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Tales of Deception ~ Aeval's Awakening

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Overdose, Feb 27, 2009.

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  1. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Zin sat in the carriage fanning herself. "This nonsense cannot continue. Where are my sister's respect?" She asked herself, getting out of the carriage.

    Lifting her over sized blue dress from infront of her feet she began to ascend the castle step's. "When I find those sister's of mine." She promised herself. She was sick of her sister's. Lazy air-headed Sapphire. Clumsy, spoilt and dreamy Aelita. And arrogent selfish, stuck-up Cassandra. Yes she had her own fault's, but not to this extent. It was there parent's commemoration after all.
  2. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Aer's face was the picture of carefree laziness. With nothing to do in the recent passing years, and only being free for eight of those years, he couldn't find anything to do. The only thing he thought that was keeping him at the castle or at least on the realm of mortals, was that his crystal was somewhere in this construction and he could not find where it was. With no physical body he could simply move through the walls or fly, but for some reason he thought that every time he came close to his crystal, he forgot where it was. Which meant that he had another purpose to serve before he could leave, and any job given with little to no detail meant he either wasn't going to like it, or he all ready knew and could not remember.
    Shrugging off the thought he turned around a corner. It was nice to walk the hallways now and again. It made him feel ... normal ... in a way. Running a white gloved hand through his long blond hair, Aer looked to the ground and sighed. His eyes locked on the ground. He was a cauldron of emotions right now, and it seemed the fire beneath him was stacked to boil fast. The frustration he felt, the loneliness, and anger. All of it. If he was able to smash something he most likely would. He used to have such a temper before, yet now a days it seemed to die as quickly as it had come. An odd thing that he noted. Perhaps being held here had some effect on his mood? No. He could not allow simple things such as being a prisoner be cause for change in his behavior. No if anything his crystal might have been tampered with and-.
    Out of the corner of his eye, Aer caught the motion of something feminin, dressed in white, and angrier than a tempest, nearly stomping the castles flooring. If Aer didn't know better he would have thought she was trying to bring the castle down in a fit of rage. Now that was unlike the princess. He wondered if the events of today were being more stressful than usual. When she passed him by without even a glance -why he thought she would look to him was beyond even himself- he decided to shadow her. Perhaps he could be of some use as a gentle whispering voice. Though her anger and the effort to control it were visible to him -maybe because he wasn't alive- the servants who bowed and curtsied to her didn't seem to notice.
  3. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Rionaeo sat down against the carriage to rest for a while...
    It did not happen much but now and then... he felt a bit homesick.
    Sometimes he wanted to return to the village that he grew up in...
    The same village that lied to all the people... but that didn't matter in the end.
    He wanted to return to the mountains in which he lived,
    so he didn't have to be in such a crowded world the whole time...

    But he still knew to keep his responsibility to Espara, the ones who treated him so nice
    when he was all alone...
  4. Sakura-Fan

    Sakura-Fan New Member

    Aelita sank to the floor of the hallway. She was lost yet again. She could have sworen she heard her elder sister calling her. "Stop it", she ordered herself. "stop crying", but it was too late. It was either the getting lost or emptiness this day brought that made Aelita cry. Tears rolled down her cheeks. "You are too emotional!" She cried. Why couldn't she be more like her elder sisters? They are all old and wise. "I bet they dont get lost in their own home". Before she could help herself she uttered the words, "i want my mummy" aloud. Her heart ached in pain at the truth.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2009
  5. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Suzume had left the man's fate to the guards who had arrived, He had been wondering the halls of the castle for awhile now. He wasn't lost but he enjoyed wondering the halls and clearing his mind. His thoughts were interrupted by a low crying sound.

