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Slenderman (actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by TheKnightofAwesome, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. Key King

    Key King Member

    Mark watched as the girl slept. she had scarfed down a lot of his food. he warmed some fried chicken and ate it. he sat down at the tv, to the news.6 deaths all over the country...each one aged between between 5 and 15. he shuddered and looked at the girl again. he walked to his room and pulled his gun. he stuck a pack of shells in his shirt pocket. He cleaned the gun and drank some milk. just in case he might not see this place again...
  2. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Trina woke when the boy was right beside her and she shudered What is he going to do to me? she thought did I just fall for some stupid perverts trap? dman I knew I shold have at least brought my knife. then she saw the news and shutered when the boy left she got up and said to herself "those wern't because of me but those were some of my friends...AM I BEING CHASED BY BOUNTY HUNTERS?!" the thought made her cold and scared she hadn't done it in a while but she just screamed.
  3. Key King

    Key King Member

    Mark ran to Trina, "What?! What's wrong!?" he yelled, running in, his shotgun in fire mode. He looked at her, then back at the news. he flipped off the tv. "You okay?" he asked sitting on the couch beside her and turning on the safeties. he didn't know what to think right now. these children were dead and he was stuck with some 10 year old child. Finally he spoke, "I think we need to get out of here." he said, "We'll take my car, and I don't know go into town and wait this whole thing off. That sound good?"
  4. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Trina looked at the boy then the blank tv then she put her head down saying "...those kids...they were all my...my...my closest freinds..." then she fell in the boys lap and started to ball her eyes out. "Why dose this shit always happen to me?!" she asked "first my mom, then the man that loaned me his cabin and know this...I can't take it no more...I just...can't." she started to calm down but was still sad as all hell. why did it have to be me? she thought to her self then she looked at the boy soaked with tears "oh god...I...I'm sorry."
  5. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: ok I know you huys are eager to progress the story, but how can I effectivly control Slenderman if you move at this pace! Also it's against the rules to machine gun post so please stop doing it.

    IC: Slenderman was a little upset, he had wanted to enter the girl's dreams, to mess with her head again. But, these two had led Slenderman to find many other kids to take away. The girl in particular. Still, Slenderman didn't want them leaving so soon. So, using the woodland creatures, he covered the windsheild of the human metal transport in blood. The sight would be enough to stop them from leaving right away, but just to be sure He also sliced the tires with his tentacles. Satisfied with his work Slenderman retreated back into the woods but still close enough to view the events at the car without being seen.
  6. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    "You're gonna have to do better than that to beat me !!!" Zachary said helping his friend up. "It's not my fault you're an expert !!!!" his friend said before heading out, slightly frustrated. "Pfft...whatever. " he said wiping the dust off his kendo sword. "I really hate it when he gets angry..." Zachary sighed before throwing a knife at a tree. "Guess it's just my imagination..." he said rubbing his eyes.

    OOC: The Slenderman can kill of Zachary's friend.
  7. Key King

    Key King Member

    Mark looked out the window. "MY...MY CAR!" he yelled! He ran out to his car. the winshield had been covered in blood, and the tires sliced. but, the cuts in the tires were strange..not like a knife, but something else. The sight of his car sent a chill down his spine. His Taurus...It was a '98 Ford Taurus, royal blue. What had done this? He saw a mangled body of what appeared to be a racoon, but it was too destroyed to tell. "WHO DID THIS?!" he yelled, "SHOW YOURSELF!" he shot into the woods, and could've swore he heard a faint hissing noise. he dashed into the house, and locked all the doors, more afraid than ever.
  8. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Trina got up when the boy did. she was horified. even though she killed animales to live she could not stand to see the sight when the boy came back in she feel to the ground and threw up on the floor. wiping her mouth and takeing a breath she looked at the floor and said "s...sorry...I...have a weak stomache..." even though she new that she was lieing. then she remembered that she saw blood splatered like that in her dream last night. What dose this all mean? she asked her self.
  9. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: I don't think that Zach and the others are in the same town so keep that in mind when posting.

