• Square Elite
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Revolt: 2035

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by W.J. Solomon, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    He barked in pain as he felt his shoulder slide the rest of the way in. "God dammit Angel! So much for warning..." He said, speaking of the fact she warned him as it slipped the rest of the way in. He stood, pulling his shirt back on and buttoned it as he looked down at her. He smiled a bit, wiping his lip before speaking. "If you see her before I do, tell her not to be so much of a stranger. I better get changed so I'm not walking to the square with blood on me." He said, smiling slightly as he walked out of the gym, still slightly rotating his shoulder.
    Gabriel stood on the balcony that overlooked the square, the large concrete and steel pylon that stood in the middle had a young boy shackled to it as another person approached him. "Sir... we're ready to open the gates. What is his punishment tonight?" The soldier asked, voice quaking as he waited for the answer. "Lashes my boy, lashes. We need to show that if he wants to steal that much money, he needs to be willing to pay in that much pain. Load him with a cocktail of morphine and blood thickeners. He'll last longer that way. I want him calling to his friends in agony." Gabriel breathed, listening to the murmur of the children as they began to enter through the gates
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    "Sorry, if you knew you might have tensed up and that would have hurt more." she said apologetically as she stood up, waving as he left "I'll let Hope know you said hi. Maybe we'll see you at the square later..." that last note was said with less enthusiasm. She was a little anxious about it. She saw Aiden walk into the locker room, presumably to also change out of his bloody clothes. The rest of the class went by normally. Angel had a few other students to tend to though nothing too serious. It ended, in what felt like half the time it should have. Angel was a little startled by the sound of the bell over the intercom, announcing the end of class. Angel straightened up, deciding that she should probably meet Hope by their lockers before this thing at the square.

    Class seemed to have dragged on forever for Hope. As soon as the bell sounded, she was out of there. Grabbing her bag, she wondered also made her way to her locker wondering if her sister planned on meeting her there.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ellen was surprised to hear her name called out, so of course dhe looked up at the source. It was Liberty Stewart, she'd heard of this girl, she was a tomboy and the top of her class. She eyed her cautiously as she approached her, and made no attempt to shake her hand.

    I just wanted to let you know that I'm a medical student and they've partnered me up with you. I just wanted to say hi and I'm looking forward to getting to know you!

    Ellen looked at the girl curiously, she had been assigned an impossible task then. Most of the courses given to doctors in training were research into diseases and how to cure them. If this was the case, Liberty was given the assignment of treating to Ellen. But whatever, if this was what she was assigned, then Ellen would comply, if only because they were kind enough to have sent her a girl over a guy.

    I hope to see you tonight at the Square!

    And away she went. Ellen watched her leave curiously, and, against her better judgement, followed the girl. She watched her go into her dorm room and again, for some odd reason she couldn't put her finger on, she knocked on the door.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Liberty looked up before hearing knocking before standing up and walking to her door. She opened the door and was rather a bit shock to see the shorter purple hair girl on the other side. She looked at her a bit shock and was silent for awhile. It started to get awkward very fast.

    Liberty cleared her voice, "Ellen...?"

    'Stupid, Lib, pull yourself together.' As she mentally slapped herself.

    "What's up?"
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ellen looked up at the other girl and smiled lightly at how she reacted to her being there. She handed her a note that read...

    If you're going to be my doctor, then I suppose I'd better stay with you then. I wish you luck trying to find a cure for my disease, but I'll tell you now that it's going to be near impossible. I'm going to be perfectly clear with you right now, I don't trust you. You're a stranger, and a tomboy, the closest a girl can get to being a boy without having a sex change in my opinion.

    After Liberty read the note, Ellen would hand her a second one which read...

    As you know already, my name is Ellen Majo. If you wish to treat me, you must first earn my trust. This will take time. I will allow you to perform tests on me, but that is all. I will not accept any form of treatment from you until I trust you completely. I'll warn you now that this could potentially never happen, I may possibly never trust you enough to let you treat me. If you want this to work then you'll have to be 100% honest with me all the time about everything. Do we have a deal, Liberty?
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Liberty looked at the girl when she handed her a note before reading it. Reading it she smiled.

    She looked up before being handed another note from the girl, reading it over.

    Gears were clicking in her head. A challenge, she enjoyed challenges, however, part of this challege strikes her as interesting. To be honest with her. Liberty overall was an honest person and also straight to the point, but she did have secrets and she did have parts of her that not even she knew.

    Liberty opened the door for Ellen to come in while pulling up a chair for the girl as she say down on her desk chair before picking up a pen and post it notes.

    She looked at Ellen with a thoughtful face before writing on the post it note.

