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Pokemon: The Secret of Mew

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Destiny, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac walked over to find a seat for to watch the ceremony from. He found a seat and sat and grabbed Z-pup and placed him on his lap and then pulled out his pokeball which had his Togepi in. It cheered with happiness, and Zac smiled,

    "Hey Caleb, you wanna watch it?" Zac asked he held up the Togepi,

    "Pi-Toge!" The Togepi said with joy. Zac laughed and held him up to watch the ceremony, though it hadn't start yet, he wanted Caleb to get a good view of the stage.
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: so much for pokemon love, lol


    "Well this year I'm not officially competing I'm actually judging and whoever the champion is after beating our guest this year will have the chance if they choose to face me. The prize for if they win against me though I'm not even sure what is it." Michi explained.

    "Hello Terssa town and guest!" Michi turned and looked towards the stage as an announcer came on. "Welcome to the Festival in Honor of Teressa and Mew!"

    "Oh looks like we're starting." Michi said. The crowd cheered.

    "I hope you're all ready for a great festival, I know we all are. And now its time to announce our special guest. That's right famous pokemon collector and trainer, owner of the Faux Company and the owner The Cipher Pokemon Ranch, please welcome Mr. Deviluke Mihawk." Michi heard the announcer say before cringing at the word or collector she sighed though and shook it away before turning her attention to the curtain that would open up to reveal the special guest.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Jim looked shocked, "No kidding? Mihawk is here? Man he's my idol!" He turned to Michi and smiled, "I signed up earlier, so I'd have some time to prepare. If I win, you'd best be ready to bring your a-game, because I won't hold back... not even for you Michi." He blushed lightly and ran into the crowd to hide from her, this time, it was Jess who facepalmed at Jim's shyness when it came to Michi.
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    ( Time to introduce some Character Development lol )

    The red Curtain slowly opened and a Massive Dragonite Flew out. " Introducing Deviluke Mihawk!' The annoucner yelled proudly. The dragonite shot a hyperbeam into the sky disperssing into many small sparks. Shining like diamonds as it covered the arena. " Hello Hello Everyone!! Its my pleasure to be here!!" Deviluke Mihawk had made his public appearance finally. He walked out into the middle of the area as his dragonite flew around the stadium.

    "I LOVE YOU LUKKEEE!!" A large section of girls shouted out in unison.

    " Aww my lovlies i love you all to. " He winked at them and they all passed out in there seats. " Well then everyone i know your waiting to see them. So here they are!!" He tossed 5 pokeballs into the sky His Arcanine was the first to appear he jumped on top of it waving at all the fans. His raichu was next as it showed off a crowd pleasing thunder show for the crowd. His other pokemon stood next to him as they all lined up. Finally his Dragonite landed beside the Arcanine. " I'm pleased to be here everyone and i'll be here all day so if anyone would like to have a one on one chat with me i'd be more than happy to oblige any of you fine young souls. If its training advice you need just come over!"

    Devilluke Mihawk was beloved in all the pokecommunity there was almost no person that did not know who he was or his name. He was a extremely important individual however he chose to be at this festival for some down time. " Today There will be one lucky person that i will choose at random to be taken under my wing for a week of training!!" As he said this peoples eyes lit up. He was the reigning champion in the pokemon league and seemingly unbeatable. any trainer would give anything just for a moment to train with him let alone an entire week.
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "So a champion Pokemon trainer is here huh? Well I'm gonna show his archanine what a Growlithe can do, right Z-pup?" Zac asked his Growlite, the pokemon's response was a happy bark. Whenever there was an Archanine, the two would show their full potiential as trainer and pokemon. Once the ceremony was over, he would ask Luke for a practice one on one battle wih Grolwithe and Archanine.
  6. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Kytes's registration went smoothly and without a single hitch in the process, so he ended up joining the throng of folks that were crowded around the stage to witness whatever proceeded next. He made sure to put Teddy back in his ball, since staged events usually got too loud for the small bear. A young woman did a few introduction, and that was alright. When it came time for the main attraction, the shrill cries heart his ears.

    "It's a good thing I didn't bring Xatu out. . ." He told himself, watching the spectacle that Deviluke Mihawk put on. He remarked, "My, he certainly is a confident guy," Watching as the cock of the walk strut out onstage. He'd heard of Deviluke in passing, but never bothered to follow the exploits. Kytes never was one much for celebrities.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile. . .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    The two Kirlia had found themselves hanging around backstage, the two petit pokemon going completely unnoticed, luckily for them.

