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Relationship with God

Discussion in 'General' started by EtherealSummoner, Mar 22, 2009.

Finding your destiny with the lord.

  1. Hot! So faithful with god almighty & always be with him regardless of the odds against you.

  2. Lukewarm. You is tired of being spiritual, so you lived a neutral life, on god & the devil side.

  3. Cold! You is living a life where you did not bother having a relationship with god.

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  1. Waterfall17

    Waterfall17 New Member

    I am going to address the points that you made…I’ll try to keep it somewhat organized. First off I would like to express that beloved, you do not have an accurate view of God. Please have patience with me as I explain a few things to you, that you may seek God genuinely.

    1) [A lesser point, but it should still be addressed…] When someone says that they are Presbyterian, it is a denomination of Christianity, not a separate religion…as someone already expressed at a later point.

    2) Jesus is God. To believe in Him means that you believe in God: “Then Jesus cried out and said, ‘He who believes in Me, believes not in Me but in Him who sent Me’” (John 5:24). Also: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men….And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:1-14, with a section missing. You should go read it! It’s lovely.).

    3) To say “lucky I did this” is an insult to God. [Why it is addressing God as opposed to the people on this thread: you may be referring to the people on this thread, that they are lucky that you did whatever you did when you did, and that they shouldn’t expect anything more of you; however, you are speaking directly to God when you say these things because they are His. Reading His Word, going to what is supposed to be His organization—or as I state in a later point, being an active part of His Body—is completely focused on Him, not on people.]

    So you might go to church. Big deal. So you might read the Bible. Again, big deal. And the music part too, and the prayer—when you feel like it/when you realize that someone needs it. Big deal (although all of these things are well, the heart behind it is exceedingly important). Where’s your heart? Doing something out of duty (or with an attitude like that) doesn’t glorify God. He knows your heart! If your heart isn’t in it, you don’t really mean it.

    It isn’t about things like that—like reading the Bible just because you know that you should, or going to church because it’s the “Christian thing” to do. It is about relationship, not ritual. All of you—your mind, being, heart, strength—is desired by God and required by Him, not a piece of you stingily given. For it is written:

    “ ‘Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?’
    Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment.

    And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’ ” (Matthew 22: 36-39). All is required. Deuteronomy speaks a great deal about this commandment, too, fyi.

    I realize that you might want to sound cool and, forgive my speech if it is offensive, but “badass” by saying these things. But the truth is, it’s not cool. Seeking the praise of men over God’s praise and attempting to glorify yourself and place yourself above God is far from cool.

    God isn’t “lucky” if you do anything. Does He love you, and want you to come to Him? Of course He does!! But that doesn’t mean He’s “lucky” if you decide flippantly, “yeah, I guess I’ll read my Bible today and maybe score some brownie points with God” or something. Doesn’t work that way, beloved. If anything, you are the lucky one that is privileged to have a Bible to read, a church to go to, the freedom to worship God freely (in some countries they murder Christians…the persecution is very mild in America/more free countries in comparison to the rest of the world), the ability to read…I can keep going if you’d like, but I think I’ve made my point. Please don’t be irreverent toward the God of the universe—especially in consideration of who you are:

    “O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth, Who have set Your glory above the heavens! Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength, because of Your enemies, that You may silence the enemy and the avenger. When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man, that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels, and You have crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him to have dominion over the works of You hands; You have put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen—even the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea that pass through the paths of the seas. O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth!”
    Psalm 8.

    Isaiah also has many excellent verses that illustrate how truly awesome, in the actual sense of the word, not the colloquial, God is. Who is man to exalt himself?

    4) No, I suppose I don’t talk about God wherever I go. But admittedly, most places I go, I do….being filled with the Holy Spirit, it is hard to NOT talk about God. He lives in me! How can I not praise Him? How can I not worship Him? How can I not love Him?

    It honors God when we delight in Him. People will see Christ in us who delight in Him because we allow Him to work in and through us. Of course, this is not to say that we shouldn’t be wise in our approach in speaking about God. In some cases, it is best to remain quiet, waiting for the right opportunity. The Lord will lead, and it will be in His strength that I walk, not mine.

    5) The church…yeah, about the church. I disagree with many practices that are going on today in “the church.” But that doesn't mean that going to church is not important. There seems to be a misconception that the church is merely a building, a place one goes to worship God. (Btw, worship is much more than going to a building and singing songs and listening to a sermon.) But the church is not merely a building. It is us. The Body isthe Church. Girl Scouts has some nice values and everything, but it is not the same as a Body that is called to be one even as Jesus and the Father (and the Holy Spirit) are One. There is accountability in this Body that isn’t in the Girl Scouts. There is power in this Body that isn’t with the Girl Scouts. There are spiritual gifts for the edification of this Body that are Spirit-given…this is not the case with the Girl Scouts. (I have nothing against the Girl Scouts. I was one—troop 409. Yeah, we got made fun of for that number, but oh well…just pointing out that the Body is entirely different than the Scouts.)