    "I can respect not trusting me. I am a stranger, what reason do you have to trust me. I honestly also would never perform any treatments until you trust me and we have a trusting doctor-patient relationship. I will need to perform some tests and I'll need to monitor what different drugs you do take presently. As for being a tom boy, it has a lot to do with the way I live my life, I'm sure in you're own way you too are a tomboy, I'm still a girl, however I've had issues with girls giving up. If there's one thing you need to know about me is I'm strong, I'm tough, and I fight for what I believe in. And right now I believe in helping you as your doctor. But let's both promise to work on a trusting relationship. Let's both promise to work hard on our goal."

    Liberty handed the note to Ellen allowing her to read it and read it a few times before speaking.

    "So do we have a deal, Ellen?"
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ellen read the note over a few times before a light smile reached her face. She looked up at Liberty as the other girl spoke.

    So do we have a deal, Ellen?

    Ellen looked at Liberty and then back at the note. Satisfied, she stood and nodded her approval, before making her way to the door.

    It was then that she heard the bell ring, so she turned around and grabbed another note before she then wrote down...

    Time to go to the Square. I'm going now, are you coming?
  8. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Aiden walked into the locker room, annoyed. He changed into clean clothes and combed through his hair with his fingers straightening it as much as he could. He didn't like the fact that the fight was interrupted just because of Wills arm. It was even more annoying that it was only because he knew the teacher wanted them in best shape for the square that day. He heard his cellphone ring, seeing dad on the cover he answered it "Father."
    Impressive match today, son. A little sloppy, you let William get you pretty hard for a minute.
    Aiden spoke immediately to defend himself, "He is a decent opponent-" That's not good enough. You know you have to work harder than any of those other students if you want to secure your future. Next time, you break him. Do you understand me? his father's voice sounded stern. "Yeah I hear you." Aiden sighed, his father hung up the phone. Shoving his phone back into his pocket, he left the empty locker room and started toward Philadelphia square.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Right after you." Liberty said sighing reading the note. She took off her lab coat before grabbing the old varsity jacket that belonged to her father before falling Ellen out the door towards the square.

    Part of her wanted to hear Ellen speak versus refer to notes as communication, but she couldn't possibly force the girl to do that. But she knew she wasn't mute based on her file.

    The two girls got to the square as they took a spot further away from the other students at the square.

    Liberty hated coming to these things. They were wrong but it also reminded her of what her father was fighting for, unfortunately it wasn't achieved and may not be achieved if ever.
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    "Dude, he can't go! Don't you get it? The president is ON to him! He's probably on to all of us!"

    "And? If he stays in his room, that doesn't seem any more suspicious? Besides, if he stays back, he'll be killed for sure! You don't just ignore HIS orders."

    "All i'm saying is that K4y0hD33 has enough money to skip town, no questions asked."

    "The president made his move. Now I make mine," Jordan replied to the distorted voices on the computer. His own voice was not distorted but his camera was not on. He and his accomplices were debating on what would be their next move going forward, now that L34gue was going to be executed. It had seemed that one of Jordan's friends, nicknamed nothing more than X, wanted Jordan to skip town. Jordan had always thought X to be a much smarter person, but clearly he was wrong.

    "I'm going to the square tonight, whether I want to or not. It's not debatable."

    Slowly, Jordan closed his laptop, and walked out of the room. All day, during his classes and lunch, he had nothing on his mind but the execution.

    The execution.
    The execution.
    L34GUE's execution.

    It was a very terrifying thought, the idea that if it could happen to L34gue that it could happen to him as well. Jordan was thankful however. Thankful that, to his knowledge, the president only assumed that he and Jordan, most likely the others as well, only stole the money for the sake of doing it. He didn't know why, or what else they were planning. However, this would undoubtedly change things.

    As he made his way to the crowd, finishing texting someone else, he looked around, hoping to find a good view. He wanted to see his friend, before it was over. The two had never seen each other's faces, but the two would know each other if they saw one another. Jordan wanted his friend to know that he was there for him. That he would not simply sink back into the shadows and watch from a television.

    He looked around in the crowd, not knowing whether he was looking for a familiar face or not. He spotted Ellen from a distance, the girl from earlier, and another girl with her. He couldn't get a clear look at the second but did want to go over and at least say hello. He needed to be with someone that he knew, no matter the personality. Just the idea would be comforting enough.

    "Ellen," he said aloud, as he moved through the crowd of even louder students. He finally pushed himself forward between two larger students, almost stumbling into Ellen again. He smirked at the two girls and said, "Hey, what's up Ellen?" He looked at the other girl with a smile. She was attractive for sure. Not just because she was cute, although that was of course the initial draw factor. He couldn't put his finger on it, but there was something else. Of course, the nervous wreck he is, he immediately started to fumble over his words, "H-Hi, I'm-I'm Jordan...nice...nice to meet you."

