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Soria: The Beginning of Fate(Actual Rp)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco hated the smell of sewers. Every time he escaped guards, it was through the most smelly places, sewers drain pipes, and the like. But of all of them the sewers were the worse. He knew this was the only way inside the castle without alerting the guards of there presence. As they waded through the muck, Draco thought back to when one time he went to this very castle with his dad.....
    It was a normal day in Aldin. Sunny. A light breeze. The perfect day really. His dad's name was Thorr. He was a teacher of swordsmanship at the Sorian Royal Knight Academy. Today he was bringing Draco in to see the students train. This was before he began his training with his dad at home. Draco was fascinated with the people learning the use of the sword. How they swung their swords in unison. The form of attack, defense, and parries. Everything looked so great. When his dad was done with classes for the day, Draco walked up to him and said, "Make me a sordsman, dad. I want to be stronger." Thorr laughed and said, "If you truly want to become a swordsman, than i will train you. But don't expect sympathy because your my son. The swordsman is a hard life to master, but i have faith in you." Draco's eyes grew wide as he heard the acception of his father...
    Draco broke his chain of thought before it could go to the darker, sadder, memories. The ones he'd rather forget. He continued walking, waiting for some break to the monotonous movement through the sewers.
  2. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    Shimon hears a scream from an alleyway up ahead. He runs over and rounds the corner in sharply. He sees and older woman surrounded by some bigger guys, some in raggedy clothing and some in punk like clothes, harassing her. One guy, the shortest of them, seems to be giving the orders to the rest.

    Shimon takes a drag off his cigarette. "Hey, Short-stuff, what do you think you're doing?" Shimon smirks, hoping that he'll get to have some fun.

    All of the guys turn around and stare at Shimon and start laughing. The leader of the walks through them and looks at Shimon. "Leave and forget you say anything and..." He pulls out a bag full of money. "... you can keep it all."

    Shimon laughs this time. "Not happening." He takes his spear off his belt. He whispers, "Kyankio, let's do this." tho his spear.
  3. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Eona wasnt pleased that Haruki and his follower were so willing to use harmful abilites within a sacred place but then again what was she to expect. They were an enemy of the nation and could possibly grow to be a threat if they werent thorughly eliminated. The whole time the fight consisted of her guarding and dodging the onslaught that Haruki and this mysterious girl were dishing out. She was already at a disadvantage by being out numbered but having to protect the items in the room proved to be more troublesome with each passing minute...until she got an idea. Why not just set up a protective barrier within the room using her basic guard spell. Sure it would only last about six or seven minutes but thats all she really needed.
    She snapped back from her thought as the Haruki had thrown a punch towards her face. Eona dodged towards the right and then landed a punch in the center of his body sending him flyig back a couple of feet. He seemed to easily recover from the blow but pain went across his face for a brief second and then vanished.

    Eona smiled to herself. Awww look at him trying to be tough. There's no use. In the end you will be dead.

    Eona stood up straight, put her hands togehter and began performing a series of hand motions; the reason being is becuase she needed to concentrate her energy to create one powerful burst that would last the length she wanted it to. Haruki and the mystery girl must have sensed what she was about to do because they started to charge towards her. Just as their weapons were about to touch her; she finished her spell.

    "Aura Miya!!",Eona cried.

    The spell knocked them both back into the air. Haruki did a backflip and landed on a nearby table and the mystery girl did a backwards tumble into a defensive position. Eona then checked her surroundings to see if anything was different and what she saw didnt disappoint her. All around the room there was crystalline glow covering everything from the groud to the ceiling. Eona smiled to herself but it didnt last long when she was overcome by pain. The source coming from a huge gash in her right arm, blood falling everywhere.

    One of their attacks must've gotten through at the very last minute. Damn, just when this became a little bit easier.

    Eona snapped back to reality when the mystery girl lunged at her with a fistful of electricity. Crap, im not gonna get out the way in time. Eona closed her eyes just when the attack was going to hit..but it didnt come. No pian, not anything. She opened her eyes and was shocked to see Kenta but what shocked her more was that he was holding the attack in his bare hands. He threw the girl backwards and she landed flawlessly next to her leader. Kenta then turned around and offered her a hand.

    "Need some help?" he asked with a small smile.