    "Wow, what a marvelous display!" One excitedly said from a peephole in one of the curtains. The other agreed, "Yes, yes, a very marvelous display!"
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Tom looked up at the stage as all the fangirls cheered. "So they managed to get some important people here huh?" He muttered as he watched the show. He opened up his Pokedex and left a little electronic notice next to six Pokemon on the list, all of Devilluke's Pokemon. "He would be a good benchmark to gauge how much we've grown, don't you think Typhlosion?" The fire Pokemon looked up at Tom with a confused look on his face. "You know, if we ever happen to run into Alex again. Alex isn't the type to let himself be as famous and well known as this Devilluke guy so there's no guarantee that one of them is stronger than the other. But if Devilluke is stronger than Alex, and we manage to beat Devilluke, then that means we're finally strong enough to beat Alex. And even if Devilluke isn't as strong as Alex, he's still a very powerful trainer. So if we can beat him, that proves we're very strong as well."

    Admittedly in the back of Tom's mind the training session with Devilluke didn't mean much. It would always be a nice thing for him to learn new things about battling, but he himself was no slouch when it came to Pokemon matches. To Tom, the training would just be an additional bonus that would be nice to have but wasn't something to worry about too much.
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Michi rolled her eyes at the screaming girls and crossed her arms to his cockiness.

    'To think you would have beaten him had you continued on your quest.' Michi heard the voice in her head.

    "Hey-" she looked around realizing she was alone so she headed up to the stage.

    "If you manage to win the competitions youll have a chance to fight Mr. Mihawk. Now with that being said let's start the competition. Please come up to the stage Pokemon trainer Josh and Tom!" The announcer said. Michi just got back stage where a battlefield lied and stood waiting for the curtain to open up as ref.

    OOC: just create somebody you face against. You'll all win this round unless you don't want to.
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Look at all the lovlies here today. I'm excited to see what everyone has to show me. i'm a busy man you know" he said to the announcer as he took a seat at the announcer table. DevilLuke had his own seating arena but he chose to be closer to the action this time around. There was something He was looking to see today. He had been the champion for a while and was looking for a worthwhile challenge.

    "I think i'll give them a handicap this time around and only use 3 pokemon. don't wana overwhelm the cute little trainers haha. " He said loudly and propped his feet up on the table.
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Hey Typhlosion, what are the odds that there's another trainer named Tom here?" Tom asked his Pokemon. The fire Pokemon simply rolled his eyes as a picture of each trainer appeared up on the screen. "Well that was fast. No rest for us, huh?" Tom smiled as he moved towards the battle area. "Now I guess all that's left is to decide to be showy or to take it easy for this first match."

    "Trainers, present your beginning Pokemon for the match."

    "Well Typholsion, since you're out already why don't you go first? You can take out anything anyways, right?"

    "Sending a fire Pokemon out against me? I fear you underestimate me." The opposing trainer smiled. "Gyarados, I choose you!"

    "Wow, he looks strong." Tom looked at the massive Pokemon that was unleashed. "Unfortunately for you though, I've made sure to cover my weaknesses. Typhlosion, Wild Charge." Electricity began to appear on Typhlosion's body as the Pokemon charged at the Gyarados. Their bodies collided, shocking the Gyarados to the point of fainting. "That move always stings a bit, doesn't it? Thanks for being a trooper and keeping on with any pain you get from that attack." Tom smiled as he patted Typhlosion on the head.

    The trainer, Josh, seemed to be speechless as he watched his Gyarados fall in one hit. "Now's not the time for this. Go, Golem." Josh's next Pokemon entered the fight.

    "Come on back Tyhplosion. I'm feeling a little showy right now. You don't have to go back in your Pokeball but I think I'll send her out for this fight." Typhlosion nodded as he walked behind Tom and sat down. Tom grabbed a Pokeball off his belt and tossed it forward. "Let's show 'em what you can do Glaceon." The ice Pokemon walked out towards the Golem.

    "Quick Golem, use Dynamicpunch." The Pokemon charged at Glaceon. Unfortunately for Golem, Dynamicpunch is a move that Glaceon can easily sidestep. And as such, Golem missed before being blasted with an Ice Beam.
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: I forgot to mention Michi is judging so you can post what she says and I'll follow through as well.


