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Soria: The Beginning of Fate OOC & SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    my post will be up sometime tomm
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Yea... Trio told me to take over his characters for a little bit uintil his situation is over... would that be ok with all of you in this roleplay?
  3. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Fine by me, Brandon.
  4. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Yeah, i'm cool with it! Yaay!!! SB is gonna RP with us. Haha XD
  5. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Name: Juri Nagoya
    Age: 18

    Ability/Skills: Extraordinary Intelliengence, Technopath, Martial Artist

    History: Born in Gear-Frame City on the planet of Dues leve Machinka.
    Juri has always been gifted with an unusually high intelligence often being the reason why she didnt have any friends. Daughter of a mechanic; she was always into technology or "Tech" for short, some could even call it an obsession. Everything in her life was fine up until her Sixteenth birthday. A meteor crashed landed into her city and within a day it had been overun with black creatures. All she had knew was that she had to get the hell out of there. As she was making her way to her escape shuttle she caught a glimpse of something in the sky. It was so unusual that it caused her to stop dead in her tracks. As the object got closer she realized it was a body falling. She quickly came back to her senses and started to run to area where the body was falling so it wouldnt hit the pavement. Fortunately she was able to save the person in time. Juri looked and saw that it was a little girl with blonde hair. Remebering her situation she brought the girl with her into her shuttle and they quickly made their way off the planet. Couple days later they found refuge on a planet they later learned was called Soria.

    Other Characteristics: optimistic. caring. blunt and to the point, trustworthy

    Name: Alexion Nagoya
    Age: 14

    Ability/Skill: Martial Artist, Mechanic

    History: Her history is unknown as she has no recollection of her memories. All she has is her name and the person's arms she woke up in.

    Other Characteristics: caring, curious, openmided

    >these two charcters are something special i have planned for the RP. Also i know Juri's Histroy is a bit...short and lacking in detail but i have a reason for that. it will be shown later on.
  6. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    It's actually an honour to have someone of such a high status (Level 100) in our RP. xD. Have you ever Rp'ed before?
    And Blackrose, nice. Alexion Nagoya looks quite...Cute...Sorry, Sorry *Blushes*
    I have a question. Hypothetically, I have another OC(Well, I do have another OC but the rest is hypothetical) that I might-hypothetically- want to make a very short cameo in the RP. Do I have to make a profile for him or can I just give him a couple of lines? He'll-hypothetically- be a very minor character-Just-hypothetically- an acquaintance of Larissa's.

    And by the way, I might want to make a new character later on in the RP. Just so you know. Am I allowed to do that?

    P.S: I'm a guy, just so everybody knows. You might have assumed that I'm a girl 'cause of Larissa but I am a guy.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2011
  7. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    hm? well -hypothetically- we shouldn't make too many characters. but storyline wise..check with draco on the whole profile thing. I mean if they aren't sticking around very long then a good description in the RP might do just fine...and i can answer that question for SB, Yes he has...alot XD

    btw found a much better theme for Raiza:
    Darkness Falls - Philip Wesley - YouTube
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2011
  8. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Oh, a roleplay master, huh? Awesome!
    And I've decided I probably won't introduce another character. Just Larissa's fine by me.
    So you're a fan of Piano music, Sora? So am I.
    I've found another theme for Larissa...
    Philip Wesley - New Day - YouTube
    So she has two themes, basically. I prefer New Day, though. It matches her and the story more.
    So you can-Hypothetically-Play or Hum New Day or Sinister Shadows when Larissa (or anyone else) realizes she's (or he's) a hero, or does something epic, or anything of that sort.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2011
  9. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    I'm not gonna ask for any spoilers but if Larissa fell into darkness or died or something..wouldn't a New hero take her place? and other characters are most welcome Venitas, just saying it's hard to rp like 5 characters.. ^^
  10. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Are you insinuating that you want her to die? :(
    Joking, Joking. I think a new hero-roleplayed by yours truly-would take her place if she died. I mean, you can't just kick someone out of a roleplay.
    And yeah, that's the reason I don't want to bring in more than one character. If I do, it'll start to get really complicated.

    Now... More awesome Questions (I might be asking a lot of these)

    What theme do you think matches this RP the most? I think this:

    Musique pour la tristesse de Xion - Birth by Sleep & 358/2 Days & Re:coded OST - CD3 [Track 6] - YouTube

    That's also currently my favourite song.
    Or this:
    Musique pour la tristesse de Xion with String Orchestra - YouTube

    And secondly, without too many spoilers, name one ability (if you want to) That your character will-hypothetically- develop later on. (Am I allowed to ask this? I'm not gonna post one of Larissa's future attacks until I get an answer)
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2011
  11. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Name: Spector
    Age: 17
    Appearence: Face has never been seen he wears a black cloke with a inner red hood

    Ability/Skills: Goust like he can walk through sertan substances's like brick or wood but lacks the power to go through any thing more dence then that, ninja like with his black cloke he blends into the darkness, silent he is able to talk through his mind but not a word comes from his mouth.

    History: born on a planet that was made from darkness he is the only of his kind to not be taken over by it. wanting more in life he found a way to escape befor he was executed for not wanting to be a part of darkness. with nothing left but his cloak he searched the univers for a world with life. once he fond that world he knew that he would have to stay hiden in the shadow...even though he didn't want to. witnesing the insedent with the meteorite he was terefied beond belife knowing that his world had just started war. he found the heroes of the legend he had heard about and watched over them not knowing that he himself was also part of the ledgen. finaly he could not stand and watch he dicided to make contact but needed to find a way to do so with out makeing them think he was a dark creatcher.

    Other Characteristics: shadowy. silente. to the point...unknown.
  12. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

  13. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    cool so if I am in what is the web page for the RP
  14. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Well, hypothetically, Larissa will develop Healing and A Shield of Fire. I don't want to reveal any more than two abilities.

    And that actually fits the RP well. Quite a good song. I would've chosen Sanctuary,which will always be my favourite song, but KH has pretty much copyrighted that theme song.
    Kingdom Hearts II soundtrack - Sanctuary - YouTube Another theme song for Soria:The Beginning of Fate. Also my favourite song.
    Kingdom Hearts 2 Sanctuary Remix - YouTube -An Awesome Remix of Sanctuary that also fits the RP.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2011
  15. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

  16. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Yep. Two healers will-hypothetically-(I couldn't resist, xD) be good. I'll probably develop her defensive abilities more than her offensive. What about you?

    And Trio, that's a nice character.
  17. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    thanks to both of you but If I have joined I need to know what has happend so far...that way I know what to do with my character...
  18. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Just read the RP, xD.
    Well... there was a big fight in which Haruki blew up stuff, Larissa helped a bit then decided to help the others -the others being Raiza and Draco-stop him from blowing up said stuff, and then the Wandering Man came into play and separated them all into groups, destroying the city of Aldin in the process. Feel free to join either of those groups-preferably Eona, Draco and Larissa's group 'cause that's quite small right now-, or just try to escape the disaster.
    Is that too confusing? Sorry if it is.

    By the way, Blackrose, when are you going to post? We can't really move the story forward 'til you post, xD.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2011
  19. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    no its not...thank you for the info...now I know what I need to post...
  20. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Awesome...You like Ellipses...Don't you?
    Sorry, Sorry xD Joking, Joking.
    At this point, it's easier to introduce your character so you should have a good intro.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2011

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