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Sunset Station

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by logos, Nov 27, 2016.

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  1. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    That's too broad of a statement to not back it up with source material. It's also incorrect. A simple google search pulled at least one example of a historical type of sacrifice that was not for the Sun, rain, or any other act of nature. It was an offering to the gods or a punishment for women who impersonated goddesses.

    Source: http://www.ancient.eu/Aztec_Sacrifice/
    Just one example

    This topic really exploded while I was not here yesterday. So forgive me if you've already done this and I just haven't seen it. But do you have any concrete evidence of any sort of sacrificial rituals that happened in real life that happened because of the Kingdom Hearts series?

    Who disrespected Hope? I will rip them a new asshole.
  2. logos

    logos Member

    Gods and Godesses in ancient times and even in present day are and were the sun and other forces of nature. the Aztec are known for their worship of the solar deity and their rigorous tracking of the sun and celestial bodies of the heavens.

    its not that sacrifices are happening because of kingdom hearts its that kingdom hearts is a depictions of the ritual sacrifice's that take place under ground out of sight. even the fact that kairi has red hair is inline with the ritual sacrifice of the young virgin who has her cherry popped but I wont get into that because you guys will definitely think im crazy.

    edit: from your very own link
    In Mesoamerican culture human sacrifices were viewed as a repayment for the sacrifices the gods had themselves made in creating the world and the sun.
  3. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    That's all fine and good. But the specific part of that article that I referenced is what I was talking about. Heart sacrifice was sometimes used to punish women who impersonated goddesses. Weather or not it also mentions the sun tracking shit is irrelevant. No one doubted it was also done that way.

    But okay here is another source:

    #5- I know you're going to argue that the god they sacrificed to was of the night. But to that I say, he is NOT the sun god. Supposedly this has to do with war, not star and sun worship.
    #6- Sacrificed to the fire god not the sun god.
    Nature is involved in those two but not directly.

    So...... you're telling me that because one female character has red hair that they are condoning virgin women being sacrificed? Do you have any other ties between Kairi in this event? They never talk about her being a virgin. She is never sacrificed. And unless some shit went down between Kairi and Axel in that whole kidnap bit (KHII) I don't think she ever participated in the act of coitus in the actual game. So just her having red hair meaning it's in line with virgin sacrifice is a bit of a jump kid.

    Can you also explain why a Japanese video game company would have any ties to the practices of an ancient civilization that was located in Mexico? Talk about cultural appropriation. :rolleyes:
    EtherealSummoner and Kitty like this.
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