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Tales of Deception ~ Aeval's Awakening

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Overdose, Feb 27, 2009.

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  1. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Mirel glanced at Zin, she had now become sober in contrast to her earlier episode with Sapphire.

    “Well hello, if it isn’t Princess Brat face.” She laughed then straightened her shoulders from the relaxed slouching position they had been in.

    “Where you going in such a hurry, too eager to go to mummy and daddy’s little memorial are we.” She laughed, “Well I have news for you, No one cares about you.” She then picked up her sword and jumped onto a wall.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2009
  2. zazamak

    zazamak New Member

    Zazamak likewise with Rionaeo sprinted off ever so swifly and silently to the castle.

    But Rionaeo made a fair point Why are the gurads asleep he thought. Zazamak took one sniff and said
    "Its elf magic...I can smell it, be happy that is was not dark magic or else there fate of these men may have been much worse. These guards are under a trance. Interferring with there sleep will only cause them to fall under a stronger trance, levae them be."

    He was about to move on when he suddenly stopped and said,
    "Something's not right," to Rionaeo, "how could such petty magic alone take down the guards?! Whatever pittiful creature walked here, it was clearly quite the cunning one...or perhaps assisted..." He looked to Rionaeo

    "But why an elf? Perhaps a mere pawn in this chess game? Yes..." and at that point it was obvious that there must have been a greater power behind this...

    Regaining his mind he immediately set forth into the castle "Come my friend"
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2009
  3. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Zin was you could the family's fighter. Her attitude and personally was one of ruthlessness and cunning, which when translated into battle became a very powerful force. And like all the princess's she was always armed.

    She drew a very long, slim rapier from a sheath hidden in the many layers of her dress. "Mirel, today is very important to me, and you know what happen's when i get angry. Just look at you crooked nose." Zin's rapier looked flimsy compared to Mirel's battle sword, but it was made of rolled silver and platinum. It was indeed very strong.
  4. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    “I have no intention to fight you, you over confident whore.” She smiled at this remark showing all of her razor teeth.

    “Whether this day is important or not, Sapphire shall always be the centre of things. Your just an insolent mix blood.” Mirel’s face was full of enjoyment and pleasure when saying this. She had begun to twirl her sword round and round along her fingers. Purposely shimmering the sun’s rays directly into Zin’s eyes.
  5. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    "Mixed blood? I believe your the common naive whose father raped her, and mother committed suicide. After all is that not why you were sent to work in the palace." Zin placed a hand on her hip, the other raised her sword to Meril.

    "You suppose you could beat me? What to take revenge for all those times i made you eat worms?"
  6. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Mirel’s temper began to rise, after all she was much older than Zin, and better experienced in combat. But she felt there was no need to waste her energy and selfish ignorant princesses, she’d much rather take on Sapphire if she had to.

    “You oppose the same threat level as your whiny cry baby of a sister Aelita.” Mirel said as she began turned her back on Zin. She had no purpose at the current time to waste her time with Zin.

    “I thought you might have been a bit funner than your sister Sapphy, but I guess I was wrong.” Mirel walked away at a steady pace, making clicky noises with her heal every time she took a step.
  7. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Zin ran forward, launching herself into the air she drove her heel into Meril's head. As she was falling back to the ground she round housed Meril with her other leg.

    "Leave my sister's out of this. I know you have some longing obsession with Sapphire, i believe your family was banned from our country. So for you to set foot in my palace is a personal offense. Now fight peasant."
  8. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Mirel caught Zin’s foot in mid air and held it there for a second, she took a moment to pause and take in what Zin had just said. She felt there was no need to say anything, instead she twisted Zin’s foot with the intentions of tearing a ligament or creating a fracture.

    “You bore me,” Mirel stated. “Shouldn’t you be going somewhere?” She sarcastically put.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    --Before Zeb comes--

    "Sorry." Gerik said. "I'm Gerik. And well... I kinda sneak in this castle alot. And actually, you're the only one who can see me right now. I just wanted to say hi."

