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Pokemon: The Secret of Mew

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Destiny, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Well as i'm sure you already know. my company supplies the poke world. That pokeball your using my company made. that revive you just used. my company made. Sure one can be at the top but i have other aspirations. i've defeated the elite four, i've mastered the Pokemon Leagues. i've beaten every gym leader in existence, hell i was a gym leader for 6 months. i've defeated every trainer that stood in my way."

    He stood up and stretched his arms out. glancing over at lucario he continued to speak. " But it's just not enough.....so recently i came into contact with a rare pokemon. now i could have caught it but it was so majestic this thought slipped my mind. However since that time i've wanted to catch many legendary pokemon. " He looked back at michi slowly.

    " Througout my travels i've heard that this area has a large affinity for rare legendary pokemon showing up. The local poke league contacted me about there being a festival here and that there would be a pokemon challenge tournament, and that they would like me to show my support by making a appearance. so i figured this would be the perfect chance for me to get a good look at the area. "

    Deviluke looked into the trees and let out a large sigh" Unfortunately i've had no luck as of yet."
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Why? Why would you want to capture a legendary pokemon?" Michi asked shocked by what all he just said. No wonder she got a bad vibe and especially with mew being around. She needed to be careful with this guy in town now especially the different encounters with legendary pokemon she's run into.
  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " My dear, i'm a pokemon collector or did the fact that i own some the the worlds largest pokemon ranches not hit you on the head quite yet." I own just about every pokemon in existence. they all live in good living arrangements none of them are tortured. But the legendary ones...i feel as if i need to have them. i want to battle with them and become truly powerful. Who would stand against the owner of legendary pokemon." he clinched his fist and raised it to the sky.

    " I'm looking for Mew...i want one and i shall have one."
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    She shook her head.

    "You don't get it do you?" She asked him. She shook her head. "You can't have the legendary pokemon." She told him looking at Lucario who nodded.

    "You have time? I'll show you why." She said as she began walking towards him as well walking past him towards a path that appeared to lead up towards the mountain. Lucario walking next to her.

    Meanwhile still hidden well away mew frowned hearing as well what Deviluke said and even gasped when he planned to obtain a mew, a mew which it is. She pushed away flying off quickly, a little frightened though it knew it wasn't seen, nobody ever saw it.
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    He laughed and shrugged her off. " Sure i'll follow you but nothing is going to change my mind. i know what i want." Following her he couldn't help but think about obtaining new and rare pokemon. "Oh and you said i can't have a legendary? i beg to differ i've already locked down the locations of Zapdos and Moltres, its just a mater of time before i go capture them."
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    She whipped back around. She was about to argue but shook her head better to show. As they walked up the path she stepped off the path onto a different path, a path far less travelled.

    "Not many people know about this place. It's the cavern of our ancestors." She said as she noticed the the larger platform with a cave entrance. She entered into the cave. She grabbed a pokeball throwing it into the air as it landed espeon came out looking back at Michi.

    "Can you light the way, please?" Michi asked as espeon nodded beginning to glow as the pokemon used flash.

    "It's a short walk. I'm not going to tell you why, but you can't or you will kill not only yourself but all of us. Until we get there I guess it's your turn to ask questions." She said as they walked down the cave tunnel.
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    He walked with her until they reached a cavern. it looked almost mystic. different from anything else he had seen before. They continued to walk as her espeon lit the path.

    " Well actually yes, whats your story who are you exactly and how did you come across that lucario. Also out of curiosity have you ever come across a mew in your travels. i've never met anyone that has actually seen one. people tell me they are extinct. i disagree."
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "I live in Terssa. Was born and raised here. I'm an orphan, my father had left on a journey and disappeared, never returning. My mother died from childbirth and stress with my father missing. The only family I have is my grandmother, she raised me. Then I went on my journey, I was undefeated and recognized as the greatest trainer in the region but before I could journey onto the elite four my grandmother grew very ill and I needed to return. As for Lucario. He was my father's, sort of. My father had a Lucario that was said to be the strongest Lucario in the world so he had it bred and we had an egg. My father was taking care of it before vanishing. So my grandmother took care of it and my mother. The day I was born Rioulu hatched. So he and I are best friends practically brother and sister. As I grew stronger he did too." Michi explained.

    "As for mew, I have not, but I know they exist or wlse we wouldn't be here." She said as the tunnel suddenly opened up. On the walls were carvings and images that seem to tell a story. She stood back to let him take in the room.
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Deviluke started to feel sympathy for Michi while hearing her story. he started to feel bad for all the things he had said to her previously.

    they walked into the cave which was starting to show carvings on the walls as if carved by ones that came before. " Wow...this is amazing i just...i've never seen something like this before." He walked over to one of the carvings and placed his hand over it touching the grooves in the wall. " You know, i can feel your pain, when i was younger many people attempted to murder my family, mainly me since i was the heir to the comapny's mast head."

