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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by EbeneezerAl, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    You know what you said SB was kinda wrong, i mean they dont do that, they might not like you but that's only cuz of what you just said. Most of them are smart enough to not judged and kill someone like that in the open. Only back in the day did ppl kill others cuz of what they thought was different then the church or popes.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -___- What I said is not even wrong. I looked up things on Japan last year and I saw about how Christians can be persecuted if they bring a bible there. There are some countries that forbids the bringing of holy bibles so I don't find anything wrong. This is from what I've read.
  3. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    You guys are still debating on christianity huh...damn. Subject never dies lol.
    My friend got Demoralized by a girl. He told her his secret that he was Wiccan and she botched at him one day. He got mad at that, so she got even and told everyone his secret. He never stops getting picked on for it. Makes me wanna hurt some ppl....
  4. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Response Uno: I would assume only the most uptight people would hold what he said against him.

    Response Ni: Lol that's right. They'd drag him around back to meet the Yakuza XD But anyways I would say here that only the extremely uptight would do something like kill him because of his views.

    Response Dri: Unfortunately even in today's society people will kill other people based on their beliefs. America is one of them with radicals who hunt down people of the Islamic faith and shoot, beat, and torture them for no more reason than being of the same faction as terrorists. Back in the day it was widely supported in some areas (and can be seen supported today).


    Way back when Christians first started heading over to Japan were they persecuted. I'm not sure if that still goes on today - especially because most Japanese celebrate Christmas lol irony, no?

    Of course it doesn't die. A lot revolves around it because its a major religion, especially here in the States.

    As for your friend, tell him not to get demoralized. There is absolutely nothing wrong with following Wicca (my grandmother happens to be one ;P). It -like most religions- is full of diversity and ingenuity in its belief system. It's a shame that the girl used his religious belief to hurt him but in the end only he can let it truly hurt. The phrase: Sticks and Stones fits here, wouldn't you think?

    Anyways, I don't see anything wrong with Pagan religions. I at one point wanted to full out learn everything there was to Wicca.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2010
  5. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Just who are the REAL terrorists anyway......i thought the reason we migrated to america was to isolate ourselves from the beliefs of our foreign countries...not to intercede on our behalf and then reform their entire government...

    SummonerBWM: Since when would the japanese kill you over a book on religion? Haresuno is right they wouldn't do that to you.
  6. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    The Quakers came to America to escape religious persecution, but it was also Christians who came along as well.
  7. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Interesting indeed...i wonder who the True christians are...I'm constantly told by Wiccans that it was the Christians who decided to accept God as their lord and savior and to damn wiccans. Unfortunatly he tells me that wiccans have been around far longer than christians.

    I think he's delusional =/
  8. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Actually he's not. Pagans (Wiccan's included) have been around for far longer than most religions.

    Paganism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    One Polytheistic religion that has been around longer than Christianity is the Egyptian belief system.
  9. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    I should have known better than to argue against him....
    he does have five thousand years of knowledge with him...-.-

    thanks for the update haresuno your insight is quite valuable.
  10. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    M'hm. So your friend believes in reincarnation, eh? What do you think about that?
  11. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Well, in terms of logical science, it would make sense to me. I mean, energy cannot be created or destroyed, so spiritual energy would be transferred from one body to the next. Like some pagans way back when, it was believed that you could be reincarnated as an animal. But, it also seems illogical to me because the world is far more populated now than say, five thousand years ago. *Shrugs*
  12. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Well not reincarnation in the sense you would think. Unfortunatly i do not dismiss the things i have seen buried in his soul. If you must know about that look up the personality type for ENFJ. (it must be all capitals, each letter stands for something.)Bacically ENFJ's are EMO. They are emotionally susceptible to alot more than most people and are quite easily driven insane(" thin psychological boundaries").

    The bible follows a similar belief that if you follow a just path always doing the right thing you are offered a second chance at life. The way you lived your life determines what you become. Often times the belief is...spirits cross over from the void and enter a body on earth most similar to them. Some people realize that they don't feel like themselves at all sometimes. Others live their whole lives not knowing who is in them. That is what i have been told. Not just by wiccans but by mormons and christians as well.