    The Body can and does help. Consider this analogy: the Body as a human body. Each member serves a different function; one acts as a mouth, another as a leg, another as an ear, etc. Each needs one another. Also, this analogy: the Body as a puzzle, with each member being a different piece. Each member is very important, and highly prized. The puzzle cannot be completed without every member.

    Finally, this one: each member being a coal in a burning fireplace. When the coal is in the Body, or the fire, it is burning. But watch what happens when you take the coal out. The flame eventually dies.

    When I first heard this it struck me, because I kind of had the same sentiment as you: I don’t need to be involved in the church. I don’t need accountability. And maybe I don’t, but I’m missing the point. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” (NIV as opposed the NKJV, because it’s easier to understand for the moment…Proverbs 27:17). We are relational beings, created to be in relationship: “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). (There is a great amount of other evidence/reason also throughout Scripture.) Whether we like it or not, we really do need one another. Also, I should point out that the church isn’t a restaurant. You don’t come to be served, but to serve. (Thanks to Dr. Penland, one of my profs for that example :) )

    6) Universalism is a lie from satan. Not to be brutally blunt…so, let me explain…

    One cannot be reconciled to God in any other Way but Jesus. Universalism suggests that there are many paths to God as opposed to one. But no matter how devoutly they worship, neither Muslims, nor Buddhists, nor Shinto believers, nor Atheists will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven without Jesus. Not everyone is going to go to heaven: “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me’ ” (John 14:6). There are several passages of Scripture that emphasize this point.

    The flesh is extremely tempted to remark that this seems narrow, unaccepting/unloving, and dogmatic. Please understand that I am speaking this in love. I do not desire that these people be separated from God. At the same time, God can’t be compromised. (I can present more evidence for this at a later time if you want.)

    7) If the devil has nothing against you it’s not because he can’t do anything to you. Actually…I don’t even think it’s possible for him not to have something against you even if you are serving him knowingly/directly. He HATES you. I honestly cannot express how much he hates you. It is a cold, calculating hatred that is so fervent that he would do anything in his power to destroy you—and enjoy it. In fact, he works on it 24/7. So, heads up, and don’t get cocky. Satan’s second in power in the entire universe, second only to JESUS CHRIST, the King of kings and Lord of lords. Don’t be deceived into thinking that he can’t hurt you in any way if you aren’t following God. He’s still here.

    8) Finally, in regards to the cross…having a symbol of something and not understanding what it means kind of defeats the purpose in having it at all. Wearing a cross as a status symbol doesn’t mean anything. Your life, your testimony, is what means something….yes, a cross to wear is nice, but if you wear it and your life doesn’t match up, if means nothing—other than that you, unknowingly, make a mockery of Christ in being ashamed of Him: “For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels" (Mark 8:38) and “For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His [own] glory, and [in His] Father's, and of the holy angels” (Luke 9:26).
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Basicly what you said, I already know. Technically presbitarian is a religion, and off take of Christianity which is just a word to describe the seperate religions in it.

    I know the last part about the devil, what I said was you don't go to hell. That's it, he can still hurt I know that. Plus if you show no fear he won't do anything to you.

    Then all those point you made only a few agree with my religion. No matter what you do it changes and varies. My guess is your catholic, those are the usual ways catholic view things. Now I can go long and out of the way explaing Lutheran, but I don't want to, I'd be better just writing a book for the world on Lutheran if so.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2009
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I agree with everything that you says. I always be true to myself & be true to God & there's no hiding from him. I don't do no adultery or all those sinful stuff & there's some people who be thinking of themselves instead of God. The First Lady of my church be doing that too & she didn't even realize that. I have a lot going on but even when I'm active in a whole lot of things, I always come to praise team practice to sing for God & read the bible to hear from the lord what he has for me or what he wants me to do.

    I have something to say about the flesh. (I can't believe that we're going far away from the relationship with God, but oh well.) THe flesh don't like pain. We can't be so attached with the flesh. As you know, we be feeling lazyness, which can happen to those who don't feel like reading the bible, we get tempted in the flesh, it's nothing but a vessel to hold our spirit & soul, & we must seperate ourselves from the flesh. The flesh don't like the infliction of pain, but we have to acheive suffering in our life.