    Classy Jordan. Classy.
  11. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will slowly walked into the square, shoes padding quietly on the stones that paved the large square. He quickly began scanning the area, eyes combing the crowd for anyone he knew. He quickly locked onto Jordan Tresswell, someone who was similar age as him but different class. "I haven't talked to him in a bit, since he started with Badger and..." The other name escaped his thoughts as he focused on the body attached to the pillar. Alex Stew was strung up on the stone monument, looking like a victim of the tortures handed out in ancient times. He straightened his sunglasses and shifted his coat, hiding the black eye that he knew Hope would scold him about. "Where are they anyway..." He breathed, looking for Hope and Angel.
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    "Will!" a voice called, interrupting Will's thoughts somewhere in the crowd to his right. The owner of the voice then came into view, Hope managed to push her way through the crowd toward her friend. It took her a minute to find Will once the two made their way to the square, there were so many students that were already there. But whatever was going on, she wanted to be close to him. It had been a while since the president did something like this. Though she put on a brave face, she couldn't deny she was anxious. As she caught up to her friend she spoke in a quieter tone, noticing the boy on the monument, any good mood she had from seeing her friend melted into a more grim expression. "Wish I could have seen you under better circumstances." she admitted, "Any idea what this is all about?"

    Angel stood not far off from Hope and Will but she said nothing. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the president's latest victim. The soldiers in the area, the crowd, even the weather was all very familiar to Angel in a way that made her feel sick. Her pulse slightly picked up, she had a tight feeling in her throat. She tried to push away the memories, but it only led her thoughts to wanting so badly to help the stranger. he was clearly in pain in the present, not to mention whatever it was the president had planned for him.
    Every day, she was taught to help people who were hurt, like that boy. Her empathy for others made that the only thing that made the school bearable for her. Now, seeing a situation where it would actually matter, she was powerless. She kept a blank expression, passing off as only curious. But she couldn't help but feel discouraged.
  13. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will gave the redhead a small hug, a small smile coming to his face at the comment. "Yeah, you and me both. Maybe next time we won't be seeing each other because of an execution." He said, eyes going to Angel. He noticed the signs, knew what was going through her mind. "And honestly, from what I heard, this guy stole a lot of money. Rumor is though that all his info was wiped by the time the president got to it so he's making an example of him for other hackers and such." He breathed, eyes going back to the monument for a second before looking back at Hope. "And really, it is good to see you. Just maybe next time we'll be having lunch or something." He breathed, the cocky smirk returning to his face.
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ellen stayed with Liberty all the way out to the square when out of nowhere, the Tresswell boy from earlier, Jordan, she recalled after thinking about it for a moment, appeared and called out to her before making his way over. She flinched visibly when he raised his hand to wave and as he got closer she felt the need to melt into the crowd. Not wanting to be rude however, she waved to the boy gently, acknowledging him, before making her way deeper into the crowd, searching for any familiar faces.

    It wasn't until she bumped into Will that she paid any attention to what it was she was doing. A light squeak of fear escaped her lips as she hid behind the red-headed girl he had been talking to out of instinct. When she looked up at her makeshift shield, she recognized the face as Will's friend, Hope. They had met a few times before, but Hope was only really aware of Ellen's name and her immense fear and distrust towards men, because Will had told her. However, this would be the first time they were physically close enough for her scarred eye to be seen.

    She hoped that she wouldn't mind if Ellen used her as a shield against the other boy, Will, who scared her half to death. He was in her class, part of the SOLDIER program, and he was big, buff, and strong. Quite frankly, he reminded her of the boy who stabbed her eye, and that, was something she'd much rather avoid experiencing a second time.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Liberty was standing with Ellen looking around before hearing somebody call her name, then it seemed chaos broke lose.

    Not right away, Liberty watched as Ellen sunk into the crowd then before bumping into a rather burly guy. Ellen seemed to freak trying to find a location to hide deciding on the girl with him, if Liberty had to guess based on her dress she was a house wife. Part of her was annoyed instantly but she kept her cool.

    "Excuse me a moment," Liberty said to the guy who approached them before going over to check on Ellen.

    "Ellen! Are you ok?" Liberty approached looking at the guy. The guy was big no doubt about it, had Liberty not had her own background of dealing with a millitary father, she would probably be afraid too.

    "I'm sorry." Liberty quickly apologized to the couple before leaning down looking at Ellen peeking out from behind the one girl.

