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Soria: The Beginning of Fate(Actual Rp)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Excellent. I'll be along this evening to settle the payment."

    Fan smiled to himself in a satisfied sort of way as he continued his stroll. He stopped and asked questions about crime in the city, and every time he was prodded towards the northern section. He finally arrived at his destination, an old house in a decript neighborhood.

    "Well it sure looks like the place."

    A sudden scream issued from in the house, a mans. "And that sounds like my que." Fan summoned his scythe and kicked in the door. The sight in front of him almost made him hurl.
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    As Will entered the forge he heard a scream from a few streets away, in the direction Fan headed. He reached for the disk but realized Fan probably had it under control. He then turned towards the forge owner. "Sir, how much would it be to make a sword of this specifications?" He asked, setting a diagram out on the anvil. "Boy, I'm pretty sure you don't have the money for something like that, let alone the strength to weild it." The man said, eyeing Will like he was crazy. Will removed the sword from his belt and handed it to the man. "What if I traded you this for it? I will do all the labor, all I need is the ore and access to your forge." He said. As the man looked over the sword and it's craftsmanship. "I only know of one swordsmith with this quality craftsmanship, how did you come into possision of his sword?" The man asked, eyes full of questions. Will just looked at the man before saying. "That is part of my tale, let's just say I am trying to fulfill a promise to my grandfather." A look of suprise lit up on the man's face as realization came over him. "Boy, you have anything you need here, all you need to do is ask." He said. Will nodded his thanks and headed towards a chair to remove his gear and start work.
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Well this sounds pleasant." Fan walked up to the door and tried the nob. It was locked.

    "Of course its locked you idiot. Break the damn door down."

    "Nay, this calls for finesse. Now shut up please," Fan replied aloud.

    He walked around the back of the home, and noticed the screaming had stopped. He could feel the soul of the man that was screaming vanish and he latched onto it seeking its final sights. A crazed expression with red eyes stared down into the dead mans eyes, and Fan could almost feel a knife tearing his insides apart. The man was being vivisectioned while still alive. It made Fan shudder.

    He found a window, and managed to lever it open. He jumped inside just as the murderer walked into the room holding a woman in his hands. Her dress was in tatters and she was covered in grime. She was bound and gagged, and had a terrified look in her eyes.

    "WHO THE HELL!?" The man yelled as Fan formed his scythe.

    "Murderer, I have come for your soul."
  4. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    Shimon bows. "Of course I'll listen. If you need anything, then I'm willing to help." He looks around. "I do beleive somewhere else may be more appropriate. The feeling from me isn't something I openly talk about."

    Shimon puts his hands in his pockets and pulls out some more money and hands it to Raiza. "If you listen to her too it's yours."
  5. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Fan dodged around a thrown knife as the man finally reacted, and then charge in swinging. The man threw himself out of the way and pulled out a second knife to fend off the attack. The woman began inching herself away, whimpering.

    "What the hell, leave me be! I have the right to take their lives! My god commands it."

    Fan simply kept swinging until his prey was trapped in a corner. He held his scythe aloft and felt it take control of his mouth. "Food, you have disrupted the souls of this world. Your must be given in payment."

    Stop taking control of my body you jerk. Fan swung and the man screamed. His scythe bit through him and laid him into death.

    The soul of the man continued to shriek blasphemy's while his scythe, now able to issue its own sound, screamed, "TIME TO EAT!" The soul was sucked inside and Fan felt his scythe do the equivalent of a burp. "That was a yummy soul. Make sure you find me more."

    "So much for teaching me magic," Fan growled. The gristly scene wasn't doing his mood wonders.
  6. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Raiza's eyes opened wide in surprise. "How do you have so much money?!...well i suppose we should hear them out". Raiza turned toward Azrazae, her prescence was ominous and mysterious..but an innocence slept below the surface...he was curious about her unique talents and how she seemed to carry conversations without talking. as his curiosity widened he listened intently for the tale of these two girls and the beginning of his next journey.
  7. Noir