    Now, even after we're baptized & acheive the holy spirit, we're still going to be tempted with certain sins of the flesh. We all have to remember that. Don't believe me? Get the book: A New life, the beginning of something wonderful. It'll tell you everything.

    THat lucky part & scoring brownie part, don't play with Jesus. Seriously don't. Kids be playing church in the school putting hands on one another & acting like that they got the holy ghost & don't even know that it offends him. One kid took his hands playing church at the high school going "BOW DOWN NIGGA!!" Don't play. It's downright stupid & get you sinned.

    Christianity is not a religion. It's a relationship. I remember something that we read in bible class now that you said something about placing yourself above god & glorifing yourself in God's place. It's in the bible that Satan as a angel of light, has rebelled God 5 times for doing this & fell from grace. You will be very ignorant & down right evil for doing something so cruel.
  4. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Oi oi oi, my pastor got back to me. Here it is.

    So what's the question you want me to answer? "What is a Presbyterian?"

    I looked over some of the posts and am not sure exactly what they are all referring to. The Lutheran basically shows that she doesn't understand her own faith in particular or Christianity in general. This kind of blog shows me that people are pooling their own opinions without looking for accurate or authoritative answers... If you want a basic statement on Presbyterianism let me know and I'll put something brief together for you.

    Pastor Paula

    And this follow up.

    The reason we appear "laid back" is that we are secure in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It's the work of the Holy Spirit in us that convicts us of the truth of Who God is and what Jesus Christ accomplished for us when he died on the cross and then rose from the dead. Those who trust in Christ's sacrificial death and follow him as Lord and Master will share in the resurrection to eternal life in Heaven.
    That, Zerieth, is a good starting point for you to post on your blog. Remember the word "Trinity" that I certainly hope you have heard many times and learned during confirmation classes. We believe God to be 3 in 1 - Father, Son and Holy Spirit... Creator, Savior and Guide.
    I realize that for many people religion/faith makes for interesting conversation/blogging... however, if you really believe in God you will also take your faith to heart and live it.
    btw - the Pilgrims were not Presbyterians...
    I hope you never stop learning about God and that you continue to grow in your faith in Christ... good way to do those things is to continue to read and study Scripture and to worship with other "laid back" believers. It is way too easy these days to let your faith get watered down by the culture.
    Be strong and courageous for the Lord, Zerieth...
    also... just so you know... Presbyterian and Lutheran and Catholic are what we call "denominations" not religions. They are the same "religion" which is Christianity. So, strictly speaking, you are a Christian first and happen to be a member of the Presbyterian Family of Christians.

    Pastor Paula

    I feel humbled. Sorry about my lack in info.

    This is from a real person who went to school for this. I did edit out my name, putting Zerieth in instead. This is a direct copy from my email account. So don't bother shooting this down as if we were debating, cause not a single one of us is qualified to try. Unless one of you preaches the word, in which case, by all means.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Oh. I thought you meant laid back in a bad way.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I do to know my stuff. Watch teh movie Luther then you;ll see it. Like I said before, it's different for every religion, and yes presbiterian is a seperate church aka religion. This is why there's presybiterian churches.
  7. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Ok, me and my youth group just finished a 30 hour famine today and it was a great learning experience for me. My faith has wavered in the past but it has always came through for me in some way. Also the bible teaches us how we should live. It says to respect your mother and father, love your neighbor as you love yourself. It also teaches morals in certain books. One verse tells that greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for a friend. I have taken these to heart since I started going to church 5 years ago. At first I went because it was fun. But then I started to understand god's word and what he did for us. I started to understand how to truly live. I have read half of the bible voluntarily when I was nine just because I was curious. This sparked an even greater curiousity and it made me start going to church again. Then I started to gain friends in the youth group and now most of my friends are there. It is as the poem footsteps says. The man asked god, "Why is it that in the most troubled parts of my life is when you left me?" Then god replied. "My child, I did not leave you but I carried you."
  8. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Kairi star, you can't get info from movies. There is not but a few grains of truth in those. We can only get our good info from the bible and from your minister/pastor/reverend or what ever. And after reading all of that stuff, i to have to wonder what your faith in god really is. If i ever met you in real life, i could find out. But for now, I'm stuck looking at what you write.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  9. I think that i have a great relationship with God. Because i read the bible every Sunday. and I pray everynight. Everybody cant have the perfect relationship with God, however if you try and attend church everyday. God would look at you and he would see that you are trying. :)
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    It was a documentary movie type of thing we watched in church, not a blockbuster kind of movie (I don't think) youtube it and just watch it.
  11. Waterfall17

    Waterfall17 New Member

    As was already explained (now 2/3 times) above…Christianity is a religion. Presbyterianism is a sect of the religion. The proper terminology for sect would be denomination. Different denominations (for the most part) have the same basic beliefs, like Jesus is the Messiah, but on certain points of doctrine people have different points of view. I personally am nondenominational…basically I call myself what I am: a Christian. Simple as that.

