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Spirit World - OOC/SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Noir, Aug 24, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Same on the energy, but I like how so far it started with two guys, an angel-demon, and a normal (well not really) boy who then learns e is a chosen exorcist. I mean I like how the characters started to interact so far, with Zac realizing that he has powers and the fact that rogue souls are starting to group. I really like the cast of characters also

    Azure-Main Guy

    BK-Wise one


    Me-Weakest or new guy

    The way it started was pretty interesting in my opinion.
  2. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    I change my mind about the template. It'd be a good idea to know about the main villain.

    @Zac: Agreed about the energy and the cast. And I would say that I'm the "Veteran" so to speak; my character's been training to be an Exorcist all his life. Although "ummmm..." does sound kind of mysterious and charismatic. Maybe I'll stick with being "ummmm..." XD.
  3. Noir


    @Vox- I understand. yep we will hav an awesome story.

    I will post Death's template then.

    Name: Death

    Age: Unknown, but is rumored to be old as the Spirit World

    Title: The Death Bringer

    Gender: Male

    Race: Great Demon

    Wolf Appearance
    Hooded Death
    True Form

    Side: Himself (Evil)

    Very chaotic and evil. He is very protective of his family and precious things. He might be very evil, but he may show love for his son and wife. He is also bossy and merciless to his enemies.

    When Adam and Eve ate the apple, some curse was released. This spreaded on the human race, with Death along with it. But as God made an afterlife called the Spirit World, a personification or a manifestation of Death was born.
    What happened next was still unknown, but when Shuraito's mother, Yuki, found Death as a wolf, Yuki helped Death and made him feel better. Eventually, Yuki fell in love with Death and Death possessed a human body. With it, they were married and had a son they call Shuraito.

    Weapon: Death's Scythe

    Soul Steal - Steals someone's soul. This is also very effective and more successful when the soul's body is dead.

    Blue Fire Blast - Similar to Shuraito's Energy Blast. Death opens his mouths on his shoulders, and one of them releases a ball of blue fire.

    Cannibalism - Death can only use this on his wolf form. He is very experienced in cannibalism.

    Gate to Hell - Death pulls down a dead body underground and eventually go to Hell. It is impossible for him to pull a live body.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2012
  4. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    I'm sorry but I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the name Thanatos. I know that's the Greek name for the god of death, but I played kid Icarus uprising and so yea.
  5. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Erm, where should I be and how shall my post be?
    I dont want to screw anything up since the RP already started. . .>.>
  6. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    You can look or souls to kill or just wonder around or meet with the other rogue souls.
  7. Yeah, a good place to start would be to have your Rogue Soul doing something evil, possibly killing her mother/murderer, then she could sense the aura of the other Rogue Souls and meet up with them. To be honest, there isn't a lot of ways you could screw it up, just don't go attacking the Exorcists XD that would be asking to get killed.

    Edit- I think Reprise's Rogue Soul faded into the shadows or some such, so have your character sense Eckart (my character) and we can meet up.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2012
  8. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Yeah, my character went back to base for the night, so he'll meet the rest of the Rogue Souls tomorrow. He's not a social person...err, spirit.
  9. Haha that's fine. Nothing ever said we had to form a team either, so if you'd rather keep your character mysterious and not have him really meet up with us that works too.
  10. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    No, no, it wouldn't be a RP without character interaction :) I'll definitely meet up with the other Rogues at some point. Just not today.
  11. You got me there XD I look forward to working with your character.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2012
  12. Noir


    I'll be creating one more character, and she will be an Exorcist, and also the younger sister of Shuraito.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2012
  13. Noir


    Erm, sorry for double posting.

    Name: Dawn Sylvette Leviathan (Dawn)
    She is called Sylvette only by her family members.

    Age: 14 (1400)


    Race: Angel-Demon


    Side: Legendary Soul Exorcist #5, Good Side

    Personality: Very kind, quiet and caring, but Dawn is kinder than her older brother. She is also a great cook and always impresses and cheers up someone who feels bad or depressed.
    She is also intelligent, but sometimes more intelligent than her older brother.
    Dawn is also a slow-learner unlike her brother, even though she is intelligent.

    Dawn was born on her family's home, and she was the second child of Yuki. As a child, she was practiced to do magic in a young age, due to her slow-learning. She was very close to her mother.
    When she grew up, she only knew a few magic. But her slow-learning started slowly to disappear,
    but that took too long.

    At the age of 12, she studied more about magic. That time, she learned a lot of magic, since she studies almost the whole day. Her brother also accompanied her in learning.
    She grew up studying more magic and some more stuff. She eventually became intelligent.
    Dawn became physically and mentally stronger. She also had a companion in the age of 14 gave by her mother.

