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Should there be a KH movie?

Discussion in 'Archive' started by kevinmorgan, Oct 4, 2008.

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  1. I totally agree, but yeah, I really would want to see the outcome of that situation.
  2. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    after seeing a commercial for a dragonball movie where there's real people in it, i don't think a kingdom hearts movie is a good idea anymore. unless it's about the making of Kingdom Hearts, no Sora or anything, then it might have a chance.
  3. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    we can find out how KH was made. i mean, a big door has gotta be made by someone/something
  4. Fireflame

    Fireflame New Member

    They did it successfully with Final Fantasy Advent Children and that turned out great
  5. Eaglewing

    Eaglewing New Member

    I think it would be great, if they were to do it right. But when it comes to making movies based on video games, or books or comics, alot of the time it doesn't come out the way the fans want it to, and they are greatly dissapointed. I don't want to see that happen. I only want them to make it if they can do it right.
  6. If you guys take into the fact of the first Final Fantasy movie was crap because it looked more like a freaking Halo movie rather than the might and magic we see Final fantays today. But Square-Enix over the years has been able o mix up the future with the more mideval times very well.
  7. Sovieto

    Sovieto Banned

    If Kingdom Hearts was made a movie it'd turn out like the pokemon anime...It'd be childish and the characters would be to 'nice'.
  8. Yes, you're very right. But as we all know, if KH had blood in it, it wold be rated A.O. because we all know that the game is pretty violent in terms of the fighting, am I right?
  9. Sovieto

    Sovieto Banned

    Have you ever played Gears of War or GTA? Thats what i call violent. Kingdom Hearts' action is what it is...T-rated action. If they added blood it'd be the same. But knowing the franchise they won't add any blood. Probably fake blood like in those crap fighters.
  10. Well, yeah, but still, if they really obeyed the laws of physics, Sora's moves would be the equalivalent to a curb-stomp. But that's off topic and I hate to troll, not spam.
  11. Fireflame

    Fireflame New Member

    They could just cut down some of the violence in it and maybe make a different storyline just for it
  12. You do have a point, Square-enix's games always have had a great drama element.
  13. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Wouldn't work, it would be marketed to the Disney audience yet the story would be too complex for the very young to understand.
    If the story was made darker it could me marketed to an older audience whilst still be a movie the younger ones would watch. E.G - Pirates of the Caribbean.
  14. ........Well, Nomura said yes to having hentai for KH. They actually get contracts for tht stuff.
  15. CLOUD777

    CLOUD777 New Member

    I vote 4 a movie. Sure der r factorz dat might make da movie bad (if dey were 2 make 1) but let Disney n Square Enix worry bout dat haha
  16. ubernewbie

    ubernewbie New Member

    No they shouldn't. Don't ruin it with some crappy CGI movie. It deserves to just be a game, nothing more.
  17. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    There shouldn't be one, it wouldn't work. Also I wonder if it's better
    if they make a show series.
  18. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Maybe they create movie for KH when Disney doesn't have any more ideas for making a great movie like shrek or something...., so i think it's the last move disney do when they began to threaten by pixar or else...
  19. Sakura Drops

    Sakura Drops New Member

    I think there should. The story line is so good. All the drama in the game would make kingdom hearts a great movie. I'd go see it. lolz
  20. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I'd prefer a tv series, made by Disney Channel of Kingdom Hearts.
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