    IC: Slenderman was pleased with his work of keeping the boy and girl here at the house. He walked back to the window hidden from view to watch the events inside unfold. He watched as the girl vomited. Humans were disgusting creatures to him. Slenderman became bored of watching these two after a while so he decided to pay a visit to the boy who he had not stalked for a few days now.
    Slenderman was outside Zach's house in a matter of moments. Seeing as he had the power to be anywhere he wanted to be at any time, he could easily go between this boy and the other two human children very easily. He watched Zach as he spoke with another boy, at the same time he was dusting a practice sword. Such a weapon as that, like any other weapon, was useless to Slenderman, but he didn't see that that detail mattered. perhapps he would take the boy's friend, just to add a little fear to his heart.
  10. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Once Zachary was done with all the polishing he went in his house and logged on the computer. "Wonder if Key King's on...I'll pm him..." he said to himself typing up a message and sending it. "...I hope he gets over it...I don't want him angry forever..." he said then sighed.
  11. Moving the wooden board that is the Entrance/Exit to his "home" Vladmir crawls out muching on an apple. Looking around and seeing nothing interesting he moves the door back and makes sure he has his protection on him, Kitchen Knife in his hoodie and an extension cord wraped loosly around his waist. He takes off toward his usual and favorite play spot...The Woods. Before he passes the first Tree of The Woods he finishes his apple and tosses it behind him then places his hand in his hoodie pocket gripping the knife. He's run into a wild dog or two a few times he's played in here, even has the scares to prove it. He quickly moves between trees until he finds the small clearing he normaly plays in
  12. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Slenderman peered into the window of Zack's room. he saw that he was on one of the human's tiny electronic, changing windows. How often he saw children at this age on those strange boxes. He also saw that the boy's friend was leaving the house. Time for some sport....

    OOC: Zach should hear his friend scream or something. but don't spot Slendy yet.
  13. Key King

    Key King Member

    Mark swore and helped to clean the mess, before running to the shed and grabbing some new tires and a jack. he cranked up the car and replaced the tires, putting the old ones in a large blue dumpster, that was for things to sell to the junkyard. he grabbed the hose and sprayed the blood, before using window cleaner to remove the last drops and the stench. he returned to the shed and grabbed a gas can. he emptied the contents into the car and tossed it into the trunk. he would fill it up again later. he walked into the house. "This time It's time to go." he said, walking out to the car, still holding his shotgun.
  14. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Slenderman saw his last opportunity to isolate the boy and the girl. before the two returned outside He smashed the windshield with his right tentacle, and used his left to jab into the gas container emptying the car of gasoline.

    Before they exited the house Slenderman darted into the thick of the woods, hidden from sight of the human children.
    Back to the one called Zach, he peered into the window and saw that the boy was gone, most likely gone off to find his taken friend. not wanting to be seen Slenderman went off to scout for new fun.
    Slenderman caught sight of another boy wandering through his territory. This one seemed to be armed for some reason, perhaps he was paranoid? this would prove to be a challenge when stalking him, but Slenderman accepted the challenge and quietly followed the boy, watching him from afar, until he reached a clearing in the thicket.
  15. Vlad starts to climb his favorite tree, getting half way up before falling down and hitting the ground.
    "OW! what the..." He cries out, lifting his shirt and looking at his side. His knife and cut him, not too deep but it was bleeding. Looking around not knowing what to do, tears started streaming down his cheek as he held his side trying to stand up without injuring himself anymore.
  16. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Zach heard a loud scream "SHIT !" he said grabbing his practice sword and running to where he heard the scream. "Damn...where did he go..." he said running into the thick woods. "He couldn't got far !" he said running until he felt his lungs would burst. "Shit..." he said before hearing crying. "...now...what..." he said seeing a boy bleeding from his side.
  17. Vlad looks up to see a man carring a sword and gets scared. "G-Get away from me!" he yell at trys running in the other direction. He doesnt get far before he tripps on a root and falls flat on his face hurting his side even more. Crying more and more he clutches his side and curls up hoping the man wont see him. Using his free hand he holds his knife, ready to fight the man off.
  18. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Slenderman had gone back to check on Zack which had ironically led him back to his new target. He stayed hidden by shadows and tree, watching as the boy tries to flee from Zach. Well his mission was easier now, He only had to go between two locations now instead of four. Slenderman decided it was time to pay a visit to the boy and the girl. He wanted to see if they saw his little "present".
  19. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    "Dude...calm down it's only a practice sword...I won't hurt you..." he said kneeling down and checking the wound. "Damn...that hurt..." he said taking off his jacket and letting it soak up the blood. "You shouldn't play here by yourself ..." he said looking around to see if anyone else was around.
  20. "I...I'm always here by myself...i dont...think anyone else knows a...about this place..." He manages to get out the his tears and the pain. Why is this man so nice to me...he doesnt even know me...he says to himself, while tryin to sit up. Still wielding the knife he looks around hoping no wild animals smelled the blood, I dont think i could fight them off like this...he whines to himself.

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