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Soria: The Beginning of Fate OOC & SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    This is the first time I've posted an OC on a forum...I hope I don't godmod or sue-ify my character...
    Here goes...

    Name: Larissa Lovelock
    This is the closest thing I could find to my OC on Google.
    Ability: Larissa is an adept mage, capable of using Fire, Wind, and Gravity, although she rarely ever uses Gravity, claiming that it's 'just not her style'. She also wields a double-bladed scythe which she calls 'Rhapsody'(Yes, she named her weapon. Odd, I know.) She can absorb gravity from the border of Soria and focus it into different shapes and sizes, but this wears her out a lot, and can cause her to faint or have a heart attack, depending on how much gravity she absorbs.
    Appearance: Larissa has a slim build, slightly tanned skin, back length jet black hair and coffee brown eyes.
    History: Like most other gifted Sorians, Larissa was beaten at school and home by family, students and teachers.
    Eventually, the bullying became so bad that Larissa decided she had to flee before she was killed. So she did just that. Only after she'd fled miles with only a small amount of food left did she realize she'd die within three weeks max unless she found help. She found an old apartment but decided not to bother whoever lived in it. After a week, her resolve crumbled and she begged the owner of the lone apartment-an ex mage who was also outcasted for being gifted- to take her in. The owner agreed reluctantly and trained Larissa to use a scythe and to become better at using her abilities so that she would be able to fend for herself. Neither of them were particularly close to each other, but eventually they considered themselves allies, stealing food together to survive. But within four months of them knowing each other, Larissa's 'mentor' was killed by a gang because she was gifted while out scavenging. While grieving the death of her mentor, Larissa caught sight of a poster inciting a rebellion (Haruki's Rebellion) that fought the goverment for equal rights and protection. Bitter about her past, she joined the rebellion.
    She later on became an outlaw, along with many others in the rebellion, and fled to a faraway town, where she enrolled in the Soria Knight Acamedy and graduated as the second top of her class after perfecting the art of Pyrokinesis and Aerokinesis.
    Other Characteristics: She's Cruel, Ruthless and at times borderline sadistic in battle against her enemies when provoked. However, she can be quite strategic and resourceful when her mind's clear. Her left hand is quite calloused from wielding a scythe. She's observant,shy, and quiet. She's very friendly and helpful to people she likes,but not above being vehemently bitter to people she takes a disliking to.

    So...Can I join?
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
  2. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    something came up. i'll be posting first thing tomorrow.
  3. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    Name: Shimon Hokuro

    Age: 19

    Appearence: [​IMG]

    Ability: Train in stealth by his dead teacher. Very able with any kind of blade or projectile. Will use whatever he can get his hands on as a weapon if he has no other choice though. Was attacked when his teacher died by the darkness. It entered him but he learned to control his dark beast although he can't use it to often or he does lose control of it.

    Other Characteristics: He's a very avid smoker. He has a scar on his chest from trying to shoot himself.
  4. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Okay. First things first. You need a history. Something of a background on how you grew up or whatever. Once you have that you can join.

    Also Venitas You are welcome to join as well.
  5. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    ok so im confused. Haruki is in the academy "treasure room" and the rest of you guys are heading towards the library. are they all in the same place?
  6. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    No, but believe me...we will meet. Raiza, Fan and Draco are in the sewers getting ready to make their way to the royal library, there is alot of chaos going on thanks to Haruki, so we'll all be in for a surprise when we get there, i'm waiting for Zerieth to post. Also Ignore Bjoacx He is trolling and hasn't even posted in the OOC.
  7. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Thanks Draco. Now it's time for me to start planning a way to jump in.
  8. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    KK sorry lol
  9. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    Name: Shimon K Hokuro

    Age: 19

    Appearence: [​IMG]

    Ability: Train in stealth by his teacher. Very able with spears or projectiles, but he will use whatever he can get his hands on as a weapon if he has no other choice. He has a dark beast within him that he has some control over but if he uses it to often he loses control of it. He can only use once or twice a week before that happens.

    Other Characteristics: He's a very avid smoker. He has a scar on his chest from trying to shoot himself. Shows great care for his friends but is usually laid back and non-caring about much. Loves it when things get interesting.

