• Square Elite
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Revolt: 2035

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by W.J. Solomon, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Liberty read the note and shook her head before looking at Ellen putting out a number 2 pencil from her pocket she wrote on the note looking at Ellen with a slight, but funny smirk.

    'I think he was looking to talk to you. I don't know him, but he does know you.' She wrote back before looking to Hope, Angel, Will, and Tom, for the most part all strangers. She's seen Angel around, she's a field nurse or medic, was in a few of the same traumatic anatomy courses. But the other's were all strangers to her.

    Her attention though like the other's were pulled away towards the pillar as their "president" appeared above.

    "Welcome students, tonight we shall have a show. We are here to see what happens to people who are thieves, who think other's wealth is theirs to take. He shall pay for every bit he took with his blood. And if any of his colleagues decide to continue in their line of work, they shall suffer the same fate. Begin."

    Liberty watched the whip hit the young man as he screamed out in pain. The crowd grew silent as they watched some watched shaking their heads showing no sympathy to the person being punished, others looked away not able to watch the gruesome scene, and some, not a lot, but some watched on with intense look in their eyes.

    Liberty was in that category, her fist clenched upon hearing the whip. Every single sound of the whip being thrown down made her angrier. She looked down as her bangs covered her face when it seemed to over. She closed her eyes not wanting to hear the verdict of what happened to the young man.

    It was during this time, like always, despite how scientific she was she prayed, she prayed to her father, for hope that freedom and liberty would return, one day.
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan watched as the two disappeared into the crowd, leaving him by himself. Now he had to watch this by himself. He was used to solidarity, but in no way did he need this at this current point in time. He stuffed the waving hand away into his pocket, a bit embarrassed. His attention turned to the action on the stage, where the president began to speak.

    "Welcome students, tonight we shall have a show."

    'A fucking show. Is that the word for it now? He is being showcased like a freak at the circus, so yeah, a "show" sounds about right.'

    "We are here to see what happens to people who are thieves, who think other's wealth is theirs to take."

    'But when the money was never rightfully yours, but the money of the proud, heh proud, sure, American people who worked their asses off for it only to have ridiculous tax money. I believe we were simply taking a page out of your own book.'

    "He shall pay for every bit he took with his blood. And if any of his colleagues decide to continue in their line of work, they shall suffer the same fate."

    'Then let my blood be shed you bastard.'


    At the second the words were uttered, the whippings began. Jordan was challenging the president non-verbally a second ago, but the suddenness had caught him off guard. After just the first one, he watched his friend scream in agony, making his own knees to buckle. Then the second lash came down, momentum building in this one so it cracked louder than the last. Jordan's eyes widen, his breath quickening, his fingers flexing. It wasn't until this very second that it had honestly hit him: they were going to whip Alex to death in front of all of these young students and everyone was just going to watch and stare.

    Jordan looked around at his fellow classmates, disgusted with their behavior. Some didn't look at all and some were actually cheering. "You fucking bastards," he yelled out, no one even looking at him. "That man stole back your parents money so that we could save you all! We were going to end the LIFE of this tyrant, who shows you his claws and you all turn a blind eye! Is this justice? Freedom? ANYTHING that this country was built on?! Some of you want to be historians and don't even know your GODDAMN HISTORY! WHAT ARE YOU ALL WAITING FOR?! IT ONLY TAKES ONE!"

    No one looked at him. They were all turning a blind eye on him as well, it would seem. They always did. Of course there would be no change in that.

    Jordan, frustrated, pushed his way through the crowd, which showed no resistance. He jumped up on the stage, pointing to his friend Alex. "Is this what you guys want," he asked he crowd, tears in his eyes. "Beat a man to death in front of all of you because he stole some money? Men before him have stolen MILLIONS of dollars in their lifetimes and would go to jail for, what, 10 years? He takes less than 80,000 dollars and he has to be put to death? When it's the politician's money, it deserves death? To enjoy this, to watch this, to not feel any hate towards this man or anything he does, or even ACCEPT what he does is betraying your family and your country. "

    They stared right through him. They watched the whipping with more intent now.

    He turned to look at the president now, the source of all of this. "And you. I want you to know, I will NOT stop fighting your oppression. If anything, I'm just going to fight harder you son of a-"

    Jordan had blacked out out of rage and depression. He shook his head and looked back up to see Alex still being whipped. The tough bastard was not willing to let go of his thread of life so easily. Jordan regained his composure from earlier, standing straight, knees no longer buckling, and watched only for one thing. His fists were still clenched tightly, he winced every single time the whip cracked, and his eyes grew wider the louder the screams got, but still he watched.

