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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by EbeneezerAl, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    I think u'r talking about the end of the world/Revelations kinda stuff. When the trumpets sound and Jesus comes back and fights the ANti-Christ, and ALL THE BODIES OF THE DEAD RISE AGAIN to be judged by God. The thing is, they are being judged t go to heaven or hell for eternity (according to Christianity). They aren't being reincarnated. According to that belief, our bodies are all "preserved" in the ground or in our graves, and they will rise again with our souls in them and we will all be judged. My problem with that belief is that what about people's bodies who've completely eroded into the dirt and dust we now stand on? You see, that belief sounds silly. Also, what about soldiers who've had their arms and legs blown off? What of their bodies?
    So I dont like that belief, it has lots of flaws.
    Reincarnation has to do with more of returning as an animal or plant.

    I believe that as well. But I also ask the question, why is God making us work for heaven in the first place? You see, I believe it has to do with punishment. And we are earning our way back to heaven. We must live enough good lives for us to finally get back to our "spiritual home".
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2010
  2. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Mythril, I could destroy Christianity just using the first twenty verses alone. It's not that impressive.

    Also, I believe that some of the ancient Greeks believed that if you were bad enough, you'd come back as a woman. I find that very comical for a society that has many powerful female goddesses/rolemodels.
  3. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    I'd debate that. I would think it means a spiritual body rather than a physical one.

    Also, it's not just plants and animals. Some beliefs say you can come back as a lower respected human as well.

    Me I don't believe it has to do with obtaining heaven or hell. Then again I don't care one way or another.
  4. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Oh that kind of Reincarnation, i'm sry bout that. How do you guys think about how people think they can reach a level of godliness?
  5. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    Christianity is the world's biggest religion with the most followers. How is that not an impressive feat? Are you saying that you could create a religion that matches in religious dominance? I don't believe in Christianity at all Moggle. But facts are facts. So I dont know what you were getting at, i dont like christianity, and I dont know if the first twenty verses could do u much good, but the Bible is full of lies and twisted truth. So we r on the same side there. We both dont like christianity.

    1. you know what I meant though right? Spiritual body means soul. there is only one kind of container for a soul. And that is a body. A spiritual body is a made up idea. We have souls, and we have bodies. they dont go together. My point was that christianity does not teach reincarnation.
    2. I know about the human thing, but we are evolved animals....soooooooooo yeah.
    3. Explain a little more on the last line. I'm saying we r in hell, trying TO attain heaven.

    I dont like them. They are the "bad" kind of elitist.
  6. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    So you're saying that a soul cannot exist outside of its container in some meta-physical form?

    Okay, I can see why you left that out.

    Ah, well if this is hell than I don't care. If there is a place worse than this realm of existence, I don't care. If there's heaven, I don't care. I'm not aiming to get to any of them. And that's what I was saying.

  7. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    1. i'm saying a soul exists, and a body is a container for that soul. But i do not believe that a soul would ever take the form of its lower counterpart, the body. A soul is much more, and would represent itself as more as well.
    2. why do you not care? its as if you are a knowledgable philosopher with no goal. I'm curious on what your purpose in living is then. What is your philosophy on existence?
  8. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    1. Ah, alright.

    2. You'd be right there. I live for the simple fact that I am here. Questioning why or where I'm going is pointless. My entire philosophy on life is that we have no purpose we just are.
  9. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    But that would mean their is no point in existence? So then why are we here? If you believe in a god or gods, then they must've had a reason for creating this universe, correct? Do you not see that saying "we exist to just exist" throws logic and reason out the window? Please explain a little more, I feel like i'm getting a vague summary of your belief.
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    From what I'm reading, it looks like Haresuno's philosophy on life is existentialist. And if you think about it, it isn't completely unreasonable. There is no need for everything to have a reason.
  11. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    logic and reason make the world go round. Nothing makes more sense than something that makes sense.
  12. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Lol if there is a reason oh well. I don't see what I would benefit from knowing why I exist. It would be kind of ... I dunno disappointing to just know. Anyways DW is right. There doesn't have to be. Something I believe is that humans want there to be a reason because we are afraid that there is no reason, and thus would render our lives 'pointless'. Gods (being the supreme beings we cannot understand due to our inferior mind sets) don't have to have a reason for creating life. The could have just done it on a whim.

