• Square Elite
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Pokemon: The Secret of Mew

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Destiny, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "To prepare you for your next battles..." The Professor looked at the child's Growlithe and then back at the boy. He then thought about Deviluke's Arcanine that he showed during the ceremony when the hosts were revealing him as the special guest. "A Growlithe and an Arcanine... then there's the psychic trainer...followed by Tom..." The Professor was deep in thought as he continue to think on this and finally came up with an answer. "It is no use." The Professor turned away from the boy and was getting ready to check up on his pokemon and to go to his hotel room to sleep.
  2. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "We'll okay, I guess tha-," it took a second for it to catch up to Zac, and them he was a bit ticked, "No use?! You did see Digger and Bite in the battle right? Look why do you think I can't best Luke in a Pokemon Battle? If you seen me battle more you might change your mind though,"
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Yes... your Drilbur is alright... to an extent. However... you and your Totodile is unbalanced. Why try to use a move such as flail? If your opponent's attack was more fatal, you would have lost that round. Still, your opponent is less experienced I will say that but your decision with Totodile, I am afraid that you will not win the contest. I have seen too many inexperienced trainers in the first round in the battle tournament and I am not impressed. My expectations is not met by most of the people. I fear that you may not even make it past round two or three. I'm sorry but I do not think that you have any benefits of winning..."

    The Professor turned back around once more, walking past the boy as he was getting ready to go up to Nurse Joy who was in the back room.
  4. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Alright, I admit, it was a really risky move when we could have used Aqua Tail or Ice Fang to help us out, but he had the Focus Sash on so he wasn't in any real danger," Zac said as he then pulled out a case, and opened it to reveal many badges, "See these? I challenged all the leagues and managed to best the elite four, I'm gonna show that me and my team has what it takes," Zac said as he closed the case and walked out of the center for a brief moment. And then quickly returned to rest his Pokemon.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "You tell me, boy. I can only talk to those with the power within them to release me, and so far that's been only you. And I'm not gone, not yet, merely put to sleep until my dark crystal heart is returned with life. That girl who brought you here though she can end me in a heart beat, she has that power, but she also is the only one with the power to return me to life." The voice spoke before a large dark ghostly mass seen only by Deviluke appeared.

    "What if we strike a deal?" He asked.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "The Elite Four... but not the Champion himself." The Professor went into the back and saw that his pokemon were properly healed up and took them on to follow the boy. By the time he caught up with the boy, he stood with his right hand on his side. "If you actually have beaten the Elite Four, then you might as well show me that you actually did beat them. Beating the Champion, the fifth person and strongest trainer of his or her specific region who leads the Elite Four I definitely know that you did not. I would rather let you show me instead of talks."

    The Professor's pokemon starts to prance around him as he took off his glasses and then his baton from out of his contest cloak. "I have very high expectations for you. You might as well show me that you are proficient."
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Shocking, I know... I could never beat the champion but my dad was able to... I don't really have proof, because I don't know if they even keep records for those who beat the elite four, unless you know something about that, "Zac said as sighed, "That's why I want to beat Luke, so I can prove that I'm worthy of the title champion, that's why I need help, and I figured, since you were an expert on Pokemon you could, especially after a trainer said I was too weak, and called my Growlithe weak,"
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Deviluke raised an eyebrow quickly. " What do you have in mind exactly and what does it entail..." He looked at the shadowy figure showing no fear in his resolve. " i must say you have me quite intrigued at this point. Though Michi warned me about you. so how am i so sure you won't pull some kind of plot like those bad guys in anime's do." he laughed to himself and brushed his hair to the side.

    " in all seriousness tell me what you would like to discuss."
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "If that's the case," the Professor pointed his baton straight forward, telling Deerling, Castform and Cherrim to run in front of him. "You might as well show me what you can do." The Professor took off his glasses and put it up in his pocket to test the boy. "Child. If you do not beat me, then you can never beat Mr. Mihawk. Single, Double or Triple Battle. Your choice. Do not disappoint me if you are truly the child of someone who actually defeated a Champion."

