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Soria: The Beginning of Fate OOC & SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    I took what you did Sora-X, And made it look better, and added some of my ideas.

    This is going to be long-So Ill Separate it into Political, and geographical.
    Political: The actually historic events that have taken place before/maybe after the Rp.
    geographical: The way cities are. Moving of places over time, etc.
    Ruler System(Who makes the decisions in places, how they're made the ruler, etc.):
    As edo era Japan or medeival europian based probably A shogunate or monarchy style.
    Over 3 billion, separated between three continents.
    Varied, one god in particular known as the goddess of fate. details unknown.
    Languages spoken:
    Coins, forged from different medals. Quite possibly similar to Bits, Silvers and Sovereigns.
    Famous people:
    Why people rebel against the Government:
    Who is leading the major rebellions:
    Activists, repressed people. Opposing countries.
    Who is leading the rebel-supression teams:
    Often times those who serve in the guard, or high-born sorian's in the government.
    Who is convincing people to dislike gifted ones:
    The common fear of difference, Royalty trying to keep things quiet.
    Wars and alliances:
    The Great War~This should be explained in more depth. There was technically two great wars.
    Various, Mountain ranges, snow, desert, icelands, wastelands, lush forests, rainforests, grasslands, valleys, etc.
    There Are three major continents. Zarimier, Aldinia, and Rin. Named after the Kingdoms that lay upon them. There are also smaller islands that have no significant point, except to have been islands.
    This is a complicated matter.
    The tech on Soria, started as most things do, very poor. Stone weapons, furcloaks, etc.
    Then it moved progressively up until it reached the medevil era. At this point it stopped, as if peaked, and soon after began to increase again, but this time very slowly.
    Animals, Creatures and Monsters:
    Alot of indigenous typical species for the planet, with genetic twists. Perhaps in order to stay alive Bees have stingers mounted down their back? things like that

    This is going to be huge. I want to make a fact that the Rp is only a part of the history of Soria. The rp starts right after the first great war, and ends...I cant tell you yet. But what i can say is that it takes another war before the Rp going to end.
  2. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    That's great Draco. I'm glad my idea was approved :D

    Sora-X, I'm enjoying the RP a lot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Now that we've covered practically all of Soria, we could either build on it or cover more worlds. I'd prefer to build on the adapted animals of Soria.

    Sorry for the flashy post, I kind of like decorating my posts.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2011
  3. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    wow this is going to be awesome. so many possibilities. im gonna end up owning like 20 charcters lol.

    and i agree with sora. its high time we throw some action on in
  4. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    VanitasXVentus, no offence, but your character is seriously confusing me. When will he be joining the action? I'm probably just missing something, but it's kinds confuzzling me.
    Oh, and... I'm going to introduce a new character. He's a friend of 'rissa, and...

    Name: Mizuki. Everyone calls him Mizu though.
    History: He lives in Aldinia. He's 'gifted'- he was born with power over Ice and the ability to heal himself with Water. He had a pretty normal life until Aldinia was taken over by darkness. Well, you know, as normal as a 'gifted' teen's life can get. He graduated from Aldinia Academy for Mages as one of the top of his class- He almost failed History due to being too lazy to study and procrastinating.
    [​IMG] All credit goes to XionXIV on DeviantArt. Also, he has slightly more tanned skin, and brown eyes. And his armband has a chequered black and white pattern instead of being plain black.
    Abilities: Sharp vision, A masamune of Ice and decent power over ice. He's not exactly a genius, but he's pretty intelligent. He can heal minor cuts and bruises with water.
    Personality: Calm, collected, and Lazy. He's usually not rash and tends to chill (pun kind of intended) out a lot, so enemies don't take him seriously, but he can be deadly and icy (pun kind of intended) when he needs to be.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2011
  5. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Nice one Venitas ^^ He'll make a good addition to the storyline.

    Good work, Draco those are some awesome additions. If you really want to add on to the creatures by all means help us make a bestiary of sorian creatures ^^. Don't forget that there are dark creatures as well.
    btw draco i found that song you were looking for, best theme by far for soria..perhaps the whole soundtrack to this movie. mhm.
    Giniro No Kami No Agito Opening Theme - Chouwa oto ~with reflection - YouTube
    I'll make a monster right here in example:
    Height: 3'5" Length: 4' Width: 2'
    Species: Beast/Wolf
    Description:A four legged beast with a hardened spine on the outside, they typically have
    Grey or Tan ragged fur often times mixed and brown or green eyes, their fangs aren't too big
    a typical wolf.

    These creatures enjoy forests, to hide themselves in with a tropical climate. The constant rain
    Provides water and cover for moving the pack and hunting.

