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Soria: The Beginning of Fate OOC & SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    I'm awake again...Although you guys are probably asleep...Gah, Timezones.
    Oh, I came up with a great name for our group! LEAD. (Larissa Eona And Draco) Pretty awesome huh?
    So anyway, I guess Team LEAD will be coming together pretty soon.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2011
  2. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Gah, i've been away for too long :( sorry guys got wrapped up in moving >.>. I'l try to be more active!
  3. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Sorry for my inactivity, but where exactly is Haruki ?
  4. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    sorry about the inactivity and all. power has been out since last saturday. just got it back this morning >.<
    now i feel how the people back in the day felt (400 years ago). i rose with the sun and went to bed with the sun lol only using candles when i really had to do something. it was kinda depressing actually haha. well anyway, i'll try and jump back on in once i get caught up with reading the posts.
    Did i miss alot?
    @ Venitas in the pic she has an eyepatch but in the Rp she doesnt.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2011
  5. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    You didn't really miss a lot. Man, I hate powercuts. Once i got one on Christmas Eve >.< Nice avatar. Aki was always my favourite character.
    Anyway. Sidetracked.
    Just kind of...Wake up. It shouldn't be too hard :D
  6. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    How do you delete posts? >.<
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2011
  7. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    8-bit: your unconcious...near me, zerieth and curtiss's characters. Were headed to a nearby city...spoiler alert. Shimmon is there.

    Eona: you guys haven't really decided what to do. Although trio's character has suggested you rendevous with us. under the pretenses that he knows something we do not.
  8. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    A rendezvouz, huh. That's a good excuse to meet up, actually. Great idea Trio :)

    On a side note, I found yet another theme song for the RP.
    The Beginning of Fate
  9. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Awesome song!! that deserves to be the new theme fo sure!! ^_^

    and alright cool, waking up i shall doooooo!!!
    post shall be up tomorrow morning.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2011
  10. Noir

    Noir â™”

    Is it too late to join? I wanted to join this RP.. almost now, so bad.. so..
  11. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    No of course not. Just...try to be descriptive...i think i've explained that enough by now.

    Were on the road and Raiza, Fan, Will, and Haruki are about to make another party member so..try teaing up with Eona, Larissa and draco at some point. Read the OOC, and RP so you understand what's happened so far ^^.
  12. Noir

    Noir â™”

    Okay. I'll join with draco.
    Name: Shikatsuki

    Age: 17

    Demonic power, bullies, hatred and anger.


    Race: Sorian

    Ability: Dark Powers. He also can wield a sword and CAN KNOW what's happening soon.
    His only known skills -
    Slash -
    Shikau's most basic skill. He swings his sword and unleashes a great powerful Slash.
    Selliokau Attack -
    Shikau and his pet Sellion sticks their hand together and a dark fireball with blue shocks appear on their hands. He obtained this because his pet had a bit of powers.

    Weapon: (Frozen) Sword

    Shikau is quiet in a mood. He is kind, thanksgiving, helpful and rarely smiles.

    Shikatsuki (Shikau) is born on a wealthy family. He had been living on his house for 4 years, then he moves to another home. It was full of statues, plants, animals and weapons. He is only interested with the animals and the weapons. Then he asked his father to wield a sword but his father laughed believing he was weak to wield a sword. Then at the age of 15, he awakened his powers. Now he asks his father again and again, and his father agrees. Now his father bought everything he need, but the sword he gave was frozen.
    In the age of 16, his family died except for his younger brother.
    And he at the age of 17, he met other warriors... and Draco.

    Other Characteristics: He has a pet Dragon called "Sellion".
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2011
  13. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Vanitasxventus: your character is rather nice, but please read the first post in this thread. Your character, much like alot of introduced characters in this RP is a bit strong. Your character must have weaknesses...he is not infallible. He also must have his limits. you must create a character that will grow to be strong but is not so at first. Please edit your post so he has some lapses in ability. He uses Dark Sealing abilities, perhaps this takes some stamina? or maybe he must concentrate in order to unleash it? His techniques although useful should be weaker at first and strengthen later. Please don't be mad i'm trying to help you define your character. Also Draco009 is a half-breed. You should change that.

    Other comments, i think your post is cut off mid-sentence. i can't read all of it >.>.

    you are accepted but please edit your character before joining in.
  14. Noir

    Noir â™”

    Edited. Now I'm ready..
  15. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    i dont why but i have a sudden urge to create, develop and add onto the history of Soria and all the other worlds our characters come from.
  16. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    You know what, so do I. We could as well just all get together and do that as well. Y'know, if the others want to.
    The only reason Larissa can recognize Eona is because of her voice. She kind of figured out it was Eona when she was talking to Jury.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2011
  17. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Both of have the same feeling as I. I wanted this to start as an rp, and then grow into something...more. But, the Rp must come first.

    Also, I am really sorry for not being on. My access to the internet is limited right now. And i can only get on sporadically throughout any given week. as you have seen this makes it hard for my character/me to do anything/post. So again Sorry.
  18. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Yup >.>, i'd love to chat about this stuff, it's all related to the rp so please delve right on in.
  19. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    I take it we should start with Soria? We could make a template and fill it in, then improve and/or replace ideas if that sounds okay.

    For example, this could be the template:

    Ruler System(Who makes the decisions in places, how they're made the ruler, etc.):
    Languages spoken:
    Famous people:
    Why people rebel against the Government:
    Who is leading the major rebellions:
    Who is leading the rebel-supression teams:
    Who is convincing people to dislike gifted ones:
    Wars and alliances:
    Animals, Creatures and Monsters:

    Those are just a few basic ones, we could improve on it if we all think it's a good idea.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2011
  20. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    That's a really good idea Venitas! :D Btw how are you all enjoying the rp? i think a bit of action is due after all that chatting XD.

    Ruler System(Who makes the decisions in places, how they're made the ruler, etc.):
    As edo era Japan or medeival europian based probably A shogunate or monarchy style.
    Varied, one god in particular known as the goddess of fate. details unknown.
    Languages spoken:
    Coins, forged from different medals. Quite possibly similar to Bits, Silvers and Sovereigns.
    Famous people:
    Why people rebel against the Government:
    Who is leading the major rebellions:
    Activists, repressed people. Opposing countries.
    Who is leading the rebel-supression teams:
    Often times those who serve in the guard, or high-born sorian's in the government.
    Who is convincing people to dislike gifted ones:
    The common fear of difference, Royalty trying to keep things quiet.
    Wars and alliances:
    Various, Mountain ranges, snow, desert, icelands, wastelands, lush forests, rainforests, grasslands, valleys, etc.
    Animals, Creatures and Monsters:
    Alot of indigenous typical species for the planet, with genetic twists. Perhaps in order to stay alive Bees have stingers mounted down their back? things like that.

    How do you like the addition? i won't shed any details on the goddess of fate, she plays an important part in my story.

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