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Redemption's Side (OOC/Accompanying/Discussion Thread)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by FON, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Approved, and yes it would make sense for her Abilties to be revealed later on

    Sorry for DPing (Double Posting)


    Those who either haven't completed or created their templates, please complete them soon. I will be opening the OC submissions for the queen and black knight until next Wednesday 12:01 am EST. By that time we will start the RP without those characters, as long as we have at least the king we will be okay, but I would prefer to have all main positions filled.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2012
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Hm... I find this interesting. May I join? Also, I just need to know if anyone else took a role so I will not end up conflicting in taking the same role. I guess I can take the role of "The Queen of Ruin and Pain" but pm me as to how you want the role to work.
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    No one else has claimed that role, so it's yours.

    I'll pm you in a sec.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Sorry this took forever, been quite busy with school work, even as is I should be cleaning up my dorm room...

  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    It's fine destiny, I understand.

    Looks good, once Summoner gets his profile up then ill post up the IC
  6. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Abbadon Ransom



    The Knight of Darkness



    Abbadon is a tortured and sadistic individual who enjoys inflicting pain upon others more than anything else, his hatred towards the light has brought him to kill just for the sick pleasure of it. While his bloodlust makes him seem reckless and rather unintelligent he is actually a very smart and cunning being how uses tactics to ensure that targets die in the most gruesome way possible with no chance of escape, he has only failed to capture his target once and that target was his very own adopted son, Rush Ransom.

    Born and raised by a caring couple he lived a very happy life for the most of his childhood until his parents were killed by a group of bandits, during this time he was hit by a rather hard object causing him to lose some of his memories. When he woke up around the burning rubble that used to be his house he was greeted by the knight of darkness before him. The knight offered to give him a place to live under one condition, he would have to help bring darkness upon the world and become a minion of the very darkness that killed the loving parents he couldn't even remember. Feeling that there were no other options he choose to join, after years of harsh training and being forced to kill with no end he simply fostered the deep hatred inside of himself, becoming the new Knight of Darkness after killing the one before him. Soon after his promotion to Knight, he found a child just like him, parents dead no siblings in sight, and so he decided to raise another Minion of Darkness. As the child went through the same harsh training that he had been through he thought he was successful naming the child Rush due to his incredible speed... until the child went rogue cutting his masters face and disfiguring his face forever. Abbadon now wears a mask and is currently searching for Rush and the Pure One.

    Tools and Weapons:




    Powers and Gifts:
    Besides his brute strength and tacticians mind he also has the ability to control darkness, unlike Rush his darkness is much more powerful and uncontrollable often taking on the appearance of black flames.

    I'll think of one
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Wow thanks BK, ill add it to the list.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Name: Sovereign Queen (Lady) Libitina Solovya-Obuda

    Gender: Female


    Role: Queen of Ruin and Pain

    Title: Judge, High Spellcaster, Wife, Lady of Wisdom, Death's Left Hand, Lady of Devils,

    Appearance: Dark hair in deepest black with a glow in her dark-tone skin. With purple eyes standing at 5'5. Her wings in flight is the shade of black, outer space. Her dark hair is usually long and can be wild. Her clothing consists of a long, darker tone of Tyrian Purple that consists of the jet color on the sleeves of her clothes. Her heels are is of the color, Silver Chalice and her nails are painted in silver pink with rubies. Her crown/tiara is a tarnished silver. Her favorite earrings is decorated with amethyst, her favorite jewel, which is also embedded in her pendent.

    Personality: Fierce, cold and clever. Uses death to pass judgement for her own pleasure. A woman who can soothes the King's own pain.

    History: Lady Libitina Solovya's mother, former Sovereign Queen Malovia Salovya, is still living while her father, Supreme King Vritra Salovya, is defeated and his soul is sealed. Libitina can be seen as the right hand of the King of Suffering and Wrath and rumors say that she rivals the King in power and authority.

    Her own kingdom is the main source as to why there has been terror across the land. Her kingdom allied with the royal family of the Obuda and the Obuda Kingdom and combine their efforts as the two shares the same interest in darkness, authority, rule and a change in the world to their liking. If there was anyone to blame as to who brought the world into chaos, that would be her parents and her husband's parents seventeen years ago. She was seven by then and her guardian and protector, Abaddon Ransom, has knowledge of the whole war. lady Libitina always had a close connection with Mr. Ransom throughout her childhood.

