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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by EbeneezerAl, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    oh, really? wow i never knew that... thanks for the tip EbeneezerAL
    okay, christan's don't ALL say that (so it isn't the common thing) nobody is saying that thier lifestyle is wrong they were born that way. they didn't have a chioce
    show me this evidence. where did you find it? (ex: website)
    okay, at the begining of the bible adam and eve are told not to touch the apples on that one tree and when the dis-obay god he gives them knowledge and free will. now the free will let's it so that we can choose god if we want to or we don't want to, it's our desicion. so if they know of god and they choose to not believe in him then they will go to hell. and god loves everyone weather they do or don't believe in him
    every religon (i wouldn't say flaws) has it's mysteries that only, when we die, will we truly know what was the right religon
  2. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2008
  3. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    check agian

    HAHAHAHAHAHA a friend... it's possible he got the information wrong when he tried to explian it to you

    alright, god doesn't throw you into the lake of fire the devil does (if your going to insult god, do it right) and sure hell wasn't mentioned but the devil was. and it may seem like a scare tactic for people who aren't christans, but really... it's just fact (for christans anyway)

    okay, everything has flaws EXCEPT for jesus, if you've read the bible (PROBABLY NOT) you would know he never had a sin in his life. and whatever you believe in is fine.

    okay im gonna sum it up for ya

    basically, in the bible, in the book of revalations: jesus predicted that we christans would be persicuted in the end just for believing in what we believe in (that is fact) i have seen it on TV and stuff like that... this one time this guy was teaching this class how the bible has effected american history and the people in that history (ex: martin luthor king jr. my hero) and this other guy talking about the subject siad "i don't agree with this, this is a way for the christans to spreed their message" like we are horrible people or something, when really the message we are trying to spread is a message of peace and of goodwill... also what if i were to say your religon is the stupidest religon in the world, you would be very pissed at me becuase i siad that about what you believe in. anyway my point is that what jesus predicted has come true and no matter what bad things you say about christanity, you are only proving my point to be even more true
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2008
  4. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Well let me put my two cents in this conversation. Reiligon that control your actions, why believe in it? I am not Christian, but a Buddhist. I don't care if you trash talk Buddha, what ever, that is what I believe in and nothing is change. We were raise a certain way and we live a certain way. Christians are different from Cathlics who are different from Jews that are different from Islamic but they all share the same God, which is God. People are raise to believe in a certain religion. I am Buddist because I know for a fact that Buddha was real and he did walk the earth. Jesus is real to, because there are books, paintings, scriptures about him. All I'm saying that people need a religion and if you take that religion away from them, they have nothing to fall back on. It is their security. I am not going to believe in a religion that tells you to do something in a certain way or be somebody that you are not meant to be. No. Religion is for comfort and some people take that to the extreme. I am a Buddist because of numerous reason and one major reason is that my family all believe in the same thing. Religion is a good thing but when it starts to controll everything you do, aren't you some robot? Can't you think for yourself? Do you really need to ask God to craved a path for you? I learn through trial and error. I only turn to my religion for something critical, like family members being sick, happiness, wellness, and security.
  5. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Firstly, don't double post. Second, the quotes will work if you replace the = with ]. :p

    And to put my two cents worth into the discussion, while I am a Christian, I don't believe everything said in the Bible at face value. I don't believe that good people in this world are going to hell simply because they don't believe. I believe we will be judged by our actions, not by our beliefs. I don't know or care whether homosexuality is a sin. It's entirely possible it was something put into the Bible, or represented falsely in the Bible to satisfy someone's own ends. Either way, I'm not going to judge anyone. That's not my place. And no I didn't make a conscious decision to be straight.

    And actually, Ansem, no offense, but I think you're proving her point more than she's proving yours.
  6. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    um... EbeneezerAL.... SkylerOcon is a guy........

    and maybe i am, but whatever
  7. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Oops, sorry. It's the My Little Pony thing. It throws me off, XD. I got a real kick out of that, by the way.

    But anyway, on topic. Another thing I tend to disagree with the majority of my religion about is evangelism. There are many people who believe it is the responsibility of every Christian to spread the religion to others. I disagree. For one simple fact.

    If it was, then we'd all be good at it.