    A typical Feralun will spend it's early years clinging to it's mother, the only source of protection and
    nourishment, after one to two years they are pitted against some of the other males to establish a
    fighting sense of some sort. They prove themselves to the pack. From here they engage in hunting
    activities. At the first sign of trouble a Feralun, will growl to warn it's opponent that it is threatened.
    Further advancement leads to a howl, the call for the pack to ambush and take out it's target.
    Strong jaws and reflexes, can smell very well detects sorians from about five feet away.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2011
  6. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Feralduex (Feralun, Feralduex, Feraltroi, etc.)
    Height:3' Width:2'
    Description: Wasp with iron-hard body, 6 poisonous thick spikes on it's back and three poisonous needle-like spikes on both the top and bottom of both of it's wings.
    Oddly enough, most types prefer cold climates and are adapted as such with thick skin. Some types prefer hot climates and have thinner layers of skin and as such are more agile.
    Lifestyle: They are deserted at birth, and left to fend for themselves. They read people's or animal's moods with their superior sense of smell. They're usually quite docile but if they detect 'gifted' Sorians or extremely negative moods they lose their temper. A combination of the two and they go wild.
    It can fire the spikes on it's wings at high speeds. The spikes on it's wings are more venomous than the ones on it's back, whereas the ones on it's back act as a slightly poisonous shield.
  7. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    I'm adding a second character to my Rp'ing he is an animal familiar for Raiza.

    Name: Cloud
    Age: Unknown
    History: Encountered in the forest outside of Aldin, Cloud claims to be Raiza's animal familiar and holds the secret to improving his special twilight knight abilities. Armed with knowledge and speech beyond his capabilities it is clear somebody sent him to help Raiza. but who?

    Appearance: A Golden orange tabby cat with rather long fur. and Golden eyes, he is normal sized and not very strong but possesses skills far beyond him.

    Abilities: Cloud can strengthen himself with boosting spells, increasing his stamina, strength, speed and agility. He possesses a multitude of spells at his disposal far stronger than raiza's basic abilities and mimics him in almost every way. They are one in the same. Due to his size Cloud is very fast but not very strong and can't pull off his superior abilities quite as well as raiza.

    Personality: Cloud is hyper-active, Dominant and a coward. He dooesn't like to fight and often times causes more trouble than he really means. Although hardy and sarcastic he is quite proud and maintains a childish innocence that leaves him beloved by many.

    Other: Cloud is visible to everyone, he is a physical being. Much like a gifted sorian he can't be currupted by the dark creatures. He is not immortal, he can die. But you'd best believe he won't go down without a fight, and he loves woman >.>.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2011
  8. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Hey isthere already a reason why all of our main characters are beginnng to come together or why they all ended up on Soria? i mean yeah we all put that the darklings are the reason because they drove us away from our home planets but is there a greater force at work here? like the spirits of the gods or is it really all fate?
  9. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    yup..there is a reason. All will be revealed in due time. Cloud is based off of an actual cat btw lol
  10. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    lol aww you have a cat? thats soo cuute!! ^_^
  11. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    He's not mine, he's my roommates cat, and he is a twin. He has a brother XD. He's awesome and goofy, really unique he talks through his actions.
  12. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member


    Name: Leshy

    Height: 5'5"

    Species: Spirit/Fairy

    Description: Leshy are the protector of all animals and birds in the forest. Mass migration of animals supposedly happens at leshy's instruction. Is said to have the ability to shapeshift into any form, animal or plant. In some tales, appears to visitors as a large talking mushroom. It can also vary in size, shrinking himself to the height of a blade of grass when moving through open fields, or growing to the size of the tallest trees when in the forest.

    If a person befriends a leshy, the latter will teach them the secrets of magic. Leshies could be terribly mischievous beings: they have horrible cries, and can imitate voices of people familiar to wanderers and lure them back to their caves, where the leshies will tickle them to death; they also remove signs from their posts. Leshies aren't evil: although they enjoy misguiding humans, they are also known to keep grazing cattle from wandering too far into the forests and getting lost.

    Habitat: Usually found within the center of Forests


    Name: Isagana

    Height: 6'2"

    Species: Spider/Wolf

    Description: They are known for their incredible strength and Vicious tatics in battle. They have fours arms with claws that can beused a protectiles. They also can use the webbing they shoot from their mouths to either trap their targets or to swing from location to location in high areas.

    Habitat: Isagana can be normally found in caves, mountainous terrain and swamp like areas.
  13. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Nice addition Eona and Venitas on the monsters, very well thought out ^^. I like how big this is getting XD Normally our posts are falling throiigh the holes at this point lol.
  14. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    I have a cat ^^. She's really awesome. She's fifteen, so she's actually known my parents longer than me.
    But yeah, thanks Sora :) I haven't actually read the actual rp since my last post, so...That's pretty much all I wanted to say :)
  15. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Like sora-X Said, it will be reavealed in time. And another thing. Before this gets out of hand, I am going to have to limit the amount of character you can have(Including pets, and what not) To Three. This is to prevent confusion, etc. I hope you will all understand.
  16. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Damnit, now im gonna have to eventually kill off one of my characters. *grumble grumble*......oh well, if its for the RP then anythig goes.
  17. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Sorry. But i feel like the Rp is getting to out of control. Soria was complicated without all of the new characters, but now its turning into chaos. I wanted to limit it before all of have like 16 characters and no one knew where each of them were. I really hope you all understand my reasoning behind this.
  18. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    oh yeah i understand. i was only kidding. im sure everyone else agrees with what you just put into place
  19. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ok what did I miss this week?
  20. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Two words:

    A LOT.

    I suggest you read through the ooc, and the rp itself, to determine what happened. :)

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