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Pokemon: The Secret of Mew

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Destiny, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "This should be interesting. Castform. I hope that you are ready for this particular match-up. Castform. Spin for me." The Castform starts spinning in the rain, gaining momentum. "Do not fail this part of the test young man. Castform. Shoot another Weather Ball but this time, up at the sky." Castform starts to charge up and the Weather Ball was getting bigger than ever. Soon, the puffy pokemon shot the attack up in the air and it exploded, sending several energized droplets at the feline. "Now show me the reason why you chose such a pokemon on a rainy day. Do be careful. for every task and order you carry out, there will always be a consequence and even a tool that can be beneficial to the foe."
  2. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Alright, Castform is a pokemon who can change forms at any given time by using rain dance, sunny day or hail and such. Only, he seems to have only rain dance, weather ball, and thunder, leaving me to wonder what are the other moves? He must have taught sunny day and hail so he could keep the battling going and change the tide but what would the next be? Fire Blast? Blizzard? Well on the bright side, Z-pup can handle this, I did teach him to fight stronger pokemon.

    "Dig!" Zac said to his Growlithe. The Grolwithe nodded and tossed its iconic hat aside and dug a hole into the ground to avoid the water droplets. Zac smiled, if it was one pokemon he could count on it was Z-pup.
  3. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    The Kirlia duo, who by no means had left the cave, had continued to watch Deviluke and the Strangeness (for they did not know how to judge what they saw). They were intrigued by the fact that the myth they had just heard was coming to life, or so to speak, before their very eyes. They were careful to keep their heads low and they eyes only barely peeking upon the conversation between man and ghost.

    How can such a thing be? One asked the other privately, its companion mentally shrugging with a, I do not know! It is confusing!
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Hm... a little bit predictable. Castform. It is time to start a flood. Go to the hole that the Growlithe made." The Castform was smiling and it starts to fly toward the hole, preparing its next move. "Now cast Weather Ball multiple times to send the water into the hole and flood the ground underneath!" The Castform gave out another cry and his Weather Ball was bigger than ever. He then start to cast one attack after another, sending water down the hole that Growlithe made in an attempt to get the Growlithe out of hiding.

    "Time for an overflow. Keep on casting Weather Ball to flood not only the hole but to also make a flood in this area!" The rain was getting heavier over the city and soon, the Professor saw that the water is starting to rise up above his toes. "Now, can you stop Mother Nature in with blazing power?"
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Z-pup jumped out of a new hole it made and escaped the water that was filling up, "Iron Tail!" Zac exclaimed. Z-pup kept behind Castform and turned his tail into steel and swung at the back of the Castform. If it was one thing Zac knew it was that Z-pup couldn't stay in te air for long, and he could see the water startingto rise across the field.

    "An insane plan..." Zac said to himself,


    As Todd was walking towards the town, he took notice of the unusual change of weather, and then took notice of two figures in a distance, and two creatures fighting. It must have been a battle. He was tempted to go see it, but he decided to head to find a place to stay.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The Castform was hit in the back and slid across the area but then got right back up and smiled. "How pitiful. Attacks like that can hardly harm water pokemon. I expect you to know something such as that. Now that the ground is wet, whatever shall you do? Castform. I think we should add another equation onto the problem. Pop another Weather Ball for me once again." The Castform gave out another cry and shot another Weather Ball into the air, making it burst and rain down another energized droplets full of water down at Growlithe. "If there were women out here, they would love that I am making it rain but alas, there's not a single one. Castform. It is time for you to take pleasure in your second victory. Spin for me Castform."

    The Castform starts to spin as it was ready to take down Growlithe for good...
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "We aren't done yet," Zac said as Growlithe got back to the ground, it was wet, but it wast so deadly. But saw the energized water droplets coming down, time for a new plan. Why didn't I use this move before...

    "Sunny Day!" Zac exclaimed. Z-pup then glowed with energy as the sun pierced through the clouds and began to subdue the rain. This would also increase Z-Pup's fire moves but Zac also recalled that Castform would change form and type. Still, it was better than nothing.
  8. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "We aren't done yet," Zac said as Growlithe got back to the ground, it was wet, but it wast so deadly. But saw the energized water droplets coming down, time for a new plan. Why didn't I use this move before...

    "Sunny Day!" Zac exclaimed. Z-pup then glowed with energy as the sun pierced through the clouds and began to subdue the rain. This would also increase Z-Pup's fire moves but Zac also recalled that Castform would change form and type. Still, it was better than nothing.
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "It seems that you have passed your test. I think that you have worn him out for now Castform. Come on back my friend. Deerling. Are you ready?" The Castform's appearance changed into a bright, orange version of himself with his head the shape of a sun as it went behind the Professor to join the cheering team as Deerling jumped up ahead to go up against Growlithe. "Now, let us see if you can actually win this battle. Strategy changed. No need to compete for the weather. Deerling. Strike a pose." The Deerling stood up on its two hind legs and bowed, waiting for Growlithe to take the next move.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Deviluke crossed his arms leaning his head to the side. a evil grin found itself upon his brim. The idea of power was something that he already had but it was split in half and half. Half the poke world loved and praised him. the other half judged him for who he was. so to have everyone bow down to him was appealing to say the least.

    " Power is something i have already obtained however...you mentioned legendary Pokemon? i can own them yes? i mean in regards to what she said. What would you gain by giving me all these wondrous things. she told me the legendaries hold a specific balance in this world. Or was she just spouting me nonsense so i would not give chase to the pokemon..." Deviluke tapped his foot impatiently and pointed at the floating orb. " You have a deal...on one condition. You get me those legendaries and i'll see to you getting out of whatever situation your in."

