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Random Crap ~Oathkeepers Random Stories centered around KH-3 Roleplays!!!!~

Discussion in 'Traditional' started by Oath, Feb 11, 2009.

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  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Lol nice but remember it wasn't Will's mansion, it was Cidd's... lol but this is great, keep it up.
  2. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    yes! another chapter! DIE SLUT TEACHER!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    GAAAH Married life plus college is a kick in the pants everyone. Sorry for the delay on this epasode. ;)

    Book 1: Highschool Crap
    Chapter: 8 (The revenge of the Crap!)

    Kyuu: Are we there yet?

    Will: No

    Tom: Are we there yet

    Will: NO

    Angel: Are we there YET?

    Will: No

    Hope: Are we there yet?

    Will: N-

    Amaya: *interrupts* Are we there yet?

    Will: No

    Aiden: Are we t-

    Will: GOD DAM IT! NO!

    Aiden: oh.

    Will: *grumbles*

    Amaya: When are we going to be there.

    Will: Soon

    Tom: How soon?

    Will: Really soon

    Angel: How soon is really soon?

    Sarah: Would you people stop picking on my Silly Willy!

    Aiden: *snickers at the embarassing nickname*

    Will: *Grumbles and smacks his forehead like they do in those sitcoms*

    *the mansion can be seen in the distance*

    Will: Oh look, theres the mansion.

    Aiden: How did you affoard a mansion if your parents hate you?

    Will: I stole it from them because I'm naughty

    Sarah: Oh will.... grawwl. *trying to sound sexy*

    Will: Oh Sarah I love you

    Aiden: Gosh get a room. :rolleyes:

    Sarah: You're just jealous that the only one who loves you is your sister. :p

    Amaya: What are you talking about, that dude on his own I love Tom.

    Tom: :cool:

    Angel: :eek:

    Tom: *sees angels reaction* Oh I mean... :eek:

    Kyuu: *giggles*

    Jesse: Hope my love let us hold hands and frolic the rest of the way to the mansion like they do in those movies I cry about all the time.


    Jesse: Isn't that what I said. *Takes Kyuu's hand and the two of them skip away through the pansies*

    Hope: :confused:

    ~ Minutes later, they finally arrive at the mansion. After Will showed the group around the group all chose rooms to stay in and then some decided to get some food and others decided to explore the mansion.

    Jesse: Hope!

    Hope: >.<

    Jesse: HOPE!

    Hope: -_-

    Jesse: HOPE HOPE HOPEY HOPEY HOPE.... Hope... Hopekins... Hope... Hopeta... Hope... HOPE...

    Hope: WHAT!

    Jesse: hi

    Hope: :rolleyes:

    Jesse: Hey Hope

    Hope: Yes Jesse

    Jesse: Hi wasnt what I was going to say

    Hope: THen what were you going to say

    Jesse: I love Ky.... I mean you. You're my favorite and I want to have your babies.

    Hope: Um... dood. A- You love Kyuu. And B- Babies come from girls not Jessies.

    Jesse: Damn! *marks something off on his list of things he wants do do with his life*. But I'm serious about the first one. I am in love with you.

    Hope: Ok

    (the two start making out)

    Kyuu: WHAT THE FUCK!

    Jesse: Oh... shit.

    Hope: Kyuu this isn't what it looks like

    Kyuu: Its... ok. Hope It's not yoru fault. Jesse as long as you're happy I dont care. *runs away*

    Jesse: Well that was strangely easy.

    Hope: Where were we?

    Jesse: Right about here *Starts making out again*

    Aiden: *OOC* Wow this story movies really quick

    Aya: Shut up Aiden!

    Aiden: What did I do? Oh look theres Angel...

    Angel: ~them other boys donno how to act... yep... cuz im angel and i sexy and thats a fact... yep... baby i'm your slave~ "What exactly does that song mean anyway? Oh well. *hums sexy back to herself* *she sings as she walks timidly through the halls of the mansion. in an exploring tyope of way until she runs into Aiden all alone in the hallway*

    Aiden: Angel baby!

    Angel: Um... hi?

    Aiden: Would you like a cookie?

    Angel: No. I'm anarexic. Thats how I stay so sexy.

    Aiden: Oh go ahead. Just eat one they are delicous and chocolate chipy.

    Angel: NO! Stop tempting me saitan!

    Tom: *All heroicly* Aiden stup bugging Angel.

    Aiden: T-T Fine

    Tom: .... thats it?

    Aiden: Well would you rather I punch you in the face?

    Tom: Well... no. But if we fight it makes me look more heroic for Angels benefit.