    I don't know how to approach someone with something like this. I believe what I believe, but sometimes I can't hardly explain to people what it is I believe. How am I supposed to convince someone to come around to my way of thinking if I can't even accurately describe to them my way of thinking. There are people who are called to be ministers and missionaries, but that isn't all of us. And I don't think that I'll have to answer for not doing this someday.

    I'm more than happy to discuss religion when the subject comes up, but I'm not planning on walking the streets asking everyone I meet "Have you accepted Christ?". That's not me. If I'm talking to someone about religion and the things I'm saying makes sense to them, and they decide, upon hearing them that they want to become a Christian, then wonderful. But I'm not gonna go around twisting arms. In my experience, it's a turn off from the religion more than a turn on.
  8. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    I have a perfect example for you point, actually, Al (or uhh... EbeneezerAl? Everybody else seems to prefer to call you that.).

    You see, in the student handbook for my school, there is - believe it or not - religious prejudice. The school handbook says that no satanic symbols are allowed. Yet its a daily thing to see kids walking around with crosses and other religious symbols.

    And before anybody comes up to me and says, "SATANISM IS THE BELIEF IN THE DEVIL IF YOU SUPPORT IT THEN YOU'RE GOING TO BURN OLOL!" Then, let me get this out of the way. The actual religion satanism, has nothing to do with the Christian devil. In my opinion religious satanism actually has better beliefs and morals than Christianity. Their bible says nothing against any group of people. The only suggestive thing in there bible is that it says to avenge yourself against those who have wronged you.

    And honestly, that's not as bad as saying 'slavery is ok'.

    Oh yeah, and uhh... I wouldn't be offended if you called Atheism the stupidest religion in the world. After all, it implies that in the bible, right?


    Oh yeah, and regarding the thing about the Estrogen and Testrogen theory, I actually have talked about this with a couple of doctors and they said that it was one of the best theories they had heard for it in quite a while. So eh... take your pick, scientific evidence or professional opinion. I'm pretty sure both of those help my point.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2008
  9. I'm a Christian, and I sometimes wonder about my religion. The Big Bang does make sense, but then for their to be a big bang their had to be another generated cause. But then that would be nothing because they say that's how the world started. But if you think about it, their had to some sort of godly figure. In my opinion, religions make you think of the science and the god,godess, or what ever. Basicly, it's a huge flip-flop with no real answer.
  10. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    @SkylerOcon: Al, EbAl, Eb, doesn't matter. Take your pick. I have a long name. Shorten it all you want.

    I truly believe that science and religion have more in common than the more steadfast believers in them wish to admit. I'll use the fossil record for example. (I think I discussed this once already here, but it's relevant again, so whatever).

    The order of creation in the Bible and the fossil record (as well as science's theories for the creation of the universe prior to life) match up perfectly. It seems an awfully huge coincidence that a book written before people really knew what fossils were, let alone studies them, matches up so nicely with what we've determined later with scientific analysis. So things aren't exactly the same, especially in the sense of time frame. It's still uncanny. And there is the possibility that it could be a mistranslation, or an intentional change in the facts.

    Also, for a figure who is eternal, 65 billion years, or whatever it was, must not seem all that long. Could be six days for him. Time is relative, and ultimately irrelevant. strictly speaking, in space,away from the effects of gravity, there is very little time at all. Astronauts go into space and come back, not having shaved, and barely have a 5:00 shadow in the time most people would have substantial stubble or full beards here on Earth.
  11. un BLE vble

    un BLE vble New Member

    Ok, so here comes another unbelievably (lol) long post by me.

    Hmm, I never knew about that EbAl, but about the Genesis story and God having created the world in six days, from what I know, is not scientifically or historically accurate at all. The Genesis story was written around 750 B.C. and the Earth has been around (scientifically proven) for over millions of years; that being said, the only way the Genesis story could have subsisted for that long was by word of mouth, which we all know isn't very effective at preserving facts and ideas. Also, people back then were not too educated in science or history and most likely adjusted and tweaked the creation story to fit their own superstitions and false beliefs of the world.

    And despite what people might think, the leaders of the Catholic Church all know this, except for the literalist ones of course. The creation story and nearly all the other parts of the bible were meant to be interpreted using contextualism, in other words, to be read for their religious meaning rather than what they actually say. Yes, I know at least one of you guys will accuse Christians of using this "contextualism" just to cover up our mistakes and the contradictions in the bible, but in reality, we are using it to fixour mistakes, as we have to accept that we were very wrong in the past. Unfortunately, not all Christians, especially Catholics, think like this, and people who are not Christian or Catholic are becoming more disapproving of our religion because of it.