    The evil menacing grin grew large on Deviluke's face grew bigger. his intentions were now clear.
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "The legendary Pokemon create a balance, it's a funny statement. They create balance so humanity doesn't rule over Pokemon and Pokemon don't rule over humans. What would I gain, I'd be lord of the world, in a sense putting you and I on the same ground of control. We would be balance too though both a human and myself a Pokemon ruling the world. As for you besides power, the whole world bowing to you, you'd have all the Pokemon in your world at your finger tips to control, and I suppose I'd be like a mentor, or perhaps even a father figure." The dark figure said.
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Well then all i need you to do is tell me what to do next and we can start putting plans in motions. i'm a very influential man i can get things done that no one else can. So i say we start the process sooner than later. Lets keep things on a hush since i still have to return back to the stadium as a special guest of honor. But we can use my position of power to really get the pokeball rolling so to speak." His raichu jumped on his shoulder and nodded it agreed with everything that was being said.

    " So then, if you are ready. guide me and i shall follow"
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    The dark figured grinned.

    "You must gain the girl's trust and trick her into awakening me. I'm sure the mew will try to stop you, but the girl is strong and is her own person. Trick her, manipulate her. I don't care how just do it." Dark said disappearing.

    "I will continue to guide you along and lend my power when needed." Dark spoke in his mind.

    "So that guy...?" Mew asked about Deviluke. Michi sighed.

    "He doesn't understand much. He believes in just power. I'm not all that powerful but with being so close and all I was able to defeat him, but he doesn't see it. Then wanting a legendary pokemon..." MIchi sighed.

    "I'll succeed though, I need to. I'll help to teach him." Michi said smiling.

    "Well promise me you'll be careful." Mew spoke in Michi's mind. Michi nodded and smiled.

    "Of course, with the team, Lucario, and you we can get it done." Michi said grinning.
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Outside he was cool and collected. Though within his mind...

    WHAT THE HECK?! THAT WHOLE WEATHER THIG WAS A TEST?!?! I'm smart wen wen I'm being dumb...I guess....aaaaaannnddd I'm gonna stop now before I confuse myself

    Zac looked at the Deerling and thought for a moment. Deerling was a Normal/Grass type, Z-pup has an advantage over that, but its obvious a Professor would know Deerling would be weak to Fighting, Ice, Bug and Fire types, so he had to be prepared for anything the Deerling might do. Then again...this guy focused on contests, though Castform did surprise Zac.

    "Z-pup, use Morning Sun!" Zac exclaimed.

    Z-pup nodded and energy glowed across him to recharge his health, though he wasn't hit much, it was a good idea to be ready for whatever came next.
  15. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    The two Kirlia bolted out of the cave as soon as the strange figure disappeared. The duo began their pattern of call-and-answer speech once more, abuzz with the strangeness of it all.

    "How mysterious! And-"
    "Dangerous! We should tell-"
    "Him of course, but he's not that smart, so maybe we should-"
    "Think about it some more, yes yes. We need to keep an eye on-"
    "The flashy one! It is the only way to be certain!"

    Thick as thieves, the two of them were, as they strolled back towards the town.
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Deviluke shrugged placing both hands into his pockets he walked forward for a bit till he saw michi a bit further down. he yelled to her from the distance. " Hey!! Michi!!" He waved one hand in the air. she could not see his devious grin but he was ready to play the game and do the dance of the devil. Now all that was left was to lure her into a false sense of trust. Part of him felt bad because he liked her even if for a little while. However his goal was set. he had a boarderline obsession with collecting legendary pokemon and nothing would stop him from his chase.
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Deerling. Strike him now with a Faint Attack." The Deerling had his battle face on and charged at a quick speed through the shadows and instantly was in front of Growlithe. He then struck the pokemon in the face with its head and knocked it back, having unmatched speed. "Do not think that healing will get you this far. You better prepare yourself." The Deerling starts to smile as it starts to kick at the ground, desiring the moist in the air and seeing the many puddles that is laying on the ground. "Looks like the environment is profitable for me."
  18. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Alright then Z-pup," Zac said as he took note of the environment, after being hit by faint attack, "Flare Blitz!" Zac said. Z-pup growled and barked as it was cloaked in a raging fire, though it seemed much more furious than a normal Flare blitz. Zac recalled that Sunny Day would power up Z-pup's Flare Blitz, and it should help out. The Growlithe jumpe into the air and dive bombed towards the Deerling, living a trail of red hot flames behind him, like a Missle homing on its target.
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "I think it is time that we show him how it is done. Deerling, dodge it." Deerling was soaking up the power of Sunny Day, increasing his speed and was moving at a quick pace to dodge Growlithe's attack, forcing Growlithe to hurt itself in the process. "The sun increases Deerling's speed. This enables him to move faster than Growlithe and quicker than Growlithe. You are now in such a predicament right now. What else can you do "Elite Four Tamer"?" The Deerling stopped running as it was pacing and smiling. Waiting for the Growlithe to react once again.

    "It is great to know that you are using Sunny Day to increase the power of Growlithe but do know that I too can take advantage of this. Soon, I may end up raining on your parade."
  20. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "There is a reason I beat them," Zac said with a smirk, "Flame Charge lets go!"

    As z-pup made contact, the Deerling had ran away. The Growlithe smiled and snickered a bit, and stomped rapidly until orange fires engulfed and he was sent rocketing towards Deerling, his speed increasing. He kept running and running and chased after Deerling and was now neck and neck,

    "Even though Flame Charge is weaker than Flare Blitz, Flame Charge boosts his speed to make him faster," Zac said with a smirk,

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