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Pokemon: The Secret of Mew

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Destiny, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Jim sighed loudly, "It wouldn't be so simple Mr. Mihawk... The ability is powered by the bond between ALL the Eeveelutions, and I'm the only one who has been able to own and raise all of them. Even if you did turn it into a TM, or HM, you and everyone else would be incapable of using the ability. If I do end up training under you, I could breed some Eevee for you so that you could use the ability while I train... But there's no guarantee I'll win the whole thing hahahaha!"
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: Hey guys please stick to real pokemon moves versus made up ones. If you're going to make them up though people are going to be allowed to use them as long as it the same pokemon or evolution pokemon.

    Michi packed up the microphone but looked over at Jim, Deviluke, and another contestant she ran into in town, fighting.

    "Hey break it up!" Michi exclaimed walking over crossing her arms.

    "There will not be any fighting in my town among trainers. Now then you know all too well Jim I taught your eevee that move based off Espeon's. Second, you don't know if that kid is strong enough or not, I'm disappointed, Jim. Now then Mr. Deviluke is a celebrity visitor in town do not go crowding him trying to get his attention. This is your first warning the next time you two cause any problems you will be disqualified." Michi told them crossing her arms as she looked up and smiled seeing her grandmother and her lucario.

    "Now if you'll excuse me." Michi said walking off the stage towards her grandmother smiling and looked at Lucario next.

    "You alright?" Michi asked her grandmother who nodded before Michi looked back at Lucario. "Thanks for watching out for her." Michi said hugging the Lucario who smiled wide. To any onlooker it would be obvious she and lucario had an unbreakable connection on top of that Lucario also proved appearance that he is a very strong pokemon.

    "I'm going to be shopping around town and heading back." Grandma told Michi who nodded.

    "Ok, I'll-"

    "Oh no, enjoy the festival Mr. Mime came to help me so it's ok." Grandma told her. Michi looked at her and nodded.

    "Ok be careful." Michi said hugging her grandmother and watching her walk off.
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac turned around and realized who the girl was, before walking to his seat, "I'm sorry miss, it won't happen again I promise to control my anger," Zac said as he grabbed Z-pup into his arms and walked back to his seat in case there was more information for the rest of the week.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2012
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Luke sat down back into his seat. " So i wonder now what are the brackets looking like. Whos facing who next. I think if things don't get interesting soon i'm gonna take my leave for awhile and enjoy the festival. " He said to himself while leaning back letting his hair drape over his face.
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Jim's jaw dropped and his six Eeveelutions looked at Michi angrily. Jim himself walked up to her and frowned, "I should be the one disappointed in you Michi. I was not trying to get Mr. Mihawk's attention, he asked me a few questions so I answered them, simple as that."

    Jess began tapping Michi with her paw, since she was to tired to show displeasure any other way.

    Jim crossed his arms, "You know I trained for months with Jess to create my own special move! Don't claim credit for my idea!"
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Psychic communication?" Tom said surprised. "That's pretty cool. Anyways though he doesn't seem that bad a person. Yeah, at first glance his ego is fairly... Expanded upon. But didn't they say something about him being one of the best in the professional world? Now that's not to say that he is the best in the world. After all there are plenty of trainers who are very strong that aren't in the limelight at all for whatever reason, I myself being one of them. But there are trainers out there who are much more morally ambiguous than him."

    As soon as Tom had finished talking, Typhlosion had walked up to him and rested his head on Tom's lap. "Oh hey, good to see you too." He spoke in a sarcastically monotone way. "Feeling better after using that electric attack?" He gently rubbed the Typhlosion's head. "You know, this little guy," (Little being a bit of a stretch considering Typhlosion was probably almost as big as a person) "Has been with me since I left home. We've certainly been through a lot."
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Michi picked up a pokeball and pushed the button and a red beam shot out as a strong alakazam appeared.

    "Alakazam use tri-attack." Michi ordered as the Pokemon did as commanded and a very powerful move becaume apparent as three balls of fire, electric, and ice shot out spinning rapidly before hitting a trash can as it exploded on spot.

    "You told me long while back you were working on an idea then you saw Alakazam's move, I gave you the tm to develop a move for Eevee to do it." Michi said as alakazam and Lucario walked up next to her not looking pleased.