    There was a group in particular that had my father injured that he can no longer walk, and my mother broke her arm in the fire saving me. They attempted to have us burned to death in the fire...i soon found out who they were as i grew older...they have been dealt with accordingly." The young trainer looked around the cave. " This is briliant....but where exactly are we going?"
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Trainer Red Epic Orchestral Remix - YouTube

    "This is it. This tells the story of the world today. Obviously there are some disputes but this here is the actual birthplace of the legendary pokemon we know today all thanks to Teressa." Michi looked over at a statue that stood in front of one particular bare wall with a woman carved out of stone the statue appeared ancient.

    "The village now known as Terssa named after Teressa was once one village of many in the kingdom ruled by one particular dark being. Speculation on if he was human are not exist, I believe based on the stories written out he was indeed an ancient pokemon. He ruled over the people and pity pokemon with such harshness people were killing themselves. However there was one family and one type of legendary pokemon. This pokemon is said to have been the princess of the dark king. This pokemon chose one family line sensing a 'light' within them. They were granted powers that matched the power of pokemon, they were chosen to find the life crystals of the dark king's pokemon, his heart essentially. They had to eject it with their light. It would save them all though it would make the world peaceful and give birth to protectors and guardians of the world. However they would need to give up something in return." Michi explained.

    "The Dark King caught word of this and kidnapped who he believed to be the youngest heir basically of the family and forced her to marry him and become his queen. Believing this to be the way to stop from himself being hurt. But he did it cruelly, he killed her husband. If anything though that fueled his end. She stuck in his castle up on the mountain, at the top of this very mountain though, planned and opened up her heart even more. She got in contact with the mews that ran and hid all over the world. Till finally she figured out the location. On one particular night Teressa escaped from the Dark King she came into this very cave and into a secret undiscovered even today chamber where the Dark King's heart lied. She ran in and submitted her light into his heart. It defeated the Dark King as well gave birth to the legendary guardians of the world: rayquaza, moltres, zapdos, articuno, lugia, latias, latios, celebi, jirachi, maniphy, you name them. They now work in secret and hiding protecting the world. Protecting us and the other pokemon of the world, keeping our world in peace. If a legendary pokemon is 'kidnapped' by a dark force and now allowed to keep portraying their role the world will crumble, and the dark king may return." Michi had moved in front of one particular wall with the artwork of people and pokemon dying as the image of the Dark King stood large over them with a weak looking dark mew laying on the ground and a person leaning over them looking sad and guilty.

    "So that, Mr. Mihawk is why you cannot do what you want to do. It would not be cool, it would not be great, you would not be powerful, you would be hated, you would be terrible, and you will cause the downfall of us all." She said facing him.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "And here are our top four coordinates! The female veteran, the dazzling rich boy, Professor Akira Anemones and the Firebreather! We hope to see all of you tomorrow! This is your host wishing you a great day!" The Professor left from the stands and decided to go to the Pokemon Center to see if everything is alright and to make sure that his pokemon is well rested.

    "Excellent. That was very well done. Now let us get rested. We will meet up with Mr. Deviluke and that one girl who is helping out with this festival I hope. I would like to learn more about this place and the pokemon who resides around this area." The Professor starts walking alongside his three pokemon with Shaymin hiding in his researcher coat and made it to the Pokemon Center a few minutes later.

    "Professor Anemones. You and your pokemon battling style and display of their moves was adorable!" "Why thank you Nurse Joy. However, all I just want to do is to have fun. The power of different pokemon is incredible. Now, if you must say, I would like to have my friends to be well rested while I study if you don't mind." "That is acceptable." While Nurse Joy took Deerling, Castform and Cherrim to the backroom, the Professor looked around and was trying to find a seat. He eventually walked up towards a small, light-skinned boy with a Jumpluff and was conversing with the boy and the Jumpluff, studying its power.
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac had gotten up as followed the professor into the center. It seemed a bit like stalking, but he just pushed it aside. He headed inside the center and saw Professor talking to a boy with a Jumpluff. Might as well see if he wants to talk. He was pretty good at battling.


    A Charizard flew over the town, with a man on top. The man pointed towards an open field to land in, in which his Charizard, named Alpha, flew down and landed in the field. The owner of the dragon pokemon dismounted it and then withdrawed it to its respective, red and white pokeball, and then look towards the town.