    In a sort of ironic sense, I just found out about existentialism.
  13. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    Maybe being the way I am, I see god in math. I think there is a reason, because I believe god is smart, and not some pot smokin' fat man in the sky. OF COURSE THERES A REASON?!?!?!
    So theres no reason why people die? Then there should be no reason why any of us care is 5 million soldiers die in a war, or if your parents die of cancer, or if AIDS in africa, right? None of that matters according to your philosophy. Because it doesn't matter if theres a heaven and a hell. It doesn't matter wat happens in the afterlife. Because god didnt make us for a purpose. Thats what that kinda of philosophy means. Now for someone who I agree with 90% of the time, this kind of philosophy sounds foolish to me Haresuno.
  14. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Perhaps I can elaborate better then. I'm not saying there is or isn't a reason, I'm saying I don't care if there is. I don't see it as affecting my life in any dramatic way to suddenly discover that there is a reason behind death or life.

    My philosophy isn't about complete apathy towards the world. It's the apathy of things that you don't see having a direct influence on your life.

    To say that no one should care about dying is about half right. Because the fact that we all have to die at some point, I find it a waste of time worrying about death. Its not something you rush towards, but its not something you should try to stop - because you can't. It should be respected and admired for its position in the cycle of life.

    A lot of my philosophies come from the fact that I strongly believe that humans are just afraid. The common drive for all humans is fear. That's what eventually drives us to care for others. It's what makes us grieve and love.

    I'm the type of person who's not concerned with what happens after I die, because after that I'll either be in heaven or hell, or in a new life. So come what may.

    If you want there to be a reason, go ahead and find it. But I'll continue to believe you made a reason, or are chasing after a reason, because of fear.
  15. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    ok, here we go, this is much better. And before I get into it, I agree with a lot of what your saying. But there is a drive, there is a passion that people like us need to have in order to solve problems in philosophy and theories. We need a drive or a competition, because it makes us better. I personally do not see my drive as fear.

    This is were I begin to agree with your philosophy, and I had a feeling this is where you were going with things. I believe Fear is like a container on our internal skeptisism. It makes us think what it wants us to think, and not what WE really want to think or believe. It is a cage. And that is where we can agree. But our drive, our reason or purpose for living should not be to look down upon the minds of others that are caught in that fear and look in pity, but yet have a self elitism about it. We should want to bring others away from that fear, and into the realization that there is SO MUCH MORE TO KNOW AND LEARN!!!! We need to bring others up to our level, not looks down upon them with elititsm. I'm not saying you are an elitist at all, so dont get me wrong. But do you understand what I am saying?
  16. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Ya' I understand you. But allow me to go deeper with my idea.

    Whenever I boil things down to a base, I seem to find fear as a motivator for a lot of things. I'm pretty sure that if I talked long enough about it, people would say I'm forcing it to fit my idea. But look at it like this:

    What drives people to love? Pushing away the whole part of the argument that has to do with chemicals in the brain. Why would someone seek out the companionship of another person? What do most people describe love as?

    For the most part you'll hear people say that its like the found the other side of their self. Like before they found their love, there was this hole missing in them. After a passionate couple breaks up some would say that there is a void where their love used to be. And so they go out seeking to fill that whole. Because they fear that emptiness. They don't want it. They don't want to be alone. They want to know that someone is out there that can love them and that they can in turn love them.