    Why I am so adamant about getting this point through:

    It’s important. If you are going to debate (or even speak about) in regards to what you believe, correct terminology is essential. For one, it tends to eliminate confusion as to what is being spoken about. (You don’t want to confuse people, especially if they have never heard the Gospel, are new to church, etc.) Secondly, it sounds better. Simple—but true. If you sound professional, people are more likely to listen to what you write/say. Plus, they are more likely to take you seriously.

    I’m glad that you know a little about the devil. He is your adversary. It’s good to know your enemy. It’s better to know your Shield and Weapon(s) [God, His Word], but it’s profitable and wise to know your enemy.

    Anyone who does not believe in their heart and confess with their lips the Lord Jesus Christ (must accept Him as Savior) will go to hell. Universalism and Annihilationism are lies. If your church is preaching either one of these, it’s false doctrine. Scripture directly refutes both of these.

    I am not Catholic, as I stated above. Most of my views are actually in line with the Alliance—evangelicals. Most, if not all, the points that I made shouldn’t conflict with your denomination.

    I have seen the movie. It was good. Martin Luther, 95 Theses, Reformation…not to be brutally blunt, but I don’t see your point.

    I am glad that you do these things! Prayer and Scripture reading are wonderful. I disagree with the part about trying and attending church, however. We are saved by grace and justified by faith. Faith without works is dead, because our action indicates belief. I will explain more about this later…because I’d like to get to bed :)
  12. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Why oh why does that sound so familiar. Can't be my pastor, this dude has some actual posts. WHO ARE YOU!!!

    Kairi star, the fact stands that a lot of us don't know a whole about our faith. Reading scripture, going to church, observing the sabath, yada yada yada, do NOT make us christian. Christians ask god into their lives not because they think it's required for heaven, but because they know that without him they aren't complete. They know that alone they can't be the right kind of people, and ask for his loving grace and wisdom to help them in their every day lives. No not even a movie will help us truly understand our faith. That can only be done through living our lives, and having a growing understanding of god as we go along. I am first a christian, and second a presbytarian. Praise be to the lord.
  13. Waterfall17

    Waterfall17 New Member

    ...Are you speaking to me, Zerieth? I'll give you some background information even if you aren't: I'm female, 19, and attending Toccoa Falls College in GA. Major is Cross-Cultural Studies, minors Philosophy and Youth Ministry. I am a vessel to be used by God, that He would speak through me, and that His love would shine in and through me (agape: to love God so that He can love others through you). Sometimes pride gets in the way, which is devastatingly sorrowful, but I have asked the Lord many times that He would reveal Himself--that He would be glorified--in me. The Lord provides, and His grace is sufficient for me.

    [I apologize for the length of the posts being tremendous ^_^'. I just can't help it...and I still have more to post, which I'll save for later because I have class right about...now. :) ]
  14. re-Kinings

    re-Kinings New Member

    I have a nice relationship with God, I think. After all, I believe he exists and that's good enough for me. =)
  15. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    (Y) (Y)


    Thats just awsome Waterfall. Awsome that you are actually studying pastoral things. It's a good feeling on this end, believe me.
    I myself am no minister. I like to think of myself as a philosopher. I keep my eyes open, and view how the world works. So far i have seen that god does exist. You only have to look at a church, full of happy smiling people to know that. Or look at the beauties of this world, like a flower that may look dull at first, but actually shows something spectacular when it opens to the sun. Such things my friends, do not happen randomly. Also the big bang theory is bunk. Nothing ever comes from destruction.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Without Grace & mercy, we we truly fail, but God says that we will live & not perish. Jesus had did this & he surely didn't perish. We cannot work by human power, but through God's power.
  17. But where is God?
  18. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    *Takes on yoda's voice*

    Everywhere, God is.
    Around us, and in.
    Ask him into your heart, you must.
    Then answer questions, He will.

    I'm so good at that. :D
  19. [Angry Anakin voice]

    I just did "Master Yoda" . . . I FOUND NOTHING!!!
  20. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Well try harder. He's there, whether you like it or not. Go to church a couple of times, read the word to. You never know what might happen if you take a leap of faith.
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