    "And it may have started that way but it most certainly did not continue that way." Michi said before walking off.

    "Michi aren't you helping with the Pokemon contest?" The announcer asked her as she walked by.

    "Not now I need some space." Michi said walking off.

    Michi walked into the forest down a path before comin to a secluded garden. Besides alakazam and Lucario she sent out the remainder of her Pokemon: Sceptile, Espeon, and Flygon. The Pokemon quickly smiled at her as she smiled at all of them but they all knew something was up and they knew not to bother her before Michi sat down on a boulder her Pokemon looking back at her concerned. She smiled at them all.

    "It's ok, get some fresh air." She told them smiling they listened to her but still...

    OOC: cue Deviluke?
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Soon, a Castform starts flying around Tom's head and sat in it while the other pokemon, Shaymin, Cherrim and Deerling, starts to crowd around Tom's feet. "That was a spectacular display of bonding I say." Professor Anemones was behind Tom and the group as he was in a different style of clothing, all emerald in his suit while his pokemon has different coloring and dye to their body. "How is everything in my absence back home?"
  9. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Yep. They talk to me with their minds. But they're the only two out of the bunch. Everybody else either isn't compatible or doesn't really want to try it. Or so I'd guess. And these two don't want to play translator!" Kytes exclaimed almost indignantly, though he was clearly not at all angry or irritated about the matter. The two Kirlia shook their heads in a mirrored unison, exaggerating how much they didn't want to help.

    Kytes fondly watched the typhlosion and his partner interact lovingly.

    "All of mine, save for my Teddiursa, have been around from the start. I only got sent Teddy's egg recently, so he's freshly hatched. My Xatu is the only one that's fully evolved," He said, patting both green pokemons' heads.

    Kytes ignored the sudden cloud of pokemon around Tom, assuming them to be his.
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Raised up from an egg huh? Do you want to be a breeder at some point?" Before Tom could hear the answer to the question, Professor Akira approached him. "Good afternoon Professor. I was looking for you earlier. Looks like you found me though." Typhlosion simply rolled his eyes at the Pokemon that suddenly flocked around him and Tom. "I'm actually not quite sure how it is at home right now. I haven't been back there in the longest time. To be quite honest I thought you had been there more recently than me."

    Tom looked down at the Shaymin and picked up the Pokemon. "Hmm... Never seen a Pokemon like you before."

    >Just gonna point out the whole Shaymin=Legendary thing and the fact that Tom, who has been wanting to see a Legendary Pokemon is now holding one without even knowing that it is a Legendary Pokemon.<
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Aughh!!!! this is so dull i'm gonna die!!"

    Mr. Mihawk just stay for a few more matches things should get interesting!!

    Deviluke raised his eyebrow at the announcer. " Sorry i don't think i have the patience. " He grabbed the pokeball from his right side and tossed it into the air. The wind spiraled as his Dragonite appeared. slamming its wings agains thte ground a gust of wind picked up. Deviluke jumped onto its back quickly his white hair blowing with the wind.

    " Mr Mihawk! your the guest you can't just leave?!!"

    Mihawk waved back at the man" On the contrary i am Sir Deviluke Mihawk, i can do whatever i want, adios!" He flew off into the sky with Dragonite. gliding briefly until he came across a pasture of grass with the girl he had been eyeing most of the day. " Set down here.." His dragonite nodded and he landed. lots of air blowing across the grass making his appearance obvious. Afterall he was the superstar Deviluke Mihawk, what other way was there to enter.

    Jumping off of his pokemon he leaned on it. " So i don't think i got your name." he said to the girl.
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac had left the battles and went to train with his team by running around the town to build up their endurance, speed and agility. Togepi, of purse, was riding in Zac's back pack, and Zac had tied up the wings of Valor so he could strengthen his legs as well.

    "KEEP RUNNING!" Zac yelled with joy as he and his gang of Pokemon ran through the streets. At times, Bite was accidentally running in front of the group. Zac would do this every evening to train himself and his team, a technique his dad had told him.

  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Michi turned around feeling the gust of air. All of her pokemon gathered back, all reflecting their strengths. Lucario stood next to her.

