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Sephiroth match

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 1' started by DarkDust, Sep 6, 2009.

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  1. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    superglide is really helpful for offense too. You have some time to glide towards him during his "Sin Heartless Angel" and cancel it when you attack him (or at least, it should)
  2. DarkDust

    DarkDust New Member

    For me Sin Harvest never been a problem, after he chages his attack pattern for the first time I do my best to stay in the middle of the arena and then, pay attention to when he teleports, I always catch him before he finishes saying sin harvest, now the slash barrage, dammit :(
  3. Xehanort

    Xehanort New Member

    Jump when he swings vertically. Jump when he lunges. Always aerial attack him. Much quicker attacks and always keep Aero/a/aga up and running. MP Rages essentially will let you heal immediately after getting hit as you get tons of MP back. I beat him at level 50 with this strategy.
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