    Through L34gue's screams, he looked up only one time, his eyes examining every part of the place. One familiar face. Just one. All he wanted was to see someone that would just give him comfort by just seeing. And then his eyes fixated on a boy in the crowd who stared directly at him. His shirt was a bit out there, but his vest seemed fairly crisp. The boy's left eye had an odd twitch as L34gue was whipped, almost like he was ready to snap. Although he had never seen him once, he felt he knew him. With all of the others that he knew in states much further away, he deduced that this boy was an old internet friend. A member of the group of 4 that he and two others made years ago. K4y0h. Finally eye to eye.

    He started to hold his screams back, trying to show his strength in front of his old friend. He had always played the tough guy off so well that he wanted to keep his image. The pain, however, was slowly getting to him. He looked back down a the ground now, hoping that his friend had noticed him as he did him.

    'He noticed me. He wouldn't look like such a damn show off if he wasn't showing off for someone.' After L34gue looked away from Jordan, he finally let out a tear. 'Don't show off for me, Alex. Show off for that bastard behind you. Tell him you're going to fight, damn it.'

    "You're going to fight until your last breath," Jordan muttered to himself.

    The boy next to him must have heard him and chuckled. "I hope his last breath is soon, damn criminal," he yelled, with a couple of students cheering. He gave Jordan two hard pats on the back in joy.

  3. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will's eyes scanned, spotting Jordan once more before he noticed the small twitch that echoed with each crack of the whip, the same twitch his jaw was giving off, his teeth grinding as he watched the boy on the pillar fall forward, spitting up a bit of blood and hearing the crowd die down a bit as the President spoke again. "So, what do you think my boy? For any of your colleagues name's, we shall let you live." He breathed, watching the boy's hateful expression as he spat another mouthful of blood before speaking. "Fuck you!" Alex's voice came out as a hoarse call as Will's thoughts agreed with him. "That's right, grit your teeth and fight the fucker. Don't let him win. Make sure he won't beat you. Be strong..." With the boy's words the president chuckled loudly. "Fine. Bring out the second whip." At the president's orders a new whip replaced the old one, a strange substance on the blades as it cracked loudly, a faint sizzle sounding over the boy's moans. Will's ears perked up as the sizzle continued between whippings, his fists clenching as he took a step forward, anger flaring.
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    At the sizzling sound, Angel's heart sank. Judging by the sounds of the substance on the whip, and the marks it left on the boy's flesh and clothing, she knew what it was. It was called Napalm D: a highly flammable corrosive substance commonly used in war grounds and prison camps as a weapon or torture aid. It had a thin gelatinous texture that was not corrosive to certain types of carriers but would adhere to most any surface(particularly organic) and deal some severe chemical burns. It could only be removed completely with a chemical compound that would dilute it or by removing the affected flesh from the body. Though Angel herself was never exposed to it, she had done enough research to understand what it must feel like. (Making this up as I go... if you had another explanation for it, I'll remove the description.) Feeling like she was going to be sick, Angel's vision blurred with tears for the boy. She admired his bravery but still yearned to help. With every noise from the podium, her dread and disgust rose.

    The sight of what was happening made Hope angry. In order to deal with it, she avoided looking at the President's 'Show' altogether instead focusing on the president. She glared directly at him, fists clenched. Someday, you'll get what you deserve.... she thought to herself, every noise from the whip deepening her desire to fight back.
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ellen sighed and turned simply listened to the loud crack of the whip, and the snap of impact. This scene, she didn't want to hear it, to see it, she'd experienced this kind of abuse, this man was going to die. He was exactly like her, he lived on borrowed time. When they were done torturing him, he'd die, when her illness reached her heart or her lungs, she'd be dead. This was sick, twisted, even if this was a man, Ellen still felt sorry for him.

    She clung tightly to the closest thing she could grab, that thing, or rather, person, being Hope; and as the man's torture continued, Ellen couldn't help but let out a light whimper at the memories that were flashing through her mind.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Oh... Well... Umm... Good to know. It's nice to talk to you Angel." Tom spoke, getting more embarrassed at the fact that he couldn't seem to talk to Angel without being incredibly self conscious and overly critical of himself. He wanted to talk normally to her, get to know her better, but always had difficulty doing so. Clearly human interactions were not his strong point. Being in a laboratory and doing some sort of project with whatever chemicals available to him, now that was his strong point. But then again, he could chat with Hope just fine. Thinking about the difference in his ability between interacting with each individual sister just caused him to feel even more embarrassed.