    "It's Michi. Not staying for the pokemon contests?" Michi asked.

    The announcer stood shock shaking her head.

    "No Michi now no Deviluke." The announcer sighed before raising the mic up. "Round one has concluded we will soon be moving on to round one pokemon contests. Contenders please take the time to get ready!"
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Deviluke shrugged his shoulders. Flipping the hair out of his eyes. " I plan on going back later, just wanted to stretch my wings so to speak. the battles were a tad on the dull side for me. But....enough about me. " He glanced over at the lucario. " Well well well what do we have here? a lucario eh? Thats quite the rare pokemon. i don't think i have one of those in my inventory." he said with a quick grin. " Yet at least. So tell me why are you here in particular. this seems like a rather peaceful pasture. almost as if you've been here before maybe?"

    A majority of people usually fawned over the simple fact of Mr Mihawk being around. however this girl didn't seem phased in the least.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Lucario looked at Deviluke confused.

    "I've lived here all my life give or take the few years I was out traveling. I had to come back for family emergency. What about you, what's your story? There's more besides what is said about you." She spoke. She looked at him confused at the same time she was onserving him.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Oh...I might have to give a call then." The Professor snatched Shaymin from Tom and kept him in his hands, being overprotective. "As for her... she is... my jewel. She do not come out often." Professor Akira then looked back at the psychic pokemon and smiled. " I am intrigued by your battle techniques. Very well done. I hoep to study your pokemon sometimes. And speaking of studying..."

    Professor Anemones looked back at Typhlosion and hugged him, seeing that it has been a few weeks since they met. "Your Quilava have evolved. Congratulations. However... I am curious about one thing. Why in the world does a fire pokemon such as him is able to learn a thunder attack? I am... greatly disturbed by this. No fire pokemon should be able to use a thunder move. None that I know of that is. I would like to do a test battle with him if possible and know why only he can use such a move. Since you can teach him such a move, I expect for you to show me what you have learned."

    "Round one has concluded we will soon be moving on to round one pokemon contests. Contenders please take the time to get ready!" "It's that time already? I better get ready. Naturia team! Let's go! We must be well prepared. Tom, since you are here..." The Professor gave him a tablet with information. "I want you to present me a well-thought and covered analysis on volcanoes and the impact they bring. Please include power input as well thank you. Also, please tie in the power of the elements of earth, fire, water and air. That is all."

    The Professor walked off with his group of pokemon, walking on until they made their way to the side of the Pokemon stage, preparing themselves to get ready for round one of the Pokemon Contest. There, he saw many trainers and their pokemon all dressed up and ready for the next announcement.
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "Rare" He said quickly to her. " I don't know many people that ask me that directly. Now now, Deviluke Mihawk doesnt just spoil the story for a stranger he just me now. " He started to walk closer to her. he could tell her pokemon were very weary of his approach. " But i'll tell you what. maybe if you get to know me better i might let you in on a few secrets. "
  18. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    The trainer and his pokemon kept running through the streets, with Zac, Digger and Valor growing tired and weary, however Bite, Z-pup and Blade still had energy. It wasn't until long when the gang made it to the stage, just in time for the Pokemon Contest part of the competition to start.

    "Good work *sigh* guys, *sigh* lets take a break and watch the contests, return," Zac said, while catching his breath, and returned his pokemon to their respective Pokeballs, leaving Z-pup and Caleb out to watch the show, with Z-pup sitting next to his master, and Togepi on Zac's lap.
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: Summoner if I'm correct you're the only one in the contests so the show is all yours to run.


    Michi raised an eyebrow at him. She looked back at her pokemon all gathering before looking back at him smiling letting out a small laugh before crossing her arms.

    "Well then is that supposed to be some sort of challenged Mr. Mihawk?" Michi asked glancing at her pokemon gathering around.

    "Three on three battle, winner gets information about the other." Michi spoke. "Don't think I didn't notice you, why would you on your dragon pokemon land here in this garden hidden away for the most part, most people don't even think to come here anymore. Plus I saw you watching me during the battles. You're intrigued by something, and I'm quite curious on what that something is and what your story is, I can tell you have a secret, I can see it in your eyes, their the windows into the soul after all and your soul is who you are." Michi spoke.
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    OOC: Really?! :D *Sings* AWESOMENEEEEEEESS!!!