    Shikau looked everywhere. He goes to a small store.
    "Excuse me, but where can I find some potions?" Shikau talked.
    The storekeeper answered everything. Shikau rushed through the forest.
    But more shadows are appearing. Shikau just flee and flee. Shikau made it to a hidden dojo with a store he finally wanted to see.
    Shikau rushed to the store. Shikau said "Do you have any potions?"
    The storekeeper didn't even understand Shikau.
    "Um, do you have-" Shikau was about to say it again but the storekeeper began to choke.
    "What the?" Shikau was surprised.
    Shikau goes inside the dojo. Some people looked at him.
    "This is getting weird." Shikau said roughly.
    The figure was kicking the door rapidly.
    "Ow, ow.."
    Shikau puts a big thing next to the door. Shikau escaped and goes to another floor.
    The figure passed. The figure looked everywhere.
    "We.. are not having trouble.. wait, where's Sellion?" Shikau said.
    Sellion was just in Shikau's house, waiting for Shikau to go home..
    "...Most of the time, I never left- ah nevermind. Even the time I got into that dark place with a Necropolis, I just survived without Sellion.."
  8. Azrazae

    Azrazae New Member

    >My internet went out as I tried to post, if this shows up later in a double post, I apologise. I don't think it will.<

    Cieralyn smiled and curtsied once more. She looked at Shimon, "Of course. Perhaps a tavern or something of the sort. I've noticed that it's better to go somewhere where people are in a... state of... exuberance, rather than just trying to be sneaky. The fools don't tend to understand what they're hearing, let alone remember or believe it."
    The two men seemed to agree, as they shrugged. Soon the foursome (fivesome, perhaps?) were sitting in a quaint tavern, not far along into the town. They all seemed relatively unnoticed by anyone (including the uninterested staff), which was nice.
    "Tell them as little as possible, Cier. We don't know if they're willing to help yet." Azrazae demanded.
    "But you told me explicitly that they were meant to assist us on our quest!" Cieralyn scoffed.
    "Just... don't tell them... you know..." The girl's tiny hands curled a bit on the tabletop. Cieralyn pet her head, lovingly.
    "You know, sometimes I still see the old you. The you from before these days. I won't tell them."
    She heard a rough Ahem and ceased conversing with her sister. Turning her attention to the (now fully settled) men before her, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. She released it slowly.
    "I apologise, it's a bit hard to go back to the beginning. I'll try to give you the short version."
    The memories rushed through her brain like a river she once saw on a mountaintop, though not nearly as poetic in structure or sweet in experience.
    "Just repeat what I say."
    And so the story began.
    "As the thirteenth child in a quaint, farming family, my sister was always thought a bit strange. She appeared completely normal; a younger version of myself- of all my sisters and brothers, yet over time she seemed to change into the girl you see now. The full story matters not at the moment, but it became rather obvious to my community that Azrazae was cursed. They wanted to cast her out. In short, here we are. We know it's not a curse that my dear sister has, but a strange gift. It's much to difficult to explain, but surely you will see it in time." Cieralyn adjusted herself in her seat, "I'm nothing special, just her elder sister. I haven't any powers of my own. I guess my only 'power' is my ability to speak with Azzie. That's really all I know how to do. That's a story if in of itself, but let's just say you can thank a group of nomadic mages for that!" she giggled softly. A brawl seemed to start in the corner closest two the group. Undoubtedly a "That's not what your wife said!"-type fight. Rather meaningless, really.
    "If you want to know more, ask. I've certainly got more to say, but no reason to spill it all out for no reason."
    A glass shattered somewhere in the brawl. Wretched people, truly.
  9. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    As Will started on smelting the different bits of iron into a mold he knew this would take all night, but he was willing. As he finished the basic first part of the mold he started on the second, dropping the first into a barrel of water. The hammer clanged loudly as he worked, the feel so familiar yet so distant as he worked on the mold. He felt tears roll down his cheek as memories flashed through his mind like the hammer striking the metal. He shook his hair into his eyes and continued to work, trying his best to hold back the memories until he was buried in a bottle, or at least his work.
  10. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    Shimon stands up. "I will have some questions in a moment." He walks over to the brawl. "Can you calm it down over here? There is a young lady trying to relax and you're just making her uncomfortable."

    The guy who broke the glass near them gets in Shimon's face. "Make me punk." Shimon just sighs. The man looks at him with disgust and picks him up by the neck. Shimon points to the man's feet and he looks down. Shimon knees him in the jaw and lands on his hands and knees. He twitches a little but relaxes again. "Got to keep it under control in here." He whispers to himself. The man stands back up and swings at Shimon. "That's a no-no buddy." Shimon catches his fist and round house kicks him in the face.
  11. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    >Okay the bards here are about to start some brawl style music in my post, and if it's a brawl we need irish metal lol link!I'm Shipping Up To Boston - Dropkick Murphys - YouTube<