    Fortunately, though it would be more correct to say unfortunately, whatever sort of self conscious criticisms went on his mind were immediately put on hold by the torturing that began to take place. Events like these caused Tom to absolutely hate himself. In his mind, he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Normally he could simply ignore these things by focusing entirely on science. Just thinking about some phenomena and the possible explanations were enough to get him to lose focus on a person being tortured and then not actually witness the horrid even that played out in front of him. But whenever he thought about the times he did that he knew how wrong it was. Deep down he knew that every person who witnessed these terrors had a moral obligation to put an end to them. And by essentially pretending that nothing was going on, Tom was committing a massive act of disrespect to the poor soul who unjustly lost their life. If everybody could just rise up, hand in hand, and fight they could easily reclaim the freedoms that were once stolen. But unfortunately every person here was only human. Even if everybody was aware of their duties, their responsibilities to combat this terrorism, they never would. To do so properly would require the armed soldiers to fight against the leader of the land they swore to protect. And if that didn't happen, then those who would rise to fight would die; examples of what happens when you try to fight for what was truly right.

    Deep down Tom knew that is what it boiled down to. Everybody here was too scared of dying. It was fear that held up the status-quo. Nobody would stand up to the President because they assumed they were alone. In each person's eyes, nobody would stand up next to them. Saying that it would only take one to start a revolt clearly didn't understand the extent at which everybody was controlled by their fear. If it only took one, then the world wouldn't be in the sorry state it was in. The very first martyr would've been enough to change things and cause people to take matters into their own hands. Nothing was going to happen. People were too paralyzed by their fear, knowing that should they rise they will only fall in a hail of gunfire alone; abandoned by everybody else who was too scared to risk their lives. No, it would take more than one. It would take everybody at once, all willing to sacrifice their lives for the greater good.

    And so it was that realization that he abandoned the entire human race each time he didn't make a stand for what was right that gnawed at Tom from the inside. He knew that his attempts to block out the world were the worst things he could do; that giving into this fear each time was his consent to this current state of affairs. Perhaps it was because of these feelings and the complete suddenness at which the torturing began that Tom couldn't ignore it. He was just unable to absentmindedly fade into his own little world. And he felt sick to his stomach as he heard the snap of the whip and the screams of the victim. At any point along the way, it wouldn't be surprising if Tom suddenly lost all the feelings in his legs, fell down, and immediately threw up from the sight.
  7. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will gritted his teeth, eyes hiding behind his sunglasses as he began to step forward, anger driving him as he began to push people to the side before he heard the siren. The sound that ended every one of the executions. The president's hand raised and Will turned, eyes going to the balcony as the older man spoke, voice gravelly "I do believe we are done here. We have seen what it means to be wrong, to not care about what you take from others. Finish this, this is enough." His words sounded almost like he cared, like he was almost disgusted by his own actions. Then he coldly clicked his fingers, watching as the guard injected the boy, the toxin that entered his system killing him in a matter of seconds. "Dismissed children. I expect you all in classes tomorrow morning." The president barked, the boy's body finally going limp on the pillar, the blood shining on the cobblestone floor as the clean up crew prepped for after they left, water hoses and a body bag on the sidelines.
  8. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    As the students began to walk back, Jordan dashed through them. He pushed past several groups of girls and guys, getting rude looks from most of them. After shoving past a kid wearing sunglasses, he stopped at the edge of the stage, guards not paying him any mind. The blood spilling on the stage was few inches to his left but did not seem likely to touch him. He folded his arms on the stage and put his head down in his arms. When the guards finally noticed, they thought nothing of it other than the poor kid was praying for the boy that just died.

    "Alex, I'm so sorry man...I'm so sorry."

    His hands trembled, his knees beginning to buckle once more. At least the worst of it was over now. He knew that several students could see him but at this point he didn't care. He was broken and this was the only way he knew how to fix himself.
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Hope allowed Ellen to hold on to her during the grudome 'show.' She hugged her comfortingly with one arm as she reached to pull Angel closer and held on to Wills hand with the other. It seemed forever that she stood there surrounded by old, and new friends while she continued to stare at the President. 'Dont you dare pretend this saddens you, Tyrant.' She thought when he finally put an end to it. She let go of Will when a boy shoved between them. She looked around at her friends to make sure they were okay.... as much as to be expected at least.

