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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by EbeneezerAl, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    how does fear push us to do better?

    agnologing that fear controls u can push you to break away from it if that fear is causing you to not be productive/what you want to be, right? But if you dont agnolage that fear, you are denying that fear doesn't control you, and that is ultimately living in the eyes of fear, becuz you are to strubborn to see things for what they really are. Do u get what i'm saying? Anyone who hasn't agnolaged fear as a component in out everyday life/descision making, or someone who hasn't been questrioned about it at all is living in a world of fear that they don't even think exists.

    Also, why is there no reason to solving the equation?
    Lets again apply an example from math class to this. If there is s problem that you dont know how to do, or have forgotten how to do it, or are having a tough time on it, do you forget about it and take 1 point off? The lazy person would say, yeah, why not. If you dont know it, whats the point in guessing right? But then you have the person that doesn't like to get things wrong, or not even that, but they just want to give a shot at it. What is their reason for doing it Har? hm? Its because they dont want to get -1 for not trying. In life, we might not be able to solve all the problems. We might just have to get through the hardships. We might have to try equations over and over again until we finally get them right. But just skipping the problem results in what. A. you didnt fix your problem. B. the problem isn't going to go away any time soon.

    So, back to the math test example. If you do try and you get it wrong, u get -1. If you dont try at all, u get -1. If you try and get it right, you get +1. So, whats the point? I see it as just this. If you dont try, your lazy, and its not just that life won't give you anything in return, but you may also be punished for not trying. If you try and try and try, you are punised, but then again you might have a nicer teacher that see's you doing the work, and just making a few small errors. The teacher wants you to kep trying, so sometimes to encourage you he'll take no points off. Just like god. God won't harm the man who tries, but he wont reward him either. And the student who gets the question right is rewarded. +1. Maybe using a school example makes the idea seem at a highschool level. But its the basic conservative principle that the hardworker gets what he deserves. And in philosophy, if there is a question unsolved, we should not let it go by unanswered. that in my opinion is lazy.

    idk then man, try to break away from those fears. life's a lot better.

    ok, but its up there for sure, haha.
  2. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    My thing on is fear makes people want to belive in something, that's how god came around(just saying) people pray and go to church because they dont want god to kill them or send them to hell. So fear rules everybody or almost everybody that belives in god. I'm not saying this is for everybody, but a lot of them.
  3. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Better in the sense that it puts us in a position to either live in constant fear (the state of no improvement) or to live in risk. Something fear is derived from. Do I cross the street or don't I? Well, there's a group of shady people and they may stab me if I keep walking, but if I cross the street I may get hit.

    Something like that. But with move variables that are ever changing.

    Wasn't getting your message right until I realized it was acknowledge (not meaning to be mean or anything I was staring at it for a few minutes going '..huh?'). It's not trying to break away from it so much as its trying to blockade it. The fear will never go away - it's like death. Always there even if you think its not - so instead we place buffers and stop signs up to re-direct that fear. And it may not be so much stubborn as it is ignorance. Some people aren't put into situations where they are familiar with fear.

    There's no reason for me. See below for further explanation.

    If the equation is " a^x+b^-y=M " and I don't know how to solve for "a" why try and get it wrong? Shouldn't I wait to be taught how to solve it? Eventually we'll learn, yes, but if I keep tossing in values to variables I can come up with a near limitless amount of answers. I gain nothing from trying to solve it other than knowing which answers aren't correct for the equation. Where as hard work is impressive, patience is a virtue.

    If I'm punished for not trying I'll take my lumps. I'd rather wait to be taught then bull rush ahead thinking I can solve something I can't. (Btw I think your analogy works just fine so no worries there.)

    If I come across the answer, wonderful. If not, oh well. I don't mind thinking on the problem to see if I can't get an answer, but if my answer is "I'll wait till I understand better" than is it really lazy? Besides I'm not working for recognition. I'll work, but where I can, not where I can't.

    Those fears are necessary for my life. They remind me what I value, and they don't control my life completely. Those fears are a good thing to have in my opinion.

    Agreed then.
  4. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    I agree with your statement, but doesn't that just sicken you? How we follow religion out of fear, and not because we actually believe in a god or gods?
    I'm not liberal, and I'm actually in real life kinda paranoid (when in a situation like your example), so its odd for me to say this, but I am a progressivist, and I believe that there shouldn't be a fear there. We should live without fear, because it helps us make the more logical choice. How the HELL would anyone know that people behind (I dont care WHAT they look like) them would want to stab them? Don't you see how fear blinds yah? its terrible. Maybe they are just on there way home.

    lol, sorry. I often get so into what I'm typing, that i dont care for correcting my spelling, haha. as long as the point gets across yah know?

    I see what your saying, and I'd say I agree with it. But blockading it would be the way to live, right? More so than living IN fear, especially after acknowledging that the fear exists.

    Right off the bat you didn't understand my example....I have to point this out. Its the system of grading that is what I was trying to use as the metaphor, not actual mathematical equations. Also, I doubt that that type of equation would be on a math test. Also, thats not even that hard of a problem (a=log of [M-b^-y]divided by x, then multiplied by the anti-log). You learn that kind of stuff in Algebra II. Anyways, point is they wouldn't be asking for a direct number on a math test out of an equation like that unless it gave you numbers to plug into the variables.

    snaky words, snaky words. This is were you'd probably get most people to think that you were quite smart. But as I explained before, you had my metaphor wrong, as well as this line. Patience is a virtue, but to solve an answer, waiting for it to just pop into your head isn't the way to go about "learning" Har. You have to work in some type of form to gain that answer over time.

    Maybe it is your feeling that you cant that is why you do not pursue an answer.

    mhm, again, sly words, but you are beginning to realize that YOU HAVE TO WORK to get your answers.
  5. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    ... I think both of us are starting to use too much analogies to get our point across so that neither of us are understanding what the other meant.

    I got the fact that the grading system was what you were trying to point out. But I'm saying that I'd rather wait to be taught so I can get the answer right. Even if there are a few variables to plug in here or there, if I don't know what anti-log and log are than how am I supposed to solve it on my own?

    I was using an actual equation as a representation. It was meant to represent something some people can't understand or solve. If you can, great, but others might not be able to and won't take your word for it. For them "a" might as well equal kittens (lol kitties).

    Now my example didn't come with values because we (in life and perhaps death) don't have any direct values to place anywhere. We think we do but we may put them in the wrong spot, messing up the equation - or we may do a step wrong and mess up. All we know is that we live and that we want there to be a reason.

    (Your snake comment reminded me of Family Guy with Stewie XD)

    See above comment about the metaphor, as well as my view on patience.

    I'm not waiting for the answer to pop into my head. I'm waiting to be taught how to solve the equation. That's how I learn for math. Other wise I'd have my own complex system of rules. Making 2 + 2 = Fish rather than 4, you see? It won't matter how many times I try to solve the equation because I don't even have a value to end with to solve for. We have a bunch of variables and values that we can stick anywhere.

    I know I can't get an answer at the moment. And at the moment living life just to live doesn't seem very complicated. It suits me just fine. There's no higher scheme going on that I have to worry about - no higher calling. Just my life and the multitude of decisions I make. If they're pre-planned okay. I still made those choices. I can't do anything about it, because it was already foretold.

    I never said I wouldn't work. I said I wouldn't work on something I can't work on.
  6. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    So basically what you just said is: "math isn't my subject..." haha. No, I was kidding.
    The test metaphor implies that you have been taught, and you now must prove teacher (god) that you know your stuff. If god gave us talents, he wants us to use them, right? Waiting to know if you have talents or not isn't the right path or direction you should be following ("in my opinion"). The point is, we agree on so much Har, and yet when it comes to purpose, you seem empty. I "fear" that is because you are either to afraid or to lazy to try. But maybe you have your reasons. I am no one to judge. But the word "I can't" isn't in my vocabulary. Maybe it's because I am a wrestler....haha.
  7. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    But that's assuming we know for a fact what we are taught. Going back on the conversation from earlier you were using the math example for another reason. You said that if that we didn't know how to solve the problem we should try anyways. (And no math isn't my subject XP)

    Yeah, I can see why you'd find it either fear or just being lazy. I can't is in my vocabulary, however when it comes to a lot of things its: "I can't, yet."

    Again this goes back to me waiting for the right trail to follow. But surprisingly enough it isn't empty. At least not to me.

    (Wow did not realize this had a reply to it. Sorry our conversation couldn't have picked up sooner)
  8. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    haha, its ok, its been a while. I had to read through the last few pages to even know what the hell we were talking about, haha. I see what your saying now. Your looking for inspiration, rather than trial and error. And I think I get it. But going back to your first phrase in this latest reply, I believe we have been taught, through our own experience. Because whether we know it or not, I believe we have gone through past lives. Not just as humans, I hate that whole side of this argument. I mean as worms, cats, dogs, alligators, monkeys, cows, hell maybe even a plant! (i still question plants a little, but they are a life form) And in these lives we have learned things, that carry through in our soul. How does that affect us? Well, I believe a lot of our subconscious has connections to our soul, and maybe even our conscious minds. There's somethign in our brains that serves as a link to our very being that carries on in these lives. Maybe it is just the electricity that pulses through our brain. Maybe that IS our soul. Its just electricity. Its not some glowing orb. Its particles flying at high speeds. Idk, this is all just theory, and it can go different places. But I believe in past lives, and in these past lives our experiences serve as a tool. A "Jimminy Cricket". Someone/Something there to tell you right from wrong. Because how can we know right from wrong at such a young age when we havent hardly experienced life yet? How can babies express fear when they dont know whats right or wrong yet? THese things boggle my mind, and so I think they can be explained through this theory of past lives.
    And along with the theory, we are still learning. Our lives serve this purpose. To learn.

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