    The Shaymin sticks her head out behind the Professor's leg, wanting to be part of the support of her friends. "Prepare yourself."
  10. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Hold up... Is this Professor really gonna use unevolvd Pokemon in this battle? Well then again, Z-pup was the reason I made it so far. This guy must be a great trainer if he willing to use envolved Pokemon like them. Alright, lets do this.

    "Alright, a single battle," Zac said as he crossed his arms, "So...did you ever the challenge the Elite Four and Champion before I'm guessing?" Zac asked the professor, curious about when he said that if Zac never could beat him, he wouldn't beat Deviluke.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "No. I did not fight against them at all and I have no interest to do that. Not my field of expertise. Now Castform, go into the front lines." The Castform had his battle face on as he starts flying into the middle of the fields. "Choose your pokemon well. Person who defeats all three of the opponent's pokemon wins. Do not hesitate. This is your first big test after all. Let me do some research." The Professor's pokemon started to cheer when they were waiting to battle and wanted Zac to hurry up.
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Alright, lets go Bite!" Zac said as tossed his pokeball in the air and summonsed out his Totodile, who landed on his feet when he made contact with the ground, "Alright then, Bite use Crunch!" Zac commanded. Totodile nodded and opened his mouth open wide and charged towards the Castform. Z-pup was out of his pokeball, watchig the battle, scratching his left ear with his leg, while Zac's Togepi, Caleb, stuck out his head and watched the battle.
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Cipher Admin Battle (Yoshidude12's remix) - YouTube

    "Castform, I think we should teach him not to be so reckless. Castform, spin for me." Castform starts spinning towards the Totodile and was getting closer to Totodile's attack. "Now form that Weather Ball as you spin." The Castform kept on spinning but white lights starts to come towards Castform and merged into a white, cloudy ball as the Castform kept on spinning. "Now hit the Totodile with the Weather Ball as you spin." "CAST!" The Castform had his attack created and he collides with Totodile's mouth, hitting it in the face as it kept on spinning. "That is a good enough. Now release the attack." The pokemon eventually unleashed the Weather Ball, attempting to force the Totodile up into the air.

    "I expect you to do better. Do not think that brute force will let you win this one."
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Feeling a bit of anticipation, Tom quickly dialed the number of the person who called him earlier. One ring, two rings, three rings. To Tom it seemed as though the phone rings continued much longer than they actually did. "Hello?" A voice appeared on the other end, sounding a bit shy and cautious.

    "Hey, it's been a while. I was surprised to see that you called. I've never been able to reach you."

    "Ever since we parted ways and I left for Hoenn, right?"

    "I've missed you, you know. So, does your calling me mean you've worked out all those problems of yours?"

    "No. There are still some issues I have to work out." As this person spoke to Tom, their voice never seemed less cautious. In fact, some of the replies seemed to be a bit forced. "It's just that... I thought about you today. Well... Um... I was just really curious as to how you were today. So I figured I'd call. But to be honest I called knowing you wouldn't pick up. I wasn't sure what I'd say if you actually answered."

    "Knowing I wouldn't pick up? Where are you right now?"

    "That's not important right now. Anyways, what about you? Have you seen any of the Pokemon you've been looking for?"

    "No, unfortunately. I'm actually taking a bit of a break from that right now. Figured I'd check out a festival. Oh, and I got a request to work with Professor Akira. So while I'm here I'm gonna work with him. And maybe win a tournament. Actually turns out in this tournament the winner gets a chance to fight Deviluke Mihawk."

    "Deviluke? He's pretty strong, isn't he? But you'll be fine if you face him. You've beaten Alex, right?"

    "No. I actually haven't seen him since I gave up trying to become the Champion."

    "Oh... I see..."

    "Hey, are you still feeling guilty about Alex tricking you to fight me? Don't be. Everything worked out just fine, right? And besides, I've grown since I last saw Alex. I'm not the same trainer I was before."