    She was trained up to become the next queen after her father lost a fight and her mother is unable to keep her powers any longer for it was a threat to her. Lady Libitina's mother gave up her powers and it passed on to Libitina at the age of sixteen. Since then, she was close to become queen. As she gained the intellect to rule and to govern, she was warned by a revelation, a prophecy that states of a fatal battle between the light and darkness. Her mother warned her of this that this light is known as the "Pure One". Since then, Lady Libitina usually give out orders to kill and slaughter anyone who has the potential to carry light within them or have magic that may try to rebel against her.

    Nineteen years of age, Libitina eventually met the King of Wrath and Suffering. Although it was decided by both royal family that the two should marry, she fell in love anyway. They married and the two kingdoms merged together to have supremacy over the land.

    As Queen Libitina got older, she has a distaste of foolish kids. She believes that those younger than her from birth to their teenage years should know their place and attempt to control the youth. The Queen has a strong hatred of one soldier, a soldier who she help persuade the King to use and manipulate. Unknown to this fifteen year old-soldier, her parents took in the soldier when he was very young at the age of seven himself. Her parents trained him and put him in the Shadows but his betrayal made Lady Libitina to have hostility toward young people. If her parents just had more control over the soldier, her mother believed that they can use him and his power to combat against the "Pure One". The Lady was close in deciding as to whether to kill the soldier or to control his spirit when the solider attempted to assassinate her husband.

    Now, she is in search of both the "Pure One" and the soldier, passing laws as she helps her husband control more of the world.

    Tools and Weapons: Usually do not use a weapon but whenever needed, she will use a large staff that she can change into a scythe.

    Powers and Gifts: Commands the magic of Wind and Death to have natural and spiritual influences over enemies and to trap and surprise her opponents. Also can summon a pet to help aid her in battle and can fly. Black magic is in her hands.

    Pet: Name is Abaddon, Guardian of Destruction. Has the beast form of a fiery lion and breathes fire.

    Theme:Gothic Music - Death Dance - YouTube

    Battle Theme: Greatest Battle Music Of All Times: Immortal - YouTube

    Final Battle Theme: Disturbing Video Game Music Tracks 1: Giygas Battle - YouTube
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2012
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Alright thanks summoner, I'll get the IC up now, expect it in the next hour or so.

    Alright guys the RP is up for those who don't know. Again sorry for double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2012
  10. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Considering I have not seen any activity from Roxas, I'm gonna be posting as the king character with a new character. I sent him a pm to see if e will post, but I doubt he will answer it anytime soon.

    Name: Sadisio

    Role: King of Pain and Suffering

    Age: 26

    Gender: Male

    Title: Killer of Kings, Madman, Husband, Soon to be King of the World,

    Personality: A sadistical, power hungry, and blood thirsty king, he is cruel and malicious, who has become somewhat insane after killing so many kings in his past. He only shows affection and love to his wife.



    Tools and Weapons: King Killer (a giant broadsword made from obsidian with the blade being jaggeded and sharp), Bull whip with a poisoned tip.

    Powers and Gifts: Sword combat


    Ever since he was child, he was abbused by both his father and mother, even his brothers picked on him and abbused him as well. He was angered, and felt like he couldn't trust anyone, so, he decided to fight fire with fire. He grabbed his father's sword and slaughtered his family with his rage. His forge read left without his arms and legs, who pleaded for his son to stop. But Sadious had a maniacal grin plastered across his face, and then swung his sword, decapitating his father. Something changed in him. He laughed, seeing the blood and gore on the floor of his family, he felt overjoyed that he got his revenge.

    He decided who he would be, a killer, and went out to kill those who thought they were higher than him. He started to kill several kings, showing his might and power. However...when he reached Ari, he was beatened, and lost. He swore vengeance on the King, and said he would kill the king and become the surpreme king. Thats wen he found his current blade, and thus, he Returned and murdered the king of Ali and kille his wife, and took cotrol of Ari.

    He then went traveling till he encountered Libitina's homeland, where he met her. He fell in love with Libitina, and because of his titles of king in several kingdoms, he and Libitina were engaged to be married by her parents, but still, both loved each other very much.

    Thanks to her family's land and power to control the many kingdoms, and take over the world. He wants the "Pure One" dead yes, but it isn't his top priority, as he is too busy with killing people and controlling countries.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Ok. I'll just go on ahead and post. Tired of waiting but Zac, no machine-gun posting please.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I'm waiting to post. I want to first reveal myself when the Pure One goes into the woods particularly when she's thrown into danger in the woods.
  13. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Alight then,

    I was about to PM you about when you would enter, thank you for posting this Destiny.

    Summoner, sorry about the machine gun posting, I was at a lock in, everyone else was asleep, I was being a retard =P
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    That's ok Destiny. I was just wondering whether you or Vox was at and I was basically was doing the same thing waiting in the other roleplay's too. At least I now know why so I can start posting more often.

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