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Super Smash Bros. Brawl Discussion

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by NeRo, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    Zelda/Shiek or Kirby for sure, Samus is okay as well
  2. Angel of Oblivion

    Angel of Oblivion New Member

    i like to use meta knight cuz of his attacks and i also like using mario cuz hes so cool, who duznt luvies mario ^-^

    i think link is really nice to play with too cuz he knocks ppl out so far! ^o^
  3. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I don't like mario particularly, his Final Smash is sort of a let down.
  4. Mike

    Mike Member

    I like to use Snake, Link/Toon Link, and Ike.

    I actually think Link is 'underpowered' in this game (perhaps he was just overpowered in Melee). He's still a well-balanced character though, and I probably use him the most.

    Snake's an interesting one to use. Tactical Smash Brothers.

    EDIT: They 'doubled up' a lot of peoples' final smashes. By this I mean they are the same idea, with the exception of some of the mechanics...these are usually character specific.

    -Link and Toon Link are probably the most obvious choices....clearly theirs are the same.
    -Diddy Kong and Yoshi. They have similar feels to them.
    -Sonic and Pikachu. They too, have similar feels to them.
    -Pit and King Dedede.
    -Fox, et al.
    -Bowser and Ganondorf.

    And there are probably more, but those are the ones that stand out the most in my mind.

    Instead of arguing about whether or not they are 'exactly the same' or not in an attempt to validate both, the character we like, and our own opinions of the game...we should realize that the design for a lot of characters' final smashes is quite lazy, and put the blame with Nintendo.

    (I mean geez...consider Mario's. EFFORT!).

    Some on the other hand are amazing, like Snake's. I think that's an awesome idea, and that the skilled player CAN infact dodge his shots.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2008
  5. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    I can do good with Snake's final smash, but it's hopeless without luck against a character like Sonic that's fast.

    Personally, I don't normally play with items (this is because they aren't used in tournaments) so final smashes don't really effect me, but looking at it from a hardcore Smash Brothers player, Sakurai screwed up. Instead of making the multiplayer so much better, he instead focused on the lame Subspace Emissary. Who hires a Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts writer for a game where people don't even talk? Apparently, Sakurai does.

    Characters like R.O.B., Fox, Olimar, and Diddy Kong were obviously just filler characters. Personally, I would have liked to see another third party character in their place like Megaman.

    And to round it off, the C.P.U.'s are annoying. They don't fight. They play follow the human.

    EDIT: Something else I forgot to mention: Tripping. Rumors are going around claiming that its a cover for a glitch that Nintendo just couldn't figure out, to the fact that it's just a random gameplay mechanic. Regardless, Sakurai would've told us if it was a cover for a glitch, so this is probably one of the most stupid things implemented in a game I've seen.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2008
  6. Mike

    Mike Member

    ^^I hate tripping with a passion...it always happens at the worst time (as does a bob-omb 'by chance' appearing right where I'm charging up a smash).

    If you mean the CPUs in SSE, they get pretty mean when you go up toward the Intense end of the spectrum.

    Megaman would've been amazing...but I can see it now...Nintendo, in their infinite laziness, would have just made Megaman a clone of Samus.
  7. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    I don't think so. They would have been alike, but Megaman would have had his b-down move as a style change. Like change from the regular Megabuster to the air cannon, or flamethrower or something.

    That would've been pretty cool.
  8. Mike

    Mike Member

    ^^I somehow doubt Nintendo's creative enough to think of that, and/or a way to implement it without it being 'too uber'. They probably would have made his Final Smash into a suit change. (Hmm...that sounds a bit familiar)

    Sometimes they hit, sometimes they miss.
  9. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    Eh. I just wish that Megaman would have made it though.
  10. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    You can find the popularity poll for the included character (sonic won of course) somewhere. Cloud was second I believe, which would've been another Ike no doubt.
  11. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    Actually, I don't think Nintendo would have the guts to botch Cloud. While Ike and Cloud's styles actually quite similar, there would have to be some differences just because of the type of weapon.
  12. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Yeah, im not saying nintendo would've gotten the rights for it, but on the official polls for the character he was second.
  13. Omega

    Omega New Member

    you think cloud could've been in smash bros brawl?
  14. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I doubt it, but in the popularity poll that got sonic in, cloud scored second.
  15. Omega

    Omega New Member

    rerally? wow, i never knew that.
  16. Mike

    Mike Member

    Cloud was already in Ehrgeiz. Though Sonic was already in a fighter too...Hmm.
  17. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I think that it would have been really cool for Cloud to be in Brawl, but his final smash would probably be too much like Link's. I think that his fighting style would be like Ike's, but faster and different up B attack.

    Btw, what is Ehrgeiz.
  18. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    Wish Cloud and/or Sora could have been in it. That would have been cool. Oh well.

    And I finally got over my huge, 2 month slump with Marth. I finally am getting used to his new sword length. :3
  19. Omega

    Omega New Member

    ehrgeiz is some fighting game for the ps2 i think
  20. Well, I don't think Cloud should've been in it. He is a powerful character. Plus, his smash would be cheap.(no offense) plus, there already is a lot of confusion with Sonic and Snake? SSB: Brawl is only intended for nintendo characters so WTF?

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