    "That's good. I'm... Rooting for you, you know."

    "I'd like to see you root for me in person."

    "Maybe some day."
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "You want legendary pokemon, you want be the leader of everybody, you want to be feared and people listen to you, I see in your eyes. That sort of role can only be accomplished as a royalty. What if I told you I can make you be King of the World people would bow down to you, people would fear you, and do all you tell them to do. I can do that if you help me be released. All it requires is that girl. That girl has powers she isn't telling you about, in fact she doesn't tell anybody about, she is the chosen descendant of Teressa. Through her I can be released but I also can be completely finished off by her. You must gain her trust, trick her and force her to release me. I will guide you if you so choose to take that path." Dark said as a floating dark orbed floated in front of Deviluke.
  16. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Totodile was sent rocketing into the air, spinning out of control, "Bite use Aqua Jet!" Zac commanded. Bite nodded and eclipsed himself in water and rocketed down towards the Castform with great speed, like a Missle seeking its target,

    "There was a reason I didn't show off all of Bite's moves is because I wanted to just get through the first round and not be two flashy, though it did require Drillbur to useless advance tactics against the Venasaur," Zac explained,
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    There was rumbling in the sky as the Castform starts to sway side to side. "Castform. Rain Dance for me." The Castform starts dancing side to side and there was more rumbling in the air. Soon, clouds were formed over the whole city and it starts to pour down. Soon, Castform's form changed with his head the form of a water droplet and the rest of its body the form of a storm cloud. Castform was fast enough to cast the move before Totodile hits him, pushing Castform back but taking less damage. "Now Castform, create me a Weather Ball and ride on it."

    The Castform starts to cry out once again and underneath it, it has its attack once again, only this time, the ball was bigger and took on a blue coloring. The Castform was riding on the Weather Ball and was circling around the Totodile, getting faster and faster as it circled around it. "That is precise. Keep on drawing the water from the rain ." The emotion on Castform eventually changed due from the weather, having a calm look.
  18. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac had an idea on what was going on, it looked like the Castform was trying to keep Bite from leaving. He smirked and began to speak, "Ice Beam," Zac said. Even Totodile was confused at his master's statement, but he shrugged and nodded and turned his teeth to ice. He readied to attack and sent a beam of ice at the water that would hopefully hit the weather ball and the Castform. Hopefully, this beam of ice would freeze Castform.
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Change of plans. Shoot the Weather Ball at the Ice Beam now." Castform starts rolling and spinning around until he finally shot the attack at Totodile's Ice Beam, making the two attacks collide and turn the Weather Ball into ice. It then broke into smaller pieces as it fell to the ground. "You are too distracted to know what is actually going on." The Professor pointed his baton at the sky to give Castform the signal. "Now... end this round with thunder." Castform nodded and gave out a loud cry. The cloud was rumbling real loud and lightning can be seen up high. The rain was eventually was coming down harder and soon, a thunder so quick came down to hit the Totodile with great accuracy from the Rain Dance that was created.

    "Nice attempt... but I was waiting to see what you will do next. Sadly for you, the rain powers up my Weather ball to have enough power to rival an ice attack. Sorry but you have made a shocking error in your guess."
  20. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac was confused when the professor said "Change of plans," and say the sky. He sweated in his mind and saw the sky flash a bit and rumble as the Thunder attack came crashing down. In a last attempt resort, zac got and idea,

    "Aqua Jet away quickly!" Zac yelled.

    Totodile nodded and prepared an aqua jet, but as he was about to launch away, the Thunder came and sent Totodile flying and electrocuted. He flew across the field and then stopped to be knocked out. Zac sighed and rushed over to Totodile and smiled, "Nice job," Zac said as he returned Totodile and then nodded to Z-pup,

    "Hate to use you early but I think its a good idea Z-pup,"

    Z-pup nodded as he got into an attacking position.

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