    History: Shimon was born into a middle-classed family by the name Shimon Kankare. Both of his parents were very abusive and usually drunk. He started smoking at the age of 9 to deal with it. When he was 11 he found a gun in his fathers room. He ran away from home with it and tried committing suicide in an alley. That's when his teacher, Daichi Hokuro, found him and saved his life. Shimon took it upon himself to start trying to make it up to him as best he could, believing he had found somebody who actually cared about him.. By the time Shimon turned 15 he was one of Daichi's best students and looked at him as a father and best friend. It was then that Daichi told he he wanted Shimon to take over for him when he died. Shimon agreed and was given Daichi's home made spear as a symbal of their bond. A year and a half later The Darkness had over run his world, Makio. Trying to fight for all the students side by side with his mentor, he was possesed by The Darkness and his mentor killed and transformed. He blacked out and awoke on Soria with no recollection of his past and his teacher's spear in hand. He ended up losing control of The Darkness still residing in him a few times before learning to control it to a minor extent. As of late he has started Inn hopping from town to town to do what he can to help citizens and still believes his teacher is somewhere on this world. He wishes to find him to put him out of his misery.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2011
  10. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Is there still room in this cause it looks really good?
  11. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    my post will be up tomorrow morning
  12. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    thanks, Eona ^^. I'm not this RP maker, but draco doesn't get too much internet access and he's my best friend so..

    Grandia20: we can't see your characters appearance, and you need to go into a little more detail about your characters overall build, give him some definition, abilities that are limited but grow stronger. a little bit more detail please :)

    Curtiss: we are always open but..were getting pretty irritatted with some uber powerful characters and spammers in our RP. So...this warning goes out to everyone. Be legitamate!!!! you aren't gods or masters...you are weak until you can grow stronger! If your becoming godly or spamming stupid posts were gonna drop you from our interests.
  13. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Thank You Sora-X. He's right though. My plan for this RP is for us/our characters to develop and get stronger.

    Another thing. I'm going to RP the Wandering Man, Unless someone else wants to. If any of you want to play him, PM me. There are things that only the Wandering Man knows, that the Heroes don't. So yeah, If anyone wants to Rp the Uber bad-ass "Final" Boss, PM me.
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Is this an acceptable character?

    Name: William
    Age: 19
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Sword Appearance:[​IMG]
    Ability: Swordsmith, Swordsmanship.
    History: Grew up in the badlands of Myr, fighting things for sword training and such. He grew up there with his grandfather and learned to smith weapons and also to masterfully weild a sword. At about the age of 6 he started sword training, fighting his grandfather every day to learn technique and how to identify someone else's style. At the age of 9 he started learning to smith weapons and also started practicing with a live blade on the wild creatures and things in the badlands. Very few ventured to the forge to have weapons made but those who did were very high quality swordsmen and travellers which made Will dream of the same type of life. At the age of 14 his grandfather helped him to forge a sword that he would use and carry for the rest of his life, knowing that Will wanted to travel the world. When Will hit the age of 17 his grandfather started having him forge most of the weapons for travellers and many were impressed with his work. When Will turned 18 a traveller came asking for a weapon to be made. When Will handed him the weapon the man killed his grandfather and left, leaving Will clutching the body of the only family he knew of. He then left and started travelling across the continent of Myr, fighting and drinking to both erase the memory of his grandfather but in hopes of finding this man and exacting revenge. He now does odd jobs and some bounty hunting for money but occasionally he will take up a job at a forge for a few weeks.
    Other Characteristics: Swordsmith, Great Swordsman.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2011
  15. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Whoa nice character !!!
  16. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    I editted it. How does it look now?
  17. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    hey you guys still takeing apps?
  18. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    just follow the guidelines of the RP and you should be fine :)
  19. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    @ Blackrose you should super edit your post...
  20. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    So when we all meet... Does anyone have an idea of what will happen?
    Oh, and in regards to my previous post, the Lightning and Fire Larissa shot isn't powerful, but it's strong enough to draw blood. Just so you know. And the fight Blackrose and I described probably lasted about 20 minutes.(So far.) Or that's what I thought of it anyway.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2011

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