    "Aelita"? Suzume said turning the corner."Aelita, what's the matter?" Suzume asked sitting on his his heels to bring himself to her level.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Gerik saw Sapphire walk by. He hid in the shadows so she couldn't see him. "This is a once in a life time chance. Should I do it though? Yeah, worth it." Gerik thought to himself as he walked towards her. "Hello princess." He hoped he didn't startle her.
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "You would answer my question, but in the face of your silence i will have you dealt with later. I have no further use for him now, take him to the dungeons for further interrogation." With a dismissive wave, he sent the man to rot in the cells for a while. He turned to his second in command. "Tag, what is this coming to? Before we were peaceful and now we have people stalking about the castle." He sighed, " It's starting to be a pain in the buttocks." Tag sighed with him. Shaking his head, black hair flying, he replied, "I know how you feel. Wasn't long ago when this country was happier. And my gut tells me this isn't going to be end of these problems." Keelen nodded. Over time he had begun to trust his college's gut feelings. To him it was exhibit b. Exhibit a was his own gut feelings. He turned to look at Tag. He wasn't very imposing, but he knew that looks could b decieving. Just yesterday during a spar, Tag had almost beaten him. Almost. Keelen said with severity, "You just might be right. Come on, we should check on the princess's." With that they began to walk to Saphire's room.
  8. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    The four gold rings that were looped around a larger golden ring at the top of the sacred monk's staff, gave off a lulling rythmic chim as Reph walked along the dirt road. Wagons from merchants and horses had patted down the road enough so that when the wind blew ever so gently across its surface, nearly no dust traveled far. Sighing Reph's head fell forward as he scratched the top of his head. His short brown hair was matted from this mornings bath and his cloths were still fairly damp as well. "What am I to do now?" He whined as he trudged along the road slowly, "I have no food, money, and I'm still soaked. I just hope the night won't be cold. What I wouldn't give for some place to stay. I'd even work." He began to daydream of a warm fire inside a small cottage. A beautiful young woman in the kitchen preparing the vegitables for dinner while the water in the cauldron boiled readily to be made into a stew while he was sweeping away the dirt on the floor out the door.
    'Kind monk, please sit. I shall attend to that momentarily.' her voice was soft as silk and she smiled sweetly at him.
    'No no. I couldn't possibly rest while such a beautiful young lady such as yourself was left to all the chores. Besides it is the least you could do.' He replied in a charming tone as he struck a heroic pose and smiled one of his winning smiles in return.

    A cart driver shouting for him to move snapped him out of his pleasant fantasy as he dove out of the way and onto the soft grass. He could still hear the driver cursing at him as he drove off. Sighing again Reph wimpered lightly.
    "By the stars." An elderly womans voice said startled, "Oh dear Monk, are you all right?" When Reph looked up he saw a grandmotherly old lady rushing to his side. Before she bent down to far Reph picked himself up off of the ground and set his staff in the crook of his arm as he began to dust himself off.
    "I'm quite fine kind lady." He replied to her. The tone of his voice was cool and level, but underneath he surged with irritation at the cart driver. Reciting the Hamunutara quietly in his head he then turned to the woman and smiled a gentle smile, "I thank you for your concern but there is no need. I will be fine."
    "Monk," she started in a no-nonscense tone, "you are soiled, look of hunger, and you are wet. A young man such as yourself will die of a cold if you are not sought to properly." She quickly grabbed his right arm in an iron grasp and before he could say a word she began pulling him towards a small hut hidden by the trees and shrubs. He only had enough time to grab his staff out of his arm to stop from tripping over it.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    >Wait a sec... You aren't talking to my guy are you? He hid anytime a guard got near. Anyways.<

    As the guards were taking Gerik to the dungeon, he thought of something. He muttered something under his breath, and his body dissapeared. As the guards stood there in disbelief, Gerik got away and walked back to Sapphire again. Nobody could see him except Sapphire. "So sorry about that princess."
  10. Sakura-Fan

    Sakura-Fan New Member

    Aelita looked up at Suzume who crouched down beside her. Trying to wipe her tears away with the sleeve of her dress she uttered,"I don't know". Now she really felt like a child. "I feel..." she started, sniffing now and then. "i don't know...I wish I knew my parents better, I wish I remembered them."
  11. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Sapphire turned around to see Gerik. From sudden shock of disclosure she gasped taking more than the average amount of air into her lungs.

    “Oh, I’m sorry,” she apologized for her startled reaction. Wait a minute, this is my castle. She thought to herself realising he was the intruder the guards had been chasing.