    I can't dismiss the things that i've witnessed and i believe it to be true without proof.
  13. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Alright well allow me to say that as far as reincarnation goes, you might have to think on a grander scale. Like it's not just animals that made out of energy. Plants, stars, everything. I think its safe to say that at some point we were all part of the dirt we walk on.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2010
  14. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    There is truth in that statement. Your are pretty damn knowledgable.
    Wish i was that smart lolz =/
  15. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    i've had a similiar belief for some time now.

    Universal symmetry. What would it prove along religious lines (as well as scientific).
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2010
  16. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Well to me, it seems like how reincarnation works, it's just something to give ppl hope that if they die they may come back. But it also a sly, cuz churches do that to get more ppl to go to there places or make money cuz if they think if they do bad they die for good but if they be good and follow the church, they will live forever. That's how everybody did it before and do it today. Not Muslims as far as i know..
  17. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Could you explain what universal symmetry is?

    Last I knew, reincarnation wasn't a widely accepted church belief. In fact I'm pretty sure only three to four religions actually practice the belief. Typically (unless I'm mistaken) the religions that do practice it, don't take donations from their believers. And since when is giving an offering of money seen as a good thing, and not offering one is bad?
  18. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    1. on reincarnation, I agree with Haresuno, but i think sects of Budhism and Hinduism are the only ones that practice reincarnation (of the mager religions of today).
    2. UNiversal sym.: Symmetry is a unifying concept. It has helped combine the forces of nature as well as joining space and time. There are other symmetries in nature which, including the symmetry between identical particles and the symmetry between electric and magnetic fields in Maxwell's equations of electrodynamics. Symmetry is often broken or hidden so it is quite possible that there is more. There is plenty of good reason to think that there is more. Both general relativity and quantum mechanics are full of symmetry so it would be natural to imagine that a unified theory of quantum gravity would combine those symmetries into a larger one. String theory certainly seems to have many forms of symmetry: conformal symmetries, W-symmetries dualities etc. There is evidence within string theory that it contains a huge symmetry which has not yet been revealed. The information paradox in the thermodynamics of black holes might be solved by a hologram mechanism. This would require that the number of effective degrees of freedom in quantum gravity can be reduced by a large gauge transformation; more evidence for a peculiar hidden symmetry in quantum gravity. It seems that there is some universal symmetry in nature that has yet to be found. It will be a symmetry which includes the gauge symmetries and perhaps also the symmetry of identical particles. The existence of this symmetry is a big clue to the nature of the laws of physics and may provide the best hope of discovering them with little further empirical data.
    Basically, without all my fancy science words, it would prove the String theory true, and we would be able to understand Black Holes more. Which can lead to a evolution in science as never seen before. But it also says a lot about how our universe is made, and about other universes possible existence.
  19. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    No, alot of religions do reincarnation, i mean they all say we will be raised again and and live forever, so maybe it's not like well come back as a tree or something but we will come back. So it's not just budding and Hinduisms.
  20. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Reincarnation, literally "to be made flesh again", is the belief that the soul, after death of the body, comes back to earth in another body. According to one belief, a new personality is developed during each life in the physical world, but the soul remains constant throughout the successive lives.


    The overwhelming majority of mainstream Christian denominations have rejected the notion of reincarnation and consider the idea to be incompatible with the teaching of Christ contained in the Bible.

    Both of these were taken from Wikipedia on Reincarnation


    A few consider the matter open to individual interpretation due to the few biblical references which survived the purging of texts considered to be heretical in the founding years of Christianity as a church. Some Christians contend that reincarnation was taught by the early Christian church, but due to bias and mistranslations, these teachings were lost or obscured. Many of the philosophies associated with the theory of reincarnation focus on "working" or "learning" through various lifetimes to achieve some sort of higher understanding or state of "goodness" before salvation is granted or acquired.

    ^ Ironically this fits with what I believe. Maybe I was some early Christian in another life XD
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2010

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