    Raiza stares over at shimmon picking a useless fight and emits a loud sigh. Letting the fight continue onward the rowdy bards began playing music to fit the scenario. Turning his eyes over to Cieralyn, Raiza began asking some questions of his own. "If you do indeed need help, we'd gladly do it..but first i need to know...just who is Azrazae? My cat cloud here is quite fond of her, heh, heh, Cloud poked his head out of Raiza's bag and began sniffing around the table he walked over to a glass of ale pitched on a nearby table amongst the chaos and began lapping it up. He spewed it all over some poor thugs face and began ducking and weaving as he grew angry. The man walked over to Raiza who cloud was now hiding behind and slammed his fist into the table. "I'm assuming your with that gentleman over there..." He said pointing to Shimon. "Raiza's eyes rolled over to him "and if i am?." The man growled and in a low tone began speaking "Your cat there looks awfully tasty...maybe i'll just..chop him up, and then have those two women for dessert". Raiza cocked a smile and whispered back "Funny i don't share the customs of one feminine such as yourself". The man began going crazy as raiza dodged his blows kicking his chair out from behind him and over his head, he grabbed it and smashed it across the thugs face, before he knew it he was knee deep in the fighting himself back to back with shimon. Cloud had taken a small bowl of milk ordered for him, lapped it up and then curled up in Azrazae's lap.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2011
  12. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    >lol wow dude... Are we purposely pulling a Yuri and Flynn or did it just happen naturally?

    Shimon ducks under a guy's swing and uppercuts him. The guy lands on a table. Shimon lights up a cigarette as he kicks a chair into a guy's head. One guy runs up with a knife and swings at Shimon. He throws his cigarette into the air so it doesn't break and he headbuts the guy before catching his cigarette.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2011
  13. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    >Ok, before you get yelled at OOC posts can't be followed by nothing. Please edit your previous post so it includes some more barfight action or something.<

    In the midst of the crowd, chairs were tossed back and forth bottles broke, but Raiza never recieved a scratch he dodged and weaved ducked and parried blows, it was second nature to him. Glancing over still haf-smiling he could see the girls were not amused, or at least he thought he did. Managing to dodge an incoming blow Raiza backflipped smacking a thug right in the face with his fist before he could hurt Shimon. Standing up he readied himself for more combat, it wasn't over just yet.

    >Azrazae, both parties are still seperate, and raiza is currently looking for Eona...after this small quest and a few directional points we should focus on tracking her and the rest of the group.<

    >Zerieth and Curtiss, we are currently in town...fighting. I'm pretty sure people are being thrown out of windows...should you arrive in town it's perfect for meeting up with us.<
  14. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    >Okay So this is where we are. Let's Get things moving again, and Thanks again to the Rest of the people in the Rp keeping this thing going.<

    Draco stood there for a whole five minutes waiting for anyone to show themselves. No one seemed to be nearby so he decided that he had to go after the WM. After all that had happened to him up until then, felt nothing like what he felt when knew his mission. The Darkness must be stopped or else the entire world would fail, and die.
    He picked up his sword, which flew from him when he fell, and instantly sensed the darkness around him. He closed his eyes and slowly moved his sword to his side. After a moments wait, they all sprang at him. Still with his eyes closed Draco swings his sword to one side. Energy from the movement spread around him like a shield and bursted the Darklings as they decended upon him. The air where they were was gone and replaced by a wind. Draco sheathed his sword, and picked the direction where he sensed the darkness at its greatest.
    Draco quest had begun. The Darkness must not win.

    >Okay, so draco is now going after the WM. My character now has a reason to fight him. I believe that Eona and Mizu, are together, and larissa is somewhere nearby. Our group need to start posting again, and we need to come together against the WM.<
  15. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Sorry guys I haven't been able to post. Now I can though.<

    Fan let the scythe disolve and asked the woman if she could find her own way. She was to terrified and didn't move, instead opting to stare at him.

    "Her soul is in torment. She is completely shattered."

    "What do you want me to do then?"

    He felt his scythe regard her through his own eyes for a moment, and then said, "Bring me out. Let me control this body for a bit."

    Fan grudgingly allowed it and felt himself lean down so he was level with the woman. "The bad man is dead. I have taken him inside me and dealt punishment upon him. For as long as this human of mine is alive he will receive punishment several times worse than what can be found in the deepest pits of hell."

    "What are you?"

    The scythe smiled at the woman, and replied, "I'm a glutton who feeds on evil souls. That filth was my first. Go in peace, he will trouble you no more."