    Eona returned the smile and took hold of his hand and allowed herself to be lifted to her feet. The both of them then turned towards their oppenents, ready for round two.

    > I know what i jjust did was probably considered some serious powerplaying. And im sorry about that. i just wanted to hurry the fight along a little and plus i tried keeping the fight as fair as possible by having my character get injured. 8-bit and Venitas im sorry if this bothered you. It wont happen again. And if it does then with your permission.<
  4. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    ''Now I won't feel as bad about killing you.'' Larissa shrugged passively.
    'Seeing as that spell knocks us both back, Short range isn't an option. Not for me, anyway,' Larissa thought,'and she's obviously good, seeing as she was so confident when she was on her own. Now that there's two of them, I'll have to play defensive 'til I see an opening.'

    She shot lightning out of one palm at the Mystery Man and Fire out of the other at Eona. They dodged. Easily. She shot once more. Again, they dodged. She looked at Haruki and nodded while they were dodging. An opening. Two more shots, and as they jumped out of the way, Haruki sliced at Kenta. He managed to kick Haruki's sword away, but the electrical discharge seemingly stunned him. ''Now let's see how long that shield holds up!'' Larissa manipulated the electricity in Kenta, planning to send him flying into Eona's own forcefield, but the electricity didn't seem to affect him at all. In fact, it was almost as i he absorbed it! 'Great. Now what? Electricity doesn't work, I've got no scythe, and soon the fire'll die out...'

    ''Haru, I'll fight Eona, you handle him. Capiche?''
    She turned to Eona, glaring daggers.
    ''Hmph. Gravity totally isn't my style,'' She created a double-bladed scythe out of gravity, ''But whatever. May the best Woman win!'' She declared, a huge smirk growing on her face.
    The fight suddenly became extremely fast paced for all four of them. Shots of Electricity, Fire, Aura, and Gravity flew around the room and rebounded off the barriers. Haruki's sword and Larissa's Gravity Scythe were occasionally knocked out of their hands and flew around the room along with everything else.
    The gravitational pull Larissa was causing caused even more chaos, making it a struggle to even stand up.
    Larissa eventually cut off the Gravitational force so that the four could stand. Minimal Visible damage was dealt, but neither Eona nor Larissa were in a condition to fight.
    Mystery Man, incredibly, was fine besides a few slices to his arms and legs. Same goes for Haruki. Eona and Larissa, however, looked completely drained from exerting themselves so much. Eona's Barrier flickered and died, and Larissa's Scythe faded away.
    Larissa was on her hands and knees, panting. ''I hate to say it, but...'' She looked up at Eona abruptly,''We can't go on fighting. Us two will have to call it a draw.'' She turned her head to Mystery Man,''You're on a mission to kill us, that much I know.I can't believe you'd go to such lengths to help that damned goverment when they could just do it themselves if it was really a major concern, but whatever. None of my concern. But Eona,''she turned back to Eona and laughed, as if mocking her,''You're useless, and as am I. We've pushed ourselves to the limit and reached a stalemate. So what do you suppose we should do?''

    >Blackrose, I don't think you powerplayed that much, considering how 'Rissa and Haru hardly took any damage. I probably powerplayed Larissa a bit here though, but it was balanced, I suppose, at the end when she couldn't fight anymore.<
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2011
  5. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Please read the ooc section.<

    Simply knowing were the library was was more than enough for Fan. Deciding to let everyone else go their own way he began walking in the direction of the cemetary of kings. No doubt it was under strict guard but that could be worried about later.

    When he did arrive at his destination he was pleased to notice that the only guard around seemed to be rather bored with his task. He could tell from the snores issuing from the sleeping man, and it would be rude to disturb him. Fan snuck past and into the cemetary, making sure to put plenty of distance between himself and the guard.

    "Now, open the doors of death." He pulled his scythe from his back and stabbed it into the dirt. "The doors were the lost kings wander. Forever do they wander searching for a lost throne. Guide one of them back to me," A massive circle of energy appeared before him and a ghost began to materialize.

    "Greetings your majesty," Fan whispered.

    "Who are you? And why am I here? Is it time yet?"

    Time for what? "No I am a simple searcher. I search for a book hidden within your royal library, or quite possibly hidden."

    "Speak then and be quick about it. I must get back soon."

