• Square Elite
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Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by The Heartless King, Jun 18, 2008.

  1. un BLE vble

    un BLE vble New Member

    haha, once i heard of that missingo glitch, my life as a pokemon player completely turned around. i was only seven at the time so my reasoning was like...

    training my pokemon to lvl 100 really just sucks because once you get to like lvl 70 you need to fight the elite 4 like 20 times and the ten minute credits just made it even worse

    so, this missingo thingy lets me get a million of whatever items i want...

    which means, a milion potions, a million nuggets...

    but wait rare candies lvl up your pokemon ... awesome! a million rare candies!!

    it's just too bad my pokemon were already at lvl 97 by the time i figured the glitch out :(
  2. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I own Gold,Silver,Emerald and Pearl.
    I have a few story's to tell,but later,I'll only tell you one.

    My GBA doesn't have a back so I just use batteries.
    I was playing Emerald and always beleived that tapping A and B increased your chance of catching a poké.I was trying to catch a kyoga and realised that if I moved my legs fast I would move my hand(and in turn fingers) faster.It worked I had been jogging on the spot and I had caught the poké.Then.........the batteries FELL OUT!!!!!!!!!
  3. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    And again, u can play GBA games on pC and it rocks! my brother and i play fire red pokemon to.

    And turns out that i found a GBA Emulator that can be linked!! My brother and I fight most of the times with our pokemons, turns out that i eventually deafeat him and pass him by lving quitely.

    We trade our pokemons before, now.. he hasn't played with me for liike a week.
  4. darkside

    darkside New Member

    how do you trade on the new games. Like can you do it over great distances?
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Yeah, using Diamond or Pearl. If you have Wifi, you can connect your DS to it and trade with people around the world.
  6. Unlucky Dyl XD

    Groudon and Kyoga are easy to catch though. If you use an ultra ball or one of those water ball things on Kyoga its so easy. Weaken them alot. bring them down further using not very effective moves. Send them to sleep stun them, or freeze them (freeze is best but hardest) then lob the ball. Hitting A does actually increase the chance of getting them. Each time you hit A from the message telling you yur throwing it to it hitting the Pokemon increases it around, a pathetic but mildly useful, 0.08%. So hit it 10 times and you up your chances almost 1%! You can usually hit it about 20 - 25 times if your good. so you get 1.6% - 2% chance increase XD Each time you fail to catch them this decreases. It will fall from 0.08% to 0.075% then 0.07% etc

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