    Weapon: None

    Energy Blast - Dawn learned this ability from her brother. She also has mastered this in a younger age than Shuraito.

    Freeze Tempest - Dawn summons large shards of ice from the sky. The shards also has blue fire and they have a rare freeze from fire effect.

    Starshield - Dawn can only use this in the night. She allows nearby stars to shine around her very bright. When the stars releases lasers around Dawn, they summon a shield.

    Owl Sight - Dawn closes her eyes and uses the spell she casted on her companion's eyes, making her to see through her Owl companion.

    God's Faith: Healing - Dawn does the sign of the cross and puts her hands in the person's wound.

    Divine Blast - Dawn's most strongest and powerful ability. But this may cause some risk. She does the sign of the cross and opens her palm wide to the target with concentration, releasing a very bright wave which costs much damage.
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Building a template:

    Name: Sylvia Delavon

    Gender: Female

    Age: When she died, 26

    Race: Human (Former), Soul

    Side: Rogue Souls


    An attractive, young woman with an hourglass figure, has ash black hair that goes to her back, blue eyes (turn red when she uses an ability), light grey skin, blood red fingernails, and blood red lips. She wears a black, long, strapless dress that that fits her figure, with long black sleeves that don't cover her shoulders and go down to the ground, and wears a black necklace with a red ruby as the center piece.

    Personality: Cunning, manipulative and malicious, Sylvia loves to have people do her work for her, as she prefers not to get her hands dirty. She hates men, wanting them to be gone from the world, be it a boy or an old man, she wants them gone and out of her hair.


    Sylvia was always a young beautiful woman, no one could deny it. However, she was ht on by all the guys in high school, everyone of them did, her beauty was unmatched. She didn't like the fact that she was the center of attention, and soon, even her father was in love with her beauty. This continued into college, she thought then that all men were nothing but disgusting pigs who had no feelings or intelligence, even her own father.

    After college, she committed suicide, he was tired of all this attention and how she was treated more as an object rather than an actual human. But then, she joined the other rogue souls, seeing that this was now a prime opportunity to get her revenge on everyone who objectified her, she swore to herself they would feel her wrath.

    Weapon: Long sleeves.


    -Medusa's Curse: She can turn anyone who lusts after her, who stares into her eyes into stone, only she can turn them back to normal, but as you can imagine she does not.

    -Fabric Seprhants: She can turn her long sleeves into snakes and inject either two venoms, one that's fatal, the other can make them think they are in their worst nightmare.

    Her Beauty: Need I say more? Even though she is dead, she uses her beauty to her advantage against the Exorcists, considering most of their team are composed of male beings.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
    BK-201 likes this.
  15. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    Name: Zeno drake

    Age- 21(2100)

    Gender: male

    Race: rogue soul

    Appearance- [​IMG]

    Side: rogue soul

    Personality: He has pure hateread for the world. he is a silent evil soul. he is very calm and confident in any situation he is in. he loves to bring the fear out of people and use it against them. he feels as tho he is untouchable.

    Bio: Zeno had a hard life when he was alive. nothing ever seemed to come to his advantage. he felt the world looked down at him and singled him out. His parents were killed when he was 12 years old. there was nobody for him to fall back on. he was alone in the world and thats who he blamed. he thought he found a place to live with an old man named niko. niko was and evil old man who would find young kids on the street and get them to do dirty jobs for him. niko would give the children a place to stay and little food to eat, yet this was the only place for many homless kids to go. niko would kill the children once they turned 16 to be sure that he was always the biggest and strongest, so that he may never be overpowered, he needed the children to pursure his evil deeds. Zeno found out about this when he turned 16. it was too late tho. Zeno was killed by niko like several others. When Zeno came upon the afterlife he was not happy. he was filled with rage and even more hatread for the world.
    When Zeno escaped the afterlife as a rogue soul he devoted himself to the destruction of the world. he has nobody by his side and that his the way he perfers it.

    Weapon: A large sword the size of the buster blade(FFAC). and two normal length katanas.

    Abilities: sworm of darkness.- Zeno summons a large cloud of darness that surrounds the enemy( does no damage but brings back memories of despire and sadness to those consumed by it)

    dark clone- zeno summons the enemys shadow to fight against them powered by darkness.( does little damage best used as distraction)
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2012
  16. Noir


    Roxas, no. Not really.

    Zacax, your character is accepted.
  17. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    ok cool i'm going to edit my last post with my template...here in a little bit..
  18. Noir


    Erm, you need to really improve your spelling and grammar.
    Anyway you are accepted. But you really need to improve them.
  19. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Dude I think s*** is gonna go down with Shuraito going super sayin.
  20. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    You know, after Kiran and Zac are done fighting Shuraito, and Sylvia and Aeron have finished arguing, I think we should finally go to sleep.

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