    “Who are you?! And how did you get in here.” She announced once she had fully composed herself. She looked at the man who stood before her, he was much taller than her and well built. Either this man has a talent in sneaking around places, or my guards are just poor quality. She wondered at this thought.


    Mirel began to walk down the hallway.

    “This castle gets boring after a while, maybe if I was princess things would be different around here.” She said whilst jumping out of a window. She tended to keep to originality than one who would use doors in a more traditional fashion. Hehee, well look who we have here. Princess Zin, haven’t seen her in a while. She laughed at what she had in plan then went to approach the princess.
  12. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    "It was me"-?
    Zeb jumped down from above in the ceiling.
    "I told him the word if he were ever to get in trouble. The magic "words" posses astounds me, truly. Hello your majesty, I am Zeb. I'm afraid I've received an order to kill you from an employer, but how could someone wish upon this beautiful face harm? Hm? Someone who would want the crown? The powers your blood posses? Is such a prodigy worth killing? No. You are worth more than the money. Are you not?"-Zeb
  13. zazamak

    zazamak New Member

    Suddenly Zazamak sensed somthing as the winds descended upon him...His eyes opened instanly. His eyes were bulged and suddenly stood up. "Something is wrong" he said calmly but his eyes said differently...

    The last time he experienced this was when he faced that cursed demon Onikage...but he knew it was not him that was in trouble.

    No...It was the princess. Turning to his colleagues and staring at them, his expression confirmed that indeed, somthing was now was definately wrong.

    But something was strange. His senses told him, that the true evil was not within the presence of the castle. No. There was a much greater force at hand....
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2009
  14. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    “Powers my blood line possesses?” Sapphire said once again. Sapphire was intrigued by what the strange half man half elf had just said. She looked at him with a curious face. How did he get into the castle!?.... Is there any guards around this place? She thought whilst backing away slowly from what seemed to be a new threat.
  15. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    "....your scared? It alright....I understand. As to your other questions racing through your mind....I'm a half-elf, so I can use magic. I thought Gerik here a little word on how to get him out of though spots a long time ago (looking at Gerik as he said it, then turning back to Sapphire). The guards are under a spell, they're only asleep your majesty. And as to whether or not I will harm you, I think I've already hinted to that I mean you no harm. My employer must be....well, greedy."-Zeb
  16. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Sapphire begun to wonder who Zeb was talking about. Who is their master? She thought, is there those who plan on Espara’s down fall?

    “Your from the forest?” Sapphire asked, the enchanted forest not too far from the castle had many weird creatures crawling with strange magic. She herself had never been there, but she often heard stories from travellers and other citizens of Espara.
  17. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    As soon as Rionaeo saw the look on Zazamak's face, he quickly hasted to the castle telling Zazamak: Quickly, they might be in danger! The other guards can handle it from here!*nodding to the other guards*
    Quickly swifting trough the hordes of people and making his way to the castle to seek what was wrong...

    He soonly arrived at the courtyard... but something was indeed wrong:
    "Why are all the guards asleep?!"...
  18. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    "The forest? No. The place of my birth is far from your maps boundaries. My magic comes not from this world, but from another realm. Punishment. I am in the belief that many of those who bid you harm are of this world...they posses powers similiar to mine, ones of darkness. The 4 elements of darkness seem to be coming together....I can feel it. I believe they want to destroy the Aeval so they can dominate this realm once more..."-Zeb
  19. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    “Aeval? What’s that?” Sapphire said with intense curiosity, she had read among many legends and myths before. But she had never heard of the name Aeval.
    Sapphire thought back to the library, one her favour places within the Castle. Maybe she could find out more on Aeval there. But for now, there was still the ceremony to attend to.
  20. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Zin was making her way up the Southeast, 11th corridor. "My sister's are selfish bitch's" She decided she would make her way across the accommodation corridor, the one which hosted all the living spaces in the castle, and if she found no one she would simply leave without them. She was crossing through corridor 12-9 to get to the accommodation corridor, when she saw a all to familiar sight,

    "Mirel, whats trash like you doing dirtying up my palace." Zin said in a cut-down voice. She could make the worlds most heartless man feel put down.
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