    Boy that didn't take long. Usually these types have some major attachments but this one already can't wait to return to the after life. Aloud Fan asked, "I search for the history of this world. My hope is that you have some record hidden inside the library."

    "What year is it, commoner?"

    Fan began to get a sinking feeling. "2045."

    "Ah. I died, how long ago was it?" The king drifted over to his stone. "Ah here we are. 1459. If what you seek exists I certainly wouldn't know of it."

    Blast no wonder he doesn't feel attachment. This guy died almost six hundred years ago. Figures. "My apologies. Were you before the war of the gifted ones?"

    "I am sorry but no."

    "Then perhaps you know of the books existence. Anything you can tell me would be very helpful."

    The king looked at Fan with an odd look. "You are quite polite for a necromancer. If what you seek does exist shouldn't you just go and look for yourself?"

    "I suppose so. Thank you for your time. I release you from my spell. Return and be at peace."

    The king waved happily, and then vanished with the circle. "Well that was a waste of time."

    "Hey you! What you think you are doing in there!?"

    "Also figures I would get caught. " Fan snatched up his scythe and began to run. Not much else he could do really. Some men you couldn't reason with.
  6. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    > i received permission from draco to power play him in this post<

    Draco and Raiza entered into the library and watched him go about his own devices. Searching the records in the library he found the surname of his family Iona. He searched through all records involving Eona and came across Some pretty interesting Information. His eyes began to widen as he became transfixed on the details of a woman who was found on the streets and raise from nothing. As Raiza finished reading the thirty fourth page a group of scrambling soldiers found their way into the library.
    They located the two easily and immediatly drew their weapons. Raiza and Draco had heard the echo's of several hundred soldiers frantically searching the palace. Raiza stuffed the book into his armor and tripped into a nearby bookcase. Draco covered him unsheathing his blade and blocking the soldiers frontal attack. The second soldier immediatly moved in for a blitz, Draco backed off receiving a small cut across his arm before countering on the backswing and finishing with a sideways horizontal slash to bring them down.
    Raiza stood up his hidden records there right in front of him, a single sheet of paper with his academy status and upbringing. Pain shot through his eyes as he read the unfortunate truth. He was adopted...with the birth parents being unlisted. He stood up looked at draco and they booked it down the long corridor. Turning the corner and descening the stairs they found Eona battling Haruki and some unknown woman. Leaving draco behind Raiza rushed over not even thinking and stopped right in the middle yelling for them all to stop. A sad look washed over over his face.

    " Eona...." The book slipped out of his armor and hit the ground, Raiza picked it up and looked at her with a serious look in his eyes. " How do i-"
  7. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    >Very Short part here. Sorry.<

    'May as well just leave them to it. Not that I can do much else anyway. They look like they want to break up the fight...Good. I can't fight any longer. And maybe I could strike up some kind of deal with them so I don't get arrested by the Guards...' Larissa thought, blank expression on her face.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2011
  8. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Fan jumped over the wall and was inside the palace grounds. "Not a bad place."

    There was an attitude that came with walking inside of important places such as these. Standing tall, and strutting like he owned the place, he began walking towards the library. Just at the doors two guards stopped him. "Sir, may I see your documents?"

    "Do you know who I am? I'm the son of Duke Wellington. How dare you bother me for some stupid scrap of paper you dolts."

    "Oh, sorry sir."

    Way to easy. Better watch myself in here. Fan went inside.
  9. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    "...your strong...I say we take this outside so the relics don't get smashed...kay..." Haruki said blowing up a wall and jumping outside. "Damn...that bitch is strong...ugh stupid alarm system why me !!!!!!!!" he thought wanting to punch himself over the stupidity. "Okay miss...let's see who's stronger !!!" he said watching Eona jump too then letting his electricity charge to the breaking point before releasing a quarter of it. "...hopefully..." he thought as the blast went towards Eona. "This works..."
  10. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    A wild blast of electricity began surging forth towards Eona. Raiza's face changed from sad to serious. He called for the depths of dark energy within his soul. The power to stop this from happening. In this void of emotional state he made a pact. Sacrificing stamina a wave of dark energy arose and slashed through the wild blast pointed at Eona, splitting in two it hit the nearby wall behind her.

