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Soria: The Beginning of Fate OOC & SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. Azrazae

    Azrazae New Member

    *twitch* it took me forEVER to write that thing... it said it needed to be mod-approved... but I'll write it again... *sigh*
  2. Azrazae

    Azrazae New Member

    Name: Azrazae (pronounced "ah-zra-zay") and Cieralyn ("seer-rah-lin")
    Age:9 and 17
    Appearence: I can't post links right now, so they're in an album on my profile. The child/profile view is Azrazae. Keep in mind that she is very frail and small (about 3.5 feet tall). The necklace she wears is actually a pocket watch that has the western zodiac in place of the numbers. The eastern zodiac is around the outside of the watch. Cieralyn is the older one. Her necklace is a very small key.
    Ability: Able to conjure force-fields powerful enough to block any attack using dark magic. She was born "cursed" as the thirteenth child born in her family. This is how the power was obtained. I would say that it was something she would just do by accident at random times... that's how she learned she had it.
    History: When Azrazae was born, she looked and behaved just like her 12 siblings; she was blonde, spoke well and often, and had a healthy appetite. Over time however (about 5 years), things changed. Her hair became darker, she spoke less and less, started refusing meals, and quickly grew frail. Her family (and the surrounding community) declared Azrazae cursed... if they didn't send her away, the whole family would be executed... so they sent Azrazae away with her elder sister, Cieralyn. They were to search for the answer to Azrazae's "curse". By this time, Azrazae's vocabulary had been reduced to short sentences that sounded like a foreign tongue. After a month or so on the road, Azrazae ceased speaking at all and seemed to understand narry a word that her sister said to her. About a day or two after Cieralyn realized this, a band of nomadic mages happened to cross paths with the sisters. They stopped immediately (sensing the darkness around Azrazae) and asked the girls who they were and where they were headed to. After explaining their story to the mages, Cieralyn asked if they had any idea where they could go to seek help. The mages knew not of a place that would be able to help. They did, however, have a solution to the sisters' growing communication problem. An ancient ritual in which a mute person would have their eyes removed. This would heighten their other senses. The mages would then concentrate that energy and turn it into a sort of telepathic ability allowing the subject to communicate with one other person. Once this was explained, Azrazae gently squeezed Cieralyn's hand, indicating that she vaguely understood and was okay with it. So they went through with the procedure. From then on, Cieralyn was able to understand the ancient language that Azrazae spoke (telepathically of course!), and was able to speak back (non-telepathically of course!). And so we join these two several years into their quest. Azrazae now age 9, Cieralyn now 17.

    Other Characteristics: Cieralyn is best described as "optimistic". I wouldn't call her "bubbly", but she's the "I'm grateful for what I have" type (which can be expected... I mean, Azrazae's sacrifices were intense...)
    Azrazae is entirely mute and never really changes her monotonous expression. Personally, if I were to meet someone like her, I'd think her to be mentally handicapped at first. Just saying how strange it seems from a third-person perspective.

    Also, the "ancient language" is Japanese. I mean, it might be called something else, but I'll be using Japanese. :)
    (unless someone has an issue with this... then I can do whatever.)
  3. Azrazae

    Azrazae New Member

    If I could delete this space, I would...
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2011
  4. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Hey man you need to not double post. Just edit your first post and then add the parts in after edit.

    To cap on my massive post my character can still call the dead all he wants but now he can release his scythe and he's less apt to. The reaper arts will take me a while to figure out but thats just two of them.
  5. Azrazae

    Azrazae New Member

    I'm sorry, I couldn't figure out how to delete the second one.... I didn't mean to (I freaked out and posted... I haven't been on a forum in a lo~~ng time, so I didn't even think to edit until it was too late). I thought I apologized, but I guess I just thought it ^^U

    IT WORKED!!! Sorry that the mods made that a TRIPLE post >.O
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2011
  6. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    I've changed my post... A lot. Read it,please. And just to clear things up, there's a reason why I changed Larissa's ability, trust me.

    (On a side note, the energy that Larissa wields is filtered through her own body, so it can only be as strong her own energy.)
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2011
  7. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    sorry that i've been inaactive. lately i've just been depressed, tired, and busy.
    that being said, my post will be up soon.
  8. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    I know what you mean Blackrose. Lately I've barely had an hour's rest a day. I'm not really depressed, but Puberty is...Gah.
  9. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    i understand the reason. Thanks for clarifying your post as well.
    Also Azrazae, you Are accepted. Please try to find a place you can, "Insert", your character.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2011
  10. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Blackrose and Venitas, thanks for responding. Try to reply as draco has said but rest is important too.
    I'll try and post soon, but i've been posting more to keep this going. Either way long story short Raiza is slowly on a descending path into self-destruction. Fated to fight the darkness and be reborn again he is searching for a way out and allies to fight with him. Azrazae, welcome to the rp. Your character's are interesting..good luck :)
  11. Azrazae

    Azrazae New Member

    Thanks! I'll be posting as soon as I feel like I can squeeze in smoothly :)
  12. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    ok im attempting to understand whats going on with my team. Draco was knocked out by a darkling, he reawakened with new abilities, and larissa is now awake too? what about Mizu? and we were just walking when all of sudden an explosion comes out of nowhere??
  13. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    The first parts are correct. We both have awakened.
    And the WM blew up the hanger. The one that Eona's friends were in. This esstially caused an explosion. Which since we were so close to the Hanger, we are affected by it.

    That preety much sums it up. If you read all of the posts, you'll understand it better. :)
  14. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    okay thanks
  15. Azrazae

    Azrazae New Member

    Hey, how long does it usually take posts to show up? I just posted and I want to make sure it's not gone... or post again and spam the thread. Now that I've done that once already on THIS thread ^^U

    Edit: Okay, it worked. Just a minor freak out. Carry on, I won't post anything stupid again, I promise. m(_ _)m
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2011
  16. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Sorry To Bump this thread, But I haven't been on in a while. I have tried to many times but my chances have been constantly thwarted by everyday life. I am now back and have realized this Rp has continued onwards, and i am grateful for everyones contributions. So yeah, Last i left off my group was scattered by a explosion of a hanger that was our destination. My character was knocked out and then re-awoke with his talents in hand. Everyone else i have no idea where you guys are. I do know that This town everyones going to is where the second group is, but i dont know where Eona, and the other two are in mine group. So, I'm going to post and see what i can do to get my character back in to the story.
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Well as to Draco, Zerieth and I are already in town on our own business.
  18. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    I got that. Thanks anyways.
    But as i said in my Rp post: We have to come together against the WM. Not that i want a quick ending to this RP, but because There is more after him. I understand that we are all posting like every few days or so, and things come up(believe me i know), also that the rp is slow right now, but we need to come togehter and win.


    ~After a minute of thinking~

    I just cam e up with an idea. We need a lesser Evil guy, a commander rank to the leader rank of the WM. ANy ideas to whom this should be? Please post ideas. :)
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    yes but Will can't forge a sword the size of this one without some time. He has to do molds and such to make it cause as of right now he has two parts of the mold and the handle and hilt dressings. I kind of wanted to finish the sword before the first major conflict with the wandering man
  20. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Hmm. Well, a personality is the best part of making a villain. Do you want the lesser Villain's personality to be mocking, serious, sadistic, deceiving? I'd like a sadistic lesser villain, truth be told. A sadistic villain that meets a quick, painful end.

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