    The Fear Drive isn't a bad thing, if you follow. Its a necessary evil that can give meaning to the act of procreation.
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    *Plays why can't we be friends in the background*

    -____- Who in the world would be afraid about the next life, heaven or hell Hare? To me, I know that I'm not scared because of religious reasons. Yes, everyone of us will die but to say that we're just here to be here, I find that upsetting to me. It's like saying that you don't give a care about your own family and friends because they will become non existent and that you will never see them again no matter what. (Mythril made me laugh about a fat man in the skies. XD) Fear is in everyone of us and there are people who are scared to let death put someone that they love to rest. I'm scared of death myself and even though I know that my own grandmother and mother will be gone for a reason, there's a little bit in me that don't want to let them go because that means that I will end up being alone. Still, that's life. Also, I'm starting to hate the part where people say that we're just here to be here and they don't even have any proof.
  18. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Well B that's one of the reasons behind religion. To provide an explanation about something we don't know so that people won't be scared. Many people are scared to die, and to know that there is a heaven or hell can make them even more so, pushing them to do good in their life so that they may find paradise and never fear another thing again.

    Again, my belief isn't on complete apathy. It's on not caring about what doesn't directly affect me in the here and now. (Also B: lolwut? You just said you weren't afraid of death, now you are?) No one truly wants death. Some will think they do because they believe it is an escape from a world they believe to be too much.

    Finally, you shouldn't be upset at the my statement about people being here just because. You should, in no way, find it the least bit offensive. It doesn't attack your beliefs, it isn't meant to be discouraging or depressing, and you don't have any proof that there is a reason. And using god as a defense is not solid enough.
  19. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    I see what you are saying...but the neccesary evil thing sounds a little weird. It isn't neccesary. I know what your saying about relationships, we all are afraid of our partner cheating on us or leaving us. But personally, I've lived through a bunch of drama concerning relationships, and its one thing that you can just be loosy goosy on. Theres no point in having a serious relationship in highschool, because girls are flaky and boys are hopeless romantics. So no one is a match. Thats why there aren't a lot of "highschool sweethearts". Everyone meets in college.
    But Fear drives us to do things we don't want to do. I wont take time to discribe it, because i know what you mean by it. And maybe Fear is the only motivator. Maybe in the illusion of the very question/theory, my only fear is the fear of fear being the only motivator. But thats what it is. I HOPE that Fear isn't the only motivator Haresuno. I wouldn't like to look at the world like that. I would like to say that I try to teach people the truth about the world and about science and religion and philosophy and knowledge and understanding because it is good for mankind and humanity, in furthering our evolution, more so mentally than physically, and that I appear as a good person for doing so in the eyes of peers. But maybe the sad truth is that I do it in fear that I may come back to earth as a lower life form or I haven't lived a good enough life to pass on into the spiritual realm, or to look good in front of my peers. But if I dwell on that fear, like you say, then I am only looking at things through fear. Ad that is no way to live. So I would rather live in my consciousness of "good works" than to dwell on the otherside of that equation. But to say that the equation exists, and that there is no point is solving it (i think) is lazy.

    religion = Teddy Bear affect. Thats why I dont follow an organized religion. THEY PREACH FEAR AND SALVATION!!!!
    Well acknowledgeing that thee is a fear to overcome may be all the proof there is Haresuno. Maybe you and I and others in the world HAVE overcome the meaning of existence. To live without Fear. Maybe that is what we are meant to overcome, maybe that is what we are meant to learn (like what i'm saying is that maybe the meaning to life is to overcome fear absolutely and completely). So saying that there is no proof to a reason is outlandish, considering you believe that Fear is a principle evil that we must overcome to see things clearly. Maybe that is why we are trapped in these vessels that carry our souls Har. I'm just throwing it out there. But I see an obvious flaw in your contradicting philosophies. Again, confusing, but do you get it?
  20. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Necessary in my arguement because it pushes us to do better. I was using the example of love as a show.

    I'm not sure if it would be seeing things through fear filled eyes. Then again it might depend on the person. And again, I just don't care about solving it. If other people want to let them. I see no reason to.

    Oh don't get me wrong, I have fear just like any one else. I choose not to fear death however. For example I fear what I will not accomplish if I die young. I fear what will happen to my friends. The list goes on, but those are places to start.

    And I don't mean to say there isn't a reason, I was saying the Brandon has no proof that there is one, just like I have no proof that there isn't one. And fear doesn't have to be a principle of evil.

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