    Pokémon Anime Sound Collection- Burning Battlefield (Kanto Trainer Battle) - YouTube

    "Please welcome Terssa Town's very own Michiko Kokoro." Michi raised her hand up and waved.

    "Welcome pokemon trainers from all over the world. For all the rounds you can use up to three pokemon and the final round up to seven." Michi stated.

    "Trainers, present your beginning Pokemon for the match." Michi called out as a Gyarados and Typhlosion were sent out. Michi was shocked but smiled as Typhlosion knocked out the gyarados in one hit.

    "Gyarados is unable to battle." Michi called out as the trainers sent out their next pokemon.

    Meanwhile sitting up above a building watching the battle was a mew watching it intensely before turning and looking at Deviluke Mihawk looking at him with interest.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2012
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The Professor was up in the bleaches with his pokemon, watching the trainers battling each other for Day one of the Teressa Memorial Battle Tournament. "Such different pokemon with power. Hm?" Soon, he saw that Tom was up next to battle against another trainer. "What a surprise. I never thought that he will come to this town. I thought he is going to stay behind back at home. Hm." Deerling and the others start cheering for Tom, wanting him to win his first round. Once Tom summons out the Typhlosion, the decision shocked Professor Anemones.

    " His Quilava evolved? Amazing... but what is going on with Tom? Certainly he knows that Typhlosion is at a great disadvantage against one such as Gyrados and fire pokemon such as him do not learn moves that cannot go against a water type pokemon. Maybe flying but not water." Once the Professor analyzes the situation, Tom had Typhlosion use Wild Charge, winning against the Gyrados. "Stunning! How is it even possible for a fire pokemon to even learn such a move? ... I must study the power of Typhlosion but Tom amazes me right now."

    The Professor continue to enjoy the battle, even as he watches Tom bring out Glaceon.
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    The crowd erupted into cheers as Golem was hit by Glaceon's Ice Beam.

    "It looks like Golem is unable to battle." Michi spoke. Another eruption of cheers proved her wrong though. Golem struggled a bit, but the Pokemon managed to stand up again after Glaceon's Ice Beam.

    "Looks like we're outmatched." Josh spoke to Golem. "Well if that's the case, we won't let this be a shutout. Golem, use Explosion!" The Pokemon nodded, obedient to the trainer. Golem's body began to glow before exploding, the burst knocking Glaceon all the way back to Tom.

    Tom immediately crouched down to Glaceon as the Pokemon reached him. "Hey, you alright?" Glaceon tried nodding as she struggled to stand up. "Take it easy. You did well. This is only the first fight. You don't need to strain yourself. Everybody else will take care of the rest." Tom grabbed Glaceon's Pokeball and took Glaceon out of the battle.

    "With both Pokemon defeated Trainer Josh has one Pokemon remaining while Trainer Tom has his Typhlosion and one more Pokemon remaining.

    "This is it I suppose. Let's give them something to cheer about, Volcarona."

    Tom looked at the flaming insect Pokemon. "You know what Typhlosion? This one might be a little challenging. That Pokemon is resistant to your flames so sending you out again would just drag the battle on. Oh, I know. Let's go, Rhyperior!"

    "You may have a rock advantage over me, but I have a grass advantage over you." Josh smirked as Rhyperior entered the battle. "Volcarona, use Giga Drain." The insect attacked, draining Rhyperior of some energy.

    "Let's make him earn that bit, shall we? Rhyperior, Stone Edge." The Pokemon slammed his fists into the ground, causing rocks to shoot up beneath Volcarona.

    "No more messing around. Solarbeam." Similar to the Golem before it, Volcarona began glowing. Instead of getting ready to explode, the Pokemon was instead gathering energy from the sun to blast Rhyperior into submission.

    "One more Stone Edge should do it Rhyperior. Don't hold back." The Pokemon nodded, attacking again while Volcarona gathered the energy for the Solarbeam. Rhyperior's attack ended the battle. The crowd burst into even louder cheers as Rhyperior won.

    "And that concludes the match in Tom's victory." Michi's voice was broadcasted to everybody who was watching.
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Near the end of the battle, Zac cheered very hard. That trainer was amazing, and Zac hoped w would fight against him in the next round. It would give him a chance to prove his skills, and soon, fighting the "champion". Well, now he was getting ahead of himself, the tournament only lasted a week, but still he was ready to battle, and he was gonna train and train till he was the best. That was his goal, to be the best trainer, and to finally earn recognition as champion.
  15. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    A voice boomed from the speakers, "Next up, Kytes and Winston! Please approach the stage for your match."