    "Snnnfff, ah... Feels good to be back here,"
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Hmm...i see. i mean they would live in great arrangements its not like i'd kill them or anything...i just want powerful legendary pokemon. However if i can't own them. is there a way i can get them to fight for me?" He walked around the room looking at all the carvings and symbols. " As for being hated. i have my own people that despise me. and those that love me. either way i'd win. However i have respect for the world as well as the world of pokemon.

    He walked over to Michi and placed his hand on her shoulder" Well i'll ask you this. are there any Pokemon in this area that are legendary i'd like to meet them. you have my word i will not attempt to catch them...its just a empowering experience to be in there presence.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Did you hear anything I said? Legendary pokemon are about keeping peace they will not get involved with human problems unless it affects the world. And legendaries aren't to be kept on some ranch neither." Michi told him. Michi hated lying but she had to.

    "I'm sorry, I can't help you with that." She decided on beginning to walk away but stopped. "I don't think you quite get the dangers of this. Educate yourself in here, maybe you'll understand then." She told him hurrying off.
  15. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "What a nice person!" Kytes remarked at Tom's exit, cheerfully pulling the small bear up into the air, then catching him. The bear gleefully crowed at the action.

    The psychic found himself wandering through the festival, partaking in various delights and games with the bear. Generally, a fun time was had by all involved, and the trainer would fondly remember the activites of the night.


    The two Kirlia stalked Michi and Deviluke, starting around midway through the battle, and followed them into the caves. Their dainty forms and light weight made them damn fine sneaks, and they enjoyed hearing about the legends the girl spoke of. The guy they cared less for, but he was still an interesting individual. When Michi exited, they hid in an alcove in the wall, going unnoticed.

    "How interesting! A mystery, even!" One remarked, the other agreeing, "Yes, yes! Mysterious mysteries!
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Educate myself she says..." Deviluke shrugged as he reached to his side grabbing a pokeball. " Come on out Raze" he said calmly as he pointed the pokeball to the ground. His Raichu appeared and let out a strech and long yawn. he had been rested up from a majority of his previous injuries. " Still tired bud" he said as be kneeled down and rubbed his pokemons head. " Rai rai!" the raichu said as it hopped in excitement. " Yea i know but its a bit quiet around here huh. " He stood back to his feet and started to walk around the room. He came across a painting in particular something that almost pulled him to it."

    It was of a dark figure the drawing was hard to picture and decipher. " So....was this the dark king she spoke of?" he said as he Raichu hopped over to him.
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Such a terrible portrayal of me." A dark voice rung out in the chamber except the voice wasn't actually in the chamber but rather Deviluke's head.

    "That would be the Dark King, not only that that but the Lord of Dark and the world."

    Michi stepped out of the cave shaking her head mad when suddenly she felt weight on her head. She moved her eyes to look up and she smiled seeing the small little pink pokemon.
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Deviluke did not move from his position he only raised his eyebrow. " Who are you..." He said quickly. He placed his hand back onto the mural on he wall. " So...if i'm to assume your the Dark Lord.....i thought you were gone from this world. " He reached over and pointed his raichu over. Raichu seemed on edge and prepared for what was to come.

    " Are you interested in a certain conversation...or is this a local visit you give to all thew new visitors" he said with a sly grin.
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Jumpluff is more powerful than you think. It has the ability to resist against the most powerful of status ailments. Make sure that you take full use of its abilities. I suggest that you teach it the move, Sunny Day so that it can react faster. It is good that you are using its spores so much through spore-status effects but you must not limit it to just status ailments. Otherwise, it is only good in group battles. Let it have a flying-type move." "It can fly?!" "Well, sure! How about Aerial Ace? Jumpluff is not just a grass-type pokemon you know. Since it can fly, being a grass type covers the weakness of its flying-type. What you need to do however, is to cover the weakness of your grass-type. Try to teach it Protect in case it is at a bad advantage against other pokemon that can overcome its frail grass parts. You can always have a grass type, protect, a flying type attack, and a status-ailment move on Jumpluff so that you can be a little bit more balanced. Understand?" "YES SIR!"

    The Professor stood up and looked around, only to see a kid who was looking straight at him. "Ah. I saw you battled in the tournament." Professor Anemones walked up towards Zac and wondered what he wanted.
  20. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Hey Mister Professor," Zac said, "First off, that was pretty awesome on what you did in the contest," Zac said with a smile, "I thought since you were a Proffesor in Pokemon, I thought you can help me out with some of my Pokemon, that way I can be ready for the next few battles and be ready for Luke," his Growlithe barked with glee, and wagged its tail, with it being just as pumped as his master,

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