    "You ok?" Liberty asked, a genuine smile on her face as she checked on the girl.
  16. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    "It's a date, but you're picking this time." Hope remarked, before she felt someone grab her "Oh!" she was at first startled, looking at the source over her shoulder. It was a fairly pretty girl with purple hair and a visibly scarred eye. Hope recognized her as one of the only girls allowed in the Soldier program as a weapons specialist. She was also in Will's class. She smiled, genuinely concerned for the girl. "Hello." she said politely.

    "I'm sorry."
    She heard Liberty apologize for Ellen before she realized she was there. When she did, she turned to see Liberty. She recognized the girl, clearly, as teachers liked to gush about her a lot. The only thing Hope really knew about the girl was how seriously she took her program. Though she felt like this school was a joke, the trait reminded her of her sister, Angel. She wondered if helping people was her priority too. She smiled, shaking her head "No need to apologize, she's done nothing wrong." she said, turning her attention again to Ellen. "There's no need to be worried, Will sometimes scares me too. But he's harmless." She coaxed "My name's Hope. What's yours?" She already knew Ellen's name, but seeing as she was first meeting her she wanted to be polite. Also, she was hoping to get her to open up a little.
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ellen looked cautiously between Hope, Liberty, and Will, before pulling out a small slip of paper that read Ellen Majo on it, and handed it to Hope. She looked towards Liberty with a bit of confusion but she nodded her head in response to the other girl's question.

    Still clinging lightly to Hope, Ellen nodded slightly in Will's direction, before scribbling down a quick note that read, Don't you think it was a bit rude to leave that boy like you did? He clearly just wanted somebody to talk to. If you want to go back to him, I'll be fine here for a while. I've fended for myself for eighteen years Liberty, I can do it for a few minutes more. As she finished writing, she handed the note to Liberty with a small smile, but otherwise didn't say a word, as usual.
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    >Just as a reminder, my character calls Hope 'Wifey' as a joke about the fact that her career path is a housewife.<

    Having finished the lab, Tom had a bit of time to spare before the "demonstration" in the middle of the square. That time was entirely spent holed up in his room, focusing on some sort of reaction. The same one that he was thinking of that morning and the one that had been on his mind for a few days now.

    Wandering throughout the crowd that gathered at the square, Tom didn't pay attention to his surroundings. Instead he kept his mind on some experiment he was wanting to do. As he wandered, he ended up bumping into Will.

    "Sorry about that. Wasn't really paying attention to where I was going." He spoke up while looking around. He looked at the group that was gathered, the group he accidentally bumped into.

    "Oh hey wifey. And... Angel." He spoke, slightly stuttering as he looked at Angel. "Umm... Sorry. It appears I've interrupted something. I probably shouldn't interrupt further." He spoke without really thinking, getting more and more embarrassed with every word he spoke. He turned to start to walk away just as awkwardly as he arrived.
  19. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Hope read the note intended for her and smiled "Well it's nice to meet you, Ellen." she said politely, "I understand that my friend bothers you. But you're welcome to stay with us for now if you want." she looked at Liberty, also trying to be polite and unaware of the note Ellen passed to her. "You both are. Whatever this assembly is about, I'm sure it's not going to be fun. We might as well stick together." she said to both of them.

    Angel was still anxious about what was going on but she was coming to grips. She recognized Ellen from earlier that day in the Gym. She passed her on the way in. The other girl, she knew fairly well because they had some of the same classes though they were in different programs. Liberty was well known in the medical programs for her dedication and talent. It was something Angel admired and quite frankly, sometimes envied. Being as shy as she was, she had never spoken to her outside of class.

    Through the crowd, another person brushed against the group. He was a fairly good friend of Hope's. She made a friendly disapproving face when he called her Wifey, "Hey Tom." she said. She was polite but a little distracted by the conversation already going on with Will, Ellen, and Liberty.

    Angel didn't know the newcomer quite as well but she recognized him as one of Hope's friends. She always thought he was cute, which caused her to act more shy than usual around him. She was the one to respond to Tom, though, noticing how awkward he must feel. Heck, she did and she knew half of these people. She smiled a little, "Hello, Tom right? No sorry you aren't interrupting much. Hope is just making new friends."
  20. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will lightly waved at Hope as his eyes drew to the pillar, a large spotlight hitting it as a guard strode in, a large whip with multiple bladed tails on it. Will watched kids quickly back away and give him an almost ten foot berth as the President spoke loudly. "Welcome students, tonight we shall have a show. We are here to see what happens to people who are thieves, who think other's wealth is theirs to take. He shall pay for every bit he took with his blood. And if any of his colleagues decide to continue in their line of work, they shall suffer the same fate. Begin." Gabriel's voice echoed over the square as the whip cracked, waking the boy as he let out a loud scream, blood falling to the stones with a loud splatter as the students became deathly silent.

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