    Kytes happily wandered over to the arena, taking his place at one end while a strange individual in a karate gi entered the side opposite, cockily tossing three cherry-sized pokeballs up in the air.

    "I'm going to take you down and-" The challenger began, but Kytes quickly cut him off.

    "No need for trash-talk. It distracts from the game."

    "What are you, some kind of wimp?"

    "No, just somebody who likes focusing on the sportsmanship."

    The BLACKBELT WINSTON pressed the central button on one of the spheres, causing it to expand rapidly, then throwing into the air, summoning a Toxicroak to the fray. Kytes simply smiled, pulling a pokeball from his pocket, and opening it, the red light forming into his Xatu.

    "I'm sorry, but those two are running about somewhere right now. May I have your help?" He asked the mystic bird. The creature simply nodded approaching the fray with its wings held open.

    "Ready? Go!"

    OOC: I will resolve the whole match next post.
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: Hey sorry guys somehow I became unsubscribed and checked the thread today to realize the post I was waiting on was posted 3 days ago


    "Tom will advance to the next round. Next up, Kytes and Winston! Please approach the stage for your match." Michi announced as two new trainers came to the stand. Immediately the one was trash talking the other but quickly the other trainer countered cutting him off.

    "The second match today will take place between Blackbelt Winston and Psychic Kytes." Michi recited from a card as the trainers summoned their pokemon to the field. Winston was the first to send out a toxicroak. A xatu was summoned to the field next from Kytes.

    "Ready? Go!" Michi exclaimed.
  17. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Xatu, show him exactly what you're known for! Future sight!" Kytes commanded, the eyes of the bird glowing with energy.

    His opponent focused on a more direct tactic, however. "Toxicroak, toxic!"

    The poisonous frog launched a cloud of poisonous gas out at the bird, but a shimmering field surrounded Xatu and reflected the corruptive gas, poisoning its launcher instead.

    "What? You cheated!" The bulky man snarled, pointing an accusatory finger at Kytes.

    "Didn't you know? Xatu sometimes have the ability to reflect status moves. It's called Magic Bounce. Now, Xatu, us Psychic and tell him what his future holds!"

    The bird glowed with a bluish energy, levitating the toxicroak easily into the air, then slammed the creature into the ground. No sooner had it recovered than it was assaulted by an invisible force, an aftereffect of the Future Sight. The large creature fell over, totally exhausted.

    "Point one, me," Kytes confidently declared as his Spoink bounced up onstage. "Oh, you decided to show up? Could you go up next please? I don't want to wear Xatu out. Thanks!"

    The little pig let out an "Oink!" of affirmation and bounced onstage as the two trainers withdrew the previous combatants. The blackbelt brought out a Blaziken this time, the bird hopping from one foot to another in the imitation of a boxer's fleet feet.

    Kytes gave a nod to the pig, an unspoken command of "Zen Headbutt" delivered. One, two, and three bounces later, the Spoink barreled towards the Blaziken, hitting the bird head on in the stomach.

    "Aw, that's nothing! Blaze, hit him with one of your kicks!" The fighter demanded, but was not getting the response he wanted. "Blaze?"

    "Your bird flinched. Now, Spoink, hit 'em with a confuse ray while they're down!"

    The pearl glowed, shooting a purple beam at Blaziken. Spirals replaced the eyes of the creature, and an attempted attack ended up with it falling down on its face.

    "It hurt itself in confusion. Spoink, clean up the field!" Kytes finally ordered. The pig fired a Psywave at the Blaziken, knocking it unconscious.

    "Alright then, I've got something just for your little namby-pamby psychics!" Winston spat, clearly flustered by the rapid developments at hand. Retrieving Blaziken with one hand and opening a ball with the other, he summoned a Heracross.

    Kytes simply smiled, giving a nod to Spoink for the pig to leave the arena on its own. "Don't give away your plans. You'll lose faster," he tut-tutted, bringing his Whismur out on the field.

    "Whatever, you'll still lose. Heracross, Night Slash!"

    The beetle struck Whismur swiftly, but what came next was surprising. Instead of fighting back, the small creature wailed loudly.

