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Tales Of Deception SU and OCC

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Overdose, Feb 25, 2009.

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  1. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Btw what am i???
    Do i live within the castle walls, am i a knight or something?

    it doesn't say it yet on the first page
  2. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    i haven't edited that page in a while >.< will now. You can be a knight.
  3. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    okay thank you :p
    ill go see who else is a knight :)
  4. zazamak

    zazamak New Member

    Name: Zazamak

    Gender: Male

    Age: Curse of immortality and youth


    Bio: When the Lord of the Darkness Onikage, along with his army, murdered his family in front of him, seeking vengeance, when he was a toddler along with the rest of his village, he took his father’s sword and vowed that he would seek revenge and slay the demon who escaped from the deepest pits of Tatarus in hell. After Onikage murdered Zazamak’s family, he placed a curse upon his face. From this day he has covered his face ever since to hide the scars of this Dark Lord. For several years, he questioned criminals and men destined to Hell as to where Onikage. Once he found him, he ended his life...and now he carries the dark curse, which is hidden by his calm and peace-seeking believes. His curse is only used when he forgets himself and looses all forms of foundations, which has only happened in his confrontation with Onikage.

    Personality: Peace- seeking, calm, enjoys meditation, aproaches evil more angrily

    Combat: Flawless fighting skills, very smooth and quickly executed, treats combat in art form

    Weapons: Sword made by Epera guard and blessed by his father
  5. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    accepted =]

    EDIT: Please can we hold off the RP movement for those who havent posted yet so were all at the same speed.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  6. Kingbradley6

    Kingbradley6 New Member

    Name: Shou Yang

    Age: 73

    Sex: Male

    Traits: Patient, Cautious, Caring, Sarcastic Sense of Humour

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Weapon: Walking Stick/Broom


    Shou Yang has come to know Espara very well in his 73 years. Ever since he was a young boy he has travelled around much of Espara with his elder sister, Lia Yang and their father, Ziao Yang.

    Shou Yang has, however, experienced some misfortune in his life with his father passing away when he was just 30 and his sister dying of child birth, when he was 40, along with her baby.

    But Shou Yang is a very optemistic man and has not let any misfortune get him down. Ever since, he has lived in a small hut on the outskirts of Espara, regretting nothing of the past.

    Shou Yang is the last descendant of the Yang family and now has no chance of keeping the Yang family name alive. He does, however, pass down his "marvellous" stories of his adventures to any that passby. Being the only person alive who witnessed these adventures, however, many doubt the truth of his stories and instead mock him.

    Nonetheless Shou Yang continues to be caring to all those who cross his path and he still has his sarcastic sense of humour that he possesed as a child.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
    Overdose likes this.
  7. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Sorry Krish, i got blackout in my house and i have to school. I started to post in RP at 10 o clock
  8. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    bradley your accepted

    as for the rest of you, if you havent posted could you post so your up to date.
    If you have posted could you please wait for the others
  9. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    Maybe you could make a deadline..sorry for interrupting..
  10. Sakura-Fan

    Sakura-Fan New Member

    lol i looove the old man
  11. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Hey, Krish
    Need some edit:
    Amitrael is Castle wardrobe, not kingdom warriors

    (although idk what's the difference of them)
  12. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Name: Mirel

    Age: 24

    Sex: Female

    Personality: Sly and cunning, she enjoys twisting tales and causing excitement. She sits on both sides of the fence and can be two faced, where she stands in relation to others is hard to say. She enjoys using people for her own personal gain.

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Weapons: Sword In image

    History: Mirel was brought up amongst the warrior class therefore learned how to fight in the warrior style. Her family were banished from Espara many years ago, yet she has managed to come to the Kingdom once again to seek her revenge. Having met princess Sapphire at a younger age, she and Sapphire both share a secret from their childhood. Not much is known about Mirel about from this, what has happened whilst her banished hood is also a mystery.
  13. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Nice one
    And can i have a second character?
    Like rionaeo's younger brother?
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Hey Krish, thought about it, and if I wait till after my trip and stuff I'll get nowhere. Alright so here's a character I guess and everything. You might need to give me a good place to jump in and stuff.

    Name: Kate
    Age: 15
    Sex: female
    Bio: She is 15 years old. She's still a castle hand, but she will now and then sneek out and help fight the darkness. She doesn't care what happens, her thing with doing so is she was saved by the kingdom and she'll help save the kingdom.
    Personality: Kate is fiesty at times. She is overall kind, polite, smart, wise, brave, caring, and respectful. She is couragouse and brave.
    Normal Human Appearence-
    Human Form- Magic of all kinds, A magic staff, very powerful light magic
    History: Kate is a girl with no past. One day she was found in the forest just laying there out and injured. She was brought to the castle and was raised tehre. That's when she was 9 years old.
    She is 15 years old. She's still a castle hand, but she will now and then sneek out and help fight the darkness. She doesn't care what happens, her thing with doing so is she was saved by the kingdom and she'll help save the kingdom.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2009
  15. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    As for second characters.We don't really need anyone to have second characters at the time being.

    And star your accepted, although i'd rather not have any angels. =/
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Alright don't worry it's all fixed up now. So anyway you want me coming in?
  17. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    yeah sure, =]
    just post were you feel convient, i don't mind how you come into the story.
  18. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    ok that's alright
    just yell if you need anymore for the story :)
  19. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    To reduce confusion, if still confused after this please PM me


    It’s the 10th death anniversary of the King and Queen. All of the citizens of Espara have come to Varel (the capital) for the ceremony. However the four Princesses (Sapphire,Zin,Aelita,Cassandra) have yet to arrive.

    In the square the carriage awaits for them in order to take them to the graveyard for the ceremony. This is where Zazamak,Aren,Rionaeo,Amitrael and Keleen (guards and warriors). They are shortly joined by Zin, who gets irritated by their impatient attitudes. Zakheus and Shou Yang(the old man) are also roaming around finding their way to the graveyard ceremony.

    Back at the castle, Sapphire is searching for her remaining two sisters (Cassandra and Aelita). At this precise moment Gerik has managed to sneak into the castle unnoticed. However Suzume has managed to catch him sneaking in but leaves the other guards to take him to the dungeon whilst he goes looks for princess Aelita.

    Sapphire is stopped by Mirel (an old ‘friend’) on her way to Cassandra’s room but then leaves. Cassandra and Sapphire have an argument on how Cassandra isn’t going to the ceremony and runs away. (But the characters are unaware that she has ran to the forest)

    Gerik has managed to escape the guards, and has approached Princess Sapphire. Shortly after Zeb (elf/human) has appeared threatening to kill the princess. We are now told that the guards around the castle have been put to sleep by magic….
  20. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Thanks, now i understand. :D
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