    Raiza dropped down on one knee, hardly able to catch his breath and shaking from the small shock that got through to him. A vision popped into his head. He was standing around a strange garden. The walkway built with a strange stone. He was laughing with Eona...but she was younger. They seemed to be good friends, A wave of emotion swept over him as he became unable to think. a piercing sound ruptured his ears and his head killed. He felt sad...and depressed like crying. Before he knew it he came to as if he had only passed out for a second he stood up, weak but willing to do anything to stop the fight.
  11. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Larissa slowly came to her feet. She's wanted to steal the relics, not destroy them! .''This has gone too far-'' She was cut short by another ear-piercing eruption of lightning hitting a wall. Haruki released another quarter of his lightning. As soon as he released it, Larissa made an eruption of fire in between the Lightning, absorbing the blast. The two boys gave her a shocked look. ''Have either of you got a plan?'' She shouted over the noise.
  12. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will was near the entrance to the castle when he started hearing soldiers trampling all about. He was about to ask someone what was going on but then he saw it. A hole had just been blown in the wall of the palace and a boy jumped out, then there was an ear splitting screech of lightning striking something metal, making Will's ears ring. Will noticed that the palace was in total dissarray and he knew that he would be able to most likely walk in and check the records about listed deaths, possibly finding out who his grandfather's killer was as well. As Will started to unbuckle his sword from his back he grinned. "This just may be all the fun I've had since reaching Aldin..." He breathed, starting towards the palace.
  13. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    >Just so you guys know my character has been standing in this room the whole time. And that the WM will powerplay a lot.<


    A lone man walks through the gates of Aldin, unnoticed by guards and villagers alike. He knew his mission was to destroy this city. Then the world. A name was all he needed to find this city. It was a great city in commparason to some of the other towns and villages. A great light among other lights. This city had to fall before other could. A rock landing in a pond. Causing ripples that start great and go on forever. As he walked, people avoided him. He carried himself in a way that made people both fear and take pity on him. He continued through the city until he reached the castle gates.

    Without missing a beat he summoned hundreds of lesser Darklings~Creatures of Darkness~ to destroy the city. He then consintraited his energy and blew open the Castle gate. The WM stroad through the entrance way, summoned more Darklings. His mission was turning out for the better as countless guards and servant scattered and ran from the dark creatures he had spawn. He knew where They are too. All of them in one place. Too easy. But it must happen. They must die. For this world to fall to darkness, they Must DIE.

    The WM proceeded to where they gathered. He saw them all there. The irony of it was that they were fighting each other. This was the perfect time to destroy their hopes. He couldn't destroy them directly, not while they're connected. So he had to shatter there bonds, before they can be forged.
    He created multiple dark portals surrounding the Heroes. As he watched there fight he waited to see if they would destroy each other before he made his move. So he waited for the fight to end.

    >This is where im going to stop the WM's post. This allows me not to powerplay. But i can tell you that he is going to have to powerplay throughout the RP. Also from now on Sora-X is going to be RP'ing the WM.

    >This isn't much, but at least it keeps my character doing something<

    Draco watched Raiza block the lightning. He knew that he had to do something before we killed each other. For some reason he thought that even though we had seperate views on Soria, we had to stop fighting each other. Draco couldn't think of anything to stop them from fighting. He felt helpless as he watched them continue to fight.
  14. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    >Ok, this WM is going to powerplay...-.-" I hate powerplaying but..the storyline must get on it's way. No worries, we won't be running into him for a good long while.<

    As the wandering man strutted about the room, he found what he was searching for. That little bit of light flickering about in the darkness. He appeared in the midst of the fighting. powers ceased, attentions wandered as his dark aura swept the area. his cold stare wandered over to a young girl with black hair, then slowly crept towards the blonde boy with blue armor. Next to the others...few words escaped his mouth before he threw portals around all of them swallowing them in complete darkness. As his eyes closed he grouped them together.

    Draco, Eona, Larissa, Kenta, Rissa, Haru...you shall fall..as the darkness engulfed them, they landed in a small thicket a few miles outside of Aldin. a voice echoed from afar. "Grow strong lights of Soria...for the next we meet...i will kill you...just like the planets i have already taken. this world will be destroyed.

    The wandering man wandered farther down the hall, his creatures attacking all in sight he slowly built his oncoming army. A small glance to his right caught the attention of a young necromancer. his powers could be useful...if he survived. The wandering man continued onward...like a plague spreading. He swept the city stopping at the statue of a young lady with six wings. A sword pierced through her torso just so. it was perfect. Sweet harmony in chaos. It was here that Aldin would end.