    Angel wanted to be relieved when it was finally over but she couldn't. It only increased her guilt as the strangers lifeless body slumped over and guards showed up to clean up the mess. She finally managed to rip her gaze away and stood there for a moment staring at her feet, trembling. She tried to push back the memories of this instant as well as the first one she saw. They wouldn't go anywhere. Not knowing what else to do, angel turned and walked from the square without a word. She didn't care where she was going, just as long as it was as far away from here as possible.
  10. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    The guards began to push everyone from the square as Gabriel strode back into his office, closing the balcony doors behind him. The guards quickly began pushing through, knocking Will and Angel away from Hope and Ellen, Liberty being carried in the opposite direction as well. The guards pushed Ellen and Hope to the exit behind them, while the others were pushed to different exits. Will pushed his way to the pillar, eyes on the raised platform that it stood. He looked at the corpse for a few seconds before placing a hand on Jordan's back, slowly beginning to speak. "I'm sorry about your friend. I know you may not remember me, but we talked a bit a few years back. If you need someone to speak to, name's Will. Will McBride." He breathed, patting the boy on the back before walking towards the exit again, eyes down behind the dark glasses.
    Gabriel lightly padded behind his desk and sat down, arching his fingers and folding his hands before speaking to the guard that just walked in. "Jenkins, you've done well my boy. I need your men to clean this up. Now we see what happens in the following days, see what the children do in response." He breathed, mind racing. "I have made the first move, now we shall see which piece decides to challenge the king first." His thoughts followed along this process for a few minutes as he waved Jenkins away, eyes hidden behind the glasses he wore, a dim light reflecting off the face of them.
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    As Ellen and Hope were separated from the others the memories just kept coming. Her original dorm room, was thankfully right next to their current location, and she ran inside and slammed the door shut. Her one eye wide and frightened, full of fear as the memories flooded her mind...

    Ellen? More like Bitch!
    Yeah! Ellen the Bitch!
    Ellen the Bitch! Ellen the Bitch!

    The chanting would not stop. She covered her ears and ran.

    Ellen the Bitch! Ellen the Bitch!

    Hey Queen Bitch! Here's a freebie!
    The boy slammed her against the wall and began molesting her. The other kids around laughing at her misery began throwing things at her, from crumpled up paper, to pencils, even a book, which slammed against her head, knocking her to the ground.

    Aww, is the wittle baby gonna cry? Look everyone! Baby Ellen's crying! Wah wah wah!

    Tears poured down her eyes and she gasped as the boy lifted her up and slammed her against the wall.

    I'm going to enjoy making you cry even more you stupid bitch!

    But as the boy leaned in, Ellen reached out and slapped him across the face.

    The entire hall went silent. For a few intense seconds, not a sound could be heard except Ellen's whimpers.

    The boy put a hand to his cheek and turned on her absolutely enraged.

    You stupid fucking whore! I was going to let you off easy this time you little bitch, but now I'm going to fucking hurt you ten times as much! You see this mark? Huh Bitch? Well enjoy the sight! It's the last thing you'll ever see!

    The boy pulled a knife from his pants and Ellen had no time to react before the knife pierced her eye socket.

    The scream that followed scarred everyone present that day. That was the last time she fought back. The last time she let herself express her feelings.


    Ellen looked down at the knife she now held in her hand and a sick smile crossed her face. She hadn't done this in a while... But she knew it silenced the memories, and so she began slicing herself. She started from the arms, cutting herself five times diagonally down the left, and five times diagonally on the right. Then she moved to the legs. First, the left knee, down in, as equal as possible, horizontal cuts.

    She started to feel dizzy after the twelfth cut, but she kept going. The blood spilled out on the floor, forming an already medium sized pool of the red liquid around her.

    Ellen raised the knife unsteadily, having just finished her right leg, and she began to bring it towards her neck. The room was starting to spin, and the knife dropped from her hand, clanging against the ground.

    Red... all she could see was red...

    And Ellen collapsed, face first, into the large pool of blood beneath her with a loud thud. Instantly losing consciousness.
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    "Hey are you okay?" Hope called after Ellen as the two were separated from their friends and Ellen ran into her room, closing the door behind her. When she was alone, she stood there in the hall for a moment, trying to process everything she just witnessed. She ran her hand through her hair, holding it away from her face for a moment as she took a deep breath. The rules were getting more and more strict all the time, as were the punishments. She wondered how long it would be until it was one of her loved ones on that podium. The thought sickened her. As she was about to leave, she heard a lout thud of something falling coming from Ellen's room. She turned back to face the door, cautiously. She barely knew the girl, would it be right to check on her? She decided her conscience wouldn't let her leave without investigating the noise.