    Pokémon Anime Sound Collection- Pokémon Contest Theme - YouTube

    "AAAND WELCOME TO THE TERSSA'S MEMORIAL POKEMON 1ST ANNUAL CONTEST!!!" And the crowd roared so loud that it echoed across the city. "It is so wonderful to see so many people across each regions and cities to come here to support this Pokemon Contest in this city. We appreciate this! I am your host, Jillian! And here are our judges! Our first judge who came all this way just to support this, the Head Contest Judge and Director of the Pokemon Contests, Mr. Raoul Contesta!" "I hope to see all of you display the wonderful beauty to the history of this calm town." "NEXT UP! The President of the Pokemon Fan Club, which the club surprisingly gained some fantastic number of registration here, Mr. Sukizo!" "And I do say with a big smile, REMARKABLE!" "Our third judge will be the Nurse of the Terssa's Pokemon Center, Nurse Joy!" "I can't wait to see so many different styles of the pokemon. I hope all of you give a great display!"

    "There is suppose to be another Judge, Mr. Deviluke Mihawk... but he left off for somewhere. "HEY! Find Mr. Mihawk! I do not care if he is popular. Break his neck and drag him here if you have to." Oh well. It will not delay this contest in any way. Why? Because we have another special guest! All the way from the Johto region and one of the Elite four, Ms. Karen!" "It is a pleasure to come here." And she winked.

    "OK! Now listen closely! We have a lot of competitors today! Mainly we have about 50. However, the judges decided that only the top 8 can move on. That's right folks! That means that only 16 people can move on to the 2nd round! For this contest, all of the Pokemon Coordinators must present their pokemon appealing to the audience. Colorful, sharp, bright, festive, every style will be included in this. In the first round, the pokemon will demonstrate their moves and to show wonderful combos and technique to try and woo all of us! There are so many people here that consists of rich people, beauties, dancers and the like! Are you excited?!" And the crowd roared once again. "ALRIGHT! LET US GET STARTED!"

    The first contestant was a Beauty. "OK FLAAFY! Charge! Then use Cotton Spores and Electro Ball!" "MAGNIFICENT! Next up is Contestant # 5, a Kimono Girl!" "Vaporean. Water Pulse and Aurora Beam." "Fantastic! Wonderful, shiny circles!" "Next up is a beat-box dancer!" "Ok! Now start dancing with a Faint Attack and a Tail Whip!" But the Kecleon messed up and made a hole in one of the stands. "NOT REMARKABLE!" Thirty-two contestants have been seen and thirteen of them failed miserably.

    "And now, Contestant # 33, A Professor from the Johto region and is known for his studies on nature, Professor Akira Anemones!" "Ok. I hope you are ready." The Professor looked back and saw his Castform, Deerling and Cherrim cheering. "Alright, Shaymin take on the spotlight!" Once the Professor threw his decorated Friend Ball high up into the air and flowers came out of the white beam. A cry came out of the pokeball as Shaymin starts spinning in ball form down into the ground. "WHAT KIND OF POKEMON IS THAT? So amazing!" " Alright Shaymin. Use Magical Leaf in circle formation." The Shaymin stops spinning in the air as a ball and starts to shoot many leaves from its body, making a gigantic circle around him. "NOW SUBSTITUTE!" The Shaymin begins to disappear in a cloud of smoke, leaving a dragon-type doll in the middle of the Magical Leaf Circle in the air as Shaymin appeared on the ground.

    "Alright. Use Secret Power and start charging up energy." The Shaymin starts to shoot the Secret Power at the doll to keep it afloat and to keep the Magical Leaves from falling to the ground. Sparkles begins to form and shine around the doll and magical leaves while Shaymin begins to glow a bright yellow. "Alright. USE SOLARBEAM! Quick!" Shaymin unleashed the Solarbeam quickly and it hits the Magical Leaves and the doll. Soon, the doll fell to the floor all polished and the leaves too were polished, falling down to the ground slowly with glimmer. "That is... REMARKABLE!" The crowd roared even louder as the echo went across the city.

    "That is a remarkable display! And now to figure out our 8 contestants for the next round!"

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