    Raiza and Haruki landed on a mountain, and as all heroes glanced up, a forceful impact erupted from Aldin. Darkness blew Aldin to pieces the impact sent will and fan fkying far away, but not too far from Raiza and Haruki.

    as darkness descended the heroes fled uncertain of exactly what the hell just happened

    >Geez, even i'm annoyed at that post but now we have some direction...dark creatures are everywhere. Aldin is ruin, our characters are together but seperated...It's done...let's see how things go from here ^^<

    Raiza stood up his whole life in ruins. That man...he had so much power. His head killed...even worse he couldn't tell ask Eona how he knew her when he had never met her before. To top it all off his only companion was that kid throwing the lightning. Raiza couldn't just abandon him though...he began setting up camp.
    draco009 likes this.
  15. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer


    Fan felt the enormours powr of the world killer. He also knew that he coldn't do anything about it. While power over death was great he had little to no knowledge of othe arcane arts. "God that power. I hope nothing bad happened." Fan ran through the building and came across the man. "Blast."

    Before he knew it he was falling. Falling forever with out any seeming end until suddenly he landed in a forest. "Were am I?"

    Then he noticed the other two. He walked towars them.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2011
  16. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Raiza felt stupid sticking his nose out for a reckless guy who nearly killed him but he couldn't just let him die. He looked at the guy turning in his unconcious state. He seemed so innocent when he wasn't attacking everything in sight.
    A familiar rumble rattled Raiza's torso as he suddenly remembered, he was starving. He found a nearby tree and snagged a fruit that was a wonderful blend of green and orange it seemed to be edible. The fruits on the ground were half eaten by critters and animals. As he took a bit he soon realized why they were half eaten.

    "Bleh! Damn these are bitter!...oh well..i'm kinda hungry.."

    Raiza settled back down and awaited Haruki to arise. He almost drifted to sleep when he heard rustling in the nearby bushes. Startled, Raiza jumped up and readied his sword.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2011
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will drug his fingers in the ground, gauntlets scraping all the way to the stop as he rolled backwards. As he landed on his feet he looked up, seeing the Aldain palace in peices. As he grabbed his sword from the road next to him he strapped it back to his back and drew the blade, flipping it to his front to defend himself from the creatures that attacked the castle he saw what looked like a dark mage landing near him, hearing also a few people behind him. "What just happened? Aldin just exploded in darkness!" He muttered to himself, wondering if he was affected by the darkness.
  18. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master


    Draco woke slowly. He first opened his eyes to a starry darkness, and thought that he had died, but then he noticed things that brought him back to reality. Trees. Wind. The Stars... He sat up and looked around him. He was in a forest clearing. From the light of the stars he saw other people there with him. Just as that hit him, a flash of energy sparked from the direction left of him. Without trying to hurt himself to badly, he crawled to the edge of the clearing. Beyond a row of bushes lay Aldin, or what's left of it. He stared at the leveled city in both awe, and hatefulness. Awe of the power that strange man used, and Hate for the Man himself. Aldin was his favorite place, as well as it held multiple memories. That Man took them away....Draco began to shed tears for the lost city...Tears for all that was lost......


    When he shed his last tear he vowed to himself, that he would defeat that man no matter the cost. He was even willing to die to save this world.......
  19. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Fan saw one of the two jump up and grab his weapon. "Wait, I mean no harm. I was tossed here to." He felt kind of dumb about coming out of the bushes but he wasn't thinking straight just then. Suddenly he felt it, the screms of thousands of souls being ripped from life into death. He felt slightly giddy at this sudden increase in his power but at the same time disgusted. Something bad was happening to the city of Aldin. To many people wer dying violent deaths for that something to be natural by any means. "Aldin is being destroyed, if it hasn't been already."
  20. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at Fan and pointed his blade down the road. "Look here, you can see the ruins from here, shrouded in a dark haze..." He breathed, somehow uncaring at the fact a couple hundred people just died in the blink of an eye. I was only there to find out about my grandfather's killer, but that is not going to happen now. The name is Will, by the way. What might your name be, mage?" He asked, holding his left hand out for a handshake.

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