    "Ellen?" she called through the door, "I heard something fall are you okay?"

    She got no response back.

    After a moment waiting, and getting silence, Hope cautiously tapped her knuckles against the door "Ellen can you hear me?"

    Still nothing. Maybe she want's to be left alone... Hope thought to herself, about to give up. As she turned to leave, her foot slipped on something wet on the floor. Looking down, she saw a sight that instantly alarmed her. A small amount of crimson red liquid was seeping under the door crack, staining Hope's shoes.

    "Ellen!?" Hope said more forcefully this time, she quickly opened the door taking in the scene. The first thing she saw was the blood, and the knife in her hand. It only took her a moment to understand what was happening. Ellen wasn't conscious, she lay face down on the ground. The red was in her hair too sprawled across the carpet. Hope took no time to be frightened by the sight as she quickly knelt down beside the girl, speed dialing the only person she knew would know what to do.

    Angel had just about reached her room when her phone rang. Hope's name flashed on the screen, Angel thought about ignoring the call but decided against it. "Hello?-" she was taken off guard by the urgent, almost panicked sound in her sister's voice. "-Woa woa wait what? Who is hurt?"

    "Ellen! She's bleeding to death she cut herself what do I do?"

    Angel quickly put her troubles aside "You need to act quickly. Find whatever you can to stop the bleeding and get her to the nurse. I'll go there now so they can get ready for her. If she's bleeding as much as you say, we don't have much time."

    Hope understood Angel's urgency and hung up the phone, tearing off the hem from her skirt she tore that in two and wrapped a clumsy makeshift bandage around her knees and another around her arms using fabric from Ellen's jacket.

    "Ellen. Stay with me I'm going to get you help." she was trying to remain calm as she lifted the girl from the ground. She was struggling a little with Ellen's body weight, who was just about her size but adrenaline kept her moving.
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Liberty hardly moved before a guard dragged her off and she fell to the ground being dragged out and thrown to the ground on the outside of the gate.

    She laid there on the ground, the last one out it would seem staring up at the cloudy sky filled with dirt and smoke.

    She closed her eyes and pushed herself off the ground. She began to whisper to herself...

    "We the people... We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America... We the people..." She looked up and glanced up beyond the brick wall of the confinement that held the school within where the tower resided and the President lived within.

    "Mr. President, we're going to get OUR constitution back." She spoke more aloud before walking off back to her dorm her mind set on the stories her father used to tell her.
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    By the time Hope reached the nurses office, Angel was already there and had done as she said she would. The nurse, with Angel's hep had already put together a bed for Ellen and were ready to help the moment they arrived. Hope lay Ellen's lifeless body onto the hospital bed and was left alone in the waiting room while the nurse and Angel disappeared with her into the operating room. She heard Angel said about a blood transfusion and the nurse was also saying something about Ellen's student doctor needing to be on the scene.

    A few moments later, Angel came back out. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail and gloves on her hands which she pulled off and disposed of into a bio hazard receptacle. She appeared surprised that Hope was still there "You okay?" she asked her sister.

    Hope nodded "Yeah... I just want to make sure she's okay, you know? I don't think she has anyone else." Angel smiled a little "That's thoughtful of you." she commented as she let her hair down. "I can't say much. Patient confidentiality and all. I know I'm not her regular doctor but I'm just being respectful. But Ellen is stable. I came out to call her doctor. You should change while you wait though..." she noted, taking in her sister's messy blood covered appearance.

    Hope hadn't even considered how she must look until Angel brought it to her attention. She blushed "Oh... Yeah I probably should go change. I'll be back soon, please call me if there are any changes." she turned and left the room to change as Angel picked up a phone from the front office. Dialing Liberties Number.
  15. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will was a few buildings away from the square when he collapsed, spitting up what was in his stomach. He knew this was what the executions were, but it made him sick every time. He felt like they were animals, just watching for fun, pleasure, amusement. It sickened him at the thought of this, the wrongs that this world accepted as justice. He wiped the back of his hand over his mouth as he heaved twice more, his sunglasses falling off from the spasms. He felt the sickness quell as he began to stand, noticing a crowd surrounding him as he stepped off the doorway of the infirmary. He stood and picked his sunglasses up, glaring at the crowd as he barked. "What the fuck are you staring at?" The phrase reminding him of a previous time, one where his inner demon had revealed itself.

