Articuno. "Articuno? That is amazing. And evolving Feebas as well. So difficult." He took the card from Deviluke. "My name is Tom Silver. Technically I am one of the champions of Johto, although I never got around to challenging the Elite Four. So now I'm simply a wandering trainer. It has been a pleasure to meet you as well." He shook Deviluke's hand.

    And right after was Michi's comment. It was surprising to Tom a bit. Mostly because to him it felt as though she was making assumptions about him without asking. But, truth be told, Tom was entirely willing to catch the legendary Pokemon if he felt that was the best way to keep them safe. "My main goal with them is to witness them in person. As for battling or catching them, that is something that I would only do if they themselves are willing."

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