    "Shouldn't have done that, he's afraid of the dark. And bugs. He's easily Rattled," Kytes chided, gesturing to the little speaker. "And now he's Howling. Now you've done it."

    "Heracross, Brick Break!" Winston barked, ignoring the taunt.

    Whismur dodged.

    "Brick Break again!"

    Missed again.

    "Brick Br-"

    This next order was cut off by a loud shriek coming from the small creature. It had started Uproaring.

    "Stop making that noise!" The blackbelt commanded, but was drowned out.

    "I'm sorry, what was that?" the psychic snickered, revealing earplugs in his ears.

    The noise grew in volume and strength until the Heracross was on the ground, cowering. And then it stopped. And Whismur glowed. The smaller creature used Extrasensory, a rainbow-coloured beam blasting Heracross off the stage.

    "Judge, game?" Kytes asked, gesturing to the knocked out bug.
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The Professor and his pokemon cheered for Tom as he saw Tom able to win his first round. "Spectacular. Now that is the apprentice I know." The Professor sat back down as he was ready to watch the next match, which involves with a psychic user. Studying the moves of the psychic pokemon, he was impressed. "A psychic pokemon can be unpredictable at times. Still, that boy is unusual to have a normal pokemon in his "Psychic Group". Still, if the boy wants to have the pokemon use psychic type moves, then maybe he should have someone teach his pokemon how to use Zen Headbutt. Oh well. Can't always try be one specific type of pokemon all the time."
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Michi stood there not bothered by the uproar like everybody else in the audience watching seemed to be. Michi smiled over at Kytes and nodded.

    "Winner is Kytes." Michi spoke.

    Next up we have..."

    OOC: Next anybody. I hope for a response in a day, if not we'll conclude the battles, I believe we have Zacax left.
  20. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    OOC: Read'cha loud and clear


    "Zac vs Samual! Please approach the stage for you battle," Michi said as Kytes and his opponent left the stage, with Zac and a blonde hair boy walking on as well. The two drew out their pokeballs with their first choice pokemon within in them, ready to send them out on Michi's command.

    "Go!" Michi said, and then the pokeballs were sent flying into the air, sending out their pokemon.

    "Lets go Venasaur!" Samual said as the green, frog looking pokemon coming out with a roar.

    "Digger, stand by for battle!" Zac said as Drillbur came out. The two Pokemon store at each for a bit until Samual spoke, "Use Vine Whip!" and then two, twin, green vines came at Drillbur.

    "Dodge it and use X-Scissor!" Zac commanded his drillbur. Digger nodded and jumped up into the air, avoiding the vines and the fell towards Venasaur like a dart as he crossed his claws as they glowed a olive green color. Once he made contact to the dual type pokemon known as Venasaur, he crossed his claws and slash at the grass type in an X formation. This cause some major damage, and caused the Venasaur to back up.

    "Alright charge up a Solar beam!" Samual said as Digger went back to where he jumped from. Golden lights and sparkles came from the fully bloomed flower on the Venasaur's back, showing it was charging an attack.

    "Home Claws lets go!" Zac said, taking not that this would be a perfect time to charge up as well. Digger nodded and started sharpening his claws in order for them to be more sharp and able to case more damage. By the time Digger was done sharpening his claws, the solar beam fired.

    "Quick use dig!" Zac ordered quickly, and then stepped out of the way if the solar beam came through. Digger quickly put his arms and claws together and drilled through the stage avoiding the solar beam. The Venasaur looked around for the small mole, confused on were he went. But before he could figure out, the Drilbur came out of the ground and scratched te stomach of the Venasaur, causing it to jump away after the claw struck.

    "Grr, Razor Leaf!" Samual commanded, and then Venasaur sent several, razor sharp leaves at the drilbur, each was spinning like a buzz saw at high speeds when coming from the flower of the giant Pokemon.

    "Dodge it and use Drill Run to finish it off!" Zac said, and watch as the small mole pokemon jump into the air and yet again put his arms and claws together to form a drill, however, he was over the Venasaur when he jumped, and went straight down, spinning, until he finally ht the Venasaur and made it faint.

    "Venasaur is unable to battle, Drilbur is the victor!" Michi said, gesturing her hand to the Drilbur as he jumped with glee,

    "Nice job!" Zac said as he recalled his Drilbur

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