    So SkylerOcon, I'm curious about what you posted about satanism and how much better its morals are than Christianity (I'd like to see a few concrete examples). I think you're looking at Christians too critically by saying this, though, as no where in the bible does it say that we should reject other religions or, most importantly, other people. It's just Christians themselves and the Catholic church at times that do this. Besides, isn't satanism about worshipping creatures of destruction and chaos too like Leviathan? I can't see how that holds more morality than Christianity, but I might be wrong about this, so prove me wrong if you can.
  12. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    Gah... I had like a college level essay on here, and then my computer went screwy and it didn't work.

    Satanic bible - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Check that for a basic overview and links to other websites, because I don't feel like retyping.
  13. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    AHAHAHAHAHAHA you do know that wikipedia can be changed by ANY user who wants to change it... any information you get from there could be false becuase a user might have changed it
  14. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    You do realize that wikipedia is moderated by Historians and College Professors who are paid for making sure that the information is kept correct?

    Also, you do realize that the sources at the bottom are from legitimate websites?

    Don't flame wikipedia. It's probably one of the best places to look up information on the Internet.
  15. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    some of the things there are legit... but other's aren't.
  16. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    All of it is.

    If you find something incorrect on a page, either edit it or wait 10 minutes for somebody else to fix it.
  17. un BLE vble

    un BLE vble New Member

    SkylerOcon, I think it'd be best if you actually post specific material on why you think that Satanism has better values than Christianity, so you that you have something to directly defend your argument with and so that I can have something to argue against.

    Plus, I'm sure you can understand how I don't feel like spending my own time to research on this topic myself, just how you don't feel like retyping some of the things in your essay. :p
  18. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    To sum it up, Satanism only has one set in stone rule -- that's to avenge yourself when wronged. But, this is only to be used in very extreme cases like if your brother was murdered.

    Other than that, there is no commitment besides the religious standard. You know, praying and the like? You get to follow your own path with satanism. You get to shape the religion the way you think right.

    Also, the Satanic Bible has ZERO racist statements in it. That's right, nothing about slavery, gays, or whatever else. It's just about the basis of the religion and thats it.

    I liked this post.

    Religion arguments are fun to me.
  19. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Well, since I brought it up in the Affirmative action debate, I thought I post in here.

    I have a unique take on religion. I am myself a Christian. However, I have a certain view that I think most people of my religion would go totally nuts for hearing.

    It is my belief that all religions, at their most basic level, are the same.

    That's right, you read correctly. I believe that when we die and go to heaven, t here will be people calling God not just God, but Allah, Brahama, Odin, Zeus, etc.

    Now this sounds crazy, but let's break it down. I'll use one of the most outlandish comparison's I can think of. I'm going to compare Christianity to Greek Mythology. First argument most people give is that the Greeks worshipped multiple gods, while Christianity only recognizes one. This is true. However, let's look at the roles of the greek gods. There was Zeus, lord of the Gods. He was ruler of them all. Under him were the many lesser gods. They were themselves powerful beings, but they were still under Zeus. They were there to help Zeus. Now I ask you, what is the purpose of angels? Are they not powerful being who's job is to aid the more powerful being of God? If you think about it, they are the same thing. The Greeks just gave them all specific roles.

    Let's look at another story form Greek Mythology. Hercules, son of Zeus to a mortal woman. Endowed by his nature with special powers, namely strength. He is forced to endure many trials during his life (I won't list them all) and if I remember correctly (though I admit I may be wrong on this part) upon his eventual death he rises to join his father, Zeus, on Olympus. Sound familiar, anyone? Jesus, son of God born of a mortal woman, Mary. He, too, has divine powers, though his come in a different form. he endures trials and hardships during his life. And upon his death ascends to heaven to live with his father. Now the details are quite different, but the basic stories have an uncanny similarity, do they not?
  20. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    y'know ebeenezer i have thought this exact same thing.... becuase i've been taught the other religons as well as i know my own and i must say that this very same thought, has come across my mind MORE than once.

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