    --And Zeb comes--

    "The princess will be fine right now. Today isn't the day for anything like that."
  10. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    "Yes ,Gerik.....your right. Princess Sapphire.....we will meet again. Soon. But be weary. Once my employer finds out about what has happened this day, he will send others. We will try to protect you...I and Gerik. But be careful..."-Zeb
    Zeb uttered a few words in an obscene language, and a dark mist shrouded Gerik and Zeb as they faded away and dissappeared.
    (Is that okay D.W.? I'll edit it if u don't like it.)
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Gerik stepped out of the dark mist. "I'll stay here for a little while longer Zeb." He turned to Sapphire after Zeb dissapeared. "So yeah..." He started, rubbing the back of his head. "I guess I mainly wanted to talk to you. And perhaps we could meet again? Without me sneaking into the castle again?"
  12. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Aer flooted behind the Princess and smiled. Oh this was turning into quite the event filled day. He couldn't help but to laugh out loud a bit. Aer's head fell backwards as he continued to laugh. Elves! This was indeed news. Then he remembered. The ceremony. With a heavy sigh Aer floated closer to the Princess and whispered, "Please do not forget today Princess. Don't show a rush but please. Your parents." He hoped she hadn't forgotten with all that had just happened, but it couldn't hurt to remind her. He knew she wasn't a fool, but even the smartest of people ignored what they knew when new things took hold.
  13. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    "C'mon Zazamak make hurry! Rionaeo shouted."
    They quickly swifted further into the castle's halls, whilst seeking the princesess.
    "Wait!... i hear battle sounds.... in the castle!?
    It sounds like... Mirel? Oh my god....
  14. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Gerik escapedd??<
    Keelen and Tag were looking for princess Saphire. They did find her, and were surprised that she wasn't alone. "Hello, princess. Umm, who is this?" Tag was just smiling as he leaned against a wall. He seemed to have a knowing expression on his face.
  15. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Amitrael was returned from patrolling. He was bit confused because something weird goes on from castle. He ran to castle hall to find Rionaeo, his friend.

    He found Rionaeo while he was with Zazamak and asked, "What's going on?"

    Suddenly he sense something that could make him fell sleepy. "Is it magic?" asked Amitrael.
  16. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    "Elf magic.. to be precise. confirmed Rionaeo
    Every single guard in the palace is asleep except for us.
    And we are hearing battle sounds from the other level of the castle.
    It sounded like.... mirel. But anyway... We have to find the princesses!
    They continued there swifting trough out the castle.
  17. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    "Well, luckily for me, I was patrolling." said Amitrael as he ran with Zazamak and Rionaeo to find the princess.

    "But... Who would done that? It's weird because i never heard those elves. Could they plotted something to us?" asked Amitrael.
  18. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Sapphire wasn’t sure whether she should talk to the stranger. After all he was acquaintances with an elf who had just announced his previous intentions of assassinating her.

    Should I send him to the dungeons? She asked herself, after all he was an intruder and he had admitted in breaking in several times. He was also allies with Zeb, and this new opposing threat on Espara. She began to wonder what to do; it was all too much for her. Her parent’s death, ruling the kingdom and now this. She could faintly hear someone reminding her of the memorial service.

    Turning around she noticed two other people. How many people are going to surprise me today? She wondered.

    “This is Gerik,” She hesitantly said, she wasn’t sure if she should have turned him in. She was always too soft.
  19. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Hi." Gerik said, kinda waving at the guards. He didn't want to shake their hands. They'd probably try to put him in chains. He had read the expression on Sapphire's face when she was thinking if she should turn him in. He probably should have explained to her that he wasn't working with Zeb. In fact he wasn't aware of anybody hiring an assassin to kill Sapphire. Had Zeb attempted to attack her, he would have defended her without a second thought.
    Overdose likes this.
  20. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    "No Amitrael, I am a 'half-elf'.....haha!"-?
    Zeb came out of a darkmist hanging over them.

    "It is good to see the Holy Warriors out and about. Your Princess is safe. Sorry for the scare. I hope she tells you everything that happened. I'll be contacting you about any others my employer might send....okay?"-Zeb
    Zeb dissappeared into the wind before they could respond.
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