    Will slowly entered the room, head down as the instructor, Mr. Jones, stood there, laughing as he motioned Will over. "Show me why I should call you Spec Ops. Show me why you are the best." He motioned another student over who was twice Will's size, the boy's brutish smile off putting. Will smirked as the boy charged him and he spun, tripping the kid and climbing on him, beginning to smash the kid's face in non stop. Finally he was dragged off by the instructor, Will glaring at the crowd of students before he rasped out. "What the fuck are you looking at..." Will wiped the blood from his face as he stood and left, leaving the boy gasping on the mat.

    Gabriel sat at his desk, thoughts full as he read updates on all of the students. "Seems Majo has not been treated by Stewart yet. McBride has still not shed blood since his first week, so I'm unimpressed by him currently. Tresswell made a nice show at the Square tonight, but not enough to get off my radar. I guess we shall see how the pieces fall. Stewart... I have plans for you..." He breathed, eyes scanning the computer screen.
  16. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    By the time Jordan had finally pulled himself together, majority of the square was empty, and Will had left. His eyes were red, but he had finally regained his composure. He turned around and took a deep breath. The president had done a perfect job in terms of getting a reaction out of him. In terms of trying to scare Jordan straight, he failed. In fact, Jordan was now more determined than ever to bring down Gabriel even more. However, now he was a bit unsure of how he would do so. He put one hand in his pocket and another on his head, his fingers running through his own hair.

    "My move I guess then..."

    He slowly made his walk back to his dorm, unsure about himself and the state at which his group would now be in. He watched as a crowd gathered around something by the infirmary. He walked over to the group, wondering what the commotion was all about. He spotted the familiar looking boy, Will, yelling at the crowd, puke surrounding him. Jordan took a step forward, and smirked a bit. "McBride right? Come on, let's get you to the nurse, yeah?"
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Liberty no sooner later get back in her dorm before her phone started ringing. She looked at the phone recognizing the nurse's office number picking it up as she started to change into pj's balancing the phone on her shoulder.

    "Hello?" She talked into the phone. After what she just witnessed she hoped to be able to climb into bed and try to sleep away the scene, but at the same time something was bothering her in the pit of her stomach as she pulled on the PJ shorts and tank top.
  18. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will shrugged the other boy off, anger and fear in his eyes from the crowd surrounding him. He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand before regaining his composure. "I'm fine. Let's walk and talk. I need something to eat anyway." He growled, placing the sunglasses back over his eyes and starting to walk away, pushing his way through the crowd as one smirked and spoke up. "You'll be next on the pillar McBride, seeing as how you feel bad about one little kill, of one piece of scum. You have that demeanor, you're going to get yourself noticed..." The boy chuckled behind Will before he turned, his elbow meeting the kid's nose with a sickening crunch as he spoke again. "You coming Tresswell?"
  19. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Angel was glad to have reached her contact on the first try. "Hello, this is Angel Carter calling from the nurses office for Liberty Stewart." She waited for confirmation that the girl on the other line was Liberty before she continued speaking. "Good evening Liberty. Sorry to be calling so late, but we thought you should know your patient, Ellen Majo, was brought in by another student today. It was an attempted suicide, she's stable now but she's lost a lot of blood. We would have contacted you sooner but her condition was grim, and required all capable hands." she said apologetically.

    Hope arrived at her dorm and examined herself in the mirror. The day had taken a visible tole on her, she appeared tired and she was covered in blood. Feeling a churn in her stomach, she turned away, removing her soiled clothes and taking a quick shower before putting on clean clothes. She brushed through her damp tangles but allowed her hair to dry on it's own. The evening was getting later, but Hope decided to check back at the nurses office one more time, both on Ellen and on her sister. After taking one last critical look at herself in the mirror, she left the dorm back the way she came.
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan smirked, the boy getting his comeuppance for talking bad about Jordan's, deceased, friend. He stepped past the boy with the surely broken nose and followed Will. As he walked with him, he remained quiet, not knowing what exactly to say. "So...you said we met before, right? Well I know who you are McBride, but I don't know if we've ever really talked before. I'm usually..." he paused, trying to find the right words. He pulled a stick of gum from his pocket and quietly started chewing. "...an outsider." He held a piece of gum out for Will, not looking in his direction, eyes staying forward. "Your breath smells like shit."

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