    Aiden: Why would she care? I mean she cant even remember five minutes ago. *both look at Angel*

    Angel: *dazed look looking around the halls like shes in her own little world* let ya wip me if i... oh hi. *waves*

    Tom: Come on Aiden work with me here!

    Aiden: Fine *decks Tom*

    Tom: T-T

    Aiden: You told me to hit you.

    Tom: O gosh nevermind. Go bug someone else.

    Aiden: Suit yourself... *walks away*

    Angel: Oh my gosh Tom you're bleading!

    Tom: Oh... its no big deal. *sniff.... sniff...*

    Angel: Oh Tom its a big deal let me see.

    Tom: No.

    Angel: Please???

    Tom: Fine

    Angel: Kisses better

    Tom: Yay!

    Angel: Lets go for a walk

    Tom: Ok

    *they run away to the garden*

    (Menwhile in the kitchen)


    Aya: Whats wrong sweet heart?

    Kyuu: J..jj... je...jesse *between sobs*

    Aya: Yes Jesse what?

    Kyuu: H...H... H..Oo..Ho...p... and then... WAAAAAAAAAA... *sniffles and then more jibberish*

    Aya: Jesse ran away to Camelot with A Hoe named WilmAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and they started an alpaka farm in the netherlands?

    Kyuu: *facepalms and then allows self to fall onto floor sobbing*

    Aya: Jeez all you had to do was tell me i'm wrong no need to be all dramatic.

    Kyuu: *yells more jibberish which is muffled by the floor*

    Aya: =S

    Aiden: *Storms in* I need a drink! *trips on Kyuu* WOA!

    Kyuu: *sobs louder and yells more jibberish which is muffled by the floor*

    Aiden: Man. What ate her?

    Aya: *shruggs* Something about Jesse paying a French Hoe by the name of Le` WaAAAA` to run away with her alpakas and have alpaka babies.

    Aiden: Wow...

    Aya: I know

    Kyuu: [still laying facedown on floor sobbing] *bangs head on floor, but gives up on trying to correct Aya*

    Aiden: Don't worry, Kyuu. You're lots prettier than any Llama

    Kyuu: (&()&^()&^(@_@#&*#!!!!

    Aiden: what was that?

    Aya: Its an Alpaka not a Llama

    Aiden: Oh...

    Aya: *Hits Aiden* Stop being so insensitive!

    Aiden: Shut up *drinks alchohol and then leands down to pick up Kyuu*

    Aya: Dont touch her. Just let her lay there.

    Aiden: Um.. ok then.

    Will and Sarah: *Enters*

    Will: Hey everyone hows it... WOA! *trips over Kyuu*

    Kyuu: @*($&@($_)*$%!! WAAAH!!!

    Will: Who peed in her cherios?

    Aiden: Jesse left her for a French Alpaka from the Netherlands and a Hoe named Le WAAAAAAA` to get hitched and start a Lla....

    Kyuu: *A very loud scream of annoyance from Kyuu makes Aya shut up*

    Sarah: Oh thats terrible!

    Will: Indeed. Jesse should be ashamed!

    Aya: Indeed.

    Sarah: Well... should we help her??

    Aya: Nah let's just let her cry it out.

    Everyone: Yeah ok.

    Sarah: I'm hungry

    Aiden: I have some Ritz Crackers!

    Everyone: Yay!

    Aya: So what do we do now. I'm sure the adults will be looking for us.

    Will: Well of course we attack them. We kill them before they get us!

    Aiden: Ok. I'm in

    Aya: It sounds dangerous.

    Sarah: Willy poo I dont want you to get hurt

    Will: *Grumbles*

    Aiden: So its settled. Someone go tell Jesse and Tom that thats the plan. Tomorrow at Dawn, we attack the adults!

    Everyone: Yeah!

    Kyuu: ...This floor tastes funny :/

    THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    On the next Highscool Crap-
    Will Angel ever learn the meaning of the song Sexy Back, Will Aiden EVER run out of Ritz crackers, What were TOm and Angel doing in the garden, and the attack of the adults!

    Thanks for reading.
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    lol how come you always make my character the ditz!?
  5. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    A magical process called ditzififcation.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I notice she does a great representation of my life. I'm surrounded by idiots. It appears true in her stories too.
  7. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    T-T Epic sad! DW just called me a mean name. :p lol

    and I do see a part where Tom told Aiden to hit him. :cool:
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Did not. I never would. Just because I'm surrounded by idiots doesn't mean that there isn't a single smart person around me.

    That is showing off though. And ususally guys know when to fake things so another guy could impress a girl.
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