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Super Smash Bros. Brawl Discussion

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by NeRo, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    so your a zelda player......i hate zelda. my roomate said your cool bc he is a zelda player as well. ...you both suck
  2. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Sick 'em Link.
    Nah, I'm not too big on Zelda either, but its fun when you're bored out of your mind. xD
  3. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Sonic is the best.
  4. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Zelda, when she change to Shiek. OMG, I love Zelda. Her Arrow Smash is the best ! I would say that Pit is my least favorite. All his move seem repetitive and the only good thing that he is good for is flying! Wow!
  5. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    My main is Snake, my alternate is Pit.

    I like Snake cause he has stuff that explodes. I like Pit because well... I'm just good with him.
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    i dispise snake bc he is a cheap character. just drops bombs that get in your way.....hate snake hate em
  7. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Aww...Metal Gear Solid's a very deep game. It's just kind of...mature. I'm a bit surprised that they included Snake. But alot of video game players are in their 30s so it makes sense when you think about it.
  8. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    Well, the creator of Smash and the creator of Metal Gear are very close friends. Snake was actually supposed to be in Melee.

    And uh... Snake isn't that cheap. All his moves involving explosives either take a while to set up, restrict him from movement, or are hard to use correctly.
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I beg to differ actually. his down b can be used effectivly in the air because you can just drop it from the air and it cuts the time in half.
  10. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    I never liked Zelda. Only Shiek was good, but I'm horrible with her still. >:

    Marth is still my main. I can beat anyone without a final smash. My friend uses Sonic so he beats me 75% of the time with that. I HATE Sonic's final smash. It's too good! xD
  11. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    sonic's final smash is amazing, but marth's is a 1 hit KO if you land it.
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Ya im a sonic player and i love getting his final smash plus i can dodge Most final smashes easily
  13. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    So what if you can use it in the air? Link can use him bombs in the air. Fox can use his blaster in the air.

    Hell, near every character has a special move that they can use in the air. I think you're just talking smack because you don't like the character Snake.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Do you have any idea how stupid you just sounded. ooo and im pissed off today you just said the wrong words and i read them at the wrong time.

    I was not talking smack FIRST of all. i was telling him how to cut down time on placing the bombs. ive used snake many times i just dont like his move set in brawl. I was tryin to HELP be more effective with snake. why dont you actually READ before you post somethin like tat
  15. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Wow! Arguing over a game? LOL

    Well I can dodge final smash too! Lolz, by using Zelda's UP + B!! Hahaha. I can teleport!
    Well yeah, Zelda's final smash is alright, you don't need the arrow to hit the enemy exactly, only if they are in the line of fire, even if the golden light touches their little feet! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    The final smash I can not stand is Pit. Worthless! I like his whole concept, but when you actually use him, WTF?
  16. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    "i dispise snake bc he is a cheap character. just drops bombs that get in your way.....hate snake hate em"

    Yeah... not talking smack...

    And yeah, I agree with you with Pit. His moveset is horrible.
  17. EffYouSeeKay

    EffYouSeeKay New Member

    *found this randomly*
    My mains are Marth, ike, and snake.
    i also agree about pits moves.
  18. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Snake is a cheater!!! All he does is fly and use bombs, he doesn't really fight!

    BTW I love Snake's stage.
  19. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    Eh? He fights. He's a character with a fairly unique moveset, as only his running/walking A and regular A attacks actually involve physical combat. You have to use timing skills as well with him (Side-A takes forever to set-up, but can K.O. at 30%. Down-B is a Bomb that you have to set off by hitting Down-B again).

    He's very unique. However, has anybody but me noticed that Sonic is the first truly ultimate clone? His move-set is made up of moves from many other characters combined, with the exclusion of the Homing Attack.
  20. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Well it doestn really matter this argument gets no where because. regardless im gonna keep beliving that Snake is a cheap character and nothign will change my opinion on that matter. you can diss sonic all you want. But fact still remains you wont be beating me with him. if your already a snake player i a,ready know your strategy. which is easily taken down. But in anycase.

    Star wolf is my new main who im developing. quite a power house and heavy. i like that.

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