    The woman seemed to calm down, and the scythe returned control to Fan. After making sure she had somewhere to go he returned to the indicated tavern and payed for two rooms and a meal for the night. "Were is my companion?" he asked the bar keep and then described Will.

    "In the forge. Said he didn't need anything except to be left to his own devices. Paid well enough, figured so long as he didn't torch the place I'd give im that time. He's a real metal worker, can tell by lookin at im." With that the bar keep went back to polishing his glass. Fan shrugged and left.
  16. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present


    Eona took Larissa's scythe and Mizu began to have second thoughts about splitting up.
    ''Actually, It'd be best if we stuck together. Draco'll be fine, I hope. C'mon, we don't have much time! Whoever destroyed the Hangar could be anywhere around here, and he won't stop at just one city!''

    Eona and Mizu made haste around the lake in search of Larissa. Eventually, a feminine figure could be spotted. ''Is that her? It has to be...'' Mizu walked up to Larissa, breathless.


    Is that Mizu? Someone's with him. I think it's that girl- what's her name? Ena? Anna? Eona? Yeah, it's Eona.
    ''Mizu. You came. Where is everyone else?''
    ''Draco is... we'll have to hope he's okay on his own. Eona's here, as you can see, and, err, I'm pretty sure that's it. Now, let's hurry. We have to go to wherever the person who destroyed Aldin is. Following a trail of darklings would be a sensible way to do it...''

    A darkling cropped up and was destroyed by a ball of fire created by Eona. Another appeared a few metres away and was sliced in half by Mizu.''Alright, this should be pretty easy.'' The group of three followed the trail of darklings, killing off each one as they appeared. Eventually, they reached a small pathway. Moderately close to the trio, a town could be seen. Walking closer up to the town, the group reached the town's gates and saw the one person they didn't expect to see.


    >Alright, now everyone's in town. That should speed things up a little.<
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2011
  17. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    >Not what i had in mind, but never the less works.<

    Draco followed the trail of darkness for a while, and soon came upon a town. From outside the town he heard a lot of fighting. He decided that this is where the others would come, and he waited.
    And waited.
    and waited.
    Then a swirl of the fog passed and there they were. For some reason they were surprised to see him, and he couldn't figure out why. He knew something was wrong, and decided to say something, to break the fast forming ice.
    "So...Nice seeing you guys here!" and he smiled as he said this.
  18. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Raiza stopped midfight dodging a punch that knocked Shimon square in the jaw and chased after what he thought was Fan leaving. If fan was in town he'd need the necromancer's help and wisdom. He regretted ditching them back at the cave but a strange power had possessed him, he had n choice in the matter. Dashing out the door he looked left and right but saw no sign of the lad, a few miles away Raiza thought he spotted other familiar faces but it was too far to tell for sure, he waltzed back in ducking and weaving his way to the barkeep. A broken glass smacked his left leg inflicting some pain but it wasn't major. Flinching he pulled the glass out and asked the barkeep for Fan's whereabouts. "you mean the lengthy fella with the creepy smile? he's off ta the forge. Lookin for his buddy...you know him?". Raiza replied with "yeah" before dashing out the door with a slight limp.
  19. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    When Raiza had hit Shimon he fell to the ground. The other brawlers surrounded him. In a desperate attempt to escape from their kicks and punches Shimon loses control and changes into his dark beast.

    Shimon growls and spin kicks everyone's legs out from under them. He gets up and starts clawing at everyone in sight. A faint light glows from within him and he turns back, all of the other brawlers lying on the floor bloody.

    "What just...?" He hears a gentle voice in his head. "Do not be alarmed. I just stopped you from killing anyone with that power of yours. You are the only one who can control those dark beings for good, instead of evil." Shimon thinks for a split second about what the voice meant before blacking out.
  20. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will stood in the forge, pouring the hot iron into the massive mold that stood up to his chest in height and was almost bigger around than him. As the mold finished filling he grabbed the handly, almost a foot long of grip alone, let alone what went into the blade. As he rammed the handle deep into the molten iron he knew the sword was almost done but he would need a good day for the blade to cool, let alone cracking the mold off.

    As he let the hammer fall from his hand onto the anvil he heard a commotion outside. As he strode towards the door he let his hand go towards a pouch on his belt, reaching for basically the only magic he knew. He could do very powerful magic, but he needed spheres to channel it through his body with an ancient form of Alchemy. He had a few of the spheres, known as Materia, on him but he knew it wouldn't be enough for what he thought the commotion may be.

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