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REsident Evil

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by RoxasZ4, Nov 24, 2008.

  1. ubernewbie

    ubernewbie New Member

    Ah, understandable.
    OverLord, what's your favorite game in the RE series?
  2. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    4 it is a beast of a game
  3. ubernewbie

    ubernewbie New Member

    Fun factor on that one is quite good.
  4. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    Yeah my fac boss has to be the guy in the shed thqat catches on fire
  5. ubernewbie

    ubernewbie New Member

    Yes that is indeed a nice one. I hate the guy that comes at you with a chainsaw, pretty cool when he gets to ya.
  6. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    dude on the hardiest diff you have to fight a guy the 2 chainsaws as arms
  7. ubernewbie

    ubernewbie New Member

    Thats bloody fecking awesome! Chainsaws as arms, now thats what I call excellent.
  8. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    yeah and it ssucks when you run out of ammo
    hey did you beat mercineries with 5 stars cause if you did you get the hand cannon or the mp gun cant remeber
  9. ubernewbie

    ubernewbie New Member

    No I never did, but its a fun mode to play.
  10. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    yeah if you do you get a gun woth having
  11. ubernewbie

    ubernewbie New Member

    Ya know, think I'm going to try that out.
  12. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    you have to get 5* or 4*
  13. ubernewbie

    ubernewbie New Member

    I can barely get a 3. I'm going for it.
  14. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    it gets easy once you develop a pattern
  15. ubernewbie

    ubernewbie New Member

    Who do you recommend is the best for it?
  16. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    I used Hunk
  17. ubernewbie

    ubernewbie New Member

    I've been using Leon and Wesker. I'll try Hunk.
  18. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    the only problem is that he doesnt have a knife so
  19. ubernewbie

    ubernewbie New Member

    He does have a TMP and the Neckbreaker. Knife I hardly use anyway.
  20. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    yeah